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I think it’s amazing that our man baby president elect is complaining about a recount in an election where he lost the popular vote by 2 million. After all, he’s the one who was saying that the election was rigged, and I believe him. But it was rigged in his favor.

I have decided I’m not accepting the election result that Trump won. Trump said before the election that he wouldn’t accept the result if Hillary won and he never accepted that Obama won claiming that Obama wasn’t born in America. Trump was helped by Russian hackers and our new first lady will be America’s first Soviet born Communist raised first lady. So the results of the election are meaningless to me. I intend to give Trump all the respect he gave Obama.

I have a hard time believing that women voted for a pu**y grabbing playboy, that Christians voted for someone who referred to his daughter as a “piece of ass”. There comes a point where it’s just too weird to believe and so I don’t. Trump is a dunce and a clown and he’s incompetent. America is in deep deep trouble regardless of what you believe.

  1. JCD can troll better than this.

    This is low-energy, low-effort.

    I expect better.

  2. Advent says:

    You should not be allowed to be an Author on this site

  3. IM78 says:

    Dang, Marc. You sure can be nasty when you want to be. If I were JCD, this article would not be allowed until cleaned up.

  4. NewFormatSux says:

    So why you support pardon for the guy who made it happen?

  5. hmayle says:

    “America is in deep deep trouble regardless of what you believe.”

    America was in deep deep trouble no matter who won this pathetic contest.

  6. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    Ain’t reality a Bitch?

    Imagine a world in which women DO ELECT a pussy grabbing obviously lying full of himself unqualified narcissist? ((ftn #1))

    YOU don’t like it…. lots of emotions ….. but what does it “mean?” It means a whole lot of people have other priorities… like blowing the gubment up. THAT IS THE VERY PURPOSE OF ELECTIONS…. rather than armed rebellions which is the only other option. The American System, the best of it, totally on display.

    As to posting a highly marginal opinionated Original Post? Why not on occasion?….. or all the time? Ha. Ha. The forum then becomes what it always has been: What it is.

    Note the two kinds of responses: Liberal: why its right or wrong.

    Conservative: lets ban an author.


    It hasn’t fit anywhere and I’ve seen no one anywhere mention it but “the first thing” Trump said getting off the Bus AFTER the pussy talk was that “Melania said it was OK for me to hug you.” (not a quote…but what he meant). I thought that was actually endearing and revealing.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      It’s cognitive dissonance. Perkel posts about Pig Trump who will be rejected by the ladies. Then the ladies didn’t do it, so now he has to try to adjust. Concluding that Perkel is wrong is too difficult, so he goes elsewhere. Nothing wrong with Perkel; it is how people react.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        A totally correct recognition of cognitive dissonance and on of its very common resolutions. Well done.

  7. What About Bob? says:

    As Dvorak correctly points out, without California the 2 million figure for the popular vote would be bullshit. Thankfully we have the electoral college to save us from the land of fruits and nuts.

    As far as who is banning who, the *fake* liberal media seems to be the one entity that wants to ban the voice of the opposition.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Hows that?…. the banning of the voice of the opposition?

      Related: you cast another voice for arguing that people living in sparsely populated areas of the country should have a greater impact on who gets elected president in this country. Can you give ANY explanation for this?

      None has so far been coming.

      • Just Think says:

        We are NOT a geographic melting pot.

        We ARE a divided nation of coastline, “got-to-have-it-now”, “anything goes”, city dwellers, and rural open-space, “what’s-the-rush?” conservatives.

        You wouldn’t complain (this time) if the situation were reversed. We need an honest Electoral process, the same way we need the structure of the Senate and House of Representatives.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Who’s complaining?

          I only asked for the rationale. You know: actually supporting with reasons, logic, and facts what is posted????

          ……but yeah…. I don’t see why the Pres should not be elected by popular vote…… and if we don’t and keep the EC….well…. thats history for you. Always good to know the “why” of things.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        The alternative would be like The Hunger Games. Already many of the wealthiest counties are surrounding The Capital District.

  8. I. Dohno says:

    Maybe you should quit being lead around by that ring in your nose chained to Trump’s buttplug. Idiots follow every tweet and media release and act accordingly, boring. Remember back when we had really great presidents? NO. It never happened. Trump sucks. Too damn bad. Don’t live your life based on politicians. Don’t forget what the alternative was.

  9. Doc says:

    This article is BS and really sucks!

    • Hmeyers says:

      I think Trump needs to let the FBI do its job.

      He shouldn’t be trying to protect Hillary from selling influence to foreign countries via the Clinton Foundation.

      Hillary for Prison 2017!

  10. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    Headline should read “Little Marc cries about election results”.

    Why is it the same people who said “Trump not accepting the election results if there is evidence it was rigged is a direct threat to our democracy” are now saying it must have been rigged for Trump to win without any evidence?

    • Hmeyers says:

      Trump is a close match to what Bill Clinton campaigned on in 1992.

      And in personality, isn’t that far off … both play loose and fast with the truth and both had affairs. Both had some potentially shady dealings (Bill Clinton: Whitewater at a minimum, Trump: Trump University at a minimum).

      Bill Clinton: pro gay marriage, doesn’t care what bathroom Caitlyn Jenner uses.
      Trump : Same.

      If Trump had a (D) next to his name, the Democrats would love him.

      I find it hilarious an anti-Republican won the Republican nomination.

      Trump = against free trade, doesn’t go to church, doesn’t really care about abortion, doesn’t care about gay marriage.

      Trump spent a lot of time hanging around Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and was a Democrat for most of his life and even donated to Hillary in 2008.

      Now with the (R) — he’s super-Hitler!

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Nailed it.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        I think he could have won running as a Democrat. Republicans would have crossed over, both Ron Paul supporters, and others engaged in Operation Chaos, and others who enjoy watching him beat up Hillary. After the actually won the nomination and Dems circle the wagons, then Republicans would have gone crazy trying to take him down, and watching the media’ defending all his scandals.

        • bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

          He would not have won the nomination. It was Hillary’s turm, and the fix was in.

          Drumpf made the right decision. What other party other than the Libertarians and Greens would nominate a Nut Case???

          You gotta go Full Puke to do that.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Maybe the fix was in, but he did very well using that to seal the Republican nomination, just as Cruz seemed to be gaining. He would still be running against Crooked Hillary and threatening to run third party if he is not given the nomination. Would that ‘fix’ hold?

            I suspect he could have won with almost the same issue positions, just by changing his opening speech. Instead of Mexican rapists and a wall, maybe nationalize the health insurance companies and jail the cheating CEOs. He would slowly back away but the initial feeling would be there for liberals that this is who I trust.

  11. grebulon says:

    I expect more from this blog.

  12. TThor says:

    Really JCD?

    Fake news I guess….

  13. fsociety says:

    Waaaaaa! Waaaaaaa! WAAAAAA!!!

    Trump won.


    … See! I can write a BETTER article.

    • Ohffs says:

      Only if you can do it in twitter. The cheeto jesus is whining about how he won. Sore loser is one thing sore winner another.

  14. Phydeau says:

    Here’s your man of the people, the guy who’s going to “drain the swamp”, bring jobs back:

    President Donald Trump is set to give America’s richest 1% an average annual tax cut of $214,000 when he takes office, while more than eight million families with children are expected to suffer financially under his proposed tax plan.

    On the eve of the election, Trump promised to “massively cut taxes for the middle class, the forgotten people, the forgotten men and women of this country, who built our country”. But independent expert analyses of Trump’s tax plan show that America’s millionaire and billionaire class will win big at the expense of struggling low- and middle-income people, who turned out in large numbers to help the real estate billionaire win the election.

    There’s more. Read it if you have the stomach. Whoda thunk, a billionaire asshole whose only contact with regular people was to try to screw them in business deals, is proposing tax cuts for the rich and tax increases for the rest of us.

    Feeling that buyer’s remorse yet, wingnuts? You will. You will.

    • Phydeau says:


      Anyone care to justify his tax cuts for rich people and tax increases for the rest of us? Anyone care to justify him lying about the one reason many people voted for him?

      Anyone? Bueller?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      So you are surprised that middle class families are not getting a $220,000 tax cut like the rich?
      His tax plan is based on increasing jobs, by attacking the anchors of trade, regulation, and taxes, as well as reducing illegal immigration. He also mentioned in the campaign to deal with an additional anchor of monetary policy, but I haven’t seen that again.

      • Phydeau says:

        BS, NFS. You avoided the question. Trump promised to cut taxes for non-rich people, but he’s raising them. Rich people are getting HUGE tax cuts.

        But thanks for playing. You have more guts than your fellow wingnuts. They all ran away.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          That’s not guts. Most people run away from a confused bum yelling in the street.

  15. Phydeau says:

    And here’s your future leader of the free world, weighing in on Castro’s death via tweet:

    Fidel Castro is dead!

    And for comparison, working to normalize relations with Cuba, here’s Obama’s statement:

    At this time of Fidel Castro’s passing, we extend a hand of friendship to the Cuban people. We know that this moment fills Cubans – in Cuba and in the United States – with powerful emotions, recalling the countless ways in which Fidel Castro altered the course of individual lives, families, and of the Cuban nation. History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him.

    For nearly six decades, the relationship between the United States and Cuba was marked by discord and profound political disagreements. During my presidency, we have worked hard to put the past behind us, pursuing a future in which the relationship between our two countries is defined not by our differences but by the many things that we share as neighbors and friends – bonds of family, culture, commerce, and common humanity. This engagement includes the contributions of Cuban Americans, who have done so much for our country and who care deeply about their loved ones in Cuba.

    Today, we offer condolences to Fidel Castro’s family, and our thoughts and prayers are with the Cuban people. In the days ahead, they will recall the past and also look to the future. As they do, the Cuban people must know that they have a friend and partner in the United States of America.

    Notice the subtle difference between the gloating of the petulant man-child, and the attempt by a statesman to acknowledge the death of someone still loved by many Cubans, but firmly in the past.

    It’s going to be interesting to have an idjit in the White House for 4 years (in the way of the old Chinese curse… may you live in interesting times)

    • Hmeyers says:

      Nevermind that Fidel was a ruthless dictator with a long list of human rights abuses.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Statement by Trump:

      Today, the world marks the passing of a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people for nearly six decades.

      Fidel Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights. While Cuba remains a totalitarian island, it is my hope that today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long, and toward a future in which the wonderful Cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve.

      Though the tragedies, deaths and pain caused by Fidel Castro cannot be erased, our administration will do all it can to ensure the Cuban people can finally begin their journey toward prosperity and liberty. I join the many Cuban-Americans who supported me so greatly in the presidential campaign, including the Brigade 2506 Veterans Association that endorsed me, with the hope of one day soon seeing a free Cuba.

      Obama’s a Marxist, so we would expect a more celebratory statement from him and Trudeau was worse. However, we have to consider that Obama is a master playing a clever game. On his watch we have the deaths of
      Castro, Chavez, Bin Laden, Kin Jong Il, King Abdullah, Vo Nguyen Giap, and Khadafy.

      • Phydeau says:

        That was a little better, now if he can just restrain himself from the snide tweets…. oh, who am I kidding?

        Obama a Marxist, right. You forgot born in Kenya and a secret Muslim. 🙄 🙄 🙄

        • bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

          I was gonna post “how does a nation best position itself when an oppossed leader dies?…by pointing out the disagreements (looking at the past) or by trying to point out a hopefully better future (NOT looking at the past).

          I do think the latter “probably” is the wiser choice……but reading the two statements, some war hawk in me says Trumps is better.

          Its what standing for Liberty and Freedom means…..the Class Warfare going on right now notwithstanding.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Cuba insulted Obama a few different ways when he visited.

            They didn’t greet him at the airport. They lectured him. Something else I can’t remember.

            I found it offensive.

        • ± says:

          After Phydeau gets caught in a lie, all he can muster about Trump’s actual comment is “That was a little better …”.

          The big difference between Trump’s comment on Castro and Obama’s comment is that everything Trump said is the hard truth about a horrible despot, whereas everything Obama said boils down to his typical mealy-mouthed appeasement.

          I’ll never understand why Obama was is in appeasement mode to any old 4th world country. Not allowing our flag to be flown on our bases in Haiti as we were helping them after the earthquake was just too much. Just the converse, they should have required people to be holding an American flag to qualify for a free meal.

          • bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

            I agree but diplomacy is not about telling the hard truth….its about achieving one’s goals…..and how to best go about it. THAT might allow for telling the hard truth from time to time. I’m leaning more towards Tump’s statement…but only as a rare exception.

            USA does not need/qualify to be PREACHING morals to the rest of the world. It never works.

          • Phydeau says:

            PlusMinus, Trump tweeted out his little jab first, then eventually tried to issue something more normal. Next time, if he wants to appear presidential, he should skip the tweet. But snarky little tweets are what he does. I don’t think he’ll stop. 🙄

            And yes, we don’t expect wingnuts to understand diplomacy. You don’t have the higher brain functions.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Why don’t you bother reading his ‘autobiography’ or listening to the audio version where Obama says it himself, while conveniently leaving out his mentor, a card-carrying Communist.

        • jpfitz says:

          Have you noticed DT’s tweets are a bit odd lately, he is tweeting in the third person. Who does DT think he is, Salvador Dali?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            It is deliberate, but I am not versed enough in his method to explain it.

            However, it is not new. He did the same when announcing his Muslim ban for example.

          • jpfitz says:

            Ok, I missed those tweets. Illeism, but what is DT’s intentions? To expand his ego, make himself larger. IDK.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Not the tweet, check out the press statement:

            “Donald J Trump is calling for a total ban on immigration of Muslims until we can figure out what the hell is going on.”

      • Ohffs says:

        One was written by a speech write one was written by the author. Which one do you trust the most?

  16. PipSC says:

    I know a large number of woman who voted for him just b/c they feel so strongly about the abortion issue – they vote against any candidate who is pro choice – they argue it is murder .

    • bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

      large number: as in whats left after the majority of Americans support a woman’s right to choose? THAT kind of “large.”?


      • NewFormatSux says:

        Even if your datapoint is correct, which I doubt is still the case, the keyword here is ‘just’.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Or maybe he meant a number of large women.

  17. Marc Perkel says:

    Did anyone actually expect man baby Trump to grow up when he got elected? Trump is a disaster and America will suffer because of it.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Should have supported Bernie before the last minute.

      Can’t point the finger at other people now.

      Too late.

    • IM78 says:

      Like the rest of us, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

  18. Said says:

    Absolutely agree Marc..When things go well in his favor, He has no problem. The electoral college system should have been abolished when, Bush took Florida

    • IM78 says:

      What do you propose to replace it? Popular vote? Might as well only allow cities with population greater than one million to vote.

      • bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

        Why disparage the vote of cities with fewer than one million people? Shouldn’t all votes have the same weight?

        If not ….. why not???? …….((….crickets…..))

        Having NOTHING but talking points will do that.

        No idea…..just howls.

      • Phydeau says:

        What part of “popular” don’t you understand? It means the person who gets the most votes wins the election. Whether they’re living in cities or towns. Add up all the votes nationwide and whoever gets the most, wins. (Although there are variations on that too, if no one gets more than 50%, or if “none of the above” is a choice.)

        • What About Bob? says:

          I understand the idea behind one man one vote i.e. popular vote. It sounds great on paper…

          If you live in one of the major cities, and lets face it, they are almost all liberal,. your American experience is vastly different from mine say in Alaska, Montana, Missouri or what liberals like to call “flyover states”, a term which is dismissive and derogatory in and of itself. The founding fathers knew this, and I think its even more important now then it was in the late 1700’s.

          I linked to a good OP by Slate above as well as another explaining this. Maybe you and bobbo should read it instead of denying that we have not given you any reasoning behind why we support the EC.

          I won’t wast anymore time on this, someone who doesn’t understand the very real aspect of voting clusters, is never going to get it.

          • bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

            YOU have given NO REASON AT ALL.

            Here is my argument: “The Internet.”

            I can make your “best” argument, and it only applies in a system that is trying to maintain “States Rights” as if that was more pragmatic/functional/sensible than the USA as a Nation State.

            the laboratory of democratic experimentation has worth to it….but I think the evidence is in that denying popular vote for the President is not one of them. Its role is to protect the POWER of the Republican Party to counter what is best for MOST CITIZENS of the USA.

            Think through what you think you think. What “values” are you supporting?

        • ± says:

          The problem with a purely popular vote is that the retards win 100% of the time.

          I don’t know what the best system would be, but weighted cumulative voting would be better for starters.

          • bobbo, words have meaning, for the love of God, please buy and use a dictionary says:

            the whole world but the USA uses popular vote. They all must be wrong. Good wingnut reasoning.

            I much favor cumulative voting….doesn’t that negate your mindless talking point?

          • Hmeyers says:

            Bobbo is trying to use the global warming = “because consensus says so” line of reasoning.

            Note: While being on the fence about global warming, I heard today that temperatures have dropped 1 degree celsius in last 6 months.

            /Don’t know if junk news or actual news, they cited NASA but who knows.

            Doesn’t really matter to me because I think we should go all electric and zero emissions because of pollution and energy efficiency.

            Save fossil fuels for jet engines, which currently are only option. Cars have no business using fossil fuels.

          • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

            Hmeyers says:
            11/28/2016 at 10:21 pm

            Bobbo is trying to use the global warming = “because consensus says so” line of reasoning. /// Not at all. World of difference between politics and science and any reference to a consensus. Politics = emotions, Science = facts.

            Note: While being on the fence about global warming, I heard today that temperatures have dropped 1 degree celsius in last 6 months. /// Of course…and meanwhile in the Arctic Circle its 36 degrees warmer than usual. Until you have amount of area involved and length of time of every “area” on Earth….. you got nothing but ignorance.

            /Don’t know if junk news or actual news, they cited NASA but who knows. /// The best lie has a kernel of truth…. or total truth completely not understood.

            Doesn’t really matter to me because I think we should go all electric and zero emissions because of pollution and energy efficiency. /// Yea, Verily

            Save fossil fuels for jet engines, which currently are only option. Cars have no business using fossil fuels. /// Lots of green energy sources for all the jet fuels. Sitting on the shelf ready to use. Just have to scale up.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Even if the 1 degree worldwide drop is true — and I don’t readily believe anything I read —

            I wouldn’t be too inclined to think it means anything.

            The one thing I don’t understand, the sun used to have distinct sunspot cycles (11 year period, if I recall).

            For a while now, the sun hasn’t had sunspot cycles nor hardly any sunspots.

            Strangely enough, this was first reported in science journals about 6 months ago, and they said it would lead to cooling.

            Which, I didn’t particularly believe at the time to be quite honest.

            Nor do I entirely put any stock in it now. But if the trend continues another 6 months to a 1 year, that would be different.

          • ± says:

            [to bobbo]

            I finally looked up what “wingnut” means.

            Assuming you mean the first definition, now it is perfectly clear that using the term is another liberal way of name calling when that liberal is unable to respond cogently to something which the liberal doesn’t agree with.

          • Phydeau says:

            Too funny: A right-winger whimpering about name-calling. 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

  19. general sherman says:

    DJT is using an old military strategy called poisoning the well. This goes back hundreds of years. Take what you need from the well and then throw garbage/sewage in it so no one else can use it. When he waves his hand and makes the proclamation of voter fraud – same thing. Hopefully no one will want to revisit that issue.

  20. Marc Perkel says:

    Trump is out of his league. He’ll probably resign because he can’t handle the job.

    • The Pirate says:

      Apparently you have become five again. Good luck with that.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      The real question is, “Are we really stupid enough to believe The Donald is actually running?” Does anyone really think that by the end of this year Trump won’t become bored with his little political stunt and crawl back to his casinos to find something else to amuse him? Are we that dumb?

      Marc Perkel July 21, 2015

      Therefore – no matter who is really winning the news media is going to report the race as tied no matter what.

      Marc Perkel Sept 27, 2016

      • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

        Excellent reviews given what was known at the time.

        What do you have against time revealing all?

  21. Hmeyers says:

    So is true or just fake news or something?

    2 hours ago: Jill Stein missed Pennsylvania Recount Deadline

    The media sucks so bad with fake news and inaccurate reporting I don’t know if this is true or not.

    • jpfitz says:

      Seems to be true, the deadline has officially passed.

    • jpfitz says:

      Well, now I hear the deadline Was met.

      • Hmeyers says:

        According to what I have read since, the deadline passed.

        She’s trying to sue to get a recount after the deadline.

        Means she has to provide direct evidence of fraud, from what I’ve gathered.

        And from what I’ve read, over half the counties have submitted certified vote totals which they are saying means they can’t be recounted.

        /If the news are fully accurate, and you never know whether or not its quality stuff or not.

      • Hmeyers says:


        “Pennsylvania is more complicated where Stein can’t simply file for a recount. She must win a lawsuit and provide evidence of voting irregularities or she must get three voters in each of the state’s 9,163 voting precincts to request a recount — although at least one election official says the deadline for a voter-initiated recount has already passed. Even if she overcomes this major hurdle, there’s this problem: Pennsylvania relies on electronic voting machines and there is no paper ballot or receipts to look at in a recount.”

        • jpfitz says:

          There must be a way to count digital votes. Software can tally and report back a count, not having physical votes to tally should be faster. Each district gives amount and add them up, no?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            What’s the point of even having such a recount? It is ridiculous to not have paper ballots, and a black box declares who won.

            COMPUTER: XX wins with 53% vote.

            PEOPLE: We demand a recount!

            COMPUTER: XX wins with 53% vote.

          • Phydeau says:

            I agree with you here, NFS. There is no point in recounting electronic-only voting. If someone went in and changed the numbers, they could have modified logs and such to make it undetectable. Only physical paper ballots matter. 🙁

  22. jpfitz says:

    The 25th Amendment outlines rules of succession to the U.S. Presidency and Vice Presidency in the event of either or both of them dying, withdrawing or being removed from office. It was certified on February 23, 1967, by President Lyndon Johnson.

    “Section 3. Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.”

    Wikipedia 25th Ammendment

    The above maybe useful If DT runs roughshod with the POTUS powers.

    Marc I don’t understand why you named Christians for voting for DT, I have long time friends who are Jewish and love DT. You should know I’m an atheist, have been for a long time. I agree with some of your points, DT did behave as a man baby child and spews fear, changing the news cycle with wacky tweets, to distract the populous.

  23. NewFormatSux says:

    We should extend the electoral college system, with each state’s electoral college votes given to the candidate that wins the majority of congressional districts in that state, ties given to the statewide popular vote. That would put an end to recounts pretty quickly, as now you are limited to even smaller groups. Imagine having to recount the entire country in 2000. Now you wouldn’t even be talking about 3 states but maybe a handful of counties.

    • Hmeyers says:

      I’d settle for returning functions the federal government doesn’t do efficiently back to the states.

      Return those jobs and the money back to the home states.

      Currently, Washington has too much power and attracts the vultures (lobbyists).

      With reform, they could still lobby, but there would need to be 50 times as many so it would cost more and create more lobbyist jobs and be less effective.

      • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

        Like what?

    • Hmeyers says:

      I think if the electoral college were expanded to the county level, it would bring the government closer to the people.

      The problem is centralized government, where the elites dictate to the people without listening.

      An enhanced electoral college, would help people like Hillary have to listen better.

      She never campaigned like Trump (who visited damn near everywhere) or even like Bernie who had huge crowds and talked to a ton of people.

      • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

        You mean people living in single family residences having more votes than people living in four plexes? ((The density issue))

        Just what do you mean????? EC and “closer to the people.” Its the Koolaide talking.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Well my idea was each congressional district is worth one vote, and whoever wins more of these gets all the votes for the state. Your problem of apartments vs houses goes away as more people means more congressional districts.
          You could also do like Maine and Nebraska nationwide.

          • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

            don’t know Main and Nebraska…but EC would be “closer to the people” if the results were applied proportionately instead of winner takes all.

            but if you are going to modify the system, why not just go direct election?….Every voter treated the same. Can’t get more involved than that.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Trump won one electoral college vote in Maine, Obama won one in Nebraska.

  24. Phydeau says:

    Thanks for the ad hominem attacks y’all, rather than actually addressing my points. (No one has seriously challenged my point that Trump plans to cut taxes for the rich and increase for the poor). It just shows you got nothin’. You lose, but you get to pretend you win.

    You’ll be feeling that buyer’s remorse… 😉

    • NewFormatSux says:

      No it’s not an increase. You have cuts in ObamaCare taxes, energy bills, and lots of other taxes. There is an increase for one group of people, due to a loss of some exemptions. That is not the same as saying ‘the poor’ or ‘the middle class’. I personally would raise taxes more on the poor. Not much, but so they pay a little, and would be more likely to oppose the tax increases liberals keep trying to pass.

      • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

        “Not much, but so they pay a little, and would be more likely to oppose the tax increases liberals keep trying to pass.”

        Wow…I read that and thought Lyin’ Mike was back in good form: you mean Hillary’s proposal to increase income tax on those earning over $250K?

        Yes…. that would have hurt poor people right where they live.


  25. Phydeau says:

    And here’s a little history for all the folks favoring the Electoral College… it was put in place to give slaveholding states extra leverage. They had slaves that couldn’t vote, but they still wanted to count them to influence the election.

    At the Philadelphia convention, the visionary Pennsylvanian James Wilson proposed direct national election of the president. But the savvy Virginian James Madison responded that such a system would prove unacceptable to the South: “The right of suffrage was much more diffusive [i.e., extensive] in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of Negroes.” In other words, in a direct election system, the North would outnumber the South, whose many slaves (more than half a million in all) of course could not vote. But the Electoral College—a prototype of which Madison proposed in this same speech—instead let each southern state count its slaves, albeit with a two-fifths discount, in computing its share of the overall count.

    There is no modern reason for the Electoral College.

    • IM78 says:

      If you could, how would you make it different that it is right now?

    • IM78 says:


      (no way to edit on this blog)

      • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

        I misspell and mistype more than anyone else here. I assume the forum members easily read and understand without additional posting of what is obvious….unless the error itself is not that obvious…. ie…rarely.

        Gee Whiz===isn’t the alternative a simple national popular vote the highest vote getter wins? I mean…thats what been discusses for a few days now.

        • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

          “….vote WHERE the ….”

          (no way to edit on this blog)

  26. kerpow says:

    Way to be part of the solution Marc.

    I hope you’re feeling ok. Truly.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      There is no solution – we’re all screwed. But – I’m going to be on Fox news tonight – Tucker Carlson show. 7:30 eastern.

      • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

        Should be fun. I’ve set my DVR.

        Whats the over/under bet on how many times he interrupts you before he cuts you off? I’ll go with 3.

        I’ve wondered how to best counteract their heavy handed control/directed interview technique. Obviously yelling back and continuing to talk doesn’t work and may be even what they want. It would take some time but I wonder what would happen if on interruption the interviewee immediately stopped talking and then when the interrpution was through…. ask the host if he wanted you to finish the answer you were giving to his first question … or forget that and answer the question he interrupted with?? I forget now if I have ever seen that happen, or I just remember thinking about it.=====Pro’s and Con’s.

        My other favorite when two people are talking over each other is at the end have one person having finished his statement actually answer the question being interposed and then ask the host to respond to what the interuptee was saying. And when the Host says: I don’t know, I was talking. The response would be: “If you can’t listen to your guests while you are talking, maybe you should talk less?” But thats a dream too.

        DANCE monkey DANCE.

        …………………have fun.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        If you’re still watching Marc, don’t let him go Bill OReilly on you. I get the impression he is fair as long as you don’t get unhinged. Stick to the points you want to make and feel you can defend.
        Oh and talk about the server. If you don’t do it, you could end up with Hillary in 2020 for President(instead of parole).

  27. bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

    Morning Joe had one minute on a Republican Congressman who is going to introduce a bill to privatize MediCare (gee…usually its social I may have this wrong…or not with what I say next). Trump was unequivacal while campaigning that he was not going to change MediCare but killing the Middle Class has been the continuing dream/program of the PartyForTheAlreadyTooRich since Reagan. As stated: Trump goes along with the Puke majority…or sets himself up for impeachment by his own party.

    Elsewhere: Thom Hartman reporting on USA based Big HealthCare planting anti-National Healthcare stories in the UK. They want their system privatized too so they can gain entry into that market. Same thing they are doing in the USA: make small changes that cause the system to not work and advertise the failures……then provide privatization as the cure.

    The Bastards.

    Isn’t our Fascist State a marvel to observe?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      They are trying to bog Trump down to keep him away from immigration and trade policy.

      • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

        They….. are all sorts of right wing lobbyists for various special interests some in conflict with one another and the Congresscreeps they have in their pockets.

        Privatizing “everything” is WingNut Mantra—its how you skim the economy for your additional Billions in deferred income.

        I don’t see any “bogggin down”…I see a pile on with every special interest trying to get what they can while Trump is there arguably open to giving it to them.

  28. Hmeyers says:

    Trump won’t touch “entitlements”.

    One of the best things about him. Trump really is a Democrat, but the kind before the Democrats got into “safe spaces”, “white privilege” and outsourcing jobs to India just like the, what you call them, the Repukes.

    • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

      I’ll keep my fingers crossed too. Of course he has his druthers…….but he wants Republican support too… at least not to get impeached. If he were “still” a Dem…he wouldn’t be picking his cabinet the way he has so far.

      But yes, its an open question.

        • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

          OTOH: good article…almost “fair.” So…increased co2 IS a green house gas…but more of it is not heating the earth but rather it is more water vapor? That has been proposed and rejected before.

          You and I are not climate scientists. I will go with the opinion of 97% of scientists AND the formal written position papers of 100% of profession wide scientific groups thats its co2 all the way.

          Just as everybody does for any subject that is does not have big money behind it to slime the society with false information.

          Note: any scientist that could debunk AGW would get the Nobel and World Wide Acclaim………….but they just can’t do it.

          You can find many more articles on why evolution is not true. Who ya gonna believe?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Hardly anybody says it’s CO2 all the way.

            And CO2 doubling produces 1.2C of warming, absent feedbacks.

          • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

            “all the way” is overstatement. Its just “right now” the gas that has to be controlled. The other gases contribute but “right now” are not driving the system.

            Knowing that a double of co2 is only 1.2 C is a good data point to keep in mind. Good on you. Your grandkiddies are still at risk….because more than doubling is on its way.

          • ± says:

            Show-me-a-link bobbo, when provided with a link to a scientist making a claim counter to his religion, not only dismisses it summarily, but adds a touch of extreme prejudice for shits and giggles.

            You abuse of your anonymity so much that the employ of that device is inseparable from the persona you have crafted in this forum.

          • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

            PM==its basics. … re the 97%. The 100% is one I dug up.

            If you want to play patty cakes…….find a wingnut.

          • Hrrrmmm says:

            The sciences is in…. Remember these people cannot predict the weather a week in advance on a local scale.. how are they supposed to predict it on a global scale years from now?

        • Hmeyers says:

          I’m not sold on global warming or AGW or CO2 being the cause or even not being the cause.

          Maybe because alarmists and deniers pump out so much shoddy information, it is hard to filter.

          That being said, if it is in the mainstream news and not a science journal — I would lean towards immediately being hesitant to accept even the story as true and valid …

          Your average writer/reporter doesn’t have enough science and statistics background to be able to distinguish or interpret or reject what has been handed to him/her.

          • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

            simply not true. Everything science knows, you know through popular media. This isn’t an even balance disputed issue like whether or not eggs are good for you.

            AGW is a settled issue on which the REST OF THE WORLD is wanting to take action. But…USA has free speech for Corporations, and corportions are out for the next quarters profit…the grandkiddies to fend for themselves.

            If you go with science as you say….there is no doubt.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            If the rest of the world wants to take action, then they can do so. The US represents 15% of emissions, so the other 85% can make a pretty significant dent.

            I suspect the reality is the rest of the world just wants to claim it wants to do something while they collect money.

          • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

            The numbers are interesting with the point being why should the rest of the world do anything if the USA is leading by claiming its all a hoax?

            Of course…. they “should” take action nonetheless…….BUT ONLY just as the USA “should.”

            Its where the USA really could “lead” rather than default as we do in too many areas to Europe….. and Lord Love Us on green energy, even China.

            Its what happens when your society loses the Class War and the AlreadyTooRich win.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Why should the USA do anything, when the Chinese portion is going up not down?
            Paris deal reduces temperatures by about .2C, and that is not from current temps, but from the increase that will happen, according to the models, like +4.6 instead of +4.8
            China alone accounts for double the emissions than the ‘safe’ level, and it is increasing. All they agreed to was a peak around 2030, while they are fast increasing current levels to give them more breathing room, at which point they will demand more money to reduce.

          • Cgpnz says:

            Actually try For the nonexistent conference for contrarians. There are several years worth of intreging content that should open eyes for those with eyes.

            Some damn funny presentation too!
            Warning: viewing will create wrongful thoughts.

  29. On the other hand says:

    Marc Perkel.

    Welcome to Fox News.

    You’re an idiot.

  30. Tim says:

    Marc Perkel, good job on Fox News. I agree with you on most of your points, if not all.

    • Rox says:

      No flag burning!!! And President Trump does not want anyone to be burning the flag… I wish everyone would give this man a chance for petes sake..Never know he may just turn out and be the best President that the US has had in a very long time. We need to All come together and STOP the BS.

      • bobbo, if you don't KNOW AGW is going to kill your grand kiddies, you've got more basic science to learn says:

        Point is: Trump won’t be the best president if he starts restricting free speech to only that which he agrees with.

        Bill of Rights: protecting the ignorant from its Leaders for 240 years.

        Enjoy your freedom…… and stop trying to throw it away.


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