Democrats have this amazing ability that whenever Republicans do something stupid Democrats prove they can be even dumber. Case in point is Obama’s election denial insisting that Trump was elected by Russian hackers and expelling their diplomats. With the Republicans electing the big man baby Obama will not be outdone and acts more like a baby than Trump is.

What’s so ridiculous is that Snowden revealed that Obama hacked the entire planet spying on everyone, friend, foe, citizens, and non-citizens alike. America’s history includes assassination  of foreign leaders and the installation of puppet dictators around the world. So we have no moral high ground to decry anyone hacking us even if it did occur. If the Russians were truly hacking the election Obama should have done something about it before election day, but he chose not to. Besides, Julian Assange, who actually knows where the leak came from says it’s not Russian, and I believe him.

Obama is the second worst president after Bush that America has ever had. Now he’s just a disaster who is shredding what little dignity he has left in a final tantrum against the Russians who he failed to get along with. As we move to our third incompetent president in a row I would at least want to see the last president who I voted for twice go out with a little dignity.

  1. Phydeau says:


    Obama hacked the entire planet spying on everyone, friend, foe, citizens, and non-citizens alike.

    Every president, Democratic and Republican, has done or attempted to do this. Singling out Obama just make you look prejudiced against Obama.

    America’s history includes assassination of foreign leaders and the installation of puppet dictators around the world.

    So? Again, Democratic and Republican presidents have both been guilty of this many times over. Why single out Obama?

    So we have no moral high ground to decry anyone hacking us even if it did occur.

    So we shouldn’t try to stop foreign countries from influencing the U.S.? Because we’ve tried to influence them? WTF???

    If the Russians were truly hacking the election Obama should have done something about it before election day, but he chose not to.

    Again, WTF? If the Russians were hacking the DNC and releasing embarrassing emails to the public, WTF is the president supposed to do? Go in there and close the security holes himself, after the fact?

    Besides, Julian Assange, who actually knows where the leak came from says it’s not Russian, and I believe him.

    Julian Assange hates Hillary Clinton. It’s a matter of public record. And you think he’s impartial? WTF???

    Is this whole post some kind of weird justification for voting for Trump? Trying to smear Obama? 🙄 🙄

    • ± says:

      Phydeau short circuits at Marc posting a bunch of true bad stuff about his god Obama. Then Phydeau posits that because Marc hasn’t mentioned the names of everyone else who has done the same bad stuff, that Obama is being singled out. Then Phydeau who knows full well that Marc voted for Obama [twice!] and also his goddess Hillary, evinces that Marc voted for Trump.

      Phydeau, if you are not a payed shill, you are mentally ill. There isn’t a third choice.

    • Leroy the Wise says:

      We all know the DNC emails were leaked and the Russians had nothing to do with it.

      Maybe people hold Obama to a different standard when it comes to assassinations, drone strikes, etc. since he was given the Peace Prize, and nominated even before he took office. Also criticized Romney for saying Russia was our biggest threat and now acts like he’s so tough on the Russians.

      Why Democrats admit no matter how much they stacked the deck to get Hillary elected they still lost?

      People wanted a negotiator not another neocon warmonger trying to resurrect the cold war.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      >Why single out Obama?

      Because Obama is attacking others for hacking. Can’t you follow the language of baby Perkel?

    • hmayle says:

      I guess that the thinking here is “if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth”.

      Everyone knows that the DNC wasn’t hacked, it was an insider leak (probably a disgruntled Bernie Sanders devotee).

      And, they never mention what the leaked info was ( or hacked info if you believe the fairy tale). What was released, if you remember, was the fact that the DNC was illegally conspiring to make sure that Bernie Sanders didn’t get the Democratic nomination. Its what caused Debbie Wasserman the head of the DNC to have to resign.

      The Obama administration is punishing the Russians for trying to influence the election ( by revealing that the DNC actually was trying to illegally influence the election). In other words, they are being punished for revealing the truth.

      Politicians are lying sacks of ____ and have no shame whatsoever. And the media is only too happy to reprint the lies.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        “Repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.”

        Poll found majority of Democrats think Russia hacked voting machines to change the election.

  2. spsffan says:

    Obama the second worst president ever? Are you sure you voted for Hillary?

    How about Harding, Pierce, Carter, Hoover (can you say prohibition and the depression?) Johnson (both of them), Nixon.

    Sure, Obama was pretty miserable on the cyber spying front, and insisted on continuing our misadventures in the Middle East, but no worse than any others. And he actually DID do some good things, like nixing “don’t ask, don’t tell” and beginning to open up a dialogue with Cuba.

    As far as it goes, I’m 54 years old and Obama is the only president in my aware lifetime* that I don’t hate at the end of his term. Not prefect, to be sure, but I don’t hate him.

    Plus, if you want to see a big baby, just wait a month. He’s coming!

    *I don’t count JFK, since I was 18 months old when he died and I wasn’t “aware” of things by then. By the time LBJ was out of office, my sister’s boyfriend had been sent to Vietnam, and I was aware of what was going on.

    • Phydeau says:

      spsffan, you take these wingnuts too seriously. When they ignore Reagan and Dubya and all their corruption, and the lack of corruption in Obama’s administration, you know you’re dealing with people a few fries short of a Happy Meal. 🙄

  3. JCjr says:

    “Julian Assange hates Hillary Clinton. It’s a matter of public record.”

    Quote please.

  4. IM78 says:

    Pretty excellent, Marc.

  5. Ken V. says:

    I’m a long time lurker here. Does John C. endorse the views in this blog ? Just curious. There really is no “about this blog” which IMHO should be, at least I couldn’t find it.

    • Leroy the Wise says:

      No, he just set it up and lets it run, I’m sure he looks in occasionally but he just lets it run.

  6. NewFormatSux says:

    Perkel calling someone a baby is rich. And it is a bigger baby than someone else he called a baby.

    How about giving us your opinion of the hacking evidence?

    US does not have enough to indict the Russians, but liberals are eager to declare them guilty.
    US does not have enough to indict Hillary(Comey claims), but liberals are eager to declare her innocent.

    • IM78 says:

      I don’t know where you got that idea. I assure you the United States has more than sufficient evidence to indict the Russian Federation, but chose to go a different route if you get my drift (don’t ask, as I don’t need that kind of trouble in my life).

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    No wonder the statements are coming from the political heads. The evidence is very weak:

  8. Complaint Department says:

    Are you sure these Russians were “hacking” emails?!

    Knowing our governments history and how well they keep records, are you sure these Russians weren’t simply LOOKING?!

    Are you sure any of these morons — or even the daily idiots you do business with (like, at a bank or somewhere) — have a clue what encryption is?!

    I swear to Bobbo (cause there is no god)! Absolutely no one in the press or anywhere else is doing their HOMEWORK on this. All we hear is a mindless press and big mouthed political pin-heads throwing around keywords like “hack” or “hacker”which is supposed to somehow conjure up images of Ferris Bueller trying to stop the Whopper from starting another Red Dawn. (Ya I know! Different movies, which is sort of the point.)

    … And then we have this JCD blog. Come on!!! Get it together! This web site once had something to do with COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY! Didn’t it?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      >Absolutely no one in the press or anywhere else is doing their HOMEWORK on this.

      Ridiculous. The press would ever mindlessly parrot information given to them by US intelligence agencies.

    • IM78 says:

      Yeah, it did. Good point. That’s what got a lot of us regularly reading this blog. Back with JD himself used to interact

    • NewFormatSux says:

      These Russians were “hacking” emails?

      Like, with an axe?

  9. Aloha says:

    Obama Acting like a big Baby? Yes.

    Hope he doesn’t trash the Whitehouse when he leaves.

    He should move to Hawaii as a self proclaimed King Kahuna.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    For Marc, and anyone else who wants the truth.

    This is the guy who received the leaked emails:

    And this is the guy who leaked the emails and why, “…disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.’”

    More truth in these two articles than all the U.S. media.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      Oh, and this is the purpose behind “Fake News”, to keep us from learning the real news.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    So now that we know who leaked the emails and why, what next?

    “Hillary Clinton Got Wealthy By Arming ISIS Militants”

    Assange isn’t through, and neither is Trump.

  12. Don says:

    I judge that Trump will be one of our best presidents ever. You obviously didn’t vote for him and I didn’t either. Best wishes to him and to all of us.


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