City on the Edge of Forever is often referred to as the best Star Trek episode ever. 50 years later Shatner and Collins talk about making that episode together.

  1. Mellow Whine says:

    Joan Collins – Still lovely at 83.

    Shatner – Still lovely at 85.


  2. Hmeyers says:

    Star Trek was made around the time of “peak human”.

    In the 1960s, humans could do things like “go to the moon” and then do it 5 more times just to be sure.

  3. Mr Diesel - Libertarian Deplorable says:

    It was one of the best episodes.

    • Guyver says:

      I preferred “Mirror, Mirror”. What’s not to like about an evil Spock?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Enterprise did a similar multipart episode called In the Mirror Darkly, even bringing in James Cromwell to do a special intro.

  4. NewFormatSux says:

    Another episode that was not done by Gene Roddenberry.

  5. Jeez says:

    Oh Jeez, the Melvin’s are back. You guys should form a garage band.

  6. Dip Stick says:

    I don’t suppose anyone wants to criticize William Shatner for being a bit of a touchy-feely old dude who likes the looks of (pretty) women. Probably because of his political religion that we don’t hear more about it.

  7. jdmurray says:

    Not one mention of the author of the episode, the great Sci-Fi author Harlan Ellison, or his controversy with Gene Roddenberry’s changes to his screenplay. Maybe actors aren’t made aware of these things.


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