In a statement following the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, President Barack Obama spoke of “the countless ways in which (Castro) altered the course of individual lives, families and of the Cuban nation.”

That’s an understatement as the thousands who have risked their lives over the years to escape from Cuba have testified. For six decades the left has lauded Castro as a secular savior, seeing only what they wanted to see and reporting only what the Cuban government wanted them to report.
Examples are legion, but this one is typical: In February 1988, the State Department named Cuba one of the world’s biggest human rights oppressors. NBC News reporter Ed Rabel visited Havana to check it out. Rich Noyes of the Media Research Center, the conservative media watchdog, writes: “NBC’s conciliatory approach allowed Castro to spew lies about his drug connections and the wonderful achievements of the Cuban revolution.” Rabel reported, “There is, in Cuba, government intrusion into everyone’s life, from the moment he is born until the day he dies.

Over the years, celebrities made pilgrimages to Havana. Each time they marveled at the supposed excellence of Cuba’s medical care and quality of education. In the immediate aftermath of Castro’s death, the pattern was repeated. Typical was Andrea Mitchell, who gushed on MSNBC: “(Castro) gave his people better health care and education.” Mitchell and other Castro disciples apparently never read a July 2007 article in National Review titled, “The myth of Cuban health care.” The magazine was among many publications that destroyed the notion of outstanding health care in Cuba, noting that the country offers three medical tiers. One tier is for celebrities and tourists, requiring payment in hard cash to help bolster the regime. The second tier is for Cuba’s top government officials. The third tier is for everyone else, and the magazine called it “wretched. Hospitals and clinics are crumbling. Conditions are so unsanitary, patients may be better off at home, whatever home is. If they do go to the hospital, they must bring their own bed sheets, soap, towels, food, light bulbs, even toilet paper. And basic medications are so scarce that finding an aspirin can be a chore. An antibiotic will fetch a fortune on the black market.”

The left, so concerned about human rights in America and other noncommunist countries, ignores their violations in Cuba. As Human Rights Watch noted earlier this year, “The Cuban government continues to repress dissent and discourage public criticism. While in recent years it has relied less on long-term prison sentences to punish its critics, short-term arbitrary arrests of human rights defenders, independent journalists and other critics have increased dramatically. Other repressive tactics employed by the government include beatings, public acts of shaming and the termination of employment.”

Related: Is Canada PM Justin Trudeau son of Fidel Castro?

  1. Phydeau says:

    As usual, when someone is criticized as being so bad, the correct response is “compared to what?” Do a little digging about the regime of Fulgencio Batista, who Castro overthrew. Courtesy of Wikipedia:

    Back in power, and receiving financial, military, and logistical support from the United States government, Batista suspended the 1940 Constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He then aligned with the wealthiest landowners who owned the largest sugar plantations, and presided over a stagnating economy that widened the gap between rich and poor Cubans. Eventually it reached the point where most of the sugar industry was in U.S. hands, and foreigners owned 70% of the arable land. As such, Batista’s increasingly corrupt and repressive government then began to systematically profit from the exploitation of Cuba’s commercial interests, by negotiating lucrative relationships with both the American Mafia, who controlled the drug, gambling, and prostitution businesses in Havana, and with large U.S.-based multinational companies who were awarded lucrative contracts. To quell the growing discontent amongst the populace—which was subsequently displayed through frequent student riots and demonstrations—Batista established tighter censorship of the media, while also utilizing his Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities secret police to carry out wide-scale violence, torture and public executions; ultimately killing anywhere from hundreds to 20,000 people.

    As bad as Castro is by our standards, I suspect the people of Cuba thought he wasn’t as bad as Batista. They were getting screwed by the rich and the multinational corporations (gee, that sounds familiar) and hoped that he would be better. They may have traded one bad government for another, but who knows? They saw how “capitalism” worked under Batista so it’s not surprising they tried something else. And it’s not surprising that they hated America, given the corruption and the sweetheart deals with American corporations.

    Just goes to show, it’s never black and white, only shades of gray.

    • Phydeau says:

      whoops, blockquote was supposed to end at “20,000 people”, the paragraph after that is me.

      • Dave says:

        Sounds like you are a supporter of Castro. What is it about Communism that you are so attracted to?

        • Phydeau says:

          Sounds like you are unable to comprehend shades of gray, Dave. No, I’m not a supporter of Castro. Just pointing out how some Cubans might be supporters of Castro.

          Let me ask you something, Dave. If your country had been raped and plundered by people calling themselves “capitalists”, wouldn’t you consider some other form of government?

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            So…….confirming “Shades of Gray” means nothing to Dave, goes right over his head….. that other people have different life experiences and therefor values.

            Every “system” benefits some while hurting others.

            Rethuglikan Crony Trickle Down Capitalism about to Cubanize America. Very few will benefit while the great majority will be left blaming the wrong causes.

            Just look. Take off the blinders: AND LOOK.

          • JCjr says:

            Canadians that have vacationed there over the years will ask workers that work in hotels and hospitality what it’s like there, and most will tell you that they make more money as a gardener than as a doctor, as one fellow did. They have very modest homes, that someone in the US might call a rustic cottage or slum, but they seemed to be cautiously content with what they have. We, as a materialistic society, judge them by what they don’t have. It’s not the same. People here have to get over themselves about the issue.

          • JCjr says:

            Cuba has the highest literacy rate of any third-world country.

            Cuba may be poor (that’s the fault of the US trade embargo, after all), but a dictator doesn’t educate citizens whom he has disdain for.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            JC: two excellent posts in a row. Where ya been? Hope you continue the roll.

            Universal education and healthcare…. as best as can be done with the resources available.

            ………..compared to ………….. NO, I won’t go there. Its too near Christmas to be called a Cuban communist.

          • Dave says:

            “Cuba has the highest literacy rate of any third-world country.

            Cuba may be poor (that’s the fault of the US trade embargo, after all), but a dictator doesn’t educate citizens whom he has disdain for.”

            Yes lets educate them in all of the wonders of the world, and then kill them if they want to leave their prison island to take advantage of their “literacy”.

            You’re a bigger idiot the bobbo, and thats saying something.

          • Dave says:

            “Canadians that have vacationed there over the years will ask workers that work in hotels and hospitality what it’s like there, and most will tell you that they make more money as a gardener than as a doctor, as one fellow did. ”

            So does anything in this moronic statement make sense to you? I can spend years working my ass off to learn medicine and be paid less than a ditch digger.

            You just might be an Canadian idiot.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            2 excellents posts followed by 2 mindlessly stoopid posts.

            Must be fair and balanced?

            Yeah!!!!!!! Who in their right mind would be a doctor when they could be a higher paid ditch digger??

            You know: I view the whole world through MY VALUES….. AND MY VALUES ALONE. Its the only way to get thru life without needing to think at all.

          • Dave says:

            Har! That was literally the dumbest thing you have ever said…no, wait….there’s more!

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            You aren’t very good at this Dave.

            Go back to Brightbart where your dishonest dull wit can still shine.

          • JumboBob says:

            Bobbo: I don’t understand why you would want to go to a doctor who is being paid less than a gardener. Surely, even in your point of view, you rate healthcare higher than landscaping.

            Even in communism you need to have a way to encourage the best and the brightest to seek certain careers.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            If people are getting other satisfaction from a job, then you do not need to pay as much. So you have to pay more for gardeners. On the other hand there are not many who can be a doctor, while there are many who can be gardeners so you can get away with paying less for gardeners as there will be others available.

    • ECA says:

      Why in Hell would Canada worry about a nation the USA took from Spain for illegitimate reasons(remember the MAIN) and extended into the pacific to take the Spanish islands(banana war)(lasted 40 years) that started BEFORE 1900..
      NOW read the first comment…about HOW the USA RICH took over Cuba after WWII, and and used it as a PLAY GROUND..Some of the old authors WRITE ABOUT IT…more drugs and murder there then in Taiwan..

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    I lived in Puerto Rico for a while and it was a common joke among the people that the Cubans where their “Poor cousins across the way”.
    We also knew once the embargo was lifted and American money flowed into Cuba it would be over for Castro.

    • Phydeau says:

      If the Cubans are unlucky, they’ll be looted and plundered again like they were under Batista. Multi-national corporations are even stronger now. Good luck to them.

    • Phydeau says:

      American money flowing into Cuba was the original problem, with a corrupt government (Batista) taking it all and leaving the average Cuban with nothing.

      • Dave says:

        A Civil war or revolution was in order against Batista. So what? How can any thinking liberal support the civil rights abuses of EITHER dictatorship.

        • Phydeau says:

          Who supports civil rights abuses? Liberals? Conservatives? I’d hope nobody. Just because you think one regime is marginally better than another, doesn’t mean you support everything it does.

          From the original article:

          As Human Rights Watch noted earlier this year, “The Cuban government continues to repress dissent and discourage public criticism. While in recent years it has relied less on long-term prison sentences to punish its critics, short-term arbitrary arrests of human rights defenders, independent journalists and other critics have increased dramatically. Other repressive tactics employed by the government include beatings, public acts of shaming and the termination of employment.”

          From the wikipedia article on Bautista:

          Batista established tighter censorship of the media, while also utilizing his Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities secret police to carry out wide-scale violence, torture and public executions; ultimately killing anywhere from hundreds to 20,000 people.

          I’d say putting people in prison, public shaming, and termination of employment is better than wide-scale violence, torture, and public executions, wouldn’t you?

          • Dave says:

            I’d say Castro did much worse than how you would like to sugar coat his “leadership” But getting into the game of who was more evil is for chumps.

            “Project Vice President Armando Lago, a Harvard-trained economist, has spent years studying the cost of the revolution and he estimates that almost 78,000 innocents may have died trying to flee the dictatorship. Another 5,300 are known to have lost their lives fighting communism in the Escambray Mountains (mostly peasant farmers and their children) and at the Bay of Pigs. An estimated 14,000 Cubans were killed in Fidel’s revolutionary adventures abroad, most notably his dispatch of 50,000 soldiers to Angola in the 1980s to help the Soviet-backed regime fight off the Unita insurgency. ”

            In the earliest days of the revolution, summary executions established a culture of fear that quickly eliminated most resistance. In the decades that followed, inhumane prison conditions often leading to death, unspeakable torture and privation were enough to keep Cubans cowed.

            “Cuba Archive finds that some 5,600 Cubans have died in front of firing squads and another 1,200 in “extrajudicial assassinations.” Che Guevara was a gleeful executioner at the infamous La Cabaña Fortress in 1959 where, under his orders, at least 151 Cubans were lined up and shot. Children have not been spared. Of the 94 minors whose deaths have been documented by Cuba Archive, 22 died by firing squad and 32 in extrajudicial assassinations.”

            Liberals love to lionize Che Guevera as a freedom fighter. He wasn’t.


          • Phydeau says:

            You’re fighting against a strawman, Dave, this mythical “liberal” who looooooves Castro. Maybe the solution was as bad as the problem, maybe not. Only the Cubans can say for sure.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            “But getting into the game of who was more evil is for chumps.” /// Or anyone else who wants to really understand the history of how things are the way they are.

            “Shut up and swallow this” is not a good way to go thru life.

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    Canada has always had flights to Cuba. Trudeau’s dad loved Castro, and the younger met him. There is some hope. Canadians were so repulsed by his hagiography that he was embarrassed into skipping the funeral.

    The real reason Hollywood and liberals visit Cuba is because of the prostitution secured by the regime.

    • Phydeau says:

      LOL. You think Castro’s regime continued the prostitution business started by Batista’s regime? Could be.

      But it’s family value conservatives who take advantage of prostitutes, NFS. Us liberals don’t have the guilt. 😉

      That’s one good thing about Trump… Republicans and right-wingers now have to STFU about being the “family values” party. You got a thrice-divorced, cheating, creepy sleazeball for your Republican Party standard bearer now (“I’d date my daughter if she wasn’t my daughter because she’s so hot”). I almost have to feel sorry for Christian fundies, the logic twists they must perform in their minds, supporting Trump. 🙄 But not quite. 😀

  4. Hmeyers says:

    Putting the reality of Cuba aside, what Phydeau says about Cuba pre-Castro is 100% true … Cuba was probably a few degrees worse about human rights before Castro. (Which is about normal for all the countries south of the USA at that period of time)

    That being said … what I found funny this year:

    Leftist: Trump is Hitler.

    Then someone who was actually sort of like Hitler in some ways, namely Castro ..

    Leftist: Castro was a hero.

    So we are now calling people with opposing politics and a lot of bluster and hot air and labeling them “Hitler”, but when an actual Hitler with human rights abuses and murder on his hands dies … same jackasses call him a hero.

    This is why I think partisan politics suck, but the left has taken it to nutrageous extremes the last couple of years.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Other than agreeing with you about what is 100% true…. what liberal said exactly what in support of Castro?

      ……..and I would say that Obama’s overly cautious statement went too far in my book. His judgment is that it is too soon for the truth, and perhaps that Brother Castro might make things worse for the Cuban people in response?

      Its almost like a forum where the Editors want everyone to be polite.

      • Dave says:

        “what liberal said exactly what in support of Castro?”

        The OP is about Liberals praise of Castro. Do you read the article, go to any of the links or just race to the comments and inject your own opinion without looking at the posting?

        I suspect the latter.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Fair catch Dave. I usually only read about half an OP. A liability on my part assuming if I’ve already read the first half of an OP elsewhere that I don’t need to read the second half.

          From the OP then, the only “liberal” quoted is Andrea Michell? She is a talking news head…none of the liberal by my standards but rather only bobbleheads talking to fill in the air time while not wanting to offend anyone in power so as to keep access.

          Know what I mean?

          But thanks for a general link instead of any specific quote. I decline the Snipe Hunt.

          ………thinking of Sean Penn right now. “A” liberal…. probably said some pro castro things…again, wanting to keep that access.

          Maybe Media and Hollywood individuals are not the best representatives of what a governing philosophy is really all about???

          But lets just beat the dead horse of Conservative = Good, Liberal = Bad because you know…..its simple. No History required.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Bobbo, in denial about the Left’s loving Castro, in denial about the Left’s hating Israel, in denial about the Left’s supporting illegals to get more votes, I’m starting to notice a pattern…

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Would that be anything you can’t think through yourself is bad and the fault of liberals, then Obama, and now bobbo?

            thats some deep thinking you got going on there.

            But, since the forum is dead due to no new OP’s, lets parse and see what we can make of it?

            Bobbo, in denial about the Left’s loving Castro, /// I didn’t meet with him or his representatives about building hotels on his island with all the kick backs that would entail…… The Donaold did THAT.

            in denial about the Left’s hating Israel, /// I fought in the Yom Kippur war. Have my brothers in arms all in support of Israel regardless of other positions changed that much?

            in denial about the Left’s supporting illegals to get more votes, I’m starting to notice a pattern…//// … and yet its been said about 50 times now that immigration laws should be enforced most effectively by catching and fining the Employers. Rather than costing billions on a useless fence, this would create a “dis-incentive” to the illegals leading to them deporting themselves.

            Looks like you are wrong in everything you say.

            Typical Puke.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            You confirm my point.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Everything confirms your point.

            Its called being a wingnut.

    • Phydeau says:

      LOL, the pot calling the kettle black. You wingnuts totally lost it over Clinton… Killary, etc. All the fake-news conspiracy tales you swallowed that turned out to be totally bogus.

      Look in the mirror, nutrageous. 😀

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        Trump can now build his casino in Havana because he is the Presnedent AND a Hotelier. Two for the price of one.

        We couldn’t be any luckier. Some might say Trump only tried to do that while he was a Democrat…so that was BAD. But now, he is a Rethuglikan…. so its all GOOD.

        Bad vs Good. Nice labels.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Maybe Trump will build a casino in Havana.

          Trump Casino, Havana!

          Long term, isn’t Cuba better served by being another tourist destination like the other islands in the area.

          It probably should just be one big boat dock with Caribbean cruise ships docked at port.

          I mean their old plan was sugar cane or something, like that is going to work out these days.

          • McCullough says:

            Correct. As a long time resident of a Caribbean Island, you’re either in the tourist industry, you’re filthy rich, or you work for the local government.

            I’m in computer consulting…that services the tourist industry, and the local government.

            Thats about it.

          • Ah_Yea says:

            I concur completely with McCullough.

            Having lived in Puerto Rico and St. Thomas for a while, there really isn’t much else to do.

            No one cares about Ronrico anymore, and St. Thomas is a peanut lost in the ocean.

            I understand why people go Rasta. Grow your hair, smoke the holy weed, and waste your life away because there’s nothing else to do, (except pack your bags and LEAVE).

      • Hmeyers says:

        I don’t know if you were trying to troll me, but anyone around here can tell you it doesn’t work. 🙂

        This is why Bobbo and I converse so much. I’d critique some of his climate thoughts we candid scientific observations, he’d go ballistic on me and I never cared even in a negative way.

        Eventually he realized I was only after quality conversation.

        I only troll people that like have the appearance of liking Hillary. I think Bobbo, for example, could attest to that.

        Did I mention I don’t like Hillary? Haha 🙂

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          My casual observation would be that “no one” on this forum “likes” Hillary. The firmest actual support would come from Marc Perkel and ……….. memory is not firm here …….. most of his support, like my own, is as the only available option.

          Hillary is not a better candidate than ANY Republican there is………just any Republican that has run for office.

          Ha, ha……….. and Yes HM….its quite enjoyable to see you post some things that aren’t totally nuts. You do have your moods.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Also, for the first couple of years I thought Hillary would make a great Secretary of State.

          Obama: The nation of [insert name] isn’t behaving. I need you to pay them a visit.

          Hillary: I’m on it.

          Representative of said nation: Please, no more! This is torture.

          Obama: Get your shit together or you’ll get more visits from Hillary.

          Rogue Nation: Whatever you want. We surrender.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            That was the plan, but Hillary screwed that one too.

            The “Reset Button” is a classic.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Yeah, Obama sent her to those places.

            She had them write checks to the Clinton Foundation. Haha.

            /I wish it was a just a joke.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Look — here is when I started having major fucking issues with Hillary as Secretary of State.

            Muammar Gaddafi essentially surrendered and made nice after 9/11.

            He gave up nuclear and chemical aspirations.

            He paid reparations for some Scotland airplane bomb in the 1980s.

            He acceded to the West that he would no longer tolerate any terrorism.
            We ****killed*** him. She joked and bragged and high fived about killing him.

            That guy completely fucking went straight as far as the West was concerned.

            WTF did we learn from Iraq? Nothing?????

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Yeah…. but he also pissed off his own people, tried to force Islam on them, jobs only given to his cronies while the country faced 30% unemployment.

            USA did back/support the rebels…. but USA did not “make” the rebels. Col Q pretty much did that all by himself as most petty tyrants do.

            Another entry into the “Things TRUMP did not think through” file.

          • Dave says:

            Libya? It’s all Radical Islam now, so good job Obama.

            HMeyers is correct, he capitulated,. And for the record, in this regard, “supporting the rebels” means arming the “terrorists”.

          • Ah_Yea says:

            Gadaffi was killed because of the gold dinar.
            Read the entire list, the Dinar is #10


          • ± says:

            [to Hmeyers]

            Here is the correct outline of Libya scenario:

            Remember when Obama attacked Libya for no reason whatsoever? Well anyway, we ostensibly ended up killing Khadafi in that attack. Only problem is, Khadafi was already dead. He had been killed by some death squad of one of our allys (probably European) because he was about to reveal some embarrassing truth about that country (and it’s powerful leaders) that Khadafi had kept suppressed for decades. Said country was being in danger of being discovered anyway since now Khadafi was dead, even though possibly none of his fellow Libyans were aware of it; he just wasn’t anywhere to be found. The killer country then called in all of it chits and caused the leader of the most powerful country on earth to attack a country (Libya) which posed no threat to it or any of its allys. In all the destruction and mayhem and confusion his ‘body’ was easily faked. The rest of the world rightfully then sees us as a bully who was butting into others business. Our press plays up Obama as a hero.

            Fast forward. Christopher Stevens, our Libyan ambassador somehow discovers the truth. It is dirty rotten truth and needs to be aired. He doesn’t play ball and is going to do the honorable thing and reveal what he has discovered, but he makes the naive mistake of giving Obama the chance to do the right thing and make the admission himself. Obama agrees to Stevens that he will come clean in a national broadcast, just to buy time. Using the time, the anti-muslim video is quickly thrown together, fake ‘rioting crowds’ are ready to deploy either to augment real rioting crowds or augment them. In the ensuing confusion, Stevens is killed by “the crowd”. Problem solved.

          • Hmeyers says:

            I’m not really into conspiracy theories.

            Humans are generally too stupid to pull off anything overly complicated.

            And if Kaddafi had a secret or Stevens had a secret, he could just text message or email it.

            But if you expand on it some, throw in the bug-eyed aliens that built the pyramids and cram the moon landings and 9/11 in there, you could sell that as a book on some of the late night radio shows and make a tidy sum.

          • ± says:

            [to Hmeyers]

            Oh well. It was worth a try. You D/Rs hirers usually slurp up any old garbage.         Next time.

            But still, I think I should get credit for good prose.

            Regardless, the big take away is Ovomit attacked Libya for exactly NO KNOWN REASON to any of us schlubs. In fact almost everyone here probably doesn’t remember that OBAMA attacked Libya for no known reason. I can not in my life time ever remember the USA ever attacking with deadly force a country that posed exactly ZERO threat to the USA or any of its allies except for when we attacked Libya. It sure implies that there was behind the scenes stuff going on. I vote for my scenario.

            [studious avoidance of insipid platitude here]

  5. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    Who in their right mind would be a doctor when they could be a higher paid ditch digger?

    Go ahead. consider and raise your hand.

    I thought about issues like this years ago when deciding on a career path for myself.

    I imagined a society where all jobs where paid the same…say in work credits. Now…filthy lucre drops out of the picture and you are faced with the prospect of what do you really want to do with your life? Its an interesting counterfactual to play with especially as we enter the age of NO JOBS AT ALL…. that aren’t done by robot. We can use money and the UBI (Universal Basic Income) but it comes out the same: NOW …. what do you want to do with your life?

    I would much rather be a doctor even if it paid less than being a ditch digger. some would choose otherwise, and I might to over the summer to get some exercise…. but a life long avocation??? No…. I don’t think so.

    The same is true for most jobs. More intellectually challenging…. why should they get paid less as you don’t exchange your body/life to make an income. True for Doctors… probably true to some but not the same degree as being a Bankster. What is the POINT of being a Bankster “except” to make money? some technical challenges I guess with money as the score keeper.

    …………..but you see what I mean? Like being offered $100 a day to be in porn movies. “I would’ve paid more.” Jobs…. it not just about money.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Now what about doctors already practicing. They have the choice of continue being a doctor or retire.

  6. Dave says:

    The fact that you totally miss the point about incentive does not surprise me in the least.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Is there only one incentive in your world Dave?

      • Dave says:

        Incentive doesn’t always = more money. Got it?

        Probably not.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          So, what does your first comment even mean in light of your second comment?

          Can you make any sense… of your own comments?

          Try……………. Hint: tell us which comment was faulty.

  7. Hillary says:

    At this point, what difference does it make?

    No. Really.

  8. Tell 'em Groucho sent you says:

    Got parts for a ’54 DeSoto?

  9. usam says:

    Guantanamo is the gorilla in the room that no one sees.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Prediction: In response to claims that Russia did the DNC hacks — Assange, who has stated the DNC dumps were leaks by a member of the DNC, is given immunity in exchange for some sort of testimony.

      • Alfred E. Weiner says:

        What, Me Worry?

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        HM: the election is over. Everyone knows Putin hacked the DNA………and revealed a bunch of truthful information ….. I don’t see the interest or the concern in this activity other than why didn’t our own free freaking Press do the same job better and firster?

        Russia did it. …………………………….. So what?????

        Just another example of people not being able to pay attention to anything of substance and the interest of too many people drawn to the irrelevant.

        ……………..Its why America is circling the drain.

      • Hmeyers says:

        I’m suggesting this happens as part of the circle jerk of politics.

        I don’t care.

        But here is what I do understand, the media made quite a bit of $$$ in the election this year, largely because Trump is a polarizing and entertaining figure.

        The media is going to want more money, and Trump enjoys the spotlight.

        Expect entertainment and controversy on a daily basis because there are dollars to be made. The media was in quite a ratings hole until Trump ran.

        I, myself, will get bored quickly and lose interest.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Hmeyers being cranky says:
          12/13/2016 at 12:12 am

          I’m suggesting this happens as part of the circle jerk of politics. /// Rhetoric, means nothing.

          I don’t care. ///… and yet you post repeatedly about it.

          But here is what I do understand, the media made quite a bit of $$$ in the election this year, largely because Trump is a polarizing and entertaining figure. /// just as they do every election season.

          The media is going to want more money, and Trump enjoys the spotlight. /// Yes….everyone knows this.

          Expect entertainment and controversy on a daily basis because there are dollars to be made. The media was in quite a ratings hole until Trump ran. /// You mean the loss the news departments and the ready alternative of the twiterverse? Not a hole, just a steady decline to disruptive technology. Yes….thats been going on awhile now, perhaps the biggest first bump was obama using it…social networks if not twitter.

          I, myself, will get bored quickly and lose interest. //// When you find something better…. let us know?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Clever job by Assange. Suggest that he will delegitimize the Trump Presidency in exchange for a pardon, then come to testify and say who is the real culprit. It’s like an early episode of The Practice where John Larroquette is pressured into an immunity agreement where he implicates his lover in a murder, all the while declaring that he doesn’t think the guy did it, then when he’s on the stand he reveals that he is the murderer they were looking for.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      usam still working on English vs American idioms says:
      12/11/2016 at 11:32 am

      Guantanamo is the gorilla in the room that no one sees. /// A mixed and incorrect metaphor leaving anyone not knowing what you are trying to say. I do love idioms … second to well crafted metaphor.

      Your structure is mostly about “The ELEPHANT in the room that everyone IGNORES.”

      The gorilla is about that 800 pound Gorilla that NO ONE can ignore as it will do as it pleases without regard to anyone elses interests.

      Hmmmm…. what to think of your statement??? Guantanamo is not a gorilla and everyone sees it.

      Know what I mean?

  10. Phydeau says:

    Oh fer god’s sake… Trump chose the CEO of Exxon Mobil as Secretary of State???

    I stand corrected… Trump’s not setting up a government by Republicans, he’s setting up a government by billionaires, who just happen to be Republicans. I’m sure they’ll have the little guy’s interests at heart. 🙄 🙄 🙄

    Go ahead, delete this for being off-topic. But where are all the articles about how Trump is Making America Great Again with his appointments in his new administration? 🙄

    • Phydeau says:

      Hmm, the CIA states that Russian-sponsored hackers were behind the DNC breakins, with the intent of throwing the election to Trump, and now this:

      In the past several days, Republican and Democratic lawmakers had warned that Mr. Tillerson would face intense scrutiny over his two-decade relationship with Russia, which awarded him its Order of Friendship in 2013, and with Mr. Putin.

      The hearings will also put a focus on Exxon Mobil’s business dealings with Moscow. The company has billions of dollars in oil contracts that can go forward only if the United States lifts sanctions against Russia, and Mr. Tillerson’s stake in Russia’s energy industry could create a very blurry line between his interests as an oilman and his role as America’s leading diplomat.

      Looks like a clear case of quid pro quo. Russia helps Trump get elected, Trump appoints Exxon Mobil Secretary of State, who will push for lifting sanctions, that will provide Exxon Mobil and Russia with billions of dollars in profits. It’s a win-win! Well, except for that whole democracy thing. 🙄 🙄

      • NewFormatSux says:

        If Russia wanted to hand the election to Trump, they would have leaked the e-mails they pulled from Hillary’s server. Instead we got e-mails of someone whose password was password, with an IT team that told him the phishing e-mail he got was legit.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        This marks at least the seventh straight Secretary of State who believes in global warming and a carbon tax.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        When will liberals make up their mind? First they told us Wikileaks was a nothingburger, now they tell us it flipped the election and the Russians were behind it all.

        Apparently, the FBI had informed the DNC in Sept 2015 of the hacking, but the brilliant IT staffers who first told Podesta the e-mail was legit thought the FBI agents were fake!

        • Phydeau says:

          This is the condition of “conservative” thought nowadays… they ignore evidence that a hostile foreign power interfered with a U.S. election. Because their guy won, they don’t care! And even when “their guy” turns out to be another rich Republican fat cat, staffing his administration with other rich Republican fat cats and Wall Street insiders, they still support him! Even when he has sweetheart deals with the foreign country that tried to influence the election, they still support him!

          You and pedrito and the other wingnuts, you’re a special kind of stupid. 😉

          • NewFormatSux says:

            What was this interference? Haven’t you been telling us Wikileaks was nothing?
            Were the Russians behind the hacked voting machines in Georgia and Michigan?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            You know who else ignored evidence of foreign power’s influencing an election?
            Barack Obama knew in July 2015. Not 2016, 2015.

          • Phydeau says:

            That’s all you got? Really? Well at least you tried. The other wingnuts have scurried away. Feeling that buyer’s remorse. Not man enough to admit it. Run away, little wingnuts.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Conservatives in Congress were worried about it. They asked for a briefing from Director of Intelligence, along with Comey and head of the CIA in closed session. They were denied. Why are these people only talking in public leaks and not giving hard evidence to people whose job it is to learn about these things? Could it be that they are just trying to rile up you and fellow Democratic partisans? Republicans heard four years ago rumors of rigging polls, so as to validate the vote fraud that Obama was going to do on Election Day. I thought we would be seeing stories from Greg Palast about Republican skullduggery, but instead we get this.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Will liberals ever forgive Russia for abandoning Communism? The leak came from Bernie supporters, not Russia. Real Communists, not former ones.

    • Phydeau says:

      Back on topic now… Castro bad! Communism bad! Castro is Justin Trudeau’s real father? Canadians dumb! Libruls dumb!

      There ya go. 🙂

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Well done, other than Trudeau’s real father. Not sure where that comes from. Now if you said Liam Neeson’s father…

    • NewFormatSux says:

      So would you prefer this guy be acting as head of Exxon, or working in public service?

  11. Cgpnz says:

    Has anyone heard the message that there is three levels of health ‘care’ in Cuba. First is for the elite and tourists, second is for party apparatjiks, the last and very much least is for everybody else.

    There is not remotely any decent health care for Cubans. Yet another liberal lie. When will we throw these bums out of the MSM? Whatever remaining truth channels there are are now directly under threat as the MSM has started of fake news war. They are the fake news.

  12. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    JumboBob fatally mixing up several related but distinct issues nonetheless fairly says:
    12/13/2016 at 12:50 pm

    Bobbo: I don’t understand why you would want to go to a doctor who is being paid less than a gardener. Surely, even in your point of view, you rate healthcare higher than landscaping. //// You are mixing up Western Reality, ignoring non-Western examples, and assuming price equates to competency….. and 15 other issues as well. I visited Russia right after it openned up to Tourists. We met all kinds of English speaking professional who all seemed to be making about $40/month at their day jobs: doctors, department heads of History, concert violinists and so forth. Speaking english, they were in high demand for tourist jobs. That history department head said he made more money from tips on a two hour tour than he made all month in charge of 50 other people and 1000 students. I was in a quandry as to what to tip our steamship steward who made $8/month for her 24/7 care for wifey and me. Tip $20 and I feel like a foreign pig flaunting my money. Its true the doctors, mostly women, were paid that same $40 per month. Why/how the Russians devalue medical care has never been clear to me. But your question remains….although phrased in the reverse. It should be: When I’m sick and need healthcare, am I going to go to a doctor or a gardener. Of course, the doctor. Should I care how much they get paid?…….or only that they are competent??? Competency goes to different issues than compensation. You have to be motivated “by the job” and not by money. OVERCOMPENSATED medical careers actually work against competency. Every case standing on its own.

    Even in communism you need to have a way to encourage the best and the brightest to seek certain careers. /// The best, but not always the brightest…..and doesn’t everyone agree that “compensation” is only part of the equation? Other parts of the equation to vary and to be weighed with all parts of the equation to be considered? Too many people equate competency with cost…its just not true and is the source of a lot of fraud. Every five years I buy car tires mostly based on cost. Michelin is better than Goodyear?===>I assume only because of the price???

    Turn it around Jumbo. Lets assume you have all the skills to be a superb gardener or doctor. The doctor pays a living wage, the gardener times two. What would YOU rather spend your life doing? Now…turn it around. Capable of doing both and love your hands in the dirt but really not interested in whiney old sick people…..but medical pays more, so thats what you do.

    So….. its always a mix of competing interests. Don’t get fixated….. thats for politicians and the AlreadyTooRich. Dullards, both.

  13. NewFormatSux says:

    “short-term arbitrary arrests of human rights defenders, independent journalists and other critics have increased dramatically. Other repressive tactics employed by the government include beatings, public acts of shaming and the termination of employment.”

    This is what the left is doing here. Harassing conservative donors into loss of business or employment, public acts of shaming. Also they have been audited, and in Wisconsin had midnight raids by the police for the crime of acting against the Left.

    • Phydeau says:

      Those poor, poor billionaires! LOOK OUT NFS, THERE’S A LIBRUL UNDER YOUR BED GONNA GETCHA! 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    Americans are not this dumb about Cuba. CNN let slip after the fall of Saddam that they were censoring their news about him. They claimed it was because they cared about the safety of their journalists in Baghdad. One of them had been informed by Saddam’s son that he was going to kill their cousin when he returned, and he did. No report from CNN on this matter, or about a doctor whose teeth were pulled out for being in disfavor with the regime.

    Much the same is happening with Cuba. They love the idea of Communism, and so the Left will promote whatever lies the Castros tell. They are willing idiots. They do not have a problem with the prisons. Locking up and torturing dissenters is fine with them since they are enemies of the State.

  15. Xillie says:

    Well, Castro did stop corporate globalism….
    If you want to stop that, entering business headquarters with 12 men with semiauto’s becomes inevitable at some point.
    It’s called: nationalisation and it is the opposite to globalisation.
    What direction was it again that Trump will most likely take?


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