Image result for president trump

Trump becomes the most powerful person in the world in less that 48 hours. Personally I have no idea what’s going to happen. My opinion is that it’s most likely going to be a disaster. However he has the potential to be great by completely breaking the backs of the Democrat and Republican parties, which is our current disaster. I think that anything Trump said during his campaign was just to get elected and is no more likely true than if he had said nothing.

Trump is not and has never been a Republican and the Republican party did nothing to help him and they are not his friends. But what will happen is a complete mystery. I’m looking to see what he says in his inauguration speech. But after Friday I’ll be keeping my cat in the house do no one grabs him.

Anyone care to make predictions?

  1. Phydeau says:

    If I had more time I’d say more, but here’s one prediction:

    They’ll cut off all information coming out of the government. All the government agencies like the EPA and dept of labor issue reports on how the country’s doing. They’ll put an end to that, and Trump’s little gang will be the ones who decide whether it gets reported. They’re going to gut the EPA, so pollution will increase, but they’ll hide the pollution reports that the EPA puts out (or stop doing the data collection) so we won’t know exactly how much more polluted we’ll be. Think of all the fact-finding organizations, including but not limited to

    Bureau of Labor Statistics
    Bureau of Economic Analysis
    Bureau of Justice Statistics
    National Center for Education Statistics
    National Center for Health Statistics
    National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
    U.S. Census Bureau
    U.S. Energy Information.

    Any evidence that America is not great again will be buried.

    • Phydeau says:

      Oh, and wingnuts will rationalize it and go along with it because Republican.

      • Tomas says:

        Donald Trump is the POTUS because…Hillary.

        Dumb ass left wingnut.

        • Phydeau says:

          Trump is the PEEOTUS because of the Electoral College (he lost the popular vote by 3 million), suspicious behavior by the FBI (the non-issue they raised about Clinton’s emails right before the election), and most likely hacking sponsored by Russia.

          Why do you even bother? Everyone else has run away. I do admire your clueless persistence, though. πŸ˜‰

          • Guyver says:

            Trump is the PEEOTUS because of the Electoral College (he lost the popular vote by 3 million)

            In other words, Trump won the popular vote in more individual states than Chairwoman Clinton.

            We have an electoral college for the same reason why we have a Senate. Boo hoo.

            suspicious behavior by the FBI

            Yup! The immunities to 5 of Clinton’s aides prior to questioning were certainly suspicious and not questioning Clinton under oath. Or are you talking about those within the FBI agents who refused to destroy the aides’ laptops as part of the immunity deal? Strange INDEED.

            (the non-issue they raised about Clinton’s emails right before the election)

            Take it up with Weiner and Abedin.

            Why do you even bother? Everyone else has run away. I do admire your clueless persistence, though.

            Said the clueless person.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Guyver: simply stated: No.

            Expanded: you simply don’t understand how the EC works. Why don’t you read up on it and get back to us. Would it make any difference?

            Even Larger: leads me to guess you don’t understand Gerrymandering either which is more destructive to democracy than the EC.

            On purpose?…… or truly ignorant??? Only the latter can be fixed.

        • Tomas says:

          Sorry actually what I meant to say was:

          Donald Trump is the POTUS because…Hillary and Obamas incompetency. Look at the numbers wingnut, you lost both House and Senate and untold numbers of State Reps. It wasn’t just the Presidency we don’t trust you idiots with.

          Dumb ass left progressive wingnut.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      You mean like how the Justice Department numbers for crime by race stopped being reported in National Crime Victimization Survey in 2009?

      • Guyver says:

        You mean like how the Justice Department numbers for crime by race stopped being reported in National Crime Victimization Survey in 2009?

        Or how the CDC stopped covering people’s orientation with respect to AIDS infection rates? Sorta hurts the narrative that the disease affects everyone equally.

      • Phydeau says:

        Yup, like that, only instead of in a few isolated occurrences, it’ll be the entire friggin’ government.

        Kind of like how gerrymandering used to be done here and there by both Ds and Rs until the Rs started doing it widespread across the country in 2010.

        Good job proving my point, boys. πŸ˜‰

        • The Boogeyman is not real says:

          How your brain processes real world facts is truly unbelievable!

          Your ability to selectively filter out all Democratic Party bile and sh*t (BS) must be a survival mechanism that keeps you from otherwise spontaneously combusting. Ya think?

          Will you boycott the Inauguration like the 68 House Dems?

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Phydeaux did not filter out the Dumbo manipulation. He did the opposite, and added it up. Just read what is actually posted.

            Words have meaning. You meant yourself to look like a dullard, I presume.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Gerrymandering is widespread in use by Republicans only in an unprecedented way since 2010, do you have any evidence of this?

          538 thinks the result is about 2 seats.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            The popular vote used to be reflected in the red/blue congressional split. Now…blue wins the popular vote but red wins the congressional seats.

            It all due to gerrymandering….JUST LOOK: at how much more crazy the districts look on a map.

            Gerrmandering used to be done by zipcode. Now its done down to the household level. so the maps are more zig-zaggy.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            True result but wrong reason. It is not due to gerrymandering, which is done by both parties, but because Democrats cluster in cities.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Think about it another way. Donald Trump won 30 states while losing the overall vote. You can’t gerrymander whole states. Take out the Senators and he still won 246-189 among the House electoral votes.(3 = DC) Losing the popular vote, yet he won 246-189. It is the same effect again.

    • jpfitz says:

      Phydeau your suggestions are in line with big business and hardliners in the Republican party.

      Bush senior, “de-reg”

  2. NewFormatSux says:

    My prediction? PAIN…

    • Phydeau says:

      Self-inflicted pain, for all those voting for Trump. Dumb-ass wingnuts falling for that conman’s spiel. πŸ™„

    • Phydeau says:

      Sorry, I’m being too harsh. Good-hearted but ignorant people voted for him too.

      • jpfitz says:

        Very true. I spoke with many very nice folks, most were enamored with the promise of a new D.C. without lobbyists mucking up the system.

        I’m concerned for the unfortunates who need health care and are barely able to afford the insurance rates.
        Why wasn’t the outrage directed at the HUGE insurance companies raising rates.

        Best wishes for the recovery of both George H. W. and his wife Barbara. Very sad news and horrible timing.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          If they don’t raise the rates, they leave the market. They lost money covering these people.
          That’s what happens when you set up the market as you can buy insurance after you get sick.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            If they were making money, then why were health insurance companies announcing they were leaving the ObamaCare exchanges?

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    Prediction #2, Hillary Clinton will never be President. I declare that Obama deserves his Nobel Peace Prize for this accomplishment alone.

    • Phydeau says:

      Who ya gonna blame now, NFS? The government is completely in the hands of your favorite political party. The billionaires, fat cat Republicans and Wall Street insiders will now be running the country. What could go wrong? πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„

      And you’ll be here spinning it like mad unless you give up and run away like the other wingnuts. You and Tomas, props for being so persistent! πŸ˜€

      • Guyver says:

        The billionaires, fat cat Republicans and Wall Street insiders will now be running the country. What could go wrong?

        You could have liberal idiots thinking Wall Street insiders and billionaires pulling the strings of Chairman Clinton is somehow better.

        • Phydeau says:

          Half a point, Guyver! Clinton was definitely the Republican candidate (as defined before the Republican party went off in the weeds), but even an old-fashioned Republican would have been better than the current Republican crazies. And she wouldn’t have appointed Cabinet secretaries who don’t believe in what they lead. πŸ˜›

    • Β± says:

      *** stated NewFormatSux ΒΉ *******
      Prediction #2, Hillary Clinton will never be President. I declare that Obama deserves his Nobel Peace Prize for this accomplishment alone.
      Totally agree! It is impossible to understate this contribution to humanity that Obama has gifted us. But it was still bullshit that he received a Nobel Peace Prize.

      Any truly worthy potential recipient in the future should spit on the offer for this reason alone, without even considering that they would also be in the same club with Yassir Arafat, Jimmy Carter, Martin Luther King Jr.,UN Peace Keeping Forces, Elie Wiesel, Mikhail Gorbachev, Le Duc Tho, Henry Kissinger, Al Gore and other political and totally unworthy recipients.

      The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke.

      ΒΉ This blog/forum format does truly suck. It is my unshakeable opinion that making the change to a fully hierarchical format would have increased traffic here many fold over the years.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        It says NEW format. Someone made the decision to switch to this format.

  4. Pump says:


    The world is NOT going to end. It might CHANGE! But it won’t end because of anything TRUMP did.

    Stop being such a whinny little liberal asshole losers repeating all the “sky is falling” bullshit. You sound RIDICULOUS!

    (Psssttttt! “Life” is all about change lest you be DEAD!)

  5. Kill Bill says:

    All told, Democrats have shed 63 House seats, 10 Senate seats and 12 governorships.

    Progressives are done for at least the next 8 years. Get used to it. Or, you can start a civil war…. I suggest you put down your coloring books and puppies and start learning how to fight.

    We are already trained.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      I don’t think that’s a fair comparison. You have to give Obama credit for those he brought in with him. So he has shed about 3 Senate seats.

  6. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    Marc…I agree. Except: “I’m looking to see what he says in his inauguration speech.” /// Why?

    Predictions: what Phydeaux posted. With a dash of whatever will make Trump rich in his personal pursuits. He could wreck the economy to do that. He can’t pass rules that only benefit himself, but rather his class as he defines it. Not “Rich” for Rich alone, but rather “builders” is what he fancies himself. Its how he has a large element of disdain for Bankers and Stock Brokers. If he has a general tax cut for the super rich to benefit himself, those toadies will benefit as well to the general deteriment. If he tinkers with just real estate….the damage could be curtailed.

    My biggest prediction, based on not much except personality: Trump will be impeached by the Republicans. Those Banksters together with the Wingnut Base are still in charge.

    What can still change: Trump grows into his office. Its a favorite theme in Literature….. less evidenced in real life, especially, the older the Protagonist is.

    Yes………. we are screwed big time almost no matter what. As always: most subtle will be the lost opportunities, lost momentum as Trump swings how he will….. right now… looking like huge right turn. Right Turn as I assume Trump will not want to fight with his new employees…except on issues he holds dear (Real Estate Deals). On all the other issues: he’ll let his boys run wild until/unless he sees the harm, and perhaps then, only as it harms his own empire.

    Money usually makes you blind to the suffering of others.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    Prediction 3, he acts as if global warming is a hoax. No more Clean Power Plan, no Paris Agreement, opens up drilling and coal again.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Yep… Trump knows its real…. spending money to protect that golf course in Scotland against rising seas….but he doesn’t care not being scientifically oriented “enough.” He’ll give that issue to his backers………and the rest of us will suffer….ie, our grandkiddies.

      • deowll says:

        As one of his backers I certainly hope so.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          …. and the rest of us will suffer.

          Little known made up fact: 99% of Trump backers are kidding themselves about who Trump is, and who they are. think of Joe the Plumber.

          Silly Hoomans.

        • Phydeau says:

          So deowll, you’re happy that billionaires, Fat Cat Republicans, and Wall Street insiders will be running the country, because…


          How’s that swampy-drainy thingy working out for you, deowll?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            I’m sure people supporting Trump now will end up thinking well at least he’s not Hillary. The only difference with Trump is that lots of people were like that before the election. However, your rants are not evidence of anything. For now, Trump’s support is higher than Election Day.

          • Hrrrmmm says:

            Fat cat billionaire dems is surely a better choice lol

  8. Hmeyers says:

    The reason the Democrats have gone looney tunes is they have nothing.

    Because they abandoned their base — the working middle class.

    Instead of supporting the middle class — which was what made the Democrats be Democrats — they decided their constituency was:

    1) The black jack-ass who fled the police.
    2) The SJW griefer
    3) The hairy dude that thinks he’s a woman and wants to watch your daughter pee and demands he use the women’s restroom.
    4) George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Lena Dunaham and other people who play pretend for a living, which is precisely the job an actor gets paid for but doesn’t make your knowledgable about “other things”.
    5) The globalist fucktards that want to outsource and H1B1 away jobs.
    6) The dicknut globalists that want shitty treaties like TPP that give corporations massive rights over government.

    I don’t fit in the Bible thumpers and I think the rank and file Republican ideas that asshats like Paul Ryan would like do are fearsomely horrible.

    But the Democrats have to be Democrats like they used to be, and they used to be anti-corporation and pro-labor and buy American.

    If they refuse to be that, they will never be in power again for the next 30 years.

    • Tim says:

      Add to that the utter failures of the Progressive education system.

      The Democuck run, crime ridden and bankrupt cities and states like California, Shiraq, St. Louis, Baltimoe.

      The incessant screaming that white man is inherently evil.

      The war against any idea that doesn’t conform to theirs.

      What Progressives are doing to Europe with their insane immigration policies…..we have been watching and we want out.

    • Phydeau says:

      So the preferred alternative to the party that’s abandoning the middle class… is the party that’s abandoning the middle class even more???


      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        that sums up my counter as well.

        HM: you make good points even if a bit “over personalized” but then fail to apply the very same values to the Pukes. If you had to choose: would you ask for one nail to be driven into your head? No…of course not.

        but what if the alternative was two nails?

        • NewFormatSux says:

          You can’t spell Hillary Clinton with out ‘nail’.
          With Hillary you get two nails and the hammer.
          She is what George Orwell meant by
          If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.

  9. Mr Diesel - Democrats Disgrace Their Districts by Sitting Out the Inauguration says:

    I love this.

    Republicans pissed that they don’t have a president they can can control.
    Democrats pissed that they don’t have a president they can can control.
    News media pissed that they don’t have a president they can can control.

    66 million voters going apoplectic over Hillary’s loss cuddling their puppies that just peed on their coloring books.

    Get ready people, the adults will be in charge again instead of narcissistic, petulant pussies.

    • Phydeau says:

      He’s baaaaack… and about to explain why the petulant, thin-skinned man-child who argues with movie stars on twitter, along with his group of billionaires, Republican fat cats, and Wall Street insiders, is going to Make America Great Again for all the blue-collar workers.

      Go ahead, Dr. Diesel… we’re all ears. πŸ™„

      Get ready people, the narcissistic, petulant pussy grabber will be in charge instead of the adults.

      Fixed that typo for you… no need to thank me. πŸ˜€

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Mr D:

      You had me right up to the end. Good solid review.

      ………but who is the adult?

  10. Phydeau says:

    Another prediction: More corporate mega-mergers. Once Trump’s Republican appointees are in office, they will approve whatever mega-mergers the big corporations want to make. Which means for us: higher prices, fewer choices, worse customer service. Welcome to TrumpWorld.

    • Timmay! says:

      Any world is brighter without the Clinton’s. Did you happen to notice how Donations are down 37% for their pay to play “Foundation”? Oh that’s right, not being reported on the Clinton News Network.

      Saudi Arabia isn’t coughing up money for the Clinton’s favors anymore.

      • Timmay! says:

        Er…did I say donations? Actually I meant out and out bribes.

        • Phydeau says:

          But you’re perfectly OK with all the questionable activity around Trump and his cohorts.

          How’s that swampy-drainy thingy working out for you, Timmay???

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Make up your mind. Is it swampy drainy or drainy swampy?

          • Phydeau says:

            I know it’s tough for you NFS, to be lied to and tossed aside by your beloved Trumpy poo. But judging from your other posts, you have a masochistic streak so maybe you like being betrayed. Maybe you like the idea of billionaires, Fat Cat Republicans and Wall Street Insiders running the country and causing you pain. Unfortunately it causes all the rest of us pain too. πŸ™

          • jpfitz says:

            Wait and watch. DT will either MAGA or make Americans angry enough to act out against his actions.

            DT just asked the crowd at one of the 3 balls if DT should quit Twitter. The crowd cheered for his decision to keep on being a twit.

  11. Ben Dover says:

    Trump- The Antichrist..

  12. Dave says:

    It doesn’t matter if you like Trump or not, this is truly funny.

    “Journalists” Mocked Trump’s Announcement As A Joke

    They got their collective asses handed to them. Journalists…..yeah, sure they are.


    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Basically…. all the commentary is correct now and was then, and its the American Public/Society that got their asses handed to them.

      Raise your hand: who here thinks Trump actually wanted to be President when he announced?

      Like Scientology or Mormonism: it was a joke that got taken seriously.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        I think so. If he wasn’t interested, he would have run his campaign differently. Instead of losing all these business deals, he would have been like McCain and catered to the media.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Trump ran against “the establishment” as a matter of his own temperment, meant to get as much publicity as possible to raise the Public Recognition of his Name and then sell it which has been his business for the last 20 years. Not real estate or building: but branding.

          Pretty straight forward. You make a name by being different…… not the same.

          The Media, stupidly went along.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            McCain was different too and was celebrated when he was running against W. Trump lost Macy’s beauty pageant, Apprentice, by giving his immigrant speech. If he was running as a lark, he can’t make that back.

      • Eager for real positive change says:
        • Eager for real positive change says:

          Hand Raised.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            What positive change “for yourself” do you expect to see?

          • Eager for real positive change says:

            For myself, it’s peace of mind that the death spiral of the United States, as a viable and sustainable nation, has a real chance of ending.

      • jpfitz says:

        My take on DT running for Prez is that he was sooooo pissed when Obama roasted Him, that he didn’t just want to get even he wanted to get ahead, that meant becoming the next Prez.

    • Phydeau says:

      So Dave, you’re happy that billionaires, Fat Cat Republicans, and Wall Street insiders will be running the country, because…


      You don’t get it, Davey boy. You and your fellow idiot wingnuts just put into power the very people Trump claimed to oppose. You swallowed his bullshit, hook, line, and sinker.

      How’s that swampy-drainy thingy working out for you Davey boy?

    • Phydeau says:

      Another way of putting it, Davey boy: You thought you were giving the establishment the finger with your vote for Trump. But the establishment was smarter than you, and now it’s in control, and it’s not going to be pleasant for you or any of us.

  13. Phydeau says:

    Another prediction: right-wing propagandists will really be earning their pay now. For example, gullible wingnuts believed them every year when they swore Obama was coming to take their guns. And now that they don’t have demon Obama and Killary to beat up on any more (birth certificate! BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI!) how are they going to keep the gullible wingnuts in a constant state of fear?

    This is going to separate the men from the boys in the right-wing propaganda world. Let’s see what enemies they can come up with!

    • Mr Diesel - Democrats Disgrace Their Districts by Sitting Out the Inauguration says:

      Obomba did restrict some gun rights and if he had though for a second he could have gotten away with it he would have restricted even more, maybe not an entire ban but a severe restriction. But you wouldn’t know all the new restrictions unless you were an actual gun person or dealer. Nice try.

      As for Benghazi what part of Hillary bragging about getting Daffy Duck killed in Libya and allowing terrorists to move in ultimately resulting in the death of our ambassador don’t you understand? The right didn’t have to fan any flames, the left did it all by themselves. Once again, nice try.

      • Phydeau says:

        Thanks for the foam-at-the-mouth-wingnut perspective there, Diesel.

        (BTW, any luck on explaining how turning the country over to billionaires, Republican Fat Cats, and Wall Street insiders is going to make life better for the blue-collar worker?)

        Never mind, just yankin’ yer chain. πŸ˜‰

        • Mr Diesel - Democrats Disgrace Their Districts by Sitting Out the Inauguration says:

          Turning the country over to successful businessmen instead of the 5 total years of C-Level experience Obomba’s first 8 cabinet picks had between them will be infinitely better for everyone, not just the 1%.

          I can’t wait.

          • Phydeau says:

            Geez, this one is so nutty, it’s not even fun any more. Like shooting fish in a barrel. πŸ™„

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        What gun right did Obama restrict? Anything I can think of was way less than what should have been done…….. STILL!

        Bengoshie. Since when did we stop blamming the actual criminals who did the crimes? Then, there is always the Ambassador’s OWN FREAKING DECISION to stay where he knew it wasn’t safe.

        …………but lets blame Hillary.

        Total lack of……………….. anything worthwhile.

        • Mr Diesel - Democrats Disgrace Their Districts by Sitting Out the Inauguration says:

          Let’s put the two together.

          When did we stop blaming the criminals? Well, in the United States it’s any time a gun is used.

          Silly hoonan

  14. Phydeau says:

    Here’s the gist of a funny meme making the rounds:


    Air Pollution… NO!
    Wall Street Banks… NO!
    Guns… NO!
    Drinking water… NO!
    Oil Companies… NO!
    Vaginas… YES!


    • Dave says:

      Don’t worry Phydeau, nobody wants to put any restrictions on your vagina.

      Now can you please use the term swamp-drainy again….it’s soooo cute.

      • Phydeau says:

        Yeah, what’s so cute is wingnuts conned by the big orange cheeto with his BS about draining the swamp, then appointing the biggest swamp dwellers to run the country.

        Thanks, wingnut. Swampy-drainy thingy not going so good, is it? πŸ™„

  15. Phydeau says:

    Here’s a sad prediction… when Obamacare is canceled, there will be thousands if not millions of people who voted for Trump (which essentially killed Obamacare) who will lose their Obamacare medical insurance benefits.

    And of those Trump voters losing their Obamacare insurance, some of them will lose medical treatment that has been keeping them alive.

    So there will be Trump voters who basically voted for their own deaths. πŸ™

    • Dave says:

      Yeah, your right. My wife and I are really going to miss our $2400.00 per month premiums.

      That is NOT an exaggeration.

      • Phydeau says:

        When a system doesn’t work for some people, you tweak it, you don’t throw it out. We didn’t get rid of capitalism after the Enron scandal and the Wall Street corruption scandals.

        A huge undertaking like the ACA needs tweaking after it is installed, which the Republicans in Congress refused to do, of course. So you have them to thank too.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          That is a good reason to not pass the ACA. When a system doesn’t work for some people, you tweak it, you don’t throw it out.

          Right now, Obama threw out the health insurance system and changed it to one where you can sign up after you get sick and have insurance companies pay your bills.

        • Mr Diesel - Face It Liberals, You Lost says:

          They are going to tweak the living shit out of it until it is dead, dead, dead.

          You know we had to pass the bill to find out what’s in the bill. We found out, a royal fucking.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Tweaking like, “If someone wants health insurance let them buy it. Don’t ban the products they want to buy.”?

        • Dave says:

          Yeah, so when was that going to happen? While I’m waiting for the Dumbos to tweak it we’re spending 35% of our income paying for health insurance.

          How long has this crappy plan been in place?

          The ACA was nothing but a plan to steal money from one segment of society i.e. the middle class and give it to another segment of society.

          California recently allowed for the payment of a convicted murderer to get sex re-assignment surgery, on the taxpayers back. That’s a level of insanity you just cant defend.

          Seriously dumbass, you want me to pay for this? Get bent.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Of course they defend it. While they are attacking Republicans for not cooperating, the plan all along was for things to get worse so they could push for single payer. I think Bobbo admitted it when it passed, though he now sticks to the standard talking points.

          • Dave says:

            So Phydeau, how do you feel about the taxpayers paying for a convicted murderers sex change operation while Obamacare participants have to cough up a 6000 dollar deductible before they get cancer treatment?

            Are you really so stupid as to think Democucks were going to tweak that out of the system?

            Dont answer that. It doesn’t matter. Democucks are done.

          • Phydeau says:

            Dave the dipsh*t, did you even read that article? It had nothing to do with the ACA.

            β€œThe 8th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution requires that prisons provide inmates with medically necessary treatment for medical and mental health conditions including inmates diagnosed with gender dysphoria,” Thornton said in a written statement.

            And no system is perfect, ya moron. But statistics and facts (whoops, reality has a well-known liberal bias) indicate that the ACA has helped millions of people. Yes, I’m sure a few are worse off with the ACA than before, but that’s why you tweak such a big complicated system. And the Republicans refused to do the necessary tweaking.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Care to back up your claim about profits?
            How much is total profit of health insurance companies? Now compare to just Medicare spending.

          • Phydeau says:

            We’ve had six years of ACA statistics, google it. I’m not spoon feeding you.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Perhaps you should have told Obama this when he gave his acceptance speech in 2008
          “This was the moment β€” this was the time β€” when we came together to remake this great nation”

          If it’s so great, perhaps tweaks will suffice?

        • Phydeau says:

          So y’all are looking forward to not being able to have your kids on your health insurance up until age 26. You’re looking forward to being rejected for health insurance at your next job for pre-existing conditions. You’re looking forward to being dumped off your insurance plan if you get too sick.

          Boy, the special kind of stupid is everywhere today.

          Why do you guys hate Americans getting health insurance so much? I suspect it’s because you think it’s only “those people” getting it, if you know what I mean and I think you do. πŸ˜‰

          • Dave says:

            Grow up douchebag. By the time I was 26 I had already served 8 years in the military and was in my first year of engineering school. I worked for the Veterans Admin part time while I was a full time student.

            Educated guess…but I’d bet your mommy and daddy paid for your health insurance as well as your college education. You’re pathetic son, you and your parents are whats wrong with the kiddies.

          • Phydeau says:

            You sure are good at avoiding the point, Dave. Just another chickensh*t wingnut.

  16. Phydeau says:

    Yet another prediction. The Republican government will “sell” (i.e. give away) millions of acres of federal land to big corporations to mine, harvest timber, and generally turn into a polluted wasteland, all for corporate profits. It’s already started:

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Goody. Obama didn’t need to take hundreds of millions of acres out of public use. You should figure out how timber harvesting actually works before you spout.

      • Phydeau says:

        It takes a special kind of stupid to want to give our land over to big corporations to mine and strip the timber from. Congrats, NFS, you qualify.

        What’s that little yapping sound? Oh yes, you too pedrito. Good boy. πŸ™‚

  17. Mr Diesel - Face It Liberals, You Lost says:

    What a great day watching the festivities at the Lincoln Memorial.

    3 Doors Down playing.

  18. NewFormatSux says:

    Another prediction- On his way out of office, Trump will not pardon any terrorists. Obama pardoned someone that Bill Clinton had previously pardoned but took it back because the guy would not renounce terrorism. Obama made no such restrictions.

  19. Phydeau says:

    If you’ve been screwed by a big student loan company, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is on the case, suing Navient over deceptive practices.

    That protection will go away when Trump takes office and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is shut down.

    Welcome to the brave new world of being at the mercy of big corporations.

    The CFPB alleges in the lawsuit that for years Navient β€” which services more than $300 billion in federal and private student loans for more than 12 million borrowers β€” engaged in a series of illegal and deceptive practices, including providing borrowers with incorrect information, processing payments erroneously, and failing to address customers’ complaints.

    Additionally, the CFPB claims that Navient illegally cheated struggling borrowers out of their rights to lower repayments through federal programs, which caused them to pay much more than they had to for their loans.

    But hey, I know… y’all loves you them big corporations, they can do no wrong! Suck away… πŸ™„

    • NewFormatSux says:

      CFPB has no Congressional funding, and authority to make its own laws, and board members who can’t be fired. It should be thrown out completely as unconstitutional. Federal judge held back and said the Chairman had to answer to the president.

      • Phydeau says:

        Yes, NFS, we understand that you don’t need protection from corporations trying to screw you, in fact you rather enjoy it, kinky soul that you are. πŸ˜‰

        The rest of us want protection, so as with everything good, we want it to be improved and fixed rather than thrown out.

        However, with Trump, we’re all going to experience your kink, whether we want it or not. πŸ™„

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Looks to me that NFS’s comment ” It should be thrown out completely as unconstitutional. ” was in support of regulation of Capitalism to avoid its worst abuses.

          Everybody is “for” capitalism.

          …………………… It comes down to whether or not you can recognize abuses.

          Oh so many can’t and vote for their own destruction thinking the “freedom to starve in the street” is actually freedom.

          silly hoomans.

          IE: Trickle down is a PROVEN FAILURE: but we are about to enter another round of it.

          EG: USA 30 years ago had the worlds largest middle class. Today we are 27th on the list…and going down.

  20. Phydeau says:

    Here’s a “Be Careful What You Wish For” prediction. The Republicans will successfully kill the ACA, millions of people will lose their insurance, hundreds will die from medical conditions that were being treated thru the ACA. It will start a national conversation on healthcare and push us closer to single payer (like every other civilized country in the world).

    There’s something you can hate on, wingnuts. There are no more important Democrats to hate on, so go ahead and hate on health care for all, and Medicare, and Social Security, and everything else the government might do to make lives better in America.

    Because without your hate, what are you? Nothing. Better find something to hate fast.

  21. Geary Johnson says:

    Hey thanks Phydeau for all of your advice. You had your 8 years and now you can stop the whiny bullshit and go do something positive with your life.

    The rest of us have to figure out to pay down the 10 Trillion dollar check Obama left us with.

  22. NewFormatSux says:

    Phydeau, perhaps you should buy that Newsweek commemorative edition on Ebay, Madame President.

    Also, buy up the DVD for Commander In Chief, and Madam Secretary, maybe even State of Affairs.

  23. Phydeau says:

    Oh lordy…

    Because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another. But we are transferring power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you… the people. For too long a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have born the cost.

    And we’re going to start by canceling the health insurance of millions of people! Can you feel the empowerment???

    πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„

    Seriously, this guy appoints (here we go again) billionaires, Fat Cat Republicans, and Wall Street Insiders to run the country and he says this??? Well obviously he does, he has no sense of shame or ethics or morals.

    But you gullible wingnuts are going to believe him? Wow.

  24. Phydeau says:

    Apparently the Cheeto-in-Chief is already getting ideas from his bestie Putin:

    During the preparation for Friday’s transfer-of-power, a member of Trump’s transition team floated the idea of including tanks and missile launchers in the inaugural parade, a source involved in inaugural planning told The Huffington Post. β€œThey were legit thinking Red Square/North Korea-style parade,” the source said, referring to massive military parades in Moscow and Pyongyang, typically seen as an aggressive display of muscle-flexing.

    The military, which traditionally works closely with the presidential inaugural committee, shot down the request, the source said. Their reason was twofold. Some were concerned about the optics of having tanks and missile launchers rolling down Pennsylvania Avenue. But they also worried that the tanks, which often weigh over 100,000 pounds, would destroy the roads.

    Good lord. The Trump administration will be such a target-rich environment for comedians and nasty libruls like me. πŸ˜€

  25. Mr Diesel - Face It Liberals, You Lost says:

    The 8 year malaise is finally over. Bye bye Obomba, go take your last flight on the VC-25 Boeing 747.

  26. Phydeau says:

    And of course, his inauguration speech was full of fibs and outright lies… same old same old.

  27. Phydeau says:

    Good news wingnuts! I’m off on vacation for a week with no internet access, so I won’t be mocking the idiotic, dangerous, and foolish things the Cheeto-in-Chief is doing until the end of the month. I’m sure I’ll have my hands full with whatever new stupid things he’s up to at that point, so he’ll get a pass from me on whatever stupid things he does this week. Bobbo, you’re on your own… good luck! πŸ˜€

    Pedrito… you’ll have to try to survive without someone to bleat at. Try latching on to bobbo, I’m sure he won’t mind. πŸ˜‰

  28. Management says:

    It has been brought to our attention that you are spending all of your time on this blog instead of working. This is not what we pay you to do. While you are on your “vacation”..I suggest you look for another job. This one won’t be waiting for you when you return.

    Human Resources Department

  29. Mr Diesel - Face It Liberals, You Lost says:

    Have a good vacation.


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