McCain always says what’s morally right. Then he does the opposite.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    No argument that McCain is an idiot.

    And yes, the Repubs invoked the “Harry Reid” option. (Dems know Harry Reid created – and used – this when Repubs tried to block other judicial nominees?)

  2. Why mccain is not censured by old gobbler
    They sure knew how to punish tea party types
    Drain the swamp

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    All that shows is Colbert can’t comprehend things above a kindergarten level. No wonder he has trouble getting Trump, the guy speaks above him.

  4. Hmeyers says:

    That whole video was pretty funny.

  5. bobbo, never read the headlines says:

    Actually, McCain was being a stupid idiot when making his first statement rather than the second if anyone wants to actually appreciate the value of Colbert’s analysis.

    Sadly, only HM “gets it.” I know, nothing to fit on a bumper sticker, so beyond your group think.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Offer them a Pepsi 🙂

      • bobbo, never read the headlines says:


        Of course, all you have to do is think long enough.

        Here’s mine: “Impeach Trump”

        • Hmeyers says:

          Trump will probably end up doing half a dozen things that Democrats have down lip-service too saying they would do.

          Like fix NAFTA, etc.

          He’s a better Democrat than most of the actual Democrats.

          • Ah_Yea says:

            That’s why he won.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Well……Trump hasn’t “fixed” anything yet.

            I agree the Missle Attack sends a message, but it doesn’t fix anything.

            Should Korea be more nervous now than one week ago? I think so. but will it stop Korea? I don’t think so. Looks like stage one of the USA and Korea talking themselves into a limited war wiping out the border.

            And that is what WAR is all about. Not who wins, but what is left over.

            I’ll backtrack: if Trump will keep listening to Ivanka, he could indeed be a HOOGE change agent. Korea, Russia, China…… they aren’t you and me. Can’t project our own values onto them, or to Trump, or to Iran….or ISIS.

            Ha, ha….I think I do “understand” Syria/Sadat: he is a dictator who has no other choices with enough other people in his clan that identify with him in the same way. The Power of the Gun….and the money to buy bullets.


            Hate is why we can’t have nice things.

          • Hmeyers says:

            “Hasn’t fixed anything”.

            I don’t see it that way.

            Keep in mind I’m not a “fan club type” but rather keep an eye on actual results.

            1) H1B visa new rules dated March 31st which remove computer programmings/systems operators/tech from consideration for H1B visas. Someone with those skills might qualify, but they have to have an advanced specialization (think phd). Google will still their talent, Tatas and the other snake-like outsourcers are SOL.

            2) Illegal immigration is down 60%. It suppresses the wages of non-college educated laborers like home construction, painters, etc.

            3) Toyota is investing $1.3 in Kentucky plants instead of Mexico plants. While NAFTA hasn’t been addressed yet, since it is known to be a concern of Trump and campaign promise, businesses are not moving US jobs to Mexico out of fear of loss of investment.

            There are other things — the travel ban was a great attitude improvement/shot across the bow that Islamic extremism isn’t going to be coddled domestically and that message got out loud and clear.

            Now — that’s my scorecard at the moment.

            I didn’t factor in the Syria missile strike because frankly because the North Korea situation is going to be very hard to deal with.

            I’m not fond of the missile strike, btw, but I understand why something had to be done.

            But North Korea is the real problem.

            And so is getting fair trade with China.

            China/North Korea are the hardest issues.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Good luck on your first point. Tata and the like will just lie about the credentials.

          • Hmeyers says:

            By the way,

            The topics I mentioned above … immigration/H1B/jobs in US.

            Those are not “Republican” issues.

            If some Republican asshat like Paul Ryan were in charge, he’d want to cut Medicare and raise the H1B visa cap and would want Trans Pacific Partnership.

            So would a Jeb Bush or Mark Rubio.

            Or the Tea Party/House Freedom Caucus/Koch Brothers.

          • Hmeyers says:

            “Tatas lying about credentials”

            The Department of Labor has made it known that it is going to be taking H1B visa abuse complaints very seriously and will be investigating them.

            They also released a reminder statement against discriminating against American citizens.

            New sheriff in town. I’d keep an eye out for them to put someone’s head on a stick as a warning sometime this year.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Won’t matter. It is 100% of their income stream. Tata you could get to because they are a larger conglomerate, and other revenues could be threatened. On the other hand, they also have influence in India and could cause retribution.

            These companies hold special workshops on how to comply with the H1B requirements while still hiring foreigners. They can say they will crack down on visa abuse, but how are they going to check credentials?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            > Looks like stage one of the USA and Korea talking themselves into a limited war wiping out the border.

            That’s cause you don’t get Trump. Notice how he got China to stop buying coal from the Norks.

  6. Not funny says:

    Steven Colbert is a first-order, liberal asshole.

    • bobbo, never read the headlines says:

      So…… that good or bad?

      ……………………………………. and to the sounds of crickets: why?

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        Yeah…..I see the anti-intellectualism continues to overflow the boundaries of bobble-headed talking points and labels into duplicative knee jerk autonomous reactions.

        But, not even talking points, but cartoons.

        Ha, ha….from talking points, to bumper stickers, to labels, now cartoons. THAT is why there is no response……there is no thinking in it to begin with.

        Carry on.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Here’s some thinking:

          United dragging that guy off the plane.

          They say the 4 United employees who showed up when they were about to close the cabin door. That’s damn rude.

          It required 4 passengers to give up their seats.

          Why didn’t they offer bribes to customers for volunteered instead of be jacked-booted?

          They sure showed that Asian doctor customer service dragging him off the plane.

          That’s the United Experience! Cramped seats, bad customer service and getting dragged on the floor off the plane!

          • NewFormatSux says:

            They offered $400, then $800, and then they gave up. Federal law allows them to go up to $1350. They should have offered $3000 and ignored the law.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            NFS….I’m sure United followed all “the rules” as did their Goons…..but the law ought to atleast require the offer of the max amount BEFORE the goons are sent in.

            As I watched the goons work the guy over, I remembered getting my sisters to do whatever I wanted by giving them “Indian Rope Burns” until they complied.

            USA ==== has become a “Goon Nation.”

            Its fun to follow the commentary….so many “facts” and attitudes revealed.

            I haven’t “heard” anything…..but…. raise your hand. Who thinks that nub is actually a doc?….and so forth.

            I think the law should change. Once the plane is boarded…no bumps for internal airline business. Got to pay the demand if you want (not need) the space.

            ……………. but nothing will change………

          • Hmeyers says:

            I agree with the “if the plane is boarded” no internal airline employees can boot a customer.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Bobbo, I argued they should not have followed the rules, and gone beyond the max. I’d like to see the government win that case at trial. “Defendant offered $3000 for someone to give up their seat. This is higher than the law which says $1350.”

            Here’s a tip if you are ever made an offer. Write down a number on a piece of paper and give it to the flight attendant. They have leeway, and you will probably get it.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            NFS===you are missing the obvious.

            The law does not prevent the Airlines from offering more. THE WHOLE POINT is that the law allows the forceful removal of passengers once their permission to be on your property is removed, just like any other trespasser.

            Try to focus on the relevant issues.

            Ha, ha………..USA==>totally racist country. The not black doctor is treated as if he was the victim and not the criminal when he only got injuries from his own flailing around. No sympathy at all for the Black man totally innocent and complying with all demands who gets shot dead because the cop was afraid.

            The RULE IS, in all cases: do what the cop says and argue about it later.


          • Hmeyers says:


            Life isn’t about those things.

            Your limitations as an atheist are showing.

            Life is about spirituality, belief and trying to strive to be more — even if logic says it is futile.

            As an atheist — which means nihilist — you believe life to be futile.

            As an agnostic — I believe that I can never know the inner mysteries — but since I think mysteries beyond my grasp exist, I believe life to be fulfilling.

            I am destined to never know the secrets we would all like to know.

            It gives me something you as an atheist can never have.


            You and I live in the same universe and have very similar beliefs.

            But your drown your sorrows in the fact that your glass is half empty, while I rejoice that mine is half full.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            > No sympathy at all for the Black man totally innocent and complying with all demands who gets shot dead because the cop was afraid.

            That is the standard narrative that the media uses, which collapses upon investigation(unless it’s a female cop).

            From what I’ve read, the law does prevent airlines from offering more.

        • Hmeyers says:

          United Airlines slogan …

          “Fly the Friendly Skies”

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

    Hmeyers taking a new philosophical hijacking for the first time interestingly says:
    4/12/2017 at 8:37 pm


    Life isn’t about those things. /// What things? I looked for 5 seconds and couldn’t ID the reference.

    Your limitations as an atheist are showing. /// I’m not an atheist. I’m an anti-theist. Thats even more better.

    Life is about spirituality, belief and trying to strive to be more — even if logic says it is futile. /// Totally correct…….. thus spake the existentialist.

    As an atheist — which means nihilist — you believe life to be futile. /// No. Use the dictionary. It will give you the grounding your politics and spirituality miss. Life is futile or not depending on what meaning you decide to give it and the choices you make thereafter.

    As an agnostic — I believe that I can never know the inner mysteries — but since I think mysteries beyond my grasp exist, I believe life to be fulfilling. /// There you go.

    I am destined to never know the secrets we would all like to know. /// Destiny?……who knows.

    It gives me something you as an atheist can never have. /// I don’t think so. Most atheists I know are still hooman, with all the frailities, unknowns, and side bar spirituality.

    Hope. /// Hubris.

    You and I live in the same universe and have very similar beliefs. //// We hoomans across the board are all more alike than different……..but we focus and kill over those small differences.

    But your drown your sorrows in the fact that your glass is half empty, while I rejoice that mine is half full. //// Ha, ha……. I’ll make half an undefined bet that I’m among the most rejoiceful people there are. Wait!!!!!…. Rejoicing is a good thing…. right?

    Everything is definitional.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

    NewFormatSux sticking with his old unthinking ways says:
    4/12/2017 at 8:55 pm

    > No sympathy at all for the Black man totally innocent and complying with all demands who gets shot dead because the cop was afraid.

    That is the standard narrative that the media uses, which collapses upon investigation(unless it’s a female cop). /// Its standard media coverage because thats what you have to say as a cop not to get charged…………, they all say it. Every time.

    From what I’ve read, the law does prevent airlines from offering more. /// Really. I’d be surprised if that were so. something close and easily confuseable….but not that. Although….contra…. I could see the airlines having that language put in so they could claim such a limit. But still: whats the penalty for paying more? If its easy to find….. please do so? It would be the first time you remembered something wrong. Wrong in philosophical underpinnings if not in fact?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      I’ve seen reported that the MAX is $1350. However, I also remember hearing about cash offers higher than this, so I am not very certain about the reporting.
      United wasn’t offering cash, but vouchers for United.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

        Yes…I saw the same $1350. I assumed absent explanation that is the maximum a passenger can sue for and win?

        I don’t see any limitation coming the other way against the Airline. In my book, they have lost their way. My rule should apply at a minimum…..and I would not have given vouchers or whatever to all the other passengers. They aren’t snowflakes and the doc was not totally innocent.

        Obvious, like too much else in USA….. the system if f*cked and needs a major overhaul to the benefit of “we the people.”

        Not well covered….. the obviously totally corrupt report issued by the Police Department. EVERYTHING IS CORRUPT…… and lied about.

        Its all really disgusting…… as most things are.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          That is the max airlines can offer to volunteers, reportedly. People who are removed without volunteering are given a certain multiple of their ticket price in cash.
          The vouchers for everyone is not typical and just PR attempts by United.

  9. Kaboom says:

    Word of the Day:


  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

    I was right.

    Airlines can offer as much as they want for voluntary bumps and have a max liability of $1350 for involuntary bumps.

    Ha ha…I used to volunteer for bumps. Now????…… my price just went up.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      OK, that makes more sense. So United should have just offered $1500 cash. My guess is $800 cash instead of vouchers would have done it, they only needed 4.
      You would be foolish to wait for an involuntary bump if you typically volunteer. See above for protocol.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential anti-theist and Social Justice Kibbitzer says:

        After I correct you……… tell me to read what I linked too?

        Always…………. the Master of Finesse.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          No no, I meant my post above about what to do to get money.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            The generic you. Yes…….I agree. Thanks for the clarification.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Makes sense why it’s being reported the other way. If the max that airlines have to give to involuntarily bumped passengers is $1350, then they likely will not offer more than that.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        Good will. Public support and perception. Stock Price.

  11. John says:

    This guy quite humorous but he actually says something good. The video quite funny and informative though.


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