One thing I notice about the news media is that it’s all about money and has nothing to do with news. The more eyeballs the more they can charge advertisers. And the closer the race is reported to be the more people will want to watch. Therefore – no matter who is really winning the news media is going to report the race as tied no matter what.

As to the debate, Trump defeated himself during the debate. If Trump had debated a chimpanzee he would have lost. Hillary was smart enough to shut up and let him do it to himself.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    The news has been reporting Trump was behind for that last year. Now….many polls are showing both candidates within the margin of error of each other in many of the toss up States.

    What do you want the news to do? Lie???? Please Note: Trump owns Hotels, not Newspapers or the Media….

  2. Trump the nimble navigator outfoxed the predator cat lady without even mentioning:

    * Libya rubblization
    * arming ISIS
    * assassination of Ambassador Stevens
    * Mena, AR cocaine airport
    * Bill’s rapes
    * Clinton Pay-For-Play Foundation

    The Clinton/Bush era of insider crime, wars for profit, and Muslim immigrant terror will end in November.

    America can begin the long process of healing.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Nice spin. Too lazy to study the issues, he totally fucks up…. and you call it “nimble.”

      Good one. Demonstrating the irrationality at the base of Trump voters.

      How about it? It hardly matters how crooked, lying, and secretive Hillary IS and will be. WHAT MATTERS: is what she will and won’t do in office.

      Can you give 2-3 of your top complaints against Hillary and the effect those complaints have on “America” rather than giving you a meaningless talking point?

      I doubt it.

      • McCullough says:

        Please provide us with a list of Hillary’s “accomplishments”.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Well McCullough, you violate basic rules of debate and common discourse. It is CP3PO that states Hillary/Clintons have committed a reign of terror. Shouldn’t HE be charged with supporting his conclusion??????

          But I’m always game, never gamey: Hillary has basically not done anything: good or bad. Bad in that she hasn’t done any good….but that about it. She has a worthless track record. My favorite: “I went to Wall Street and told them to stop it.” total BS.

          Now…..can we get back to the issues in the order that they arise?

          And how about yourself MC? What is on your list of bad Hillary===>that actually has an impact.

          • McCullough says:

            So you say she hasn’t done anything?

            And I should willingly pay her to do more of that?

            Why would I do that?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Its only been said about 50 times: because Trump is WORSE.

            Agree on the programs or not, Hillary proposed to pay for them for no increased spending…. which isn’t that good based on deficit spending every year…but Trump did not even object when she quoted a 5 Trillion Dollar deficit caused by Trumps tax break for Millionaires.

            As I’ve posted here 10 times: I don’t care if Hillary steals ONE BILLION DOLLARS for herself when the alternative is Trump creating 5 Trillion (14 Trillion if you include military spending and other nuggets) in debt.

            I’d think you Conservatives would agree? It must be the Koolaide?

            And I do notice that like every single other Republican doofus on this forum…you bark like a dog…but can’t support your own bumperstickers.

            Where is your list? Yeah….I know: you are nimble too.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            thanks JP….I followed your link in anticipation of being taken to school…but its mostly BS.

            Getting hired to do a job that has a nice title IS NOT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT. Being in the room when some program is launched is also not an accomplishment although it does vary by degree and gets somewhat closer….but its still debatable.

            “Like Hillary Clinton, I too have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles around the globe,” Fiorina said. “But unlike Hillary Clinton, I know that flying is an activity, not an accomplishment.”

            There is no comparison at all between Kerry who can be seen working hard in Syria…not achieving anything as yet…but we can see him work. All I can recally re Hillary is her fanciful incompetency claiming she was under enemy fire when being handed flowers by a little girl.

            When the Sun comes up in the Morning, …. “she didn’t do that.”

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Something happens, and the only way to get the truth from Hillary is to have the Russians hack her e-mail.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        According to the media, WHAT MATTERS is getting Trump to talk about himself instead of policy issues, and it is a win for Hillary if he does so.

      • Jimmybot says:

        To say that Hillary hasn’t done anything “bad” completely ignores the reign of terror that she herself promulgated upon the former healthy state of Libya. Not to mention the Haiti debacle that she and her hubby (along with GW) cooked up. I would dare to say that Juanita Broderick, Kathlene Willey or Gennifer Flowers might also agree that Mrs Clinton is capable of “bad” behavior. She is a neo-con, war mongering, psychopath who always puts her self-interest above the country or other people. Trump’s baffoonery pales in comparison to the true evil that is Hillary. He doesn’t need this job. Her wealth has always comes from political power. I believe he honestly wants to help our country. I DO NOT believe same about her.

    • jpfitz says:

      Everything listed is hearsay, assination, really.

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I’ll start the list. Its debatable because she says she won’t sign it…but HILLARY IS A LIAR: so I believe she will sign TPP and say the changes she forced on the trade deal has now made it good. This is BAD for America because it sends more jobs overseas which is destroying the middle class and ultimately when we don’t make anything in america anymore be our economic and military downfall. Already: too many key components can only be sourced from China.

    So…… see how its done? NOT just a complaint…but the nexus to why it is bad.

    Here’s one that DOES NOT WORK: from CP3O: Bills Rapes. Certainly “not good” but WHO THE FRICK CARES???? Doesn’t affect my pocket book…half of them were consensual…. and WHO THE FRICK CARES? and so on with almost all the listed events. I give a pass on they aren’t even Hillary….you know Hubby and Wifey co-conspirators as they all.

    Typical BS from the Alt-Right Nut Party.

  4. McCullough says:

    So why should I support her? She has done nothing, wont change anything and she may steal a Billion dollars.

    Well OK then…sign me up.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      NOTICE to Editors: Please check McCulloughs account. I think Pedro has hacked into it.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          But Putin wants Trump to win, hates Hillary. I have no doubt Putin has a list of why Hillary is a terrorist.

          No one helps their candidate of choice if they can’t offer up one consequential reason why the other side is no good.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Yes, and it appears to be because of Kosovo. When Clinton expanded NATO into Eastern Europe, he promised the Russians a veto over military actions, then they went in over Russian objections.

            Clinton’s buddy Wesley Clark actually ordered the British general to attack the Russians in Kosovo, but the Brit refused.

            The Clintons put up Wesley Clark to run for President against Kerry. Putin all but endorsed Bush, saying you are a hypocrite for declaring ‘illegal war’ after Kosovo.

            If they had just ‘gotten along’ with everybody, the Russians would not be campaigning for Trump right now.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Good recall nfs. Yes….it always amuses me how upset USA gets when Russia acts within its sphere of influence exactly the same way USA acts within ours. “How dare they not act as good world citizens!”

            I suspect “in private” neither side gives a hoot how the other rides roughshod over their neighbors, other than how it is spun to the next next door neighbor.

            Of note: Obama got his veto against allowing suits against Iran over ridden today. Obama says he doesn’t want lawsuits all over the world for USA activities. Congress says suing for wrongs done is correct and just.

            Who is zooming who?—and really, which is the better position??? … better position … for what?==>Exactly.

      • jpfitz says:

        Pedro isn’t intelligent enough to hack, he may be a hack…

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    The real question is, “Are we really stupid enough to believe The Donald is actually running?” Does anyone really think that by the end of this year Trump won’t become bored with his little political stunt and crawl back to his casinos to find something else to amuse him? Are we that dumb?

    Marc Perkel July 21, 2015

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      That was totally valid at the start. But shovel BS long enough, and the weaker minds/weaker egos/stronger Ids/and no Super Ego at all…..will always come to believe it themselves.

      “Believe Me.” As the psycho’s all say.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Marc Perkel had a chance to impact the Democratic primaries and knock Hillary out to be replaced by Bernie/ Warren/ Biden, but instead of
      ‘Be the change you wish to see’
      we god
      ‘mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!’

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Apparently we really are that dumb.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        As much as I make fun of Bobbo’s lack of reading comprehension, you can’t even comprehend your own writing.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    I thought the debate was pretty cookie-cutter.
    Within a week, we will know if the polls shifted one way or another.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      cookie cutter doesn’t describe the dynamics of the debate nor the character/positions of the people debating.

      Pricking Trumps bubble would be my description.

      Anyone serious about understanding the candidates, perhaps more narrowly the debate…and the next ones to come….should listen with a note pad and write down the points that were important to you………….. THEN FACT CHECK THEM.

      I know……its work. Or….you can just stay ignorant. That “you” is a general you not directed to you. For myself: I’m not going to fact check. When you are not “for” either candidate…the process is easier.

    • Hmeyers says:

      I did fact check during the debate, but I only watched about 15 minutes of it — got bored and found something else to do …

      -$2.5 trillion overseas profits — he was right.
      -Murder rate higher this year — he was correct in that it was up, but it’s barely up.
      – A couple of others, can’t remember.

      I was surprised Trump had *ANY* facts and figures right.

      Like I said, I didn’t watch too much of it.

      Hillary, to my surprise, didn’t come across as cranky.

      She also didn’t look like a cadaver and didn’t seem to need equipment to stay upright.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Thats admirable. I admit I enjoyed the show. Watching Trump flame out and Hillary hold it together and Holt doing his best….good stuff every 4 years. In fact, necessary if you want to gauge the spin all the talking heads will give it. Good water cooler talk.

        I don’t recall…but did Trump give a definite number and stick with it or say something like: “I don’t know, it could be 5 Trillion, I don’t know, maybe it is 2.5 Trillion” thats the kind of BS he normally pulls.

        And as a general recognition I doubt Trump said crime was down “this year.” Too much a factual statement. You are manipulating the fact check to make Trump sound sane. Or not…I have no specific memory. I saw the debates transcript is available. Good to run a word search if anyone has an interest in such details.

        I assume your mind is fully made up then?……… I keep hoping to see a glimmer of a more hopeful future. I have my fantasies too.

      • Hmeyers says:

        I think Hillary represents “above the law” corruption.

        I can’t think of any scenario that I would vote for her.

        That’s what she brings to the table, I was hoping Bernie Sanders would win — but he didn’t.

  7. McCullough says:

    Scott Adams musings on the election, and why he is endorsing Trump……quite fun.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Saying you resent paying taxes when you are dead……….rather misses the point.

      I agree its not “fairness” as much as good sound social policy not to create through (lack of) tax policy a land owning Aristocracy. THAT is the purpose of Estate Taxes==that NO ONE pays.

      I say only a 100% estate Tax is “fair.” Make the old geezers give it to whoever while they are still alive and the receivers are also young enough to get some benefit out of it.

      Dead……………….. is ……………… Dead.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        The estate tax is what produces this aristocracy.
        This is because when someone of wealth dies, the family has to scramble to pay the estate tax. So family farms get bought up by larger farms, at firesale prices, restaurants and other business get bought by corporations, etc.

    • jpfitz says:

      In 1961 the tax rate for the rich was 91%.

    • An Observer says:

      An excellent blog post by Scott Adams.

      “Pacing and Leading” is EXACTLY what Trump is doing. A great example of leadership.

      It’s unfortunate that too many people look, yet they can not (or refuse to) see.

  8. Phydeau says:

    Yawn… yet another newspaper that has never endorsed a Democrat for president endorses Clinton, takes down Trump. And the circle of true believers becomes even smaller…

    • Johnathan says:

      Yawn, with all of that media support and the hundreds of millions Crooked Hillary spends on attack ads, you’d think she’d be polling a little bit better.

      But she’s not. Maybe she needs to spend more money.

      • Phydeau says:

        You mean those attack ads that consist solely of Donald Trump quotes? Those attack ads? 🙄

        Aw, is poor little Donnie mad because a girl is pointing out what an idiot he is, using his own words???

        • Johnathan says:

          Your fallback on condescension is extremely juvenile, now can you speak like an adult and tell me why, with all of the media behind her campaign, and all of the money spent…that she is polling so badly. It’s a legitimate question.

          Please do it without acting like a child. Or don’t do it at all.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Because the voting public is pretty much evenly split on just about every issue that sways opinion.

            That is “as a whole.” When you break that electorate up into sub-groups, you do get splits between the candidates. Its called “demographics” and why the Pukes need to change their approach/appeal to the voting public.

            but this election is about two well known people with established supporters and detractors. Advertising is usually spent on telling the voters “who” they candidates are. Not much impact when every body knows.

            Personality driven rather than policy driven. Just look.

          • Phydeau says:

            Johnathan, she’s not polling as well as she should because there are so many people like you out there… fearful, ignorant, sexist, authoritarians without the cognitive skills to see thru Trump’s con. You’re being taken for a ride and you can’t see it. He’s a bullshitter extraordinaire: declared bankruptcy four times, a dozen failed businesses. He’s a crappy businessman: Forbes magazine pointed out that if he’d just taken the money he inherited from his father and put it in index funds, he’d have far more money than he has now. He has shadowy ties to Russian and Chinese banks, and he won’t release his income tax returns because he’s hiding something, God knows what. He makes fun of handicapped people, he’s racist and sexist, he tweets snarky insults like a junior high school girl, he has no interest in learning about governing, and the list goes on and on. Yet still you and your ilk are hypnotized by him. You’re an idiot.

            Clinton is a politician and has her warts for sure. She’s no one’s savior. But she’s competent. That’s why so many prominent Republicans are endorsing her over the big orange cheeto.

            I’m praying that Marc is right, and the media is puffing up Trump to make the race look competitive so people will watch.

          • Johnathan says:

            Phydeau, you’re dead wrong. This is one of many reasons why Trump is doing well in the polls. You’ll probably not watch this, but you really should.

            Trump supporter attacked and beaten in El Cajon:


            There is a silent majority out there that has had it with this bullshit, and you need to understand that. They wont wear hats, put up signs or use bumper stickers, but they will vote against the intolerance of the radical left.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Did the politician at that El Cahon rally urge the crowd to attack the person with the encouragement that they would pay for his legal bills?

            Trump IS RUNNING ON intolerance and encouraging it.

            Every public meeting with lots of people is subject to having a few fights break out.

            cherry picking your BS. Trump is a huckster and takes no pains to hide it. He’d be BAD for America because he would not be running the gubment. He would delegate day to day to who knows who while he takes in the limelight.

            BAD for America/ you and me.

            Just Look.

          • Phydeau says:

            “Dead wrong” about what, Johnathan? The facts are clear about Trump, his failed businesses, his finances, his snarky tweets.

            Yes, a Trump supporter got beaten up, like many Trump protesters. That changes nothing about his unsuitability for ANY public office.

            Yes, people are fed up with politics as usual, but electing an incompetent, nasty, shady asshole won’t solve anything.

            You want to end politics as usual, work toward getting money out of politics. THAT’S the real problem. As long as all the politicians are sucking up to the big money boys, things will be shitty for us average citizens.

          • Phydeau says:

            Great quote from Michelle Vitalione:

            Imagine a woman who showed up [to a presidential debate] unprepared, sniffling like a coke addict and interrupting her opponent 70 times. Let’s further imagine that she’s had 5 kids by 3 men, was a repeated adulterer, had multiple bankruptcies, paid zero federal taxes and rooted for the housing crisis in which many thousands of families lost their homes. Wait… there’s more: she has never held any elected office in her life.

            Trump and Clinton are judged by different standards. The media is incredibly hard on Clinton and gives Trump a pass on so many things.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Phydeau says to get the money out of politics, and to elect Hillary.

          • Phydeau says:

            That’s right, NFS. Clinton is obviously the best candidate, and money is corrupting politics. You like rich people to be able to throw money at elections? You like big corporations getting billion dollar tax breaks because of their fancy lobbyists? You like all that?

          • Phydeau says:

            That’s right pedrito, I preferred Bernie, but of the candidates left, Clinton is the best one. Read that a couple times to understand the subtle nuances of the word “best”.

            And thank you for your unique contributions to this blog. 🙂

          • Johnathan says:


            “Trump and Clinton are judged by different standards. The media is incredibly hard on Clinton and gives Trump a pass on so many things.”

            “You want to end politics as usual, work toward getting money out of politics. THAT’S the real problem. As long as all the politicians are sucking up to the big money boys, things will be shitty for us average citizens.”

            These 2 statements are laugh out loud funny. EVERYONE with a brain can see that the media is all in on Hillary.

            And if you think Clinton isn’t in on the money side of politics, BIG TIME, you are just too stupid to vote. Maybe even procreate. I’m glad my vote can cancel yours out. Don’t bother to come back with a response, I wont read it.


          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            typical Puke response: “I’m right, you’re wrong.” Place fingers in ears: “La, la, la.”

            Next argument typically is: “If you don’t stop disagreeing with me I’ll hold my breath until I pass out…..” Pedro==>what else do you typically do???

            Poor little Pukes….the Media is Biased because the won’t pester Hillary about issues that have been investigated and found nothing or that she has admitted error on. (In the main…a few exceptions of course).

            Compared to raging shitbag of a human being: Trump. Hardly ever tells the truth, never apologizes, and hides his actual business interests.

            The two are no where near comparable on any “relevant” issue. Course, poor pukes don’t know what relevant means.

            On the $$ issue, Phydeaux is totally accurate and said nothing that excludes Hillary. Bone head stupid to construct the argument the way you have.

            You……….. got ………… nothing.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            So bobbo, you see no contradiction between wanting to get money out of politics and electing Hillary?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            I’ll say it the FIFTH TIME: Whatever you think of Hillary…….. Trump is worse.

            Pretty simple.

            Money in Politics: Both engage in “pay to play.” Hillary denies it, Trump brags about it. Hillary does it to personally grow her wealth from Foreigners and Corporations, Trump does it to avoid responsibility for defrauding average Americans.

            Thats the opening notes. There is a symphony to go.

            Wise up. Remove the dog whistle non-thinking you got going on and apply the same concerns to both candidates.



            All you have to do is clean the shit out between your ears: and look.

          • Jimbo says:

            Trump is worse.

            The opinion is yours, embrace it, believe in it, revel in it. Who cares? You keep “trying” to convince everyone that “I’m right, you’re wrong”, the same thing you accuse others of doing. We got it, you are so much wiser than everyone else.

            Go vote and just shut the hell up.

          • Phydeau says:

            Poor Johnathan, sees the world in black and white. Yes, the media is “all in” on Clinton, because Trump is so spectacularly bad. Don’t take my word for it, ask the dozens of prominent Republicans who have publicly endorsed Clinton.

            And of course Clinton is sucking up to the big money boys — that’s how you get elected in this political climate. She’d be a fool not to.

            But let’s get money out of the equation and I think we’d get a better quality of candidate — they could run on issues that benefit all of us rather than the ones that benefit the big money boys.

          • Johnathan says:

            “Trump and Clinton are judged by different standards. The media is incredibly hard on Clinton and gives Trump a pass on so many things.”

            “You want to end politics as usual, work toward getting money out of politics. THAT’S the real problem. As long as all the politicians are sucking up to the big money boys, things will be shitty for us average citizens.”

            Its impossible to take someone seriously who contradicts himself like you do. The only reason you flipped on these two statements is because bobbo didn’t “have your back”.

            Just vote your conscience, and we’ll do the same. You aren’t changing anyone’s mind.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Then you should have said that instead of

            “On the $$ issue, Phydeaux is totally accurate and said nothing that excludes Hillary. “

  9. jpfitz says:

    The angry no-nothing party, the fractured GOP, shows up at places like Melbourne, FL

    Some real brainwashed folks became very angry, too much FOX news will wash all the good out of folks.

    I think Marc may be onto something, the propaganda spewing from the msm may be trying to garner more eyeballs.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      That notion is the opinion of just about every news analyst I have seen reporting on it. Varies only in the degree of directness.

      When you report on the horse race rather than the issues, the result will be to make the race look more even…and if the electorate has favorite teams split at the 50/50 or moreso the 40/40/20 split then the lack of issue reporting will have the electorate defaulting to their team colors.

      People tune to MSM for a horse race. Their eyes glaze over and they switch to the sports channel if talk gets too boring. Hmmm…MSM runs the sports channels too. ……… Must be the cable news shows rather than MSM????

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Actually, my target comment was that an actual desire to drive ratings by making a horse race out of the election is real at the top and trickles down from there. At the actual reporting level, the intent is simply to fulfill the assignment….report on the horse race.

        Pros and cons to all we do.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          How many news stories focus on Machado’s being called Miss Piggy or Miss Housekeeping, and leave out other more interesting details before we think that maybe the media has other interests besides ratings?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Not that I want to “win” (ha, ha)…. but the Machado story is TOTALLY DRIVEN by the Donalds twittering away at 3AM in the morning.

            The story is about as relevant as any other going at the moment…..if Donald were president, what we he be thinking about? World events…or the latest snub?

            The Media is doing the right thing on the Machado issue. Its nothing it the big picture….and all that Trump thinks is important.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            You’ve missed the point again.

            If news media are covering it, why aren’t they covering the sordid details, and instead only the Team Hillary desired details? Which is more interesting and generating of ratings-
            Miss Piggy, Miss Housekeeping, lose 60
            Drug dealer’s baby, sex tape, driving a getaway car in a murder?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            You and I both saw the interview where she was asked about those things. So….how was it not covered?

            THEN—which pussy is running for President?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            There’s covering it and there’s covering it. Look at the totality. Are they going for max ratings, or are they going for Team Hillary narrative?

  10. Spike says:

    Dear Russia

    Please nuke us. Put us out of our misery.

    This place sucks.



    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      The melody continues: whatever you think of the USA: Russia is worse.

      Silly Hoomans.

    • Phydeau says:

      Bobbo, you gotta feel sorry for the wingnuts. They’ve been programmed since birth to worship the Republican party and treat the Democratic party as the spawn of Satan.

      Now the Republican party is imploding, and they have no place to go. They can’t consider the Democratic party because of their brainwashing. So we get guys like Spike wanting to be put out of their misery, and people like hmeyers and NFS and pedrito twisting themselves into pretzels trying to justify their support of the Republican party.

      • Johnathan says:

        Wrong again. I’ve voted both Democrat and Republican in my lifetime. I don’t align myself with either party and like most people just try to vote for the person who will do the least amount of damage. That’s what most people do. You think that person is Clinton, I think that person is Trump.

        The Republican Party is imploding. I welcome that. It’s fine by me. People are panicked on both sides because their livelihoods are at stake and they will do anything to convince us that your candidate is worse than their candidate.

        Throw all incumbents out says one of the commenters. There is no one more incumbent then HRC. Practice what you preach, or stop preaching.

        • Phydeau says:

          I don’t say throw out incumbents, bobbo says that. I say pay attention and write letters and work to get money out of politics. Incumbents are fine, as long as they’re not chasing after money to get re-elected.

          Nothing more to say really. You can believe Trump is the better candidate. Pretty much every rational human being disagrees with you, but there are a lot of irrational human beings out there so you’ve got lots of company.

          Example: USA Today, for the first time in its history has “unendorsed” a presidential candidate (Trump), says he’s unfit for the presidency.

          I’m sure you think it’s all part of the Global Liberal Media Conspiracy 🙄

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Pedro: Chief correspondent of the Lame Stream Media….. always lying.

            Say Pedro: Can you give us the top 3 lies of MSM for our education …. to show us you aren’t a twisted up Pretzel Boy?

            And remember: twitter and facedbook are not part of the MSM … for most of us.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            I’ll start with an oldie, that is not just mainstream media, but Foxstream too:

            Zabruder film shows Trump campaign manager assaulting a female reporter.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Hands Up Don’t Shoot

            No evidence of a sex tape.

            He looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Phydeaux: sadly, I have to disagree with you. Pedro does not twist himself like a pretzel to present himself as a total ass. Its just the shape he’s in.

  11. Clark Kent says:

    You’re just NOW waking up to the FACT that the media is BIASED?! You’re only now realizing that any controversy, no matter how trivial, “sells”?!

    Better late then never, I guess.

    No one ever payed attention to a “news” story about how well things are going. It’s a well known fact within that HOLLYWOOD branch of gossip mongering that humans thrive on adversity and will pay good money to see more of it.

    So maybe NOW you might want to consider those OTHER facts that the news media has been shoving down your sheep-like minds. Perhaps this will be a bit of a mental exercise (and we all know how much lazy humans hate exercising especially when someone else will do it for them), but consider the FACT that BOTH political parties have seriously flawed candidates — NOT just the republicans, which has been the media’s stance for DECADES!

  12. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    My dislike of Hillary has gotten a bit strident recently. Life in the forums will do that. Much of the joy of debate is like that: take a position not really yours and try to defend it. More nuanced positions…too often boring.

    but yesterday on the news I got pulled up short. One person said what I would have easily said, and have said versions of it here, that Hillary was Willy’s strongest defender during the Bimbo eruptions and “went after” the women who made sexual charges against him. Thats my memory/attitude about Hillary. As I did post here, maybe this thread even, the nuance is: who cares? Powerful men in politics having sex rarely tells us what their management of the country will be. THAT is what is important: not what a personal scumbag the politician is, but rather what are that persons POLICY goals?

    But the response to that idea of Hillary being an attack dog against women was disagreed with the Hillary surrogate. She said the record did not show Hillary doing anything to the women other than 2-3 statements in support of her Husband. No calling the women out for being liars or threatening their futures and the like….as Trump is doing right now. And just posting that, I have to think: “Is that true?” I get the feeling Hillary did just that, but I have no specific memory of that. The nuance is: check my facts first?

    This season should highlight for us all what a putrid pit of scum our national politics is, and the abysmally poor MSM reporting on it. The nuance is: I do have to wonder more than I ever have before what the Hillary record really is? A lifetime of batting back Republican Lies. Yes….. I think that reality is true. THAT does not get Hillary off her responsibility for email gate and her lack of transparency and so forth.

    …………………… but she really might not be “as bad” as I have come to think of her. Hmmmmmm. Pay for Play…she denies it … I’ve seen 2-3-4 examples of State Department change of policy to benefit donors to the Clinton Foundation… that is enough “proof” for me, but the nuance: how does that actually ‘hurt” America? If weapons are going to be sold, or oil taken out of the ground…… important is it “who” does it???

    Who among us can think through our own prejudices???? Ha, ha……hard to do when the specific claims of inpropriety are actually correct: but what do they actually mean? Yes…. I hear the dog whistles … they are real whistles …. but must I roll over?

    As to the claim of wanting to win. Always cracks me up. Of course thats true. Its true of everyone posting here. The complaint then boils down to not “wanting” to win…. but “actually” winning. THAT happens more often when you have …… wait for it: …………….. a WINNING argument. See how that works?

    Silly Hoomans.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      It was both. She defended her husband by attacking the women. Now she’s angry at Bill again, and she takes out her anger on the women. I don’t think the line of attack will work, but Juanita Broaddrick’s raising it does, since people really aren’t believing Bill engaged in outright rape.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Your memory is much like mine.

        Got a quote?

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Of Gennifer Flowers, “If I could get her on the stand, I’d crucify her”.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Ha, ha……THAT does not “attack” the woman AT ALL. It merely fantasizes what she …Hillary … would do if she had the chance….which she never would have.

            So…you prove my point: our memories much worse than what we have facts to support.

            Confirming the quote…I found a few others more on the mark….but all told, nothing any cheated on spouse wouldn’t say……..with ZERO action thereafter.

            Pretty milk toast. Hillary has a lot of that going on: all talk, NO ACTION. Like confronting the minute by minute fraud going on in Wallstreet: “I went there and told them to stop.”

            Gas bag of Zero accomplishments.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Putting someone on the stand, she is declaring that the woman is lying.

            Not too many people are suggesting that Hillary personally beat up the women. Though Kathleen Willey…

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Ok nfs…calling someone a liar is “going after them.”

            The ugly wave of PC and micro aggressiona spreads across the internet.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            So what type of thing were you expecting, among her PUBLIC actions?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Oh wait you already answered that
            “No calling the women out for being liars…”


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