There seems to be at going on between the Trump administration and the Russians. Today it was revealed the Attorney General Sessions lied to Congress under oath claiming he had no contact with the Russians during the campaign when he had. Back in 1998 the Republicans tried to impeach President Clinton for lying under oath about sex. Lying about meeting with Russian spies is a far more serious situation.

During the campaign Trump made public statements encouraging the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails to affect the outcome of the elections. Although many people ignored it at the time thinking Trump was too stupid to realize what he was saying, that doesn’t absolve him from encouraging people to break the law and collude with Communist spies. Now that he’s President we can no longer write off these statement as the rantings of a mad man. Trump has to take responsibility for his actions. It’s time that we appointed a special prosecutor who is independent to investigate White House officials who are lying under oath about their contacts and involvement with the Russians.

Yum – Russian Spies ….

Image result for anna chapman spy

  1. ± says:

    Wow! I totally agree with your misspelling free, grammatically correct, cogently presented thesis.

    What a great country the USA is. This was the most entertaining election ever and now we’re in the nascent stage of the most entertaining presidency ever.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Shorter thesis by Perkel: Russia hacking is a lie, just like WMD. We need to investigate Republican involvement with Russian hacking.

  2. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    Even juicier than the babe pictured (is that Ivanka in her modeling days going down for the NRA?) is the sublime irony, so far lost on everyone from what I have seen, is that “so far” as anyone has alleged, the interference of the Russkies was to honestly provide the secret communications going on at the DNC?

    Is there anything else???

    So much like hanging the messenger. but yeah….if thats what the full bore investigation reveals PLUS everyone who knows T.Rump lying about it………. for no good reason…….. then the condemnation for this should fall squarely on the American Media for failing to turn up the Russian Stuff first. THAT and their failure to lambast T.Rump until he turned over his TAX RETURNS.

    Yep: after the deplorables, I blame the Main Stream Media.

    You Know Folks: its always the money. Every Issue…without exception: always the money. There are other issues like sexual perversion and such, or religious insanity, or gun nuttery….but even half of those have money somewhere if not at the root (EG: the sex scandals of the Catholic Church: all spring from money) and the other half aren’t interesting beyond the pervert involved.

    bobbopredicts: T.Rump fiasco will boil down to money and the Orange one simply wanting to keep it a secret, maybe free from taxation…but probably not. No…T.Rump just has 60 years under his belt of lying to everyone for his personal advantage, promising and not delivering, contracting and not performing, going bankrupt under the protection of the law, playing to other similar egotists in the same way. He took money from Russia and returned the favors in many indirect ways… like appointing half his inner circle, like appointing Russian connected people to government posts and so forth.

    Saying that…. I don’t think T.Rump is disloyal to america….beyond being greedy for the dollar. AND I don’t think Putin has any trust in T.Rump at all. Like any game…. its worth it to both parties to see who can play the other along and when to pull out to maximize your own advantage.

    Its all right there: Just Look. sordid. But just look.

    We “almost” deserve what is coming. The difference: ignorance is a shave more innocent that the evil that knowingly takes advantage of them…………but it is a dance you have to get up for.

    Yea, verily.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      The Russians believed Playdoh that Hillary would become President and were just trying to sabotage her presidency to keep her from starting a war with them. By telling this happy talk about Trump has no chance, liberals actually produced the Trump victory. It’s like a sci-fi movie. Had Putin known, they would have tried to keep out the guy whose energy policy will bankrupt Russia.

      • Hmeyers says:

        Pro tip: If Trump released his tax returns, Bobbo still wouldn’t like Trump.

        Hillary released her tax returns and 96.8% her charity donations were to the Clinton Foundation.

        The Clinton Foundation that when Hillary was Sectary of State went around hitting up foreign governments for cash.

        It was a money laundering operation.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          thats true………but the things I like about T.Rump would still stand. I’d just have one or more ADDITIONAL reasons not to like him…. and/or…. a whole bunch of confirmation about why T.Rump is so full of BS…….. ie…… hiding his important considerations by wrapping them in populous claptrap he has no intent of providing.

          You know: like rescinding EPA regulations on clean water allowing some Coal company to dump its waste into the local river then 30 minutes later giving a speech about how important the environment is……….as close to pure BS as you can get.

          …………….but if Tax Returns show T.Rump has a $$ interest in that Coal Company or others with the same waste problem…. then yes, that would be an additional reason to dislike T.Rump………. as if any were needed.

    • Hmeyers says:

      @ Bobbo

      Here are 2 informative videos I think you may enjoy.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        Standard Operant Conditioning. I did the same thing with rats. but I admit its news that the bee can do it…rather than just function as a member of the hive. Very Borg like behavior (that teen that Picard caught… and then in “Only Hollywood Would Do It” did not load the kid with a virus to destroy the Borg===Picard should be hung by his balls until he goes bald. …………. oops……… Starfleet already did that for an earlier similar transgression).

        I more enjoyed the diy simple tools made from glue and plywood. Easier to go to Harbor Freight. Quality not as good…. but they honor their return policy.

    • ± says:

      [bobbo said]
      “… we almost deserve what is coming …”

      You and all other R/D voters definitely deserve what is coming because you all engineered it! What I don’t understand is how 200 million voters (most of the electorate) can feel good about what they do to the people who are trying to improve things and the minors they are responsible for and who had nothing to do with it.

      • bobbo, the truth has a liberal bias says:

        I blame third party supporters who can’t find better candidates and mechanically wind up throwing elections to the worse of two candidates.


        …………will it never dawn on you?

        ((Yes….thats rhetorical.))

        • ± says:

          What a typical liberal response. You just can’t or won’t accept responsibility for the action of your vote. Instead you blame voters trying to change the broken status quo. These voters had nothing to do with who was hired by the substantially pathetic electorate.

          Didju register yet?
          ((No….thats [sic] not rhetorical.))

        • NewFormatSux says:

          >I blame third party supporters

          So you get your analysis from Rachel Maddow.

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    Marc, you had your chance. You could have called for a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary’s server, you did not. You could have gone on news shows revealing what you knew about the server, you did not. You could have posted the details for others to spread, you did not.
    You had a chance to make Bernie President, but like him, when the time came you blinked.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      You posted the occasional attacks on Hillary, but held back the heavy artillery. We saw a Wikileaks e-mail that Bernie had an ‘arrangement’ with Hillary not to attack too hard. Did you have one too? Were you contacted by Bernie surrogates to back off?

  4. NewFormatSux says:

    No, Sessions didn’t lie under oath. If his intention were to lie about contacts with Russians, he could have just said nothing. Al Franken didn’t ask Sessions if Sessions had been in contact with Russians; there was no reason for him to bring up a lie.
    It’s obvious he meant he had no nefarious contacts like the ones Franken was asking about with regards to Trump campaign people.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      That’s why we need an investigator to find out what really happened.

      • Hmeyers says:

        Perkel gets asked if he has illicit contacts with India.

        Perkel says “no”.

        Prosecutor shows footage of Perkel talking to an Indian hotdog vendor while Claire McCaskill is in a meeting with the Russia ambassador.

        Film at 11.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          He was asked if he has had illicit contacts with Bernie and Hillary, and stayed silent.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Yes, let’s investigate the arrangement with Bernie and Hillary that hijacked the election. What did Perkel know and when did he know it? HMeyers got all excited about a candidate who made a deal to lose.

      • Mr Diesel - Language says:

        Sorry Marc but in this case you are full of shit.

        Sessions didn’t lie to Al Franken the failed comedian.

        I have watched what he said and read what he said. He didn’t lie, it’s just another witch hunt to try and take down Trump.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          What do you mean failed comedian? He was excellent in Trading Places!

          • Mr Diesel - Language says:

            You know, every time I see Al Franken I think of the dock scene sending the gorilla away.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        A prosecutor is not the same as an investigator.

  5. Hmeyers says:

    2 years ago, I said to someone the USA lacks a common culture any more.

    I remember in the late 1990s Seinfeld was popular enough that most people could converse about it, for example. After that, most common culture subjects were terrorism related like 9/11 or Osama Bin Laden being killed or Charlie Hedbo Paris Massacre.

    Ever since Trump, everyone has a common culture subject to talk about again.

    He is probably the most talked about human being in the history of the world. And I think Trump enjoys every second of it.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Except most of it is criticism. He hates being criticized, because he is the best ever, you know, and it’s totally unfair!!! SAD!

      I think it’s a significant possibility that he takes his toys and goes home because people are being so mean to him.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    So … Where’s Waldo … ?

    Here is a transcript of the question from Franken and the answer from Sessions:

    Franken: Okay. CNN has just published a story, and I’m telling you this about a news story that’s just been published. I’m not expecting you to know whether or not it’s true or not. But CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that, quote, “Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” These documents also allegedly say, quote, “There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump’s surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.” Now, again, I’m telling you this as it’s coming out, so you know. But if it’s true, it’s obviously extremely serious, and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?

    Sessions: Senator Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn’t have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.

    Where is the misleading?

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      In the statement he made after that one. I don’t care enough to look it up. Now to your links. Normally, without a one sentence review on their import, I would not do this. I will just assume however you are in your manic phase and thinking clearly.

      • ± says:

        [!!bobbo forgot his pseudo-pithy self-rejoinder] 🍺 🍻 🥂 🍷 🥃 🍸 🍹 🍾

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      I didn’t have — did not have communications with the Russians

      What part of English do you not understand? He did have communications with the Russians. He said under oath that he didn’t, but he did. He lied under oath. Just like Clinton did when he denied getting it on with Monica.

      Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. But he was a Democrat. Sessions lied under oath, but he’s a Republican. Totally different situation. 🙄 🙄

      The White House spinmeisters said it was in the course of his duties on the Armed Services Committee, but as it has been widely reported, ASC members don’t have communication with foreign ambassadors (That’s the Foreign Relations committee).

      So no one has adequately explained why Sessions met with the Russian ambassador at least once during the election season, and then lied under oath that he didn’t.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Despite what Fake News media is telling you, Senators meet with lots of people. Mere months before he invaded Kuwait, Saddam was being toasted by lots of Senators in both parties. If we had twitter back then, they would have been furiously deleting later. Or maybe knowledge of it would have made them less likely to invade, and we’d have Iraq+Kuwait as a counterbalance to Iran and Saudi Arabia(or maybe Iraq+Kuwait+Saudi Arabia with Syria a Saddam ally instead or Iran pipeline to Hezbollah in Lebanon).

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      And notice how he stuttered when he denied talking to the Russians…

    • Marc Perkel says:

      What’s misleading? “I did not have communications with the Russians”

      • NewFormatSux says:

        There you go again… Any answer has to be to considered in the context of the question, which was about meetings of surrogates and campaign people with Russians to discuss the campaign. This is what is in the questionnaire that Franken keeps referencing, and the question he is asking here. That Sessions met with the Russian ambassador is irrelevant if the context was not about the campaign.

        • Marc Perkel says:

          The question was did anyone in the campaign have contact with Russians. Answer, “I did not have communications with the Russians” – which is a lie under oath.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            No, that was not the question. In fact, it was, “What will you do?”

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Was there a followup, because it looks like Sessions ducked the question, which had nothing to do with whether Sessions met with Russians, Franken even says I don’t expect you to know about it, but what would he do as AG to investigate these claims?

  7. Kyle says:

    I stopped reading after the first sentence. Grammar checkers are not hard to use.

  8. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    No one has adequately explained why Sessions met with the Russian ambassador at least once during the election season, and then lied under oath that he didn’t.

  9. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Ya know, it’s amazing the power that the Republican party has over the wingnuts… for decades they were told to hate and fear Russia. And they did, enthusiastically. And now in a few short months they’ve been instructed to disregard those decades of hatred, and now Russia is our best buddy… and they comply enthusiastically once again! Yes sir boss, how high?

    I mean, it’s right out of 1984… We have always been at war with Eurasia… We have always been allies with Eurasia…


    • NewFormatSux says:

      Did you notice an intervening election where Trump destroyed the Republican Party. The ones who hate the Russians and jobs in America for Americans are still there, but they don’t know what to do.

  10. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Off topic here, but oh lordy, the hypocrisy…

    Pence used personal email for state business — and was hacked—-and-hacked/98604904/

    Vice President Mike Pence routinely used a private email account to conduct public business as governor of Indiana, at times discussing sensitive matters and homeland security issues.

    Emails released to IndyStar in response to a public records request show Pence communicated via his personal AOL account with top advisers on topics ranging from security gates at the governor’s residence to the state’s response to terror attacks across the globe. In one email, Pence’s top state homeland security adviser relayed an update from the FBI regarding the arrests of several men on federal terror-related charges.

    Pence’s own account was compromised in June when a hacker sent a counterfeit email to his contacts claiming Pence he and his wife had been attacked on their way back to their hotel in the Philippines, losing their money, bank cards and mobile phone.

    In response, Pence sent an email to those who had received the fake communication apologizing for any inconvenience. He also set up a new AOL account.

    Because the hacker appears to have gained access to Pence’s contacts, experts say it is likely that the account was actually penetrated, giving the hacker access to Pence’s inbox and sent messages.

    LOCK. HIM. UP.

    Silly me, he’s a Republican. No worries! 🙄 🙄

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Actually, I take that back, it’s not off topic. People are bringing up Clinton’s email server issue as something that disqualifies her for office, as some kind of feeble counterexample to Sessions’ perjury.

      We have direct evidence that Pence used private email, and direct evidence that his email was hacked.

      Does that make him unqualified for office?

      Silly me, he’s a Republican. No worries! 🙄 🙄

      • NewFormatSux says:

        So are you retracting your prior statement that Hillary’s server wasn’t accessed by others?

      • What About Bobbo? says:

        Hillary Clinton is unqualified for office. She remains the most corrupt politician EVER to run for office.

        But that’s not even the point. The POINT is she lost the election.

        Thats it. There is nothing more to say. Even if Trump stepped down, it wouldn’t matter. Hillary Clinton will NEVER BE PRESIDENT of the US. NOT EVER. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

        Get a fucking grip on reality.

        Sorry for the Caps, but sometimes you need to fight the stupidity by yelling a little.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Do you agree that this Obama’s greatest accomplishment, making him worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize?

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Ya know, it takes a special kind of hypocrisy to stand up in front of the public for many months criticizing Clinton for using a private email server for government business, all the while using a private email server yourself for your own government business, and oops getting it hacked!

      That’s a special kind of strong, sustained hypocrisy. Reminiscent of Newt Gingrich criticizing Bill Clinton for his Monica affair while he was cheating on his second wife with his third wife. At least I think it was #2 and #3, I’ve gotten confused with Newt, there were so many…

    • NewFormatSux says:

      So Pence set up his own server for handling e-mail? I guarantee you if he did that, he would have done a better job than Hillary did.

      You do know lots of state level people are not dealing with the same security issues as the Secretary of State?
      Of course you do, but anything to make your point.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails either sent or received. Was that true? Comey: That’s not true. Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said, “I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. There is no classified material.” Was that true? Comey: There was classified material e-mailed.

      Read more at:

  11. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    And the noose tightens…

    The commie libruls at the Wall Street Journal have this to say:

    The Trump administration says Attorney General Jeff Sessions was acting as a then-U.S. senator when he talked to Russia’s ambassador at an event during last year’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, but Mr. Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of his own political funds and he spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records.

    Larry Noble, general counsel at the Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan advocacy group, said Mr. Sessions likely used his campaign account, rather than official Senate funds, because as a senior adviser to the Trump campaign it would have been difficult to argue that he wasn’t attending the convention for any political purpose. “If he was truly there solely as a member of the Armed Services Committee, then he could’ve used his legislative account,” Mr. Noble said.

    So if he wasn’t there talking to people as a U.S. Senator on the ASC, then what role was he taking? Sure looks like he was a campaign flack when he talked to Ambassador Kislyak…

    But wait! Maybe he used his super-duper-top-secret Senator Powers to switch from campaign flack to official Senator right before he talked to Kislyak! Yeah, that’s the ticket! 😀

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Wow, not even your fellow tribesmen are talking about the convention meeting… Maybe you need to go back for reprogramming.

  12. Kyle says:

    Yawn…..this blog has turned into 24/7 Trump bashing by illiterate editors and fanatical left wingnuts.

    Might as well be watching CNN.

  13. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    From a Robert Reich post on

    The number of close Trump associates who have been accused of having undisclosed contact with Russian agents, or who have reportedly been investigated by the F.B.I., now stands at 7. Here’s the scorecard:

    1. Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager;
    2. Michael Cohen, his personal lawyer;
    3. Roger Stone, a longtime political associate;
    4. Carter Page, an oil-industry consultant who acted as one of his foreign-policy advisers;
    5. Michael Flynn, Trump campaign advisor and, briefly, national security advisor;
    6. Jeff Sessions, Trump campaign advisor and now attorney general;
    7. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and top White House aide (see story below).

    Why were there so many contacts with Russian operatives and known spies before and after the election, and why were they so frequent?

    Why did most of these people try to hide them, or even deny they occurred?

    How many more revelations will be necessary until the trail leads directly to Trump?

    What do you think?

    Story he’s referring to in #7:

    The Republicans have learned nothing from Nixon — it’s not the action, it’s the coverup that gets you in the end.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Make up your mind, was Trump under serious investigation by the FBI over Russian hijacking of the election with wiretaps and everything, or this all a lie made up by Trump?

  14. Kyle says:

    VIDEO: Awkward silence after Pelosi asked if she’s ever met with Russians

    Liberal tempest in a teapot…Im going back to sleep.


    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Thanks for demonstrating the straw man logical fallacy, Kyle.

      As everyone knows, the problem (as Nixon found out) is not the event itself but trying to cover up the event. Lots of public officials have met with Russians, including Democrats, but lately the only ones trying to hide it are in the Trump administration.

      Now why are they trying to hide something that could be perfectly innocuous?

      Never mind, Kyle, too hard for you to understand. Go back to bunnie and blankie. 😉

      • NewFormatSux says:

        There was no event, no crime.

      • What About Bobbo? says:

        Phydeau, seriously man, your obsessive-compulsive behavior is disturbing. I mean, we get it, you hate Trump, we really do get it.

        But this obsession is not healthy. There is a hate burning inside you that might require some sort of therapy. I really am not trying to be mean or offensive, it’s too much to ignore at this point.

        It’s going to be OK, try to relax a little. Take a break, go backpacking, ride a bike, go to a bar, knock back a couple of beers. Life is way too short to think you are going to change anything by venting on a blog. Try to enjoy your life before it’s too late.

        Or let your hate consume you, and alienate everyone around you.

        • ± says:

          He is a paid troll. You’re asking him to give up his livelihood. Not reasonable/realistic/practical. Why paid trolls are tolerated is … well … I guess not so hard to fathom.

          Just sayin’. 🦍

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Give Phydeau a break. He’ll cool down with all the legalization that liberals are supporting. In fact drug legalization could destroy the Left.

        • Phydeau says:

          You guys are so cute, studiously ignoring all the facts. I mean, if it was so easy to disprove and discredit these allegations, you’d be all over it.

          But you got nothing. Your boy Trump stinks. So you focus on attacking the person who points out the truth.

          Knock yourselves out boys. 😉

  15. NewFormatSux says:

    We were told Trump Administration was chaotic and incompetent. However, if that were true, he would be facing big trouble right now. Obama in his last days quietly changed the order of succession at the Justice Department to make next in line go to a buddy of Obama and Holder. Trump changed it back via executive order to the original policy. Had incompetent and chaotic Trump not noticed this scheme, Obama crony would be in charge of investigating Trump at full excess, just like they are conducting illegal and lying leaks all over. With their original plan thwarted, they have to resort to making calls for a special prosecutor.
    Is it time for Trump to bring out the big guns and release all the info Obama has been keeping secret?

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      In your assessment one example of anything negates the body of evidence otherwise?

      Thats called………..not too bright. Or just very partisan.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        No, but it is one example that things aren’t quite as bad as they look.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Perhaps it is just partisan, and they were most competent in paying attention to where Obama was being partisan.

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    Phydeau is still at anger stage of Trump grief, but where is he on the 13 step Trump scandal process?

    The basic formula for every breaking Trump story is:

    Fake News article that appears extremely damning.
    Anti-Trumpers, express shrieking outrage,smoking gun at last.
    Aggrieved former Clinton apparatchiks *connect the dots*
    Self-proclaimed legal experts rashly opine as to whether a crime.
    5. Russian “collusion” being key to toppling Trump becomes further implanted in the minds of energized activists
    6. Pointing out these glaring flaws in the latest anti-Russia frenzy is immediately construed by cynics as “defending Trump”
    7. People who’d spent past 12hrs frothing at the mouth gradually realize that their initial furor was probably overblown
    8. Democrats who sought to capitalize end up looking foolish.
    9. “normalized” to cast contacts with Russians as sinister.
    10. Political clumsiness interpreted as more calculated
    11. Trump official’s least egregious quality ends up being portrayed as his most egregious quality.
    12. The overall political climate gets further degraded and warped without any commensurate upside.
    13. Repeat.

    • Curb your pet says:

      Fido is the personification of the old ancient Arabic proverb:

      “The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.”

      Fido is the dog.

      • bobbo, the truth has a liberal bias says:

        Ummmmm………this is a thread ABOUT TRUMP.

        So…..yeah……. let’s dump on anyone that uses FACTS and LINKS to demonstrate the truth.

        Its not like Phydeau brings up T.Rump on all the AGW threads we have here.

        I mean: vacuous straw man ab hominem TO THE MAX: because you have nothing else.

        …………and btw: once you have life long corruption for personal self gain for 50 years….. I don’t see much of a point in trying to differentiate Hillary from T.Rump. Except….one is President and the other is History……so, let’s keep bringing her up?

        …………….because you got nothing to argue.

        Sucks to be you.

        • Curb your pet says:


          • bobbo, the truth has a liberal bias says:

            Thanks for the response. Allows me to add the BIG DIFFERENCE between T.Rump and Hillary:

            They both obviously lie all the time about everything. Hillary: hard to pin down. T.Rump: constantly exposed with his “pants on the ground.”

            “….♫…Pants on the Ground…”

            “….♫…Pants on the Ground…”

            “….♫…Pants on the Ground…”

            “….♫…He’s got his Pants on the Ground…”

            very catchy tune…. always makes me laugh.

          • ± says:

            [to bobbo]¹
            But you didn’t vote, but if you would have voted, you would have voted for your flavor of known evil scum.

            I don’t know which is worse, but I still needed to post this reminder for everyone that you are as bad (or worse) than those who helped to hire Trump. Yet you, like the majority of the electorate, still thump your collective chests with righteousness in support of your flavor of known evil scum.

            This country is truly and awesomely fucked.

            ¹this forum’s format truly and awesomely sucks

        • Curb your pet says:

          You write. Yet all your words translate to “woof”.

          Why is that?

          • bobbo, the truth has a liberal bias says:

            Obviously……that you have a very thick filter in place.

            Just look.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    Reality Check.

    Hillary is a crook;
    Marc and other liberals know this;
    Marc and other liberals voted for her anyhow;
    Marc and other liberals want the moral high ground;

    Marc and other liberals lie to themselves and say Trump is worse so they can still feel morally superior;

    This liberal lie creates cognitive dissonance, a mental disorder.


    • bobbo, the truth has a liberal bias says:

      T.Rump is also a crook.

      …………………….. how did you choose between them?

      T.Rump: “I’m against minimum wage. Workers already make too much money making USA non-competitive.”

      Clinton: “I’m for $15 minimum wage…. or $12….but up to $15. ………. Just vote for me.”

      Both corrupt…….but can you see the difference Oh_No….or was this issue just one of the many why you support T.Rump????????????

      • TheInvisableJCD says:

        Joan and I went to MacShit today. One Big Mac each… one order of small fries and I had a shake… almost $20. Keep on asking for $15 an hour you dumb shit. I can get a blow job cheaper than that…

        • NewFormatSux says:

          This is how you end up with Wendy’s and McDonald’s bringing out ordering kiosks, and a new machine that can make hundreds of burgers an hour, with no help. Once you raise the minimum wage and put those machines in, the jobs are not coming back.

          Every liberal would be better off if they realized what The New York Times printed in 1990 on its editorial page:
          The real minimum wage is zero.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      I’m not denying Hillary is a crook, But that’s off topic.

  18. Mr Anderson says:

    So Trump hired the Russian hackers….

  19. TheInvisableJCD says:

    Another fake news story by this site.

  20. NewFormatSux says:

    More promises kept. Trump undoes the swipe at gun owners. I thought Democrats assured us they supported the 2nd amendment for ‘hunting and sport shooting’.

  21. Pissed Off says:

    Back in 1998 the Republicans tried to impeach President Clinton for lying under oath about sex.


    I was there. Republicans didn’t “try” to impeach Clinton — “THEY” ACTUALLY IMPEACHED HIM!!!

    That’s right! William Jefferson Clinton WAS IMPEACHED! It’s a historical FACT!!! However, Bill Clinton was never PROSECUTED for LYING TO CONGRESS (about his sexual relations in the OVAL OFFICE). Probably because Bill Clinton only had a very short time left before he would forever leave the Presidency.

    You STUPID fuckers seem to think that being impeached is the same thing as being prosecuted — NOPE!

    If you care to get your facts straight, you might want to once again look at the Nixon administration where ol’ Tricky Dick was THREATENED with impeachment and very likely — later — be prosecuted for covering up the Watergate break-in. Nixon knew that if he was impeached he would probably go to jail AFTER he was prosecuted. So instead, Nixon decided to resign the Presidency rather than facing a looming trial that he knew he would likely loose. Of course, Ford later pardoned Nixon for a crime that Nixon was never charged with. In fact, Nixon was never even impeached! But back then, it was a very different matter. Nevertheless, the same rules applied: impeach and then prosecute.

    In the case of Bill Clinton, he succeeded quite well in that first step of getting his ass impeached. Again, a FACT! However, unlike Nixon, Clinton knew he would NOT likely face a trial. Nevertheless, Clinton had multiple chances to set the record straight with Congress and NEVER DID IT. That is, until he was confronted with undeniable evidence (mostly, Monica Lewinsky, Jenifer Flowers and that dress with his jizz stains all over it).

    … And yes, the Clinton IMPEACHMENT was a bit of a witch hunt since it was pretty much all about his sexual escapades. Hell! we already knew Bill Clinton was a bit of a sex pervert before he was even elected. But LYING TO CONGRESS is an abhorrent thing for ANYONE to do, let alone a sitting U.S. President! Bill Clinton was even offered the chance to tell the truth to Congress where any and all facts would never be released, yet he still refused. That is, until the undeniable truth hit him square in the face.

    If you take anything away from this, understand that it’s standard operating procedure, almost written in the DNA of Bill, Hillary and possibly even Chelsea to always LIE!

    What amazes me is how some people still hold Bill Clinton as some kind of idol. Impeachment of a President is a very hard thing for Congress to achieve, yet, in Bill Clinton’s case, it was done! Bill Clinton should forever have an asterisk by his name indicating his DISHONOR. But if we can elect a dope fiend like Marion Barry then I guess all hope is lost for anyone ever knowing anything about our elected officials HONOR!

    • NewFormatSux says:

      The chickens came home to roost when Donald Trump brought his rape victims to the debate to face their attacker. Dems had fooled themselves into thinking that the media would cover for them, and not talk about Clinton is a rapist. With a candidate other than Trump, it would have worked.

    • ± says:

      To further clarify¹, impeached is to a president, as indicted is to the rest of us.

      ¹Since there are lots of R/D voters on this blog, this clarification appears to be necessary.

    • Phydeau says:

      Wow, epic rant totally off topic. Yes, we know you hate some politicians.

      So, PO, why did Jeff Sessions talk to the Russian ambassador twice and then lie about it?

    • bobbo, the truth has a liberal bias says:

      Ummmmm…… just as a point in fact: BC was impeached by the House……….but NOT in the Senate. so….”CONGRESS” DID NOT IMPEACH BC.

      He should have been…but wasn’t.

      Just as T.Rump should never have been elected by the bozo’s in the Electoral College.

      ……………………………. I think its called: …………….. Politics. IE: putting party, power, and perceived self interests above your elected constitutional role and the interests of your Country.

      about 96% of Congress should be impeached.

      but you know: Politics.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        No, he got it right. Read the Constitution. Like he said, it’s like an indictment, and the Senate is like a conviction.

  22. NewFormatSux says:

    To have a special prosecutor, you have to have a crime. FISA court is not for criminal investigation, so anything that they were investigating via FISA where they were spying on Trump is not applicable. Hacking of the Democrats’ (and Republicans’) servers is a crime whose identity has already been revealed by FBI, so again no crime to investigate there. Hacking of Podesta e-mail has also been suggested by FBI as the same culprits, possibly a different agency within Russian government, so again nothing to investigate.

    On top of all this, Marc weren’t you assuring us that you knew this was a bogus story and that the Russians were NOT responsible for hacking?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      On the other hand, wiretapping of a presidential candidate and campaign is a serious crime, previously done by Lyndon Johnson, and should be investigated.
      With all the Obama cronies in DOJ, perhaps we should et the Russians to do it.

  23. akallio says:

    How quickly we (and the mainstream media) forget!

  24. Phydeau says:

    Lordy, now he’s tweeting that Obama bugged his office? And offering zero evidence?

    This is your guy? Really?

    So, why did Jeff Sessions talk to the Russian ambassador twice and deny under oath that he did?

    Do you think lying under oath is a serious issue?

  25. Phydeau says:

    And if you really want to go there with the wiretapping thing, check out the commie libruls at politico.

    There’s so much stupid in the big orange cheeto’s tweets. The president doesn’t order wiretaps. But there does seem to be some kind of FISA warrant targeting Trump associates. His Trumpness might be sorry he brought this up… 😀

    If the Heat Street article’s claims are accurate, the government sufficiently demonstrated to the FISC’s satisfaction that four U.S. citizens (and Trump associates) were somehow agents of a foreign power. While it is impossible to know for certain how that was accomplished without access to the underlying classified information, it stands to reason the government theoretically could have argued the Trump associates were unwitting agents of a foreign power due to their connections to and interactions with various Russian officials.

    • Phydeau says:

      I couldn’t say it any better than Tom Tomorrow, in his email newsletter:

      But while I wanted to reference the craziness of the President accusing his predecessor of wiretapping him — based on a Breitbart story, apparently — I didn’t want to suggest that the possibility of the wiretap itself was utterly absurd. It’s entirely possible that DOJ or FBI had Trump wiretapped last summer! So if Trump insists that we investigate the situation, I’m all on board. Either we find out that it’s entirely a figment of his imagination, adding further evidence that he is delusional and unfit to serve, or we find out that there really was a wiretap — and we find out why. It’s a no-win situation for Trump, and his decision to highlight it would seem inexplicable if you were still of the opinion that he is anything other than an instinctively reactive creature. I am not of that opinion.

      Yes, let’s investigate these charges thoroughly!!! 😀

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Yes, let’s find out why. That they were rejected the first time by the court is shocking. You can just search the posts on this blog to find out how this court is just a rubber stamp for the people who want to conduct surveillance. The case was so weak even the rubberstamp wouldn’t approve it.

  26. Phydeau says:

    An interesting article about Putin, in the category of “be careful of what you wish for because you just might get it.”

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Not much of an argument being made. They could have just said, Now Putin has to deal with low oil prices coming from Trump’s energy plans.

      • Phydeau says:

        I’m curious how deep down the rathole Trump’s fans will follow him, until they switch and claim they never supported him. Just like Dubya.

        Thanks for providing a live example, NFS. 😉

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Summarize the argument for us, how did they back up their main point. I’m seeing lots of sentences going this way and that.

  27. Wait A Minute says:

    Eric Snowden revealed the US Government eves dropped not only on the common citizen in the country but also world leaders to include Merkel.

    This snooping was authorized by default by the President of the United States. NSA et al have done that.

    The official word was the goal supported National Security. That term, National Security, is a get out jail phrase which somehow equates to “God made me do it!” Somehow it is okay.

    Whether President Obama specifically had NSA target citizen Trump will never be known. But the fact from sentence one, it is true the law came from Obama who enriched it from Bush.

    As far as I am concerned, President Bush belongs with Enron execs in Club Fed. His cell mate can be Obama. And, in the female ward, Hillary Clinton.

    I’m disgusted with all politicians, we are destroying each other. And idiots line up on a side to defend it. Fuck all of you.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      We know that NSA surveillance of Netanyahu’s meetings with members of Congress was provided to the White House.

    • Phydeau says:

      Congratulations, the Republican plan has worked on you. They want to poison the well… make people so disgusted with politics that they stop voting. Fewer voters, fewer people to con and fewer they have to play games to prevent from voting.

      • Wait A Minute says:

        To hell with you. You are the biggest partisan cheerleader here.

        Obama has divided this country like no other. And you’re loving every minute of it.

        • Phydeau says:

          Black and white thinking, typical of authoritarian personality types. Trump is a disaster in action. The Democrats are better but still in hock to the big money boys. I supported Bernie.

          Don’t think too much about other shades besides black and white. Your head might explode. 🙄

        • Phydeau says:

          And yes, Obama committed the unforgivable sin of getting elected while black. He was never that liberal.

  28. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    From a couple of prosecutors: People have been been charged for doing less than what Sessions did.

    Federal prosecutors have brought charges in cases involving far more trivial misstatements and situations far less consequential than whether a nominee to be the nation’s chief law enforcement officer misled fellow senators during his confirmation hearings.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      They probably had to search awhile to find these prosecutors.
      This story will go the way of your Jewish cemetery, which authorities are now saying was caused by the environment. So now we have it on record from Phydeau and all liberals that Mother Nature is a Trump supporter.

      • Phydeau says:

        LOL. Ok NFS, show us how mother nature knocked over all those headstones at those two cemeteries. Got a link, or just the usual BS out of your nether regions? 😉

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Good one, NFS, some real data! Unfortunately your reading comprehension needs a little work. Yes, it appears one cemetery in Brooklyn had gravestones falling over because of environmental factors. But then there’s this:

            Last week, at least a dozen headstones were toppled at a Jewish cemetery at the Waad Hakolel Cemetery in Rochester, New York, following similar incidents in St. Louis and Philadelphia. In late February, at least 170 headstones were damaged at a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis.

            And unfortunately for you, no one is saying that the other incidents were caused by environmental factors.

            But dang, venturing out from the comfortable territory of Fox “News” and Breitbart… good for you! 😀

          • NewFormatSux says:

            I already posted a link to all the time it happened when Obama was President, not covered by Fake News Media, who considers it their job to hide news from the people.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Dang those fake news people, namely all the media outlets in the world except Fox “News”, Breitbart, and Infowars. Why do those fake news people hate freedom so much???


      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Nice distraction from the original post, that people have been prosecuted for lesser offenses than what Sessions did.

        Wingnuts do that when they got nothing. 😀

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Sessions did not lie. Holder did.
          Holder was not prosecuted though he should have been.

          Holder testified that he had never “been involved in” or even “heard of” any “potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material.” And yet, he participated in “extensive deliberations,” “discussed” and approved of the filing of an application for a search warrant that specifically represented to the court that a reporter has “potential criminal liability in this matter.”

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:


            I have proof, from external sources. You just repeat stuff from the wingnutosphere. 🙄

            Sessions lied about having contact with the Russian ambassador, and you’re trying like mad to distract from that point. Won’t work.

  29. NewFormatSux says:

    Sessions is considering a special prosecutor.
    For Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch


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