Trump fires Comey. Fixing the election for Trump didn’t work out well for his career. I think we can agree on that.

  1. Hmeyers says:

    I thought Comey fixed the election twice?

    In July 2016, he absolved Hillary from “intent” to distribute classified information as just “extremely careless”. While handing out immunity deals like candy.

    Then 2 days before the election knowing Hillary would be the next president, he cleared her again — despite daily Wikileaks dumps raising red flags — because he wanted to suck up to her, since she was going to be the next President.

    She received a small bump in the polls in the last 2 days.

    But since CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post said “Hillary 99.8% chance of winning” — Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight got crucified for saying Trump had a 32% chance …

    You have to wonder if the mainstream media didn’t say “You don’t need to bother voting”.

    We are privileged to have witnessed and experienced firsthand the 3rd most fucked up election in the history of Democracy.

    The most fucked up election will be (1st) 2020 followed by (2nd) 2018 — because the Democrats believe in the the Good Ship LolliPop and think having no message or being against Trump is a political platform.

    Good luck with that!

    Sincerely, Ohio voter. The state that has determined the election winner since 1896.

    /Doubt that? Look it up!

    • Marc Perkel says:

      I have suspected that Bill Clinton got to Loretta Lynch and forced Comey to drop charges. I think Comey resented it and decided to screw Clinton at the last minute.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        Me too. He was certainly “grumpy” about something to violate SOP as he did.

        Comey had no charges to drop though…..what he had was an investigation, which he never dropped.


        ……………but he was grumpy.

      • MikeN says:

        Could it be Clinton’s last act to tank Hillary’s election? Comey cited the meeting as his reason for acting.

        And his actions clearing Hillary may have gotten the most attention, but I saw Trump’s ads that focused on Comey’s words, ‘Extremely careless…’ They got exactly the votes Trump needed to win, all those NeverTrump Republicans who were reminded of all the Clinton scandals they had forgotten for 20 years.

      • Ah_Yea says:

        I suspect you’re right. Given this is true, why didn’t Comey just come out and say Lynch tried to coerce him? Instead he goes with the program, or was the coercion a wink and nod from Lynch?

        Either way Comey was dirty and had to go.

  2. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    “Trump fires Comey. Fixing the election for Trump didn’t work out well for his career. I think we can agree on that.” /// Ummm – Nope.

    Fixing the Election got Comey Kudos and praise from Trump. Comey then screwed his pooch by continuing the investigation into the Russian/Trump connection.

    Raise your hand: who here doesn’t know what the Russian Trump connection is???????

    Its been expressly in the News multiple times.

    Ha, ha…….wish this forum had that “Spoiler Box” to hide answers in…..but for now, just a hint: ITS TRUMP!!!!!!

  3. Mr Diesel - It's About Time says:

    Screw Comey, his undoing is of his own making.

    Trump only wrote the letter firing him, the Deputy AG (an Obomba appointee) is the one that recommended it and before we forget, the Deputy AG was confirmed by the Senate with 94 votes a couple of weeks ago.

    Democrats cry that Comey should be fired and then when it happens say there should be an investigation, it’s a constitutional crisis and Chicken Little is buying up all the umbrellas.

    Call a wambulance bitches.

    I never thought he was a good director.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Screw Comey, his undoing is of his own making. //// Not as true as the same conclusion to be drawn on Trump.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Sorry Diesel, Trump just threw his entire administration under the bus… all those people lying for him, that he was just acting on recommendations.

      The president also reiterated his claim that he had been planning to fire Comey even before he received Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s recommendation to do so.

      As the article says, he just admitted that all the spinning his spokesmen were doing was just BS. Lies. He wanted Comey gone so he fired Comey. Plain and simple. He was getting too close to something.

      • Tatter Salad says:

        Yes! Comey was getting close to being (wait for it)…. fired! He wasn’t playing nice-nice with the other secret enforcers of ‘Justice.’ With 35k employees watching EVERYBODY, yet barely a note about Trump’s team being SPIED upon during an election campaign BY THE OTHER PARTY.

  4. Bert says:

    Comey “fixed” the election.

    The Russians “fixed” the election.

    The Dems “fixed” the election by screwing Sanders.

    Hillary “fixed” the election for being a lying scum sucking, above the law, old bitch who had zero ideas for fixing the country. What was her slogan again? Stronger Together? What a loser.

    Choose one FFS. Stop wallowing in your pity, it’s fucking pathetic. The rest of us are moving on with life.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Whats pathetic is combining the opinions of four different groups as if they were one.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Hillary fixed the election for Trump too.

      • Bert says:

        My favorite excuse now is Hillary blaming the press for being all in for Trump.

        And the morons on the left hold out hope, with a lighted candle.

        Ha Ha.

        RESIST WE MUCH!!!

  5. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    You’re fighting the good fight Bobbo, but Trump said it himself — he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and the diehards would still support him.

    So he fired the guy investigating him for collaborating with Russians, that’ll be easy for them to rationalize and ignore.

    They’re just done with this whole reality/facts thing. I mean, look at this health care bill passed by the House (with Trump’s enthusiastic approval) that the wingnutosphere is studiously ignoring. Millions of wingnuts will lose their healthcare, it’s a HUGE tax cut for the rich, and the House Republicans exempted themselves from the law. If that doesn’t wake them up, nothing will. 🙄

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      HA! Thats an excellent tie-in. I wonder how close to that “image” Trump gets in his mind as he maneuvers his political ship? He does act like there can be no “real” response to what he does beyond the ineffective fake news.

      Ha, ha: Real Estate: the land of Political Incompetents…. just “deal making” which really is self dealing, which really is fraud.

      Get away with FRAUD for years, call it Marketing, and you think you can get away with it forever.

      ……….but eventually, sooner with Trump, the worm turns.

    • ± says:

      Whoa! Phydeau?!! The real Phydeau? Did you just get off of double secret probation or did you stop holding your breath until your face turned blue?

  6. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    I dunno Bobbo, maybe the majority of Republicans are OK with Trump canoodling with the Russians. They’ve been programmed for decades by Fox News, Breitbart, etc. that Democrats are less than human traitors of the American Way. The end justifies the means, ya know? As long as Republicans are put in power, by any means necessary, maybe they’re OK with trashing that whole Constitutional Government thing…

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Fair point….I just don’t think Trump colluded with the Russkies. The russkies interfered on their own for their own purposes mostly just to hurt Hillary…and they just hit the Center Bull by pure luck and the stupidity of the voting public and the vagaries of the Electorial College.

      Any electorial connection to trump would have been himself or his family or aides just being unwitting useful idiots.

      I think the Pukes can live with all that. IE==shooting a person on Fifth Ave would be worse. Worse than failing to give tax breaks to the AlreadyTooRich by defunding healthcare for the poor.

      OTOH…with Trump now having given all he can…I’d think he might get axed with the Pukes looking very favorably on Pence. Its not really Trump or a Democrat, its Trump or Pence.

      The incompetency marches on, never tiring.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        You could be right, is Trump even smart enough to collude with anyone? His flunkies though…

      • MikeN says:

        The PR firm that hired Steele who wrote the dossier on Trump lobbies for Russia. The dossier was used to get the FISA warrant, which the FBI thought was valid because it had some of their own intel in it, which Steele managed to pick up from some British contacts. The FBI fed data to Steele then used the existence and validity of that data to argue for an investigation into Trump, paid for by the Russians.

  7. kerpow69 says:

    Fixing the election? Does anyone really think voters hadn’t already made up their mind about who they were voting for when Comey announced the re-opening of the Clinton investigation? I’m sure there were some people still on the fence at that point, but not enough to matter. Come on Mark, you always preach about reality. Try living in it sometime.

    • ± says:

      [proclaimed kerpow69 about peoples votes which he has vetted]
      “… but not enough to matter …”

      bobbo, is that you posting here under a different name (kerpow69)? If not, you and kerpow69 are going to get along famously, and too, we have the second person showing up on this blog who thinks that any particular person’s vote needs to be vetted by them for approval for relevance.

      PS to bobbo — did you register yet? 😜

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        It is nice to see another poster who can think for themselves. I could quibble with much of what he says, but declined given I mostly agree.

        I don’t think comey tried to fix the election. Given “everyone” thought Hillary was a lock to win the thing, I think Comey was motivated by something else. Was it said here…..I think a large part of it was not getting to prosecute her over the private server.

        You know………if the Pukes hadn’t wasted all their credibility on Ben Gazhi and the like….kept their powder dry and what not………sure seems like a clear deferment to our Political Overlords that Hillary was not sent to jail over her server.

        …………………and for 2 hours so far, looks like Trump may reactivate that whole issue.

        No way the popcorn is going stale on this deal.

        • ± says:

          ****** [a typically conflicted bobbo issued forth] *******
          …It is nice to see another poster who can think for themselves. I could quibble with much of what he says, but declined given I mostly agree. …

          bobbo, please provide additional entertainment by explaining how you “mostly agree” with what he says and concurrently “could quibble with much of what he says”.

          Standby for a demonstration of typical liberal contorted polemics (or not?).

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Missed you fair challenge in the SUCKY new format of this forum.

            EG: “Does anyone really think voters hadn’t already made up their mind about who they were voting for when Comey announced the re-opening of the Clinton investigation?” //// I think “some” were deciding whether to vote or not vote when both main candidates were unacceptable to them. Is it worth the effort to vote down ticket or vote third party when you don’t agree with them?
            How many voters in this category? I don’t know…but gut hunch is more than usual. A significant outcome changing concern? Probably not….. but who knows when 80K votes in 3 states would have given us Hillary.

            But I mostly agree.

          • MikeN says:

            Quibble is weaker than disagree.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Exactly so Mike. Txs.

            …and a quibble isn’t worth talking about…. unless called upon.

  8. Hillary Clinton says:

    What do Bernie Sanders’ hair and CNN have in common today? They are both saying, “Comey” every time you look at them.


    Shamelessly stolen from Scott Adams

  9. Sing-a-long says:

    “Everybody was kung-fu fighting…
    Those kicks were fast as lightning…
    In fact it was a little bit frightening…
    But they fought with expert timing…”

    • ± says:

      This is one of the greatest artistic compositions of all time.

      Young people here, by accident of the timing of their birth, may understandably be excused for not grokking this. So you young people watch this: and you will no longer have an excuse.

  10. Mr Anderson says:

    The Russians won the elections. Trump is just their puppet.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      They certainly made Hillary less effective as President.

  11. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Probably paywalled, but here’s the first para and all you need to know:

    Days before he was fired as F.B.I. director, James B. Comey asked the Justice Department for more prosecutors and other personnel to accelerate the bureau’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the presidential election.

    It’s pretty clear what happened. Comey was getting too close, Trump insisted he be fired. Not being a very smart guy, Trump didn’t realize what a shitstorm it would provoke. Looks like his coterie of geniuses didn’t realize it either. 🙄

    Pedrito, kudos to you for trying to string together a comprehensible argument! 😀

  12. MikeN says:

    If Comey needed more personnel, he would just assign them. He is the FBI director, and if he declares every active agent to work on the Russia investigation, then that’s what happens. This story is more fake news.

  13. Conspiracy Theorist says:

    This was the HEAD BOOB who got shit canned. THE HEAD DUDE who is supposed to know who all the bad guys are and be able to outsmart them so he can catch them. And he gets fired! BY DONALD J. TRUMP!!!

    My question is: Do you feel any safer now that he (Comey) is gone? Would you care to give up any more “rights” in this insane ongoing quest to stop those ever present boogie men — er, “terrorists” that Comey, Pompeo, Rogers, Kelly, and others are supposed to stop?

    … And here’s another nail biter: Any time crap like this goes down, you have to be asking yourself, “what are they trying to hide?” Because one thing is for sure — you’re not being told the whole story.

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    Funny enough,

    Trump trolling the media again.

    The more they bash Trump, the more his supporters back him.

  15. MikeN says:

    Comey realized there would be no prosecution of Hillary which she deserved. He also knew that if he said she should be prosecuted, he would be blamed for interfering in the election, denying Dems their candidate. So he invented a standard and recommended against prosecuting, which he knew would be the result even if he recommended prosecution, then laid out the facts of her crimes so the people could decide whether they want her as president.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      And this is the crux of why Comey should have been fired.

      It’s not his job to determine if she would or would not be prosecuted. It’s his job to make the recommendation and let the justice department do it’s job.

      It’s also not his job to invent a standard and then lay out the facts.

      It’s his job to investigate and recommend. Obviously he didn’t do his job.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        You’re RIGHT. Ergo: it didn’t matter how he phrased anything….it was all only “his opinion” and NOT a decision as to whether to prosecute or not which was and is the JOB of the DOJ. ((Extra Credit: can you remember what that idiot was saying at the time?–ie, the Head of DOJ.))

        Re inventing a standard: of course THAT IS HIS JOB. What do you think every head of an Agency does?

        Of course he did his job. You can agree or disagree with his finding of facts ((as I do and evidently you do too, although its hard to tell why you verbalize anything)) but thats his job.

        Well…… always: Zero for Three. How DO you do it?

        • MikeN says:

          >although its hard to tell why you verbalize anything)

          Oh boy, is that deliberate?

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Well Mickey, assuming the worst for your intentions, I post whatever comes to mind for the agreement, disagreement, amusement of those who take an interest.

            My best view is that Oh_No posts to show is love for Pedro.

            …………….but I could be wrong…….. on both counts. Such is the mystery of hooman behavior. Like Dr House says: just a bunch of liars.

            Any idea why YOU post Mickey?…… other than being paid by the lie?

          • MikeN says:

            >although its hard to tell why you verbalize anything)

            I though it took lots of training to post like that, but to you it just comes naturally.

  16. MikeN says:

    Trump needs to fire more people. They are sabotaging him on so many things. The little he has gotten thru is already paying off.

    Looks like they have shrunk dramatically some of the visa programs.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Yep….and Hitler was nice to his dog.

      ……….but I agree reducing Work Visas for good jobs is putting Americans first. Good on Trump.

      I like his posturing so far re Best Korea as well.

      The problem on both of these and all is other smooth moves will be the follow up. No evidence so far that T.Rump knows how to follow thru on anything.

  17. Chill says:

    A suggestion to those still smarting from the ATOMIC WEDGY they received on November 8th:

    Cut your internet connection and buy an 8-year supply of Preparation H.

    Share with your comrades, but remind them to wash their (and your) fingers.

    And please send a big tube to Maxine Waters, Hillary, and Stephen Colbert.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Always amusing to watch those who received the Atomic Wedgy to warn others about it. For some, it takes months or years from the butt pain to finally reach the brain….or what remains of it.

      Sucks to be you………or anyone else who thinks Trump is anything admirable or to be supported. Fantasy over reality.

  18. Ya Whatever says:

    I think I found Bobbo’s video!

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Its hard to be wrong “all” the time.

      Good generic video. Only idiots will think it applies to anyone but themselves…….. AND ITS HUMOR.

      Live, learn, grow, laugh.

  19. Madona says:

    I think It will be a Right decision for all. I agree from this, did you?

  20. MikeN says:

    Busy week for Trump. Look for Phydeau to talk about Trump’s law firm winning Russian law firm of the year award, and sealed indictments against Trump. Meanwhile Tump has formed a voter integrity commission, that will look at California’s database of illegal immigrant drivers licenses and cross check with the voting rolls. According to liberals, vote fraud is not a problem, and we shouldn’t see much from this survey, right? Once that happens, that will kill the vote fraud issue nationwide, so liberals should be encouraging it.

  21. NewFormatSux says:

    Trump getting lots of little things wrong and big things right.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Taxes and Healthcare are listed as positives?

      …………….. pulease.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Scott Adams predicted it.
        First it was “Trump is Hitler”.
        By end of the year it will be “Trump is incompetent”.
        Then it will be “Trump is competent but I don’t like it”.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          First it was “Trump is Hitler”. /// Close. Turns out Trump is more a dumb Nixon: all his bad attributes and none of his good ones.

          By end of the year it will be “Trump is incompetent”. /// No…he was seen as an ran as an incompetent. Maybe I should have posted my warning more than I did this go round?==> “VOTE ALL INCOMPETENTS OUT OF OFFICE.” I’ll remember this next time.

          Then it will be “Trump is competent but I don’t like it”. /// Who would say THAT? Scott Adams? Not very insightful, not funny. He should stick to cartoons.

          • ± says:

            The only thing that matters is that either you will try to hire R/Ds like you usually do or not vote at all as in this past election. All the rest is sheeple garbage that keeps this blog alive.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:


          • Same old, same old says:

            Unlike you, Scott Adams can create cartoons AND provide rational, thought-provoking blog posts.

            Don’t give up your day job.

            Do you have a day job? Night job? Any job that brings in a non-government issued check?

          • Ah_Yea says:

            His day job is proving he’s clinically insane.

            And he’s doing a fine job of it!

  22. NewFormatSux says:

    Marc Perkel was one of the few people who spoke against the ‘Russians hacked the election’ idea based on what the FBI produced. Now he’s here arguing in favor of it, even while a private investigator reveals that tens of thousands of e-mails were sent by a DNC employee to Wikileaks before he was killed.

  23. Ohffs says:

    And now we have a Special Counsel to be followed by a Special Prosecutor. Have fun.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      I’m confused on the terminology. I think those are the same thing. They have not identified a crime that is being prosecuted or considered for prosecution. Collusion is not a crime. Flynn is Turkey not Russia, but at least that would be a legitimate case.

  24. Max says:

    @washingtonpost 3h3 hours ago
    Misery is being Paul Ryan

    On the bright side, misery loves company and it’s all their own fault. We’re building a DC car wash and washing boats so people can showboat. The Pittsburgh car wash didn’t pan out.

  25. Sadiya khan says:

    Nice to be here and to gather this marvelous articel to read and to explore more. Good to explore with my friends. Thanks

  26. what are you doing Trump !.. please Relax 🙂


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