OK – yes this is made up. But – what if he did drop out? I’m not sure what the rules are but Pence doesn’t automatically move up to #1. He still stays VP and the party leaders pick a new candidate. If that were to happen they could pick anyone. Pence, Cruz, Kasich, Romney, or Bush? My opinion – if they picked Romney then Romney wins. (With my vote too)


Republican National Committee Rule # 9 outlines what happens when there is a Republican nomination vacancy due to “death, declination or otherwise.”

It basically says that there are two ways for the Republicans to re-nominate a candidate if Trump drops out. 1) They could reconvene at another convention and have all of the 2,472 delegates vote, or 2) the 168-member committee could decide with each member getting a portion of votes based on the population of the state they represent. Number 2 seems like a more likely scenario.


  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I think the RNC can do anything they want to….including removing Pence from VP slot….”Probably” even without Trump stepping down? I think this flows from the rules are the rules until the RNC changes them???

    but why such baseless musing?

    Re the latest “lewd” comments from 10 years ago…… Trump is just a frat boy in so many respects…..but that actress was certainly frat boy bait and Trump did claim Melania gave her permission. Money will do that.

    I still, as always, recommend: follow the money. Or in this case: follow the tax fraud. Not for what was done that is illegal…. but what was done that is legal. THAT is where the fraud is……..just back it up to the quid pro quo campaign contributions.

    Legal bribery at its best.

  2. NewFormatSux says:

    >My opinion – if they picked Romney then Romney wins. (With my vote too)

    Yea right. The guy who wouldn’t even try to help Bernie beat Hillary is going to vote for Romney.

    Now if they put up Jeff Sessions, I’ll know they’re serious.

    • ± says:

      I suspected you as a D/R hiring sheeple. You can’t back out from it now.

      You’re no better than bobbo who recommends that people chose their vote solely by considering their own personal best interests.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        “personal best interest” //// which by no accident is the same for everyone else below the top 10% income and arguably for 90% of them as well.

        Class Warfare. ALWAYS present.

        Wise up.

        • ± says:

          Your vote continues the destruction of the USA. Mine doesn’t. It’s actually that simple.

          You’re an idiot along with most of the rest of the electorate.

          Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
          — Albert Einstein

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            How so PM? All you offer is words. I could say the very same words backs against you with the same spineless content free impact….. but I wouldn’t feel good about myself……because such words are pure gibberish. Full of sound and fury, but identifying YOU as an idiot.

            Prove me wrong: what have I voted for that is destroying America?

            Ha, ha. Silly retarded Hooman.

          • ± says:

            [to bobbo]
            Now you pretend not hire R/Ds. When you’re in a corner you go into full lying mode.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Not sure what that means. Are you saying you think Perkel WOULD vote for Romney?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Or maybe Perkel is that mad about being called by Hillary a loser.

  3. Just Another Screwed Citizen says:

    It’s never going to happen.

    #1 – Trump is too much of a Prima Donna (a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team).

    #2 – The Republicans don’t have anyone worth a shit to run in Trump’s place — or worse, in contention with him (and Hillary). Just look at any of the third, fourth, etc. party choices. And don’t even get me started on that idiot Mister “What’s Aleppo” Garry Johnson, either!

    #3 – This is POLITICS we’re talking about. Nothing moves very fast except the bullshit. If Trump did the right thing and dropped out today, there’s not enough time for the lazy hordes of over-paid party-pin-headed lawyers to get off their collective asses and get someone else — anyone else — on the Republican ticket. But even if they did, it’s quite likely that person would be the next Richard Nixon (or Hillary’s illegitimate sister)!

    So it looks like Trump is it. And it sounds like he has a very good chance of becoming president too. After all, most of the idiot voters don’t vote on little things like, ISSUES! Most voters will go with whoever is most POPULAR or at the very least, whoever subscribes to their collective RELIGION — better known as a political party. And if Hollywood has taught us anything, Donald Trump is very good at being popular (favorable or unfavorable).

    That said, I really think we should all start practicing our goose-step marching while holding up the international sign for “stop” for our next president and new dictator, Hitler-ly Clinton, particularly since she has already been confirmed to be the nominee of the largest political RELIGION!

    … And on a side note: I don’t think anyone would disagree that the choices of candidates over the years has dramatically gotten worse. So I rhetorically ask, could this piss-poor “choice” be some conspiracy or test by the real owners and puppet masters of planet earth?! (It’s fun to think about if you’re into any of that.)

    • jpfitz says:

      Your theory may hold water, rhetorically speaking. Or Trump may be on a revenge run after the infamous press Corp dinner for Obama, where The Don was ridiculed.

      Either way The Don will bounce back on some network with a reality program.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      I was just thinking all the Trump supporters should be on their knees thanking Hillary.

      If the Dems hadn’t put up such a deplorable candidate, Trump would never had stood a chance.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        If they hadn’t put her up, Trump would never have run. I think he probably feels he could beat Bernie, and Biden though with just one nickname.

  4. Steely Dog says:

    Many of us, especially on this blog who have lived in the tech world…and have seen it mature, have been preaching to our clients, friends and family the consequences of what you say online, in email, or even in private. They didn’t listen, and assumed we were just being overly paranoid.
    My clients don’t understand that someone like myself doesn’t have a Facebook page, Twitter account, or even a website. I’m known as something of a highly skilled technical Luddite.

    It really shouldn’t surprise anyone that the same technology is coming around to bite people in the ass. And this is just the beginning. Anyone’s digital history can be made public and used against them.

    I have an AirBnb space that I supplement my income with. I routinely look up my prospective guests on Facebook just to get an idea of who might be trying to book it. And I have turned down a couple of guests based on what I learned online about them. Employers are doing the same.

    WikiLeaks claims that they have released only 1% of what they have on Hillary Clinton, I can only imagine what else they have to offer. The Dems are already trying to spin a “conspiracy theory”without any evidence, are claiming the Russians have fabricated emails attributed to Clinton. It’s probably a good strategy overall, as people really want to “believe” in their candidate. But at this point, its just a theory.

    I predict this will get much worse for Hillary than it will for Trump, she has much to hide, and the Russian “conspiracy theory” will only go so far.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      If you want to say Russian fabricated e-mails, you probably shouldn’t be confirming them in the debate, but apparently she thought it was more important to compare her behavior to Abraham Lincoln’s banning slavery.

      • Jimbo says:

        The Democrats have already bought into the conspiracy theory. They have to. Either they believe that or you believe your nominee is an incompetent criminal and should be in jail.

        Also they must believe Bill Clinton over the numerous women who claim they have been sexually assaulted by him, either that or they are comfortable with a scumbag like Bill living in the peoples house and laughing at them. Remember, this is the party that screams rape culture and the protection of women.

        It’s a belief system. And I don’t give a fuck that she is all you have to offer. Support her and you are just as guilty as she and the scumbag are. The woman and her husband just ooze sleaze.

        Open borders, amnesty, raising the minimum age for Social Security, and New World Order globalism are what she will bring to this party.

        If that sounds good to you, and you believe that she has been misunderstood, and everybody else is lying about her and Bill…then vote for her.

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Jimbo demonstrating how far rhetoric will take you when its fact free says:
    10/10/2016 at 2:01 pm

    The Democrats have already bought into the conspiracy theory. They have to. Either they believe that or you believe your nominee is an incompetent criminal and should be in jail. /// I think every reasonable person observes that Hillary is overly secretive and not transparent that has always and will cause her problems such as email gate. Stuck in a rut to call a criminal who gets away with her crime in full view of the public “incompetent.” She is rather taking advantage of the levers of power…….just like Trump takes advantage of the tax code.

    Also they must believe Bill Clinton over the numerous women who claim they have been sexually assaulted by him, either that or they are comfortable with a scumbag like Bill living in the peoples house and laughing at them. Remember, this is the party that screams rape culture and the protection of women. /// Ha, ha….nice spin/push on every decision fork. Again: everyone knows Clinton is a horn dog and raped several women. They are not comfortable with that….but history moves on. There is a rape culture of sorts, and …. all lives matter.

    It’s a belief system. And I don’t give a fuck that she is all you have to offer. Support her and you are just as guilty as she and the scumbag are. The woman and her husband just ooze sleaze. /// Sleaze is one issue. So are all the others. Shirley you can evaluate more than one variable? Or at least a variable that is RELEVANT to your own life?

    Open borders, /// Not true. Net zero illegal immigration as Mexicos economy has grown and USA has shrunk

    amnesty,/// Yep…. just like Regan

    raising the minimum age for Social Security, /// Not heard that…did you confuse this with minimum wage???

    and New World Order globalism are what she will bring to this party. /// Its all in the details. USA does not stand alone. How we integrate our desires into the World Order is what is key.

    If that sounds good to you, and you believe that she has been misunderstood, and everybody else is lying about her and Bill…then vote for her. //// No…not at all. Its that TRUMP and the Republican Party…………….IS SO MUCH WORSE.

    Sucks to be you.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      If you’re going to quote wrong talking points, at least get the terms right.

      Net zero illegal immigration means the number of Mexicans entering illegally is the same as the number of Americans illegally entering Mexico.
      You I think are trying to claim that illegals are self-deporting equal to the illegals coming in.

      That is an argument for border enforcement, and then the self deporters would be more than the illegals coming in, and you would have less illegal population.

      Of course if your facts were true, then you are conceding that there would be more illegals coming in if the economy improved.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        No. Net zero illegal immigration is the net of Mexicans coming and going. Canadians don’t count.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Ah….crap: “Canadians and high priced lingerie models don’t count.”

        • NewFormatSux says:

          It’s not illegal for Mexicans to leave.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Before regurgitating talking points, have you put any thought into the ‘taking advantage of the tax code’ that Trump has done?

      For someone to use this scheme, they first have to lose a billion dollars, to avoid paying taxes on another billion dollars.
      So we have

      – one BILLION(Dr Evil voice) dollars
      + taxes on one BILLION dollars
      = one BILLION dollars* (-1+ taxes on one dollar)

      Even Felon Musk would have trouble making money off this.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        No. I don’t know the intracacies of Real Estate depreciation and loss forward rules but “in essence” Trump deducts his obligation to pay real dollars via taxation by offsetting “on paper/accounting dollars” that he never had or made.

        Real Estate, Big Oil, and Hedge Funds/Banksters have all kinds of these specialized rules.

        Its all legalized fraud brought to us by the AlreadyTooRich and the Congresscreeps they have bought and control.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          The article just describes a routine carry forward loss. Doesn’t have to be real estate or hedge fund or anything like that.

          Indeed, it is known that Trump would have been bankrupt at that time, except the bankers decided they would recoup their losses if the seller was Trump. While signing the papers that saved him, Trump had his assistant go out and bring copies of his book for all the bankers that he signed personally.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Routine carry forward………. on what? It was on his casinos as I recall….thats real estate…..but then I heard some guy say the Trump no taxes situation was a double screw over as he didn’t own the casinos directly but through some kind of third party financing deal which is where he went into default and bankruptcy. I got the impression he went bankrupt of a group of investors ((ie: not his money)) but was allowed to write off the Casino real estate loans on his personal accounts via a loss carry forward ((ie: no actual loss to him)).

            But like I said: I don’t know.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Those details are not known, so it is guesswork. I suspect I’m the one who mentioned that it could be someone else’s losses. If that’s the case, then he can’t use it as a deduction, because the bank would write off the loss.

            Point is that a carry forward loss being used as a tax deduction to avoid taxes in the future is not a brilliant scheme but something that involves losing money. That is all Trump has been declared to have done. Actually not even that, since NYT just guessed that he used the deduction in the future. They made it sound like he paid no taxes just because he could have paid no taxes if he only earned back what he lost. If he earned more, then he has to pay the taxes. They didn’t know so they put it in the worst possible light.

  6. Jimbo says:

    “Stuck in a rut to call a criminal who gets away with her crime in full view of the public “incompetent.” She is rather taking advantage of the levers of power…….just like Trump takes advantage of the tax code.”

    Taking advantage of the tax code is not a crime. Using your “leverage” to avoid prosecution, protect your cronies, is .

    “Again: everyone knows Clinton is a horn dog and raped several women. They are not comfortable with that….but history moves on. ”

    Not Comfortable? Move on? Fuck you. Fuck you big time. Better yet rape you in the ass…lets see how you move on.

    “Not true. Net zero illegal immigration as Mexicos economy has grown and USA has shrunk”

    Bullshit. Prove it.

    “amnesty,/// Yep…. just like Regan”

    Who gives a shit about Reagan? He’s dead. I wasn’t a fan.

    “raising the minimum age for Social Security, /// Not heard that…did you confuse this with minimum wage???”

    It’s in the same Wikileaks docs with her Open Borders dream. Dismissed a conspiracy theory.

    ““My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”


    From Wikileaks dump of Clinton speeches to Bankers:

    “At a speech for Morgan Stanley on April 18, 2013, Clinton praised the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction plan — which would reduce corporate tax rates while raising the Social Security age. ”

    Sucks to be you.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    Hillary is also revealed in the e-mails as acknowledging that the minimum wage increase would hurt the economy and low-wage workers, with the very liberal Center for American Progress being the one that warns her. But she endorsed it anyways, because Bernie.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Thats a lie. Got a link? A lie as to the effect of minimum wage…don’t know who said or did whatever otherwise.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Like I said: its a lie. Your link is just CAP saying “it could” cost jobs….ie…just their vague nonspecific opinion. The link in that link to another CAP statement that minimum wage has cost 700K jobs over the last few years is BS on its face as there were no minimum wage increases in that period.

          EVERY study on the issue I have seen has said minimum wage does not cost jobs. OF COURSE…it will be blamed, even in years when there was no raise to it.

          Lies. You know what they are right? Its when some group tells an untruth to confuse the gullible.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Wikipedia shows 3 wage increases since 2008.


            Also, the minimum costs jobs all the time even without a wage increase. Any time the minimum wage is higher than what wages would be without the minimum wage, it is costing jobs. The higher the difference the more jobs that are cost.

            Do you think a $50 an hour minimum wage would cost jobs?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Thanks for the link. Did you notice the multiple studies reported showing NO IMPACT on jobs?????

            silly puke.

            Yes, I should have limited my comment to Federal Minimum Wage.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Do you think a $50 an hour minimum wage would reduce the number of jobs?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Of course. so like a Puke….can’t think reasonably…….can only deal with extremes.

            Sucks to be you.

          • ± says:

            [to bobbo]

            The use of an extreme figure ($50/hour) was a (obviously useless) device to help you to understand that ANY minimum wage higher than what would happen naturally in a free market results in less jobs being available.

            [emulating bobbo] sucks to be you.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            So bobbo, how do you reconcile that a $50 an hour minimum wage would cost jobs, with the papers that say a minimum wage increase doesn’t cost jobs?

            Is there a specific level at which it will cost jobs, and below that no jobs are lost?

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Live on the hook, Jimbo says:
    10/10/2016 at 6:06 pm

    “Stuck in a rut to call a criminal who gets away with her crime in full view of the public “incompetent.” She is rather taking advantage of the levers of power…….just like Trump takes advantage of the tax code.”

    Taking advantage of the tax code is not a crime. Using your “leverage” to avoid prosecution, protect your cronies, is . /// I agree totally….but the subject is competency. the ability to set a goal and reach it. Pay attention.


    “Again: everyone knows Clinton is a horn dog and raped several women. They are not comfortable with that….but history moves on. ”

    Not Comfortable? Move on? Fuck you. Fuck you big time. Better yet rape you in the ass…lets see how you move on. ///// TMI.


    “Not true. Net zero illegal immigration as Mexicos economy has grown and USA has shrunk”

    Bullshit. Prove it. //// You said it first. The obligation is yours.


    “amnesty,/// Yep…. just like Regan”

    Who gives a shit about Reagan? He’s dead. I wasn’t a fan. //// Again, totally agree, but the issue is the Republican kneejerk opposition to amnesty “only” because it is advocated by Dumbocrats. Hypocrisy is never a firm foundation.


    “raising the minimum age for Social Security, /// Not heard that…did you confuse this with minimum wage???”

    It’s in the same Wikileaks docs with her Open Borders dream. Dismissed a conspiracy theory. //// Well……ideas brainstormed in private are irrelevant when public actions and statements for 30 years are contrary.


    ““My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”

    http://businessinsider.my/hillary-clinton-open-trade-open-border-immigration-policy-for-migrants-2016-10/ — /// In a vacuum, such sentiment is easy to agree with. Personally, I disagree with open borders….. given all the issues unrestricted immigration can cause. Most headlines are mostly irrelevant dog whistles to the masses. Whats important is in the details…. none of which we have.


    From Wikileaks dump of Clinton speeches to Bankers:

    “At a speech for Morgan Stanley on April 18, 2013, Clinton praised the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction plan — which would reduce corporate tax rates while raising the Social Security age. ” //// I’m against both ideas…. but again …. in private hardly means a thing as no one knows who Hillary tells the truth to. My own position is to default to she lies to everyone. that includes we the voters, and the Banksters as well. Everyone gets triangulated and pimped by the Clintons.


    Sucks to be you. //// Actually in a system corrupted by money at every stage of the game, it sucks to be any of us…… and thats the challenge.

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Ha, ha……..its a wonderment. Arguing about minimum wage by posting links to scholarly studies that refute your own positions. You hambones can’t even read and understand your own propaganda:

    ± says:
    10/13/2016 at 7:39 am

    [to bobbo]

    The use of an extreme figure ($50/hour) was a (obviously useless) device to help you to understand that ANY minimum wage higher than what would happen naturally in a free market results in less jobs being available. //// BWHAHAHAHAHA: how can an “obviously useless” device help anyone understand anything except you two clowns can’t construct a coherent thought?

    NewFormatSux says:
    10/13/2016 at 9:50 am

    So bobbo, how do you reconcile that a $50 an hour minimum wage would cost jobs, with the papers that say a minimum wage increase doesn’t cost jobs? ////CONTEXT: the MW that has always been at issue and relevant is so low that it doesn’t even keep up with inflation…much less the 4 fold increase in productivity that has been siphoned away by and too the AlreadyTooRich=====>which you asshats have been hornswaggled into thinking its some kind of economic freedom.

    Is there a specific level at which it will cost jobs, and below that no jobs are lost? //// Never “no” jobs…just a net increase in GDP to the economy as those low level injected dollars get spent on average 8 times over compared to 3 times for Trickle down.


    I know we have fun on the forum calling each other out/names….. but really. You guys got nothing. I’ve read its all emotions, upbringing, and environment……Hmmmmm…. I guess the search for the truth and our common humanity is not an innate drive? Sad that.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      So you go from saying minimum wage never costs jobs to saying it does, and that means I’m wrong? Either that or ‘Never no jobs’ means something else in your mind.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Nice link. thanks for finding it and posting it. My gut detects a negative bias in the study being more conclusionary to “it costs jobs” and somewhat dismissive of “..other studies show it might not cost jobs.” so…pretty much a standoff with anyone wanting to think what they want to?

        It is in the end a societal question. Should people with full time employment still be poor? Should some jobs be targeted only at first time/part time slave student populations, or should they too also be able to afford a garret over their parents garage?

        I think its still fair to call those who say “Its costs jobs” as liars. The evidence for that position is iffy at best and so reveals only a bias to keep wages low.

        I would even argue that job losses among the unskilled and youth market are worth it to provide a better paid employed market a target to shoot for.

        Can you dig it?

        “How do we summarize this evidence? Many studies over
        the years find that higher minimum wages reduce
        employment of teens and low-skilled
        workers more generally. Recent exce
        ptions that find no employment
        effects typically use a particular version of estimati
        on methods with close geographic controls that may
        obscure job losses. Recent research using a wider vari
        ety of methods to address
        the problem of comparison
        states tends to confirm earlier find
        ings of job loss. Coupled with critiques of the methods that generate
        little evidence of job loss, the overa
        ll body of recent evidence
        suggests that the most credible conclusion is
        a higher minimum wage results in some job loss for th
        e least-skilled workers—with possibly larger adverse
        effects than earlier research suggested.”

  10. ・ニ・」・ス(TISSOT)瓶モ共ホコ」ヘ簣ィリ悋オ・、・ネ」。エヒ壥・ニ・」・スヘrモ共ホ・ニ・」・スヘrモ・・ニ・」・スヘrモ・・皈コ,tissot ヘrモ・・ニ・」・ス 瓶モ共ホシ、ーイヘィリ悖」ヒヘチマ」ヲキオニキ?スサ轍、筺oチマ」。


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