Pretty amazing! I want more details.

  1. NewFormatSux says:

    Can a cult be sustainable if the leader is getting chunky? If he doesn’t slim down, this whole thing will start to look like Enron.

    • Blah blah blah says:

      Does cult leadership require weight self-discipline? Can a cult leader be too skinny?

      If anybody can afford the good life, he can.

  2. NewFormatSux says:

    Forget Solar Roof, explain DKIM. Can it be forged?

  3. ECA says:

    HOME design can do as much and MORE..
    depending on 1 source of power generation, is like fishing with 1 lure..
    ALSO Solar/silicon energy is limited in the locations it is used..
    A 1k wind generator would work more often in higher lats..
    Using the 2 together is wonderful..

    BUT, there is a break thru that would REALLY help..
    UV solar. UV happens also at NIGHT..

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Nothing really new here as solar roofs have been talked about since forever, but it appears they are actually here about now. Good old Moore’s law bringing the cost of Solar to Electric down. Not mentioned that I’ve read several times now is that the unsubsidized cost of solar today is CHEAPER than the TRANSMISSION COST of standard coal fired electrical plants. Don’t know if the coal plants include or exclude the subsidies.

    Why we aren’t making a major gubmental supported and pushed move to this tech is beyond me. Same with all the philanthropy moguls—off curing diseases and other good things but until we solve our energy needs, everything else is rather secondary, if not futile.

    One new thing in the video is the Large Screen Display Elon talks in front of, in the Daylight. I could see it being digital if it was permanently indoors…so I’m thinking its standard rear projection…but we never know when Moore’s Law will strike again.

    I would go solar right now even if it weren’t cost effective just to spark/feed my go solar interest….but I don’t want to chop down my trees that cover my house….and I can’t buy land next to me to install a solar farm. So…looks like it will be Youtube cheering for me.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Yup tradeoffs. Fossil fuel energy plants use less land.

      Also, the solar may be cheaper,before you account for the intermittency. Generally they use potential capacity as the measurement when telling you how cheap it is, but the actual production is about a quarter of that. Google concluded renewable energy is not feasible without breakthrough tech.

      • McCullough says:

        A lot of it (production) really does vary depending on where you live, but that’s no reason not to use it where you can.

        I researched my usage, added 30% for future considerations and designed my system accordingly. I haven’t had to buy power since.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        NewFormatSux seemingly in a DEEP FOG says:
        10/29/2016 at 1:53 pm

        Yup tradeoffs. Fossil fuel energy plants use less land. /// There is zero land use for roof mounted solar panels. Did you include the acrerage and watersheds of the coal mining in your calculation…or just the polluting power plant as if it could function on its own?

        Also, the solar may be cheaper,before you account for the intermittency. /// Small wind generators to be developed next.

        Generally they use potential capacity as the measurement when telling you how cheap it is, but the actual production is about a quarter of that. Google concluded renewable energy is not feasible without breakthrough tech. /// Thats true and why smart people like McCullough take this into account. Systems need to be sized to capture enough energy to tide one over the down times….perhaps a breakthrough in long term battery storage, or conversion to hydrogen fuel and that to act as storage and transported to where needed. Tech not favored because it isn’t sexy: compressed air as excess energy storage. All kinds of benefits there. Not something a battery salesman is interested in.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          You’re the one who wasn’t willing to make the tradeoff of solar for land, and you start whining about watersheds and whatever.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    I’m not a fanboy of Musk, but if this turns out to be true I’m all in.

  6. Adam says:

    I am excited if they look as good as they do in the video, and you can actually buy them instead of lease them.


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