Is too stupid to jail the new excuse for breaking the law? Clearly Trump is guilty of obstructing justice even though he’s too stupid to understand he’s obstructing justice. Trump said he fired Comey to ease pressure on him over the investigations in the same meeting with Russian spies in the Oval Office where he blabber mouthed classified information.

I’m glad Trump has a special prosecutor. He deserves it. Lock him up! Lock him up!

Similarly Hillary was given a pass on the email because Comey deemed her too stupid to understand that she isn’t above the law and that juries don’t convict famous stupid people for being stupid.

  1. Dean says:

    And a Good one too. Mueller will be the one I would pick. I just hope it is swift, before he damages this country, and the office of President any further.

  2. DickMNixon says:

    Marc, you make me laugh, thank for giving us glimpses into universe B, it must really suck in your reality, good luck with it.

    • ± says:

      […universe B …]
      Yes in the real universe where the rest of us live, there is zero probability that Comey thinks Clinton is stupid, but more to the point, there is no way Comey believes for one second that Clinton didn’t know exactly 100% what she was doing by establishing “offline” email.

  3. MikeN says:

    So Marc, what is the crime this prosecutor is investigating? FISA warrants are used for counterintelligence investigations, not criminal ones.

  4. Despicable #59289583214 says:

    Can ANYONE tell us what these “Russian’s” DID?!

    Seriously! All anyone says is that the Trump campaign colluded/conspired with these Russians in order to skew the elections. And now, they’re saying Donald Trump himself was in on the master-minding (as if Donald Trump was even smart enough). But so far, absolutely NO ONE has said is HOW!

    Just what the fuck did these “Russians” DO that was so terrible? Did these Russians give MONEY to the Trump campaign? Because, last time I looked, that sort of thing was LEGAL! (Just ask old Hillary who even set up a few fake companies to redirect some of her Russian campaign money to her own pockets.)

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      The Russkies and their hackers revealed emails showing Hillary to be crooked. Best view: they just wanted to weaken her in office….but lucked out they thought and got the Donald.

      Foreign contributions to election campaigns is illegal.

      Collusion to route foreign contributions thru seemingly neutral or legal corporate entities (“You Lie” notwithstanding) is illegal.

      I assume Trump wants to keep secret all the Russian financing behind his great business deals. Those great business deals would be “emoluments” and are illegal…as would be owning those business itself.

      Trump: how a CEO would govern a Country: aka: kleptocracy.

      • ± says:

        **** issued forth bobbo with fulsome assurance ****
        …I assume Trump wants to keep secret all the Russian financing behind his great business deals. Those great business deals would be “emoluments” and are illegal…as would be owning those business itself. …

        When it happens before a presidency it is not an emolument. As far as the owning part, you are an ass or too stupid to understand the law that was shown to you recently in another thread.

        I vote for the “being an ass” explanation (although it was a very close decision).

      • Sump Pump says:

        ” …Trump wants to keep secret all the Russian financing behind his great business deals”

        So an international businessman should never become President because of his past?

        Politicians must therefore have a lifetime record of being on the government (public) payroll, never having any real world experience?

        Academic inbred politicians. Drain the swamp.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        This trio of stupid is a good demonstration of the failure of the American Educational System: poor kiddies never learned to read (that which they don’t agree with.)

        You folks are idiots. Don’t know a friggin thing and get on the soap box to crow about it.

        Look Up the definition of emoluments.

        After that “presidential blind trusts.”

        If you aren’t convinced by then that you don’t bring anything but ignorance to this forum….. post again with a specific question.

        • MikeN says:

          Oh my…

        • ± says:

          Here is a link to the post that showed you to be wrong on this topic before. Not that having the shit rubbed in your face will make a difference.

          The stupidest of jackasses double down when they are wrong. How does that feel?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            ±: Thanks for the link. What in that thread do you identify as showing I was wrong? Your own opinion, wrong as it is, leaves it an open question: “What is for the courts to decide is that if there is a distinction between the president receiving something personally and directly vs. indirectly when some business he has ownership in receives such a gift.”

            You think a wholly owned or controlled or significant business interest in a business enterprise is “indirect?”

            Bwhahahahahahah: not in the cases that will be brought. On point: “indirect” might include assets in a Blind Trust?

            I am kinda surprised Trumps tax return hasn’t been leaked by some Social Justice Warrior. Legally wrong…. morally correct.

            What ya gonna do?

          • MikeN says:

            Tax returns are Trump’s birth certificate.

  5. Martin says:

    I’m confused (yes, I’m frequently confused), but what crime is Mr. Mueller investigating? This is an honest question. This type of investigation is initiated when serious crimes are suspected; what’s the crime?

    Also, the childish behavior of Democrats is getting tiresome. Trump won the elections, it time they moved on; e.g., Pelosi, Schumer, Waters.

    • ± says:

      If it is remotely possible that Trump had some sort of collusion with the Russians to influence the US election, than it should be investigated to a conclusion.

      If it turns out he is a traitor, and since they don’t execute traitors anymore, he should be put in the cell next to the cell where Hillary should be spending the rest of her life. She could still yet end up there. It would be fun for both of them. 😂

      So, can we get this over with already? [he asked rhetorically] The special prosecutor should now do his job and find out one way or the other as soon as possible.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    Trump handled the Comey firing rather poorly.

    A little professionality wouldn’t hurt.

    Sometimes it is not what you do — Trump had the right to fire Comey without a reason …

    But how you do it.

    Why say dumb stuff like “Comey better hope there isn’t a tape?”

    Why terminate Comey when he was away? It isn’t classy.

    He could leaked — the Whitehouse seems to be good at this — something like “Reports are that Trump is looking to appoint Director of the FBI”.

    And could have said “Comey provided a great service to country. I want [insert topic] to be a priority and [insert nominee] has the right experience and track record.”

    The best thing about Obama was the “No Drama Obama” way of going about things.

    There are friends, enemies and non-aligned types in the middle.

    Trump may not like Comey, but his past public gripes about Comey while Trump was president have been unprofessional.

    If you don’t like Comey, fire him. Don’t bad mouth him on TV and undermine him while he is FBI director.

    Fire him or support him. Don’t undermine him. It’s not cool.

    And — Comey was a public servant. Even if you hate the guy and can’t stand to be in the room with him, treat him some respect.

    Maybe the adult supervision of a special counsel will motivate Trump to think twice before the 3 am tweet.

    Everyone knows the special counsel is probably investigating a “nothing burger”, but at least it is 3rd party.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:


      Conflict of Interest (ie: corruption amounting to High Crimes and misdemeanors—as is the firing of Comey to avoid investigation. It may be legal, but still the cause for impeachment. Ain’t that sumthing?)

      Investigations never end where they started out.

      Trump is Out….Pence too if anyone gets a hard on …. It would be nice, but Ryan probably safe. Who’s NO 4 in line?

      • Martin says:

        Office: Current:
        1 Vice President Mike Pence
        2 Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
        3 President Senate Orrin Hatch
        4 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Thanks Martin, what a deplorable group. Everyone “I know” is the sh*ts. But I don’t know Orrin Hatch so he’d be my choice. Out of action for a number of years. Used to be a “name.” Being Old school….. might even be half reasonable?

        • MikeN says:

          The Presidential Succession Act that we learned is arguably unconstitutional. Having people outside of the executive branch being in line for the presidency is the issue.

          A second part of the law that is definitely unconstitutional, and which Designated Survivor is ignoring or the show would fall apart, is that if you go further down the line of succession to get a President, they can then be replaced. So on Designated Survivor, when the new Speaker of the House was elected, the President is replaced by this Speaker under the law.

          • bobbo, are we devo? says:

            Two nice points.

            Does it impact your enjoyment of the show????

            Like almost all the shows….I liked it at first, but the guy is a two dimensional goody two shoes. Better be a sex scandal soon, or I’m out.

            Ha, ha……. right now….. even “the News” is more entertaining.

          • MikeN says:

            The only reason I’m watching with big use of 30 sec skip that Comcast provides even for shows that they start with ‘fast forwarding is disabled’ is hoping to see that Jack Bauer is the man behind the plot.

      • Hmeyers says:

        The rules that Ken Starr was operating under for a grand fishing expedition expired in 1999.

        Current rules require the special counsel to justify progress and actions to the Department of Justice, which would be Rosenstein.

        Because Muller previously work at a law firm that had Trump as one of the clients … federal ethics rules appear to prohibit him investigating or leading an investigation into anyone from the Trump family.

        Federal ethics rules supposedly say that investigators cannot investigate former clients for a specified period of time.

        But Muller can certainly find out what was going on with Flynn and Carter Page and see if anyone else in the campaign coordinated with Russia.

        • Hmeyers says:

          I know this stuff because as a non-Kool-Aid drinker, I seek out neutral sources and neutral political commentary.

          If you get your news from Kool Aid drinkers — screaming at Trump and bouncing off the walls

          — it isn’t going to be grounded in the pillars of traditional journalism.

          Real news sites educate you, let you reach your own conclusions.

          Our current media does not seek to educate, but rather chases ad dollars telling you what you want to hear to accumulate an audience.

          • bobbo, are we devo? says:

            So…. the natural question you seem to be begging to be asked is:

            What are your news sources?

          • Hmeyers says:

            WilmerHale was the law firm. Toss in Mueller.

            Google it up.

            Have fun reading dozens and dozens articles about it from sites like

            Also you might want to read what iconic law attorney/professor Alan Dershowitz has to say on the subject.

            The problem with facts is that emotional people won’t want to hear them.

            Kool-Aid drinkers want Kool-Aid telling them what they want to hear; they don’t want facts.

            98% of people are Kool-Aid drinkers.

          • Machete says:

            Spot on analysis. But even npr is “compromised”. Advertising or underwritten…same same.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            HM: my hero Alan Dershowitz is NOT a news source. He is an expert, an opinion makers, and an analyst. No news there at all.

            What I’ve seen him say on topic is limited to the President’ls roll in the Unitary Executive Branch to the effect that as the leader, he cannot “legally” collude nor obstruct what the FBI or Justice Department does.

            Demonstrating the nadir point of academic relevancy.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Forget federal ethics rules, bar association rules are even stricter here. Mueller could have big problems. Likely he and his firm looked into it before he agreed to take the appointment. They basically have to prove that he had no access to documents of clients of other lawyers at his firm.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Sounds right, but “I am not a lawyer”.

          • Hmeyers says:

            What really is going on right now is a “liberal explotiation” con.

            There are a lot of people who hate Trump passionately.

            And lots of them are wealthy or upper-middle class.

            In marketing that is a prime demographic. For exploitation.

            Rachel Maddow was handsomely rewarded by her “Trump Tax Returns” ruse, she got +1.5 millon extra viewers even though she was widely called out on social media for being grandstanding and withholding that the tax returns were 12 years old.

            MSNBC is doing really well and beating Fox in the 25-49 demographic.

            And yes, if the market is ripe for selling Kool-Aid, the media will sell that Kool-Aid.

            They want the greenbacks.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            “Lots of People think….”==>anything you want to say thereafter. Silly Construct.

            Less than 1% Market Share. Cute Cats have more followers:

            For the week of May 15, MSNBC averaged 2.44 million viewers with 611,000 in the key demo from 8 p.m.-11 p.m., beating out CNN and Fox News in both measures.

          • MikeN says:

            HMeyers, they hated Bush too, but Olbermann couldn’t get close to OReilly.

            Mel Gibson predicted it in Apocalypto.

            A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. – Will Durant

        • MikeN says:

          Ken Starr was not allowed to go on a fishing expedition. He had to report to a judge, and was given specific area to cover- Whitewater. He was actually a replacement for the first IC. Then as more scandals propped up, the judge kept expanding Starr’s mandate.
          Only Monica Lewinsky came from Starr, and he had to go to Janet Reno for permission to investigate this, which she did since he had tapes of Clinton obstructing justice.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas==>Read a Dictionary Once in awhile says:

            how do you catch fish if not on an expedition?

            fishing defined: a definite limited area of inquiry that expands as new information comes to light.

            I give you “One Flounder”.

  7. Hmeyers says:

    They found a human predecessor in Greece far older than any found in Africa.

    It is looking like they are going to have to rewrite all the textbooks and toss out the homo sapiens evolved in Africa theory.

    (Until the next time, when they discover one in China or India.)

    Considering Asia has 3/5 of the human population, seems statistically far more likely that homo sapiens originated in somewhere like India or Malaysia than Europe, but you never know.

    • ± says:

      Marcs post made me think of the same thing, but you said it first.  😜 🤦‍

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      “human predecessor” or early homo sapiens.?


      I think you read something backwards.

      • Hmeyers says:

        Here is one.

        I can’t remember which science site I found it on originally.

        I didn’t believe the claim at first, but it appears to be credible and meaningful according to independent sources.

        It may or may not surprise you that I know a decent amount about anthropology and a problem with the African origin theory is the exclusively Chinese area trait of “shovel teeth”

        Which is also why I don’t think humans arose in Europe.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas==>Read a Dictionary Once in awhile says:

          HM: You have me all wrong. Your years on this forum show you are an expert in using the shovel.

          Joking aside….I think you missed the import of my question to you. Perhaps because I am not as well informed as you are….I never thought Africa was the home of all ancestors of “humans.” Hominins are not humans. They are precursors to humans which are “homo sapiens” and yes I think all the GENETIC EVIDENCE is that homo sapies, OUR species, “Humans”==>arose in Africa. Thats does not speak for or against earlier species, species earlier than humans arose elsewhere.

          So get “exact” about your definitions, and tell us why you think it matters.

          • Hmeyers says:

            When antropologists are looking for the origin of humans, they are looking specifically for human ancestors.

            Keep in mind there have been homo sapiens for 200,000 years.

            The origin of humans is largely considered when our ancestors broke off from the other primates and became hominids.

            If they knew where it happened, they would be closer to figuring out why and how it happened.

            Humans are very weird and peculiar, even among primates:

            1) Voice box, which allows speech. Few ideas on how the hell that would evolve. Weird.

            2) Upright posture. Pretty reasonable. Walking is one of the most energy efficient forms of locomotion. More mobility, lower calorie requirements.

            3) Expressive faces. Allows for non-verbal communication by sight. But what process caused that to evolve. File under weird.

            Anyway, if they find a 7 million old human ancestor somewhere unexpected, and the previous oldest was 5.4 million years old —

            It is outlier, and you can’t ignore it, but it messes with the puzzle pieces you thought you had put together fair well.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas==>Read a Dictionary Once in awhile says:

            HM–I take what you say at face value…. but ……. you’ve missed the target by just changing the labels.

            Ancestors = precursors. … Does “not” equal humans.

            I can see lots of pre homo-sapiens developing all over the world and have Africa still the home of homo spiens++>the ONLY humans as opposed to pre-humans, ancestors, precursors, COUSINS (ie–neanderthal was not human….close but not just quite….like any other cousin. Its definitional. i don’t think this argument changes if you include Neanderthals as Humans====>>>>>although come to think of it, I don’t “know” where Neanderthals developed……. Not in Africa???? So…. there is one answer right there……the non-African hominins developed into Neanderthals and not Humans====>>>>BECAUSE OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT.

            Just like Darwin says.

            There is never an answer for “why.” You should know that by now.

            How?==just a best guess argument.

            I love History….. but the question is always: Now what?

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas==>Read a Dictionary Once in awhile says:

            The pop cultural response:

            1) Voice box, which allows speech. Few ideas on how the hell that would evolve. Weird. /// parrots and other birds “speak.” Monkeys and apes vocalize thru their throats. I dont seen any trick here at all.

            2) Upright posture. Pretty reasonable. Walking is one of the most energy efficient forms of locomotion. More mobility, lower calorie requirements. //// 18″ meerkats and many other animals do it as well….. to get a fuller view….over the tall grass ===also helps. IE–not just one or two factors…but many.

            3) Expressive faces. Allows for non-verbal communication by sight. But what process caused that to evolve. File under weird. //// Again, monkeys and apes have clear and specific meaning facial expressions. The only thing your common sense is missing is: millions of years.

  8. akallio says:

    The liberals wanted Comey fired for months before Trump actually fired him. Colbert mentioned it on his show, got massive cheers from his liberal audience and had to correct the narrative to make it look bad for Trump.

    There is NO evidence of Russian interference beyond “anonymous sources” that the mainstream media uses for an excuse to slam Trump.

    When they don’t have anything better to bitch about, the libtards have to harp on Trumps orange hair, slightly smaller than average hands and his extra scoop of ice cream. They act like bratty 12 year olds.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      akallio revealing feet and brains of clay says:
      5/22/2017 at 5:44 pm

      The liberals wanted Comey fired for months before Trump actually fired him. Colbert mentioned it on his show, got massive cheers from his liberal audience and had to correct the narrative to make it look bad for Trump. /// Source for “liberals.” “The Liberals” is what spin shills use instead of anything relevant. Colberts audience response is Colberts audience response.

      There is NO evidence of Russian interference beyond “anonymous sources” that the mainstream media uses for an excuse to slam Trump. //// Other than comey admitting to an investigation underway and Trump firing him for it? That is evidence. Not enough for a conviction….. but not nothing. Not a tv show audience. You seem to get your “news”, indeas, analysis for pop culture comedy and infotainment sources. ………… ………….. Very Weak.

      When they don’t have anything better to bitch about, the libtards have to harp on Trumps orange hair, slightly smaller than average hands and his extra scoop of ice cream. They act like bratty 12 year olds. //// I think that is an application of “The Equal Dignity Rule.”

      • Hmeyers says:

        When I’m president, I’ll get 3 scoops!

        • MikeN says:

          I’m wondering, has the ice cream scoop gotten bigger over the decades. One scoop now at Baskin Robbins or other places is more than two scoops that I used to get.

  9. I see
    In the end what will will know – and how will our attention be diverted by “eye candy”
    At the end of the day we know less and less and in the end we know nothing about anything
    Snowflakes wake up

  10. MikeN says:

    >And yes, if the market is ripe for selling Kool-Aid, the media will sell that Kool-Aid.

    They want the greenbacks.

    I saw people by the side of the road holding up signs that said Impeach Obama very early in his presidency.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Love Trump or hate Trump he is acting as cultural glue.

      It’s like we are all watching the same reality TV show

      “Occasionally offensive billionaire businessman with no political experience gets elected. Tune in to see what happens!”

      Drama, plot twists, surprise events — it’s better than most TV shows have ever been.

      That Lester Holt interview reminded me of the reality shows where someone explains why they voted to rid of someone.

      It was slightly funny to me because it felt a little like he was trying to convince Lester.

      But everyone knows why Comey got fired, Trump didn’t like him.

      • MikeN says:

        I wonder if this is by design for Trump. If he acted normally, would his base stop liking him? How can you be draining the swamp if it’s business as usual?

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas==>Read a Dictionary Once in awhile says:

          His own base doesn’t “like” Trump.

          They are all hung up on still Hating Obaman/Hillary/Dems/the Truth.

          You know: liberalism has a bias towards truth.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas==>Read a Dictionary Once in awhile says:

        Hmeyers demonstrating the too strong habit the “Conservative Mind Set” has of being unable to deal with reality says:
        5/24/2017 at 7:20 am

        Love Trump or hate Trump he is acting as cultural glue. /// Just the opposite.

        It’s like we are all watching the same reality TV show /// but we don’t, as this post demonstrates

        “Occasionally offensive billionaire businessman with no political experience gets elected. Tune in to see what happens!” /// No…its a constant stream of offensiveness

        Drama, plot twists, surprise events — it’s better than most TV shows have ever been. /// Well, dat be true.

        That Lester Holt interview reminded me of the reality shows where someone explains why they voted to rid of someone.

        It was slightly funny to me because it felt a little like he was trying to convince Lester.

        But everyone knows why Comey got fired, Trump didn’t like him. //// HOW MANY FRICKING TIMES…….ON TAPE….does Trump have to say he fired Comey to stop the Russia Investigation have to occur??

        Disappointing HM. Trump idiocy is SHOWN on TV…but its not a TV show. Know and appreciate the difference.

  11. MikeN says:

    Marc, could you explain what’s going on with the IT staffers that appear to be blackmailing members of Congress?

    Debbie Wassermann Schultz is engaged in her own obstruction of justice, threatening cops to hand over key evidence.

  12. MikeN says:

    Pedro, you said “I’ll ride with you.” could be famous last words:

    Martyn Hett confirmed dead in Manchester attack.

  13. Hmeyers says:

    So is the old dude in Montana that “body slammed” a journalist going to win or lose?

    Who does something like that on election eve?

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas==>Read a Dictionary Once in awhile says:

      Latest word I heard (Chris Hayes) was that 60-70% of the voting was done by mail before the incident. Highly unlikely the vote on Voting Day will swing by enough to change the steady poll lead the Trumpster had.

      • MikeN says:

        Vote on Election Day is heavily Republican turnout, like Trump in Florida. So if they abandon their candidate, the election is flipped.

      • MikeN says:

        I complained about early voting last year when Marc posted about voting for Bernie, saying there could be new developments. No one else seemed to care.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Will be interesting to see what happens.

      Number of factors in play.

      They say another thing is the election on Memorial Day weekend eve is a weird one.

  14. jjsk says:

    > Clearly Trump is guilty of obstructing justice

    says who? charge Trump if he broke the law or shut the fuck up.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas==>Read a Dictionary Once in awhile says:

      Yes…. because every fair investigation based on reasonable cause begins with a charge.

      Silly hooman.

      • jjsk says:

        > Yes…. because every fair investigation based on reasonable cause begins with a charge.

        There is really nothing left to investigate because Marc had already declared that Trump is guilty of obstruction. The verdict is in, boys and girls.

        • MikeN says:

          Yes, Marc has declared Trump guilty of obstruction of an investigation that Marc has declared is clearly bogus.
          How many more times will Perkel flip?

  15. Hmeyers says:

    Here Bobbo, you can get mad about this …

    “Trump pushes Prime Minister out of the way at NATO meeting”

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas==>Read a Dictionary Once in awhile says:

      HM: I’ve never actually seen you vote, so why would I ever be “mad” at you?……….or anyone else here? Words and Ideas……its not like I’m pushing you out of the way to be in front of the class.

      Ha, ha……what a douche.

  16. Hmeyers says:

    @Bobbo : re Trump

    I thought it was particularly funny that Hillary complained about Comey non-stop. Then Trump fired him.

    She’s worse than in jail. Complaining is her livelihood.

    Now Hillary can’t even complain any more. If she were to try it in a speech, it would devolve into an endless off-topic shitstorm.

    Now that’s comedy gold!

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas==>Read a Dictionary Once in awhile says:

      Hear the latest that Comey “may” have been motivated to VIOLATE DOJ RULES regarding commentary because of fake news planted by Russia?

      Comey: greater a man back in the day….but got older and tired. Like Hillary…except she never was so greater.

      The thinking is too fuzzy regarding the D v R anti-Comey thing. Both parties complaining about “what Comey did” and therefore his competency in office…..but what he “did” was significantly different against H &C.

      Everything is “like” everything else, everything is different. You gotta add up both sides before sounding stupid.

      • MikeN says:

        More fake news being planted by liberals to try and discredit Comey. They are getting nervous about the leaks and unmasking. Trump holds lots of cards that the Left didn’t think about before they started this narrative. There’s a reason W got a pass for WMD…

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Lying Mike: at least try to make sense.

          As the worm has turned, its the Trumpsters that want Comey discredited. Silly to think liberdrools do. Stuck in a rut you are.

          What fake news? You “should be” referring the planted memo I referenced, but your comment is so non-sensical, I can’t tell. “The FBI” reviewed the subject memo and decided that it was not trustworthy. The only “fake” thing here is that Comey may have still been “influenced” by it as the time periods line up perfectly.

          Why would “liberals” be concerned about unmasking? Only whats her name could be…and she has given testimony contra. and btw as with most of your anachronisms, its only Pukes that can unmask now.

          What Trump cards are you thinking of? The ones everyone else sees as toilet paper?

          What reason do you suppose for Bush’s Pass on WMD? It has marked him and his presidency as a failure. Still….head and shoulders above Trump, if that is your point.

          Silly Hooman.

          • MikeN says:

            Why didn’t Pelosi impeach Bush? Why was there no serious push for it?

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Lyin’ Mikey: as all too often, you make about 5 claims, get challenged on them all, and respond to NONE OF THEM.

            Its like all you argue, think to say, is restricted to the pack of deplorables that already agree with you.

            You “know” what THAT is called…. right?

            And because you probably need it: Hint: asking a question about Pelosi doesn’t address any of the questions put to you.

            Silly Hooman.

          • MikeN says:

            Trey Gowdy, Lindsey Graham, others are hinting that there is evidence of collusion between Hillary campaign and Department of Justice. This story about Russian intel influenced Comey is fake news meant to block the impact of an investigation into that.

        • MikeN says:

          Not gonna give you all the answers, try thinking. If you figure out why Bush got a pass on WMD, then you’ll have an idea what cards Trump has to play.

          Illegal unmasking to target political opponents doesn’t just hit Rice, it hits Obama, and validates Trump’s tweet and makes Obama the major scandal. Liberals recognized it instantly, and had to go into overdrive to say that the stories they had been telling about Trump were all false. He was not under investigation. He was not being wiretapped.
          Now they are trying to get back to that story.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Your fevered imagination and faulty logic would be better used watching paint dry.

          • The Dark Washington Web says:

            There are spies and double agents. But only in politics could we find “quadruple” agents.

            Political mercenaries? Dems still suffering from post 11/8 atomic wedgy syndrome?

            Do these people get paid in bitcoins?

  17. Hmeyers says:

    Bobbo, here is why the Democrats will lose in 2020.

    You heard it here first from me.

    The colossal dipshit Mark Zuckerberg (The FaceBook douche bag) plans to run.

    He plans to pump Universal Basic Income.

    It isn’t about whether or not this dipshit wins the primaries.

    He doesn’t care about UBI. He wants to have a relevant issue attached to his name.

    He will move shift the discussion so far into crazy territory that the Democratic Party will rip itself apart.

    You can’t have immigrants on the dole, old people on the dole and then add “everyone else on the dole”.

    And the thing is that Democratic Party mostly had everything right around the George W. Bush era. Al Gore’s only campaign promise was to protect Social Security (and put it in a lock box).

    In the Democratic Parties, the deep south decides who win by who gets the African American vote. Obama got them. Bernie couldn’t.

    The Democratic Primary will be trench warfare on steroids of the traditional Democrats vs. “Free Money For Everyone”.

    It’s going to be a really, really big disaster. And who knows if Trump will be running. He’s the oldest president ever.

    • MikeN says:

      I don’t get any sense that Zuckerberg could win a primary. If he did win, Trump might have to reuse Liddle Marco.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      HM–Zucker is just 1-2-3 decades a bit early.

      OF COURSE: everyone in a robot driven economy will be, essentially will be no matter what, “on the dole.”

      UBI is a very interesting subject, as is Wealth Inequality and the capture of our society/politics by the tax advantaged AlreadyTooRich.

      As always: Pro’s and Con’s to all we do. Thats why its so much fun to recognize===>we ain’t gonna have a choice.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        I just noticed “robot driven” vis a vis our self driving car sidetrack. That really does “model” what is happening to our society/economy.

        When “in fact” there are not enough jobs in an economy, and the economy is productive enough to support EVERYONE at a minimum standard===>what are the voters going to do?

        I know GOUSA is remarkably in the grip of some very stupid self destructive ideas…..but even now jobs that used to be bottom of the barrel, like wash dishes or pick fruit…are all being designed for robots.

        What a bright future.

        • Speaking of robots and a productive economy says:

          Robot owners need to pay a special tax for any active robot that directly displaces a human from their job.

          If the robot does NOT directly displace a human worker, then the robot owner still pays a regular tax.

          If a robot is re-purposed, the tax must be re-determined. If the robotic is permanently decommissioned, the taxes stop.

          Robots that re-purpose themselves are considered “scab workers” and need to be destroyed.

          All robots must have a RIN# (like a car’s VIN#). They never get a social security card or receive disability,

          Of course, all autonomous robots must obey the 3 laws of robotics.

          So everything pays taxes to make the economy productive.

          A bright future indeed. Sounds fair. What could go wrong?

          (Al Sharpton is already organizing the “robots of color”.)

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Taxing robots is a very “narrow” response missing the very import of technology changing society.

            “Making society work/function” is a general purpose of gubment. The money to support such functioning should come from the general fund. Taxing policy should be based on the rational events giving rise to sensible taxation. Net Income generated always being relevant.

          • Speaking of robots and a productive economy says:

            But gument always screws things up.

            Keep it simple. Everything pays taxes to the general fund.

            And under no circumstances let robots vote.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Speaking For Robots: now you got it….. except gubment gets a lot right. All depends on how blind you choose to be.

            Ha, ha…… and robots (aka voting machines without paper records) are already voting. Gave us Bush in whenever.

  18. Hmeyers says:

    Here is a what if — what if Trump decides to switch back to the Democratic Party?

    He was a Democrat for 20 years. His kids couldn’t vote for him in the primaries last year because the whole family is Democrat.

    What if the Republicans can’t get anything done and they lose the 2018 elections …

    Trump might switch parties back to Democrat to get things done.

    • MikeN says:

      Be hilarious watching the new talking points from liberals. How many will swallow them?

      • Hmeyers says:

        Trump could be a super-dick if he wanted to.

        Imagine this: Ruth Bader Ginsberg dies.

        Trump announces that the Republican gridlock has convinced him he needs to returns to his roots in the Democratic Party.

        Shumer and Pelosi and Bobbo and Phydeau would be standing in line to suck his dick to switch to the Democratic Party to appoint a liberal judge.

        Isn’t that right, Bobbo?

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          I might suck a dick for the correct higher purpose……but a super-dick? I’m not aware of any super higher purposes.

          So, I doubt it.

          Plus……only a Republican is dumb enough to take Trumps word on anything. verstehen sie?

        • MikeN says:

          I mean he keeps the exact same policies. Judges he can flip, but sticks to trade, H1B, Muslim ban, wall, hedge fund tax, immigration, coal, and isolationism. Liberals will suddenly be all of those things.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Mickey: I don’t think so.

            Hint: even if such a “deal” could get over all the common sense obstacles (like why nominate someone still under FBI Investigation after Jared is put in Jail), you still got what was “obvious” from the start: he’s a Con Man. ie: doesn’t tell the truth, ie: tells you what you want to hear while planning to steal your money, ie: defaults on all deals and goes bankrupt.

            Those kind of niggly things.

          • MikeN says:

            Obama nominated for Secretary of Treasury someone who deliberately cheated on his taxes. No Democrat voted no. If Democrats get the Presidency and some stuff from Trump, they will praise all his weird stuff.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Trump is not under FBI investigation.

            The latest on Jared has totally destroyed the narrative that liberals are selling. If Trump colluded with the Russians two years ago, then why did Jared need to set up a back channel in December?

          • bobbo, most frustrating thing in my life is Windows.... says:

            I’ll guess and say to create an “on-going” relationship?

  19. pedro says:

    I see dumbbo keeps incoherently rambling. I’ll go waste my time somewhere else.

    I’ll check back to see if sanity has returned or not.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Thats very kind of you Pedro. Wasting your time and ours elsewhere instead of here.

      Second best post Pedro has ever made.

      • pedro says:

        I agree. Singling out your insanity has been one of the best things ever divulged in this blog.

      • pedro says:

        I agree. Singling out your insanity has been one of the best things ever divulged in this in quite a while blog.

      • pedro says:

        Accidental double posting due to internet connection issues


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