Safe Spaces — Sam Harris and Jonathan Haidt on the Disturbing Trend of Vindictive Protectiveness
College Campus and The Religion of Social Justice
By McCullough Wednesday November 16, 2016
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Yeah….the political correctness of “respectful” or “non-hate speech” appears to have taken over the college experience. I got my experience inbetween sit-ins, protests, occupies, and walk-outs supported by half the teaching staff….which was 99% the associates and aides. Full Profs—off making book deals.
I think the bigger picture is that the entire college campus is a safe zone where people learn self defense and protection by learning how to arm themselves with better arguments.
That might be old fashioned? Making transition to the unemployment line all that more difficult.
I do feel for the kiddies.
Entirely too many colleges and universities are turning out grads (when they do graduate) that are ill prepared for the future.
The instant gratification, participation trophy “me” generation has experienced their first election loss and must have counseling and puppies to hug to help them cope with it.
Good luck after graduation finding a safe space where you won’t hear harsh words that might offend you.
Suck it up snowflakes and stop being a bunch of pussies.
Funny that trump thinks that theaters should be a safe space.
What was that again? Oh yes “Suck it up snowflakes and stop being a bunch of pussies.”
They protested Seinfeld for making a joke that people on their smartphones moving their hands look like a gay French king.
Oddly enough affirmative action is extremely racist in that it’s telling minorities that they can’t win if the competition is fair. And I find that often black people are more prejudice against black people than white people are.
Ha, ha………where’s my warm kitty when I need it?
Thing is, this like every other “issue” has pros and cons. OF COURSE…some people white and black will think Affirmative Action actually hurts those it is intended to benefit, and no doubt it does. BUT AT THE SAME TIME… you will find people white and black that think AA has helped them even to the point of being vitally necessary….and no doubt it does.
What to do?????
…………add up the pros and cons, the hard and the gain, make a decision. Review as warranted.
………………….. and as always: don’t use your brain as a doorstop. That can get habit forming.
What to do? Well…
– Guarantee opportunity for all citizens.
– Do NOT guarantee outcomes.
– Ban quotas and other attempts at “impossible to get it right” social re-engineering.
– Ensure everyone pays taxes, thus guaranteeing the right to bitch about wasteful spending (a very healthy team-building exercise).
– Provide for the permanently disabled.
– Provide temporary relief for citizens in temporary hard times beyond their own control.
– Ban race-baiting words like “white” or “black”.
– Cut bait on pinning historical sins on today’s citizens who know nothing of their ancestral past.
– Govern based on four groups of U.S. inhabitants: Legal citizens; Illegal intruders; Legal immigrants on a path to citizenship; and invited, documented temporary visitors.
Affirmative action IS extremely racist, telling minorities “you can’t do it on your own”, you’re too stupid to get an ID, you are owed the handouts, everyone hates you, whitie keeps you down, and so on.
All Aboard thoughtfully contributes and says:
11/16/2016 at 4:22 pm
What to do? Well…
– Guarantee opportunity for all citizens. /// Life offers no guarantees and gubment can not change that. The biggest influence on life, happiness, success, worth: who borns you.
– Do NOT guarantee outcomes. /// Definitional, but fine.
– Ban quotas and other attempts at “impossible to get it right” social re-engineering. /// No. quotas are perfectly necessary to correct past wrongs. That doesn’t mean they cannot be misapplied. Very fact dependent.
– Ensure everyone pays taxes, thus guaranteeing the right to bitch about wasteful spending (a very healthy team-building exercise). /// Poor people, ie most of us, have no “disposable income” to be taxed. Everyone “working” pays taxes…so are you suggesting someone who does not work should pay taxes? …. How? ///or they do via sales tax? Its a sentiment that makes no sense on examination.
– Provide for the permanently disabled. /// Provide “what” that is not provided to others?
– Provide temporary relief for citizens in temporary hard times beyond their own control. /// Why so judgmental? Sounds like a closeted Christian to me. If you are harming yourself today, probably the result of not getting relief at some time earlier. Need is need. Lets not spend $1.50 to prevent the unworthy from getting a buck.
– Ban race-baiting words like “white” or “black”. /// No. Free Speech is too rare and precious.
– Cut bait on pinning historical sins on today’s citizens who know nothing of their ancestral past. //// Agree….and that is the status quo.
– Govern based on four groups of U.S. inhabitants: Legal citizens; Illegal intruders; Legal immigrants on a path to citizenship; and invited, documented temporary visitors. //// What about corps?…but fine…. you can cut the baloney on any bias you wish. Other large categories have some governing issues: kiddies, oldies, infirmed, youth, criminals, sick, homeless, veterans….or are they all sorted out as Legal Citizens?
It was a nice conversation. Thank you.