I read with both amusement and horror that The Donald is going to continue to run his businesses and TV shows like “Celebrity Apprentice” while he is president. And Trump is disinterested in to get his daily national security briefings. I guess no one told Donald Trump that being President of the United States is a full time job?

I think he’ll probably quit after a few months because it’s too much work.

  1. Mr Diesel - Fake News....Again says:

    Obomba was notorious for not taking daily security briefings so what’s your point?

    You can feel the country’s excitement that the malaise of the last 8 years under this worthless president is coming to an end.

    I’ll give credit to Obomba for two things. Ordering Bin Laden execution and killing the Somali pirates.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Obomba was notorious for not taking daily security briefings so what’s your point? /// Like myself, I believe he preferred to read reports. Its quicker, more sure. A right wingnut talking point more lie than true.

      You can feel the country’s excitement that the malaise of the last 8 years under this worthless president is coming to an end. /// Malaise: the intentional plan of the Pukes before Obama even got into office. Treasonous in intent, if not by law. Wingnuts in action.

      I’ll give credit to Obomba for two things. Ordering Bin Laden execution and killing the Somali pirates. /// He actually only ordered the killing of Somali pirates as well. given the treasonous activities of the Pukes, I would also credit Obama for not taking us into more useless wars, saving the American Auto Industry, preventing the meltdown of the World Banking system, Obamacare, not enforcing Federal anti-maurijuana laws.

      there is a bunch I would criticize him for as well….but it seems off the OP?

      what we have now is Trump. Unless he is going to spend 24/7 fighting the very people he is picking now…..we are set to drive the bus back into the ditch.

      Trickle down crony capitalism, sprinkled with lies, corruption, self dealing, and flim flam.

      I pity our kiddies.

      • Dave says:

        “Malaise: the intentional plan of the Pukes before Obama even got into office. Treasonous in intent, if not by law”// Obvious left wingnut spewing point.

        “I would also credit Obama for not taking us into more useless wars”// Like Libya, which created a hell on earth for them, and assisted in the creation of the worst migrations of people in history. He wanted to war in Syria, but the citizens told him to fuck off. So yeah, great job.

        “preventing the meltdown of the World Banking system”// Doubling the national debt and kicking the can down the road to the next administration. Good job.

        “Obamacare”// yeah…uh-huh. Good job Obama. My health care is now $1200/mth. awesome.

        “not enforcing Federal anti-marijuana laws”// see Federal raids on legal MJ shops in California.


        Could you be a little more misinformed?

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Partisan if not a Shill, the koolaid drinking Dave says:
          12/9/2016 at 8:18 am

          “Malaise: the intentional plan of the Pukes before Obama even got into office. Treasonous in intent, if not by law”// Obvious left wingnut spewing point.XXXXX Sorry, but Mich McConnell said the job of the Pukes was NOT o make America better but rather to stop Obama from getting a second term…and they tried mightily by filibustering EVERYTHING Obama tried to do even when proposing previous Republican laws. Sadly…it worked more than it should have. The cool calm judgment of Obama shined thru giving him a high personal approval level, but “the gubment” is correctly seen as “not working” but the cause has never been put squarely in front of the Pukes. Too many folks like yourself can’t tell sh*t from shinola……. as voting in Trump confirms.

          “I would also credit Obama for not taking us into more useless wars”// Like Libya, which created a hell on earth for them, and assisted in the creation of the worst migrations of people in history. He wanted to war in Syria, but the citizens told him to fuck off. So yeah, great job. XXXXXXXX So you agree. Ha, ha. Took 2-3 lies to help you swallow….but you took the full load.

          “preventing the meltdown of the World Banking system”// Doubling the national debt and kicking the can down the road to the next administration. Good job.XXXXX Caused by BushtheRetard DIRECTLY. Fixed by Obama. That has been quite consistent in history. Dems create a surplus or a path to it and the Pukes come in and cut taxes on the AlreadyTooRich paid for by cutting social services to you and me and raising the National Debt. by the time the Pukes are thrown out of office, the Dems are blamed for the bad economy and for raising taxes to fix it. Once again….. your ilk cuts everyone’s throat in the name of “More Jobs” or Free Trade or you simply wrapped the mess of trickle down flim flam in the Flag and call it patriotism. Evidently, you all have a memory span of about 6 months as you allow this to happen over and over again.

          “Obamacare”// yeah…uh-huh. Good job Obama. My health care is now $1200/mth. awesome. XXXXX Yes…as long as you allow for profit medicine, your healthcare cost will always go up 2-3 times the rate of inflation. See above for the excuses you allow all caused by the Republicans refusing to allow single payer. Most of the current rate increases was directly caused by Little Marco cancelling the Federal transition Plan funding off the table. See above once again for how you welcome this hosing.

          “not enforcing Federal anti-marijuana laws”// see Federal raids on legal MJ shops in California.XXXXX Yes….like I said, Obama can be faulted. Did he raid them all?==>No. A positive situation compared to the status quo ante. Grow a brain.


          Could you be a little more misinformed? XXXXX Not with you in the room.

          Suck it silly hoomans. I’d be laughing except you are not cutting just your own throat…but rather everyone’s throat. Your kiddies, my kiddies.

          Downright butt-raped, and asking for more. Silly hoomans.

          • Dave says:

            Har. I blew away every one of your arguments. And you came back with bupkus.

            The one I liked the most was by borrowing 10 TRILLIION dollars from China, that fixes anything. Borrowing money against the future doesn’t fix shit. Didnt your momma teach you anything?

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            That might not be lemonade you’re drinking.

          • Dave says:

            So tell me..how does leaving 10 Trillion dollars in debt, that the “kiddies” will have to pay back fix anything?

            Please enlighten.


          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            It avoids the 20 Trillion damage of lost jobs and bankrupt businesses caused by a global economic crash.

            It was set up by BushtheRetard on his way out and Obama mostly just carried it forward .

            Congress agreed.

            If you had any desire at all for “facts”, you’d know this.

  2. Joe Austin says:

    You’re fired!

  3. Mr Diesel - Fake News....Again says:

    Big damn deal that Trump keeps Executive Producer credit. Does anyone give a shit about it? Not the people that matter.

    • Benjamin says:

      The executive producer just funds the show. The money was spent to give him the credit. He’s just not having them take his name off the credits. It’s not a big deal and will take zero minutes of Trump’s time.

  4. Dwd says:

    But more importantly, how much golf does he plan on playing?

  5. Phydeau says:

    Doesn’t suprise me, but where’s the evidence? Has he said he’s going to do this?

    Earlier in the campaign his then-chairman Paul Manafort essentially said he was going to delegate most of the job to the vice-president:


    Better not post too many articles critical of Trump… your wingnut traffic will go way down. 🙄

    • Hmeyers says:


      “your wingnut traffic will go way down”


      (I’m kidding Phydeau, ever since you said you preferred Bernie and did some intellectualish posts, I see you in a different light. Interesting post you did about how the parties have changed. But as a bit of joker, you have to admit you created the opportunity for a good joke there 🙂 )

  6. Hmeyers says:

    The Constitution and the Constitution alone defines the role of the President.

    The End.

  7. NikElectric says:

    Not a fan of Trump at all, but as John and Adam have consistently shown us, being a producer means nothing more than being a cash machine for the production. This is kind of odd and unique for a president to be part of, but I cannot see how it will have any effect on his time.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Trump is a particularly unique case where aside from 4 or 5 issues, he was on both sides of the fence.

      So from an expectations standpoints these are the *only* Trump must do according to the campaign:

      1) Enforce immigration far better than now
      2) Not start new wars where we use ground troops
      3) Keep jobs in the United States + boost employment
      4) Appoint a Supreme Court Justice that will keep gun rights as they are
      5) Replace Obamacare with something that doesn’t cost so much for so little, while not hurting people in need
      6) Do not cut entitlements

      Everything else, he has held multiple positions and anyone who voted for Trump just has to have faith that he’ll make the decision that his fan base wants.

      Since Trump derives his enjoyment from his fans, you can bet he’s out to make them happy.

      Aside from that, everything else is up in the air.

      Someone that didn’t support Trump at any point during the process (Perkel for instance) doesn’t really have much of a right to try to impose his standards of behavior on Trump.

      Trump could do everything Perkel asks for — and Perkel still wouldn’t like him.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        >Trump could do everything Perkel asks for — and Perkel still wouldn’t like him.

        So Trump is like the new Star Trek.

        • Hmeyers says:

          The new Star Trek movie wasn’t very good.

          I rented it at RedBox (refused to see at theatre due to Paramount dumbness towards fan films).

          It wasn’t bad, but I lost interest about an hour into the movie.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            The new one looks quite dull in the trailer. They could have switched the fan film and the new movie, and Perkel would still have complained about the corporate Star Trek.

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    I thought NBC had kicked him off of Apprentice?

    Marc, you thought Trump would get bored and quit the presidential race within six months. How confident are you in your new prediction of a few months.
    And make up your mind. Is it lots of work so he wants to leave, or so little work that he will do other things?

  9. Hmeyers says:

    “I thought NBC had kicked him off of Apprentice?”

    I think they discovered the whole “You’re fired!” thing doesn’t actually work on The Donald.

    He is kind of holding the Trump card.

  10. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    In the new weekly series: “Things TRUMP did not think through” we have the notion that no matter what Presnedent Trump does…. his properties or anything else with his NAME on it will be RIPE for terrorists attacks.

    Ha, ha. Not that I’m for such attacks….just saying. Trump supporters really painted him into a corner. I wonder when it will first occur to him that his Properties and the Good will of his Name is now just a target? Total divestiture and name changes is all that is needed to protect those properties and his position in office from obvious violations of conflict of interest if not active fraud as well.

    Gee……if ida known THAT was gonna happen….. I might have won the primary just to show that I could, then stepped back.

    Speaking of Preparation H….. thats what I think every time I see Pence speak. Its like his balls are in a vice grip…..but no one is squeezing except himself trying to figure out what mindless drivel to projectile vomit onto the public.

    The fun hasn’t even started.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      This was pointed out by people who thought Trump would start a war with his tweets.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        right you are NFS…. others said it… but did Trump realize it? Then or now???

        Its a bit different though…. NOT about starting a war with ISIS (we are there already aren’t we?) but rather than NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DID….his properties would automatically become a target.

        Imagine this: early in the nomination run ISIS hits Trump Tower in Whereever and says: This is for You Trump….we will attack you everywhere.

        Anyone think Trump would have stayed in the game? Now ….. its too late: “I shouldda thought this through.” If he totally sells off all his properties…. then and only then….. he will have thought things through.

        Ha, ha.

  11. IM78 says:

    Pretty good self portrait, Mr Perkel. You should do more like this one.

  12. Executive Odor says:

    Hmmm… yeah, maybe Trump IS the Sarah Palin of the presidency.

  13. Guyver says:

    No one told Obama. He’s went golfing 270 calendar days: http://obamagolfcounter.com/

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    What will Marc do when he realizes Felon Musk is on Trump’s advisory council?

    • Hmeyers says:

      Right now, “the Left” isn’t listening.

      What’s funny is the “the Right” doesn’t have to listen, they were, in fact, defeated.

      There isn’t a “Right”, the free-traders lost and the religious fanatics lost. They got shredded. I enjoyed every minute of it.

      The “Left” will eventually start listening, when they are ready to win again. It might be a while.

      “There are three horses who have never come in win, place, or even show. Their names are Coulda, Woulda, and Shoulda.”

      Right now, “the Left” is in the sore loser phase. The most important thing about being a sore loser, is that you are being a loser. You are dwelling in the past, reliving what has already happened. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.

      How did it get this way? How did the Democratic Party go from the party of the working man —> to the party of calling loyal Democrats “deplorable” and telling lifelong Democrats in rural areas “gonna put a lot of coal miners out of business”.

      Trump was in many ways the worst candidate to run for office.

      He didn’t beat the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party beat themselves. Until they come to terms with that, the Democratic Party is going to suck — because they aren’t learning, they aren’t listening.

      They are probably going to be out of power for quite some time now.

      I expect the Republican lead in the Senate to bump to 53, some Democratic Senator lady in North Dakota is going to decide she’d like a future and join Trump’s cabinet rather than wait 2 years to get routed in a “red state”.

      If you are the Democratic Party, what are you about today? Used to be the working man, free speech, keeping jobs in the USA, the unions, equal rights.

      If they ever get back to believing in those things, they might win start winning some elections.

  15. kerpow says:

    “I think he’ll probably quit after a few months because it’s too much work.”

    Marc, you’ve been wrong about everything regarding Trump the entire election. At what point are you going to realize you don’t know what you’re talking about on this one?


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