We’re all going to Mars!!!!
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We have no choice with the death and destruction being inflicted on Earth by FElon Musk.
I hope there is a manned Mars mission in the next 20 years.
But it seems unlikely.
The rest of the solar system going outward is a lot colder than Mars.
I hope Musk is successful and does what most people don’t think will happen.
That he pays back the $100 million + he stole from California taxpayers with fraudulent emissions credits?
California is mismanaged, I don’t live there = not my concern.
If Musk cheated California out of $100 million, he probably just prevented it from being wasted.
Contrast to a different state like Texas which doesn’t even have an income tax while also not having funding problems.
He isn’t taking the money directly from CA Treasury, but using Cali law to take the money from other producers of real products.
Not fraud. Just a stupid gubment give away program:
California is run pretty good given its size and complexity. California pays more in Federal taxes than it gets back in Federal Support. Texas is a welfare State being supported by California.
With their low State Taxes, they are “successful” by stealing jobs/industries from other States. It works for Texas as it does while harming the USA as a net/net proposition.
In comparison, Texans are poor, stupid, and dirty. My Proof: Rick Perry.
No it’s fraud. Your article gives an even higher price tag for the program.
However, other than their controlled demo, there is no evidence they have produced the product in question. Anyone who insists is waiting for a long time, and the credits are for producing not a battery swap, but a FAST refueling. They are also making it as hard as possible for this issue to be noticed, by having appointments by invitation only, and/or charging $80 for the service.
You could be right nfs. I don’t care enough about “the issue” to check further. Getting society to change to a new energy source will, and always does, require lots of fraud, waste, and abuse.
Ultimately, the gubment money went to encourage Green energy which it did. Not quick charging cars (as yet) but thats what money does and folks like Felon are doing.
Better to waste money on Felon’s Green Energy scam than on Rockefellers oil.
The Big Picture.
I got the details from your link!
nfs…yeah, I know. but the fact is the gubment had a program to give out money for Green Products and had a shit poor set of standards…that like it or not Felon met.
Should the standards/program have been better? …… of course. But they weren’t.
Typical Corp Deal: fraud in the spirit of the law, but technical compliance. Like Hillary…. in the best of her cases.
No, they were not in technical compliance. And in doing this, they made it less likely for other companies to develop green products, as the price of credits was lower with the availability of these Tesla fraud credits.
A fast battery swap does not seem like a technical impossibility. However, there has to be an incentive for someone to produce it, and Tesla reduced that incentive.
This is the future we should be looking for!
Big Oil and Coal committing Fraud for the Past 50 years in the Trillions………. but we got Ma and Pa.
Nice work Harry.
We touched on this awhile back. Elon should jump right on this:
“Axial stack battery design could unlock the era of supersonic electric airliners”
Not that it matters, given we are all going to die from AGW. The Anthropocene or Sixth Extinction Event…. going on RIGHT NOW.
He talks about it in Iron Man 2.
But what happens if something white crosses in front of the crew capsule. Will it crash into it and kill everyone on board and just continue on or does it have software that works and might actually avoid the collision?
It depends on if the crew is checking e-mail at the time.
Why would anyone want to live on Mars??
Really?? It’s cold, deadly, dirty, .. Almost as bad as Chicago.
The ship has a capacity of 200 and is designed to be filled with lawyers and politicians.
By sending them to Mars, they can do no further harm.
HAR! Ok, now I believe!
Well, I understand the elation, but we really shouldn’t be polluting other planets with our trash.
While Corporate America expends its last breaths on making little boys into little girls, private Russian firms like S7 are buying up space assets….
Elon Musk, who is trying to make all this a reality, is an IDIOT! He’s bent on perfecting a CENTURY’S OLD technology of using rockets (first used by Chinese hundreds of years ago), perhaps due to the obvious phallic implications, and it’s NOW all bullshit!
Here’s the thing: ROCKETS ARE NOT NECESSARY!!! And landing them vertically is just stupid! We have proven that over and over again that conventional designed aircraft can reach space with no rocket assistance or very little of it (used for maneuvering). With new space engine technology still in it’s infancy, it’s quite possible to “fly” to Mars without ANY rockets whatsoever! But instead of trying to develop these newer/better alternative methods of space flight we have a complete moron with all that money trying to make 1930’s BUCK ROGERS technology become a reality. It’s a WASTE of resources and someone needs to tell Elon Musk to go suck an egg.
There’s just something about little green men and Mars. Perhaps those little green men are on our (his) MONEY!
As I accept rockets as a given, I had to check. Turns out, you are wrong: