Trump has said of Ivanka that if she weren’t his daughter she would be dating her. And he refers to fer (With Howard Stern) as a “piece of ass” and likes to kiss her and touch her a little too intimately. She also made Donald promise not to date any women younger that her. (At 17) In contrast, Tiffany isn’t as attractive to her dad.

So – my question … Does Tiffany feel relieved or rejected?

  1. NewFormatSux says:

    Any thoughts on why Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service to fly on Richard Epstein’s Lolita Express?

    • Phydeau says:

      Ask Donald Trump, he’s an Epstein buddy too. 😉

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Yup, but no reports of him being at the island with the British Royals and Bill Clinton. There’s a difference between seeing him with young women, and being at an island of girl sex slaves(allegedly).

    • Phydeau says:

      Epstein likes to tell people that he’s a loner, a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

      Eeeuuwww. And yet somehow not surprising. 🙄

      • Nick says:

        There is absolutely nothing in the quote you posted that backs up you’re insinuation, nothing.

        • Clancys_Daddy says:

          Since when have facts or the lack of them mattered to a trumpty supporter?

  2. Richie says:

    “Does Tiffany feel relieved or rejected?”

    Who gives a shit? Who even wastes their time thinking about crap like this? Except for maybe Kardashian fans. Will you guys please stick address the important issues, like healthcare, illegal immigration, the failing economy, crappy race relations, Hillary pushing for a war with Putin.

    This is bullshit.

    • Phydeau says:

      Remember when the Republican party used to claim to be the party of “family values”??? Now you’ve nominated this skeezy perv. It was BS the whole time anyway. The list of righteous Republicans found out to be sleazebags is huge, but now you guys don’t even bother to pretend.

      I don’t want to hear any babbling about “family values” from Republicans ever again.

  3. Richie says:

    Broken Promises by President zero. At least 4 more years of worse with President Screech.

    #1 “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

    #2 “My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government.”

    #3 “We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums…”

    #4 “I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be the president
 of the United States of America.”

    #5 “We’ve got shovel-ready projects all across the country that governors and mayors are pleading to fund. And the minute we can get those investments to the state level, jobs are going to be created.”

    #6 “And we will pursue the housing plan I’m outlining today. And through this plan, we will help between 7 and 9 million families restructure or refinance their mortgages so they can afford—avoid foreclosure.”

    #7 “I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

    #8 “We reject the use of national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime.”

    #9 “For people with insurance, the only impact of the health-care law is that their insurance is stronger, better, and more secure than it was before. Full stop. That’s it. They don’t have to worry about anything else.”

    #10 “We will close the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, the location of so many of the worst constitutional abuses in recent years.”

    #11 “Allow Americans to buy their medicines from other developed countries if the drugs are safe and prices are lower outside the U.S.”

    #12 “We will revisit the Patriot Act and overturn unconstitutional executive decisions issued during the past eight years.”

    #13 “Will ensure that federal contracts over $25,000 are competitively bid.”

    #14 “We reject sweeping claims of ‘inherent’ presidential power.”

    #15 “Will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 per year. This will eliminate taxes for 7 million seniors — saving them an average of $1,400 a year– and will also mean that 27 million seniors will not need to file an income tax return at all.”

    #16 “We support constitutional protections and judicial oversight on any surveillance program involving Americans.”

    #17 “If we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home, we will end this war. You can take that to the bank.”

    #18 “Will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.”

    #19 “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

    #20 “We have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division and conflict and cynicism…. That is one option. Or, at this moment, in this election, we can come together and say, ‘Not this time….’”

    #21 “We’ve got to spend some money now to pull us out of this recession. But as soon as we’re out of this recession, we’ve got to get serious about starting to live within our means, instead of leaving debt for our children and our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren.”

    #22 “[T]oday I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office. This will not be easy. It will require us to make difficult decisions and face challenges we’ve long neglected. But I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay – and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control.”

    #23 “I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will execute the office of president of the United States faithfully, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States.

    • Clancys_Daddy says:

      Your tinfoil is letting in the bad rays. You should add some more.

    • Johnathan says:

      These are all direct quotes from Obama. What do you have to add to the discussion?

    • Geoworker says:

      I’m amazed at the number of statements you’ve been able to put together. It appears that each promise was never fulfilled. Ah, maybe that’s why the media seems not to remember any of them even though it is their responsibility to do so (as well as ours).

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Now….. take out the promises that require Congressional approval.

      Then take out the promises he took action on that you don’t agree with but are actually completed.

      Then take out the promises made by Pukes who were and are pushing for something even worse.

      Then: recognize that Politics is only the striving for the possible.

      ……………………….. What have you got left?

      Sucks to be you.

      • Nick says:

        These are the issues we need to see addressed, I don’t care who’s god damned fault they are, I am an independent voter watching partisan children destroy this country.

    • Phydeau says:

      The Republicans swore from day one to obstruct, obstruct, obstruct Obama in every way possible, grinding the government to a halt, opposing every single thing Obama wanted to do (even if previous Republicans had agreed on them), ignoring the will of the voters, bent solely on destroying him, and you’re complaining that Obama didn’t get stuff done?

      What a fuckwit you are. 🙄

  4. Tim says:

    Oooooh tinfoil hat!!! Conspiracy theories! Russians!

    The moron response fall back in lieu of addressing issues.

    Fuck off.

    • Might Mouse says:

      You lead with mockery, follow with an insult, then finish with an obscenity – are you trying to refute the issue or supporting it?

  5. Blow Me says:

    “Cigar? Cigarette?”

    … Oh ya, right. That was the OTHER guy (The Hill “Billy” Boy).

  6. Hendrick says:

    Our health insurance premiums are now $2400.00 per month for my wife and I. And we rarely get sick or even use it. We aren’t wealthy and this is a huge strain on our budget in our 60’s.

    I will never ever vote for a Democrat.

    • Phydeau says:

      The (conservative Republican) Heritage Foundation first came up with Obamacare in ’94 or so as a response when Bill Clinton was first suggesting universal health care. So looks like you can never vote for a Republican either. 🙄

  7. More assing thoughts says:

    Obama. An eight year waste of Air Force One jet fuel. A slick talking, street hustler in an empty suit. Bamboozler of the under-educated, black man. Transparency in government? Thanks to Wikileaks, not Obama. History will not be kind to Barack.

    Hillary. Bankrupt in every way. Physically, mentally, and morally. Ironically, Obama hates Hillary, but the demonic code of unethical Democrats requires he kiss her royal ass for the party.

    Trump. We could do better, but not this time around. Keep him for four years and see if goverment can run better with a business mindset. If he can’t do better than the career politicians, dump him.

    Meanwhile, start a viable 3rd Party that understands compromise; knows that money does not grow on trees, and believes in creating a sustainable United States of America.

    Sidenote: The Supreme Court should ALWAYS have 8 members.

    • More Passing Thoughts says:

      … a 4-4 tie in the SCOTUS means the issue is obviously not ready for prime time. Tabling it makes sense. What’s the rush?

    • Phydeau says:

      Your racism and sexism is showing. Like the vast majority of Trump supporters.

  8. jpfitz says:

    Trump is a disgusting persona. Real or reality TV, it’s very disturbing how many people have a commitment to a rebel rousing candidate who’s a RINO.

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    “I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me,”

    “Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip [she cries]. Just a minute . . . He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. [crying] And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him “No,” that I didn’t want this to happen [crying] but he wouldn’t listen to me. After the assault, “He walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses,” Broaddrick said. “And before he goes out the door he says, ‘You better get some ice on that.’” And then he left.

    • Phydeau says:

      And just last week, yet another “Jane Doe” filed a suit in New York accusing Epstein and Donald Trump of raping her at a series of sex parties when she was only 13.

      You might want to rethink that strategy, wingnut. You want to try that on the Democratic candidate’s spouse while your Republican candidate is accused of the same thing???

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Does it bother you how little the media is covering the story? Why are the British newspapers all over it, but pretty much ignored here?

        • Phydeau says:

          The candidate you favor and the spouse of the candidate I favor both have accusations of sexual misconduct against them. And you are bringing this up because… why?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            So you do not think this is something worth covering? Sex slavery, pedophilia, rape, involving major figures in the campaign, and you think it should be a non-story?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Perhaps you think it is more important to cover whether a campaign manager ‘brutally assaulted’ a female reporter.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Let’s face it. This country is morally bankrupt.

    This Presidential election isn’t a cause, it’s a symptom.

  11. NewFormatSux says:

    Marc, why not do something useful, and explain this DKIM system. Have the Wikileaks actually been verified?

  12. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    silly voters.

    If you want saints for your leaders….go be lied to in Church.

    If you want saints for your president… go be lied to in Politics.

    All lies, all distractions for the easily misled.

    Realpolitik: tax policy, trade policy, regulatory policy…and they are all defined by their enforcement.

    Silly Hoomans.

  13. Hendrick says:

    The choice for me is crystal clear. WikiLeaks has uncovered the house of snakes and cockroaches that is the current democratic party system.

    We have always known both parties lie to us constantly, but Hillary is the most horrible choice in this election, hands down. Combine that with all of the failures of Obamas admin, with no admission of failures or what they can do to fix the problems created, and not only that they want to CONTINUE the terrible policies and add to them with open borders, failed healthcare, etc. etc.

    I can only reluctantly vote for Trump.

    • Phydeau says:

      I hate to repeat myself, but…

      The Republicans swore from day one to obstruct, obstruct, obstruct Obama in every way possible, grinding the government to a halt, opposing every single thing Obama wanted to do (even if previous Republicans had agreed on them), ignoring the will of the voters, bent solely on destroying him, and you’re complaining that Obama didn’t get stuff done?

      • Duh says:

        All Obama’s “stuff” smelled and (continues to smell) like BullSh*t.

        Nothing he’s ever tried to sell to the country was well thought out. Ready. Shoot. Aim.

        “That’s not how any of this works.”

      • NewFormatSux says:

        If only they had. Instead they were so scared of being blamed for a shutdown, they funded everything he wanted and more.

        Even if you are correct, you are telling me the Democratic braintrust thought it was a good idea to pass things on a party line vote, with no support from Republicans, and promise there would be good results, when these great results are contingent upon support from the Republicans who never voted for it or supported it?
        How is that a good plan?

  14. Hendrick says:

    Will someone here, one of the Hillary supporters please list 5 – 10 things that Hillary Clinton stands for. Not against, but what will she do to fix the problems and make us STONGER TOGETHER.

    What exactly does that mean? I don’t want to hear why Donald Trump is so bad, I already know that he is. I also don’t want any bullshit that Hillary is bad but Trump is worse, that doesn’t answer the question about what she stands for.

    Is it what she tells the bankers, or what she tells her supporters.

    This is your chance to change my vote.

    • Sleep with the fishes says:

      Hillary Clinton is Tony Soprano in a wig, lipstick, and pink tweed pantsuit.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Hillary stands for feathering her own nest and enjoying the privileges and powers of office. To continue in office, she seeks a center right position on most issues while giving lip service to every other position. THAT is her track record.

      She has stated and appears to work for:
      1. Increased minimum wage
      2. Maintain a womans right to choose
      3. Universal Health Coverage
      4. Anti-gun
      5. Increasing taxes on the Rich to maintain social services as all her programs “pay for themselves.”

      Indeed: the main reason to vote for Hillary is that she is Not Trump who has spoken against all those issues most objectively in wanted to try TrickleDown economics again. A prove failed policy.

      • Hendricks says:

        She has stated and appears to work for:
        1. Increased minimum wage
        2. Maintain a womans right to choose
        3. Universal Health Coverage
        4. Anti-gun
        5. Increasing taxes on the Rich to maintain social services as all her programs “pay for themselves.”

        1. Fine

        2. They’ve had a “right” to choose for as long as I can remember. I am pro choice up to a point. But it’s a non-starter for me.

        3. I assume you’re talking single payer. Like Europe and Canada. If they could find a way to do this without my taxes going up to 70%. But they cant. Its been tried (VT) and failed, too expensive. Lots of horror stories about those systems anyway. Maybe a businessman instead of a politician take a crack at fixing it, Hillary wont do anything.

        4. Anti-gun – I’m pro 2nd and the right to defend yourself. I’ve been thru the most strenuous of background checks to own a firearm, so those claims are bullshit. Don’t believe me? Go buy a gun and see for yourself. (You can back out at the last moment if firearms scare you).

        5. Raising taxes on the Rich? Hillary is the bankers best friend. She will only be able to raise taxes on the middle. Haven’t her speeches to the bankers taught you anything? To be fair you probably only watch the Liberal media which doesn’t cover the leaks.

        But thanks for the attempt. I now know for sure who to vote for.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          The flax in your response is that you argue for positions held by the minority of voters in the USA.

          Your condition was to list positions that would bring us together… a sense impossible…. unless you go for the majority held positions and keep pressure on the goons and nutballs to get reasonable.

          Did you think ANYONE thought you would agree and change your mind?

          Ha, ha.

          Silly Hooman.

          • Hendrick says:

            Sorry, but you failed in your attempt to persuade me. I gave you 10 chances and you struggled with 5.

            I don’t blame you, you don’t have shit to work with. It’s like a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.

  15. NewFormatSux says:

    Goldman Sachs is pro-Hilary.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Again…Hillary is center right. A moderate Republican of 20 years ago as the Rightwing spirals into the ash heap of failed political parties. they are NOT NEEDED and totally redundant as both parties serve our corporate overlords.

      The Corps recognize Trump is not firmly in their pocket as he recommends trade wars and flirst with kinetic ones. When Corps turn on Billionaires…. you got a real nut case.

      silly hoomans.

      • Mr Diesel - Libertarian Deplorable says:

        Hillary, center-right?

        That is the funniest thing I have seen written about her in months.

        thanks bobbo

        • Hendricks says:

          I think he is correct in many ways. She is the war hawk, a neocon at heart. A New World Order type globalist in line with the Bushes. All of the talk about her caring about children, gays, blacks, etc., is all for show.

          She no redeeming qualities.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Thank you….my point exactly. While she is a mix of pandering she is in the main “conservative” as in not pushing for any change.

            The only real exception appears to be healthcare. Everything else is lip service.

          • Phydeau says:

            Clinton is the Republican, Bernie is the Democrat, to use the standards of a couple decades ago. Today’s Republican party is a bunch of fanatics off in the weeds.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Couple decades ago, the Democrat was LITERALLY Clinton!

          • Find the lady says:

            No matter how Hillary leans, she’s still a first-order liar, and evil witch.

            If the Clintons re-infest the White House, Beelzebub must truly be in charge.

            Clever attempt though to associate Hillary with the right. Is this an eleventh-hour “Three-card Monte” scam?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Republican who is supported by Goldman Sachs(Romney, Cruz), evidence that they are worse than the Democrat. Republican who is opposed by the Goldman Sachs(Trump), evidence that they are worse than the Democrat who is taking money from Goldman Sachs.

        Hedge fund money 150 million for Hillary
        Trump just 19 – THOUSAND.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          To be fair….. being in the pocket of under taxed Oligarchs is only one measure of being on the take. Ha, ha….I love the current controversy: “Hillary says one thing to the public and then a different and opposite thing when in Private with Wallstreet. Just who is she telling the truth too?”

          Poor sheeple…. thinking Hillary tells the truth to anybody. The truth is: she is out for herself and say whatever to whomever to maximize her own advantage. If others get what they think they were promised….. thats just a coincidence.

          Wise up. Today we are ruled by the Corporate Elite through their power to fund/defund our elected officials.

          Just look.

  16. Johnathan says:

    Wikileaks Reveals Hillary campaigns best strategy to “use” Eric Garners death to further her anti-gun agenda:

    “I know we have Erica Garner issues but we don’t want to mention Eric at all? I can see her coming after us for leaving him out of the piece,” Clinton’s traveling press secretary Nick Merrill wrote in a March 17 email.

    “I’m troubled by the revelation that you and this campaign actually discussed ‘using’ Eric Garner … Why would you want to ‘use my dad?” Garner tweeted along with a link to emails released by WikiLeaks. “These people will co opt anything to push their agenda. Police violence is not the same as gun violence.

    “I’m glad you had Maya on your team to explain why you won’t be USING my dad in you f—–g gun violence piece… Black woman saved your a–,” Garner added.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      I saw this article, but I don’t see anywhere where they say they want to ‘use’ Eric Garner.

  17. Johnathan says:

    Wikileaks leaving the lights on as the roaches scurry for cover:

    Outright corrupt’ relationships are revealed between Bill Clinton, his family foundation and a for-profit consultant who helped him and Hillary become filthy rich

    The leaked 2011 memo, sent by Bill Clinton’s former aide Doug
    Band reveals how he secured speaking fees for the ex-President
    Band and another aide helped bring in $66 million from various ventures

    Trump said Band called the arrangement ‘unorthodox’ but ‘the rest of us call it outright corrupt’

    Band said he ran ‘Bill Clinton Inc.,’ obtaining ‘in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation’ etc

    Many of these deals were struck while Hillary Clinton was serving as Secretary of State

    • Phydeau says:

      OK, and show us how this is different from any other former president?

      • Johnathan says:

        It’s accumulative. The level of corruption and exposure is unprecedented. You should be happy that its being exposed.

        You cant fix cancer until you discover and remove it.

        • Phydeau says:

          “The level of corruption and exposure is unprecedented.”

          You say this but you offer no evidence. I understand that’s how it works in wingnut land but that’s not how it works out here in the real world. There is plenty of evidence for LOTS of corruption in the Dubya and Reagan administrations, for example.

          But nice try.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            It should concern anyone that Slick Willy’s speaking fees doubled and tripled when Best Wifey became Sect of State.

            Also, I don’t care enough to look it up but I assume the Bushes and Reagans grift was much less than Clintons….which would be a measure of what the “Buy a Politician” community thought of the liklihood of a worthwhile return….based on their info sharing retreats around the world.

            It will be MAXIMALLY INTERESTING to see how well Obama does………….course, he is half black, so that throws a monkey wrench into the analysis.

          • Phydeau says:

            Johnathan, give it up. The grift and corruption during the Reagan administration was legendary. And Dubya’s administration was very corrupt too. Remember the 22 million emails they “lost”?


            Clinton corruption is small potatoes compared to these guys. Don’t get me wrong, they have their shady side, all politicians do, but the Republicans are worse.

            This dog won’t hunt. Give it up.

  18. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    In response to the OP, I’d say: relieved.

  19. NewFormatSux says:

    In Soviet Russia, subjects were told not to listen to foreign media. The Russian media was the ones who could be trusted to tell you the truth about the government. Now CNN declares we should not look at Wikileaks and that it is a crime to do so, and CNN will tell you what is important in Wikileaks.

  20. NewFormatSux says:

    Hey, Marc, evaluate DKIM for us. How difficult is it to forge these, if you have access to a legit e-mail from the server?

  21. dileepb says:

    nice information for share us thank you……….


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