Another perfect launch and landing by SpaceX. This is the first classified launch by SpaceX. Another booster recovered for reuse.
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(launch success rate spaceX)
1. Cost of Space X launch is 20% of MSRP.
2. Launch success rate is 93%.
The Felon makes good.
So when will he pay back to California the money he stole?
My magic eight ball says: “Never.”
Why do you ask?
What do you think “Felon makes good” even means?
Because authorities are aware of his crimes.
Yes, aware they are: and decided not to prosecute.
Why would they change their mind?
Lots of similarities and differences between any two people.
The Felon has technical competency, Hillary…takes pride in pretending she has none.
Hillary….no hero of Marcs. Sad you can’t tell the difference.
No she has no technical competency. She is unable to use a computer with a password, causing some of her problems at State.
What she pretends to be incompetent at is knowing the details of classified information, necessary to keep her story noncriminal. She claimed she thought C for confidential was just a paragraph label.
Your definition of zero appears to be numerically or qualitatively higher than mine.
We both know what kind of person ….. quibbles. Better than Pedro though. You know…. not a null.
Big whoop (yawn).
… Just another rich guy entertaining his phallic endeavors.
Think North Korea is angry, jealous, or scared?
China will eat Musk and Bezos for lunch.
Marc, what happens when Felon Musk has to pay taxes on the launches? Is he going to cheat again?
(Moose out front oughta told you.)
Comey is fired!
Comey is a complete asshat, but probably a relatively unbiased asshat.
Which makes him an unusual asshat.
Makes it somewhat difficult to make of him. But he draws far too much attention to himself and makes the FBI look like a zoo.
Tin foil hat time:
Now Hillary and those those that support the notion that Comey “threw the election to Trump” have to defend the integrity of Comey.
Comey threw the election! And Trump fired him no reason!
Sounds like “Airplane food is terrible!” “Yeah, and the portions are so small!”
Back in 2009, when “conservatives” lost to Obama, right wing hate radio went bonkers with conspiracy theories and other nutball stuff.
It was disgusting total loser city. And it made me smile every time I thought of Obama.
I never thought the “Democrats” would go bat-shit crazy.
But the response to Comey’s firing about “Oooh! Comey was too close to the truth ” is a laffer.
Life lesson: “Democrats” are just are dumb as “conservatives”.
Obama just got paid $3 million for a speech in Italy.
Holy Crap.
Big O’s shortcomings are blossoming into open weeping sores. Makes no sense to me…… the giving and the taking.
Does crack me up though. General Zinni is facing Fed Prison time for taking 39K but Obama can take 3Million without an issue.
………..Being in charge of the Military didn’t make him an officer subject to being recalled???
Ha, ha………..Politicians.
…………………………….. they write the rules.
Yeah, I’m not sure what my conclusions are.
But whatever they end up being, all the possibilities are different flavors of bad.
But hats off to Obama, that is a huge haul.
Not looking to change the topic, but I think Obama has a $60 million book deal.
Hillary — my eternal hatred of her stems from 2005 speech in India as proponent of outsourcing and seeker of Indian campaign money and I’m from Ohio where we have been hollowed out by NAFTA and outsourcing —
Hillary has a $20 million book deal, probably signed before the election. The publishers are faced with the stark reality they are going to lose their asses on the deal.
Also not related, the murder rate in Mexico in 2016 was astronomical — only exceeded by war in Syria. Not even Afghanistan came close to Mexico.
I don’t understand why the massive trade surplus due to NAFTA that Mexico enjoys with the USA doesn’t provide stability.
They received tons and tons of jobs from companies leaving the USA for Mexico, why is Mexico facing an all-time high organized crime rate?
/Thoughts of the day
Flynn not Zinni….but I agree: who cares?
“I don’t understand why the massive trade surplus due to NAFTA that Mexico enjoys with the USA doesn’t provide stability.” /// Because just as in the USA, for the same reasons, BY THE SAME PEOPLE, the growth/profit is siphoned off by and to the AlreadyTooRich.
Almost every gubment program you can find in various degrees is but a wealth transfer from the poor/middle/upper classes to the .01%.
Ryan Healthcare is NOTHING BUT.
So are all the trade deals.
………………….. Just ……………. Look.
A speech on climate to which he flew by private jet and had a motorcade of more than 10 cars. In the speech, he is saying we eat too much steak. Is this on video, so Trump can run ads in three years alongside the picture of the Dem nominee standing beside Obama at the convention?