Violence and protests erupted in Milwaukee overnight after a man was fatally shot by police during a foot chase. Police said the victim, 23, was armed with a handgun and shot dead by an officer after fleeing a traffic stop on Milwaukee’s north side Saturday afternoon.

Hours later angry crowds took to the streets, smashing a police car and setting fire to another. One officer was injured by a flying brick; a gas station and auto-parts store were set alight. Police said gunshots were heard. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett pleaded for calm at an early morning news conference, asking residents to “do everything” to help restore order.

The mayor said some involved in the disturbances took to social media early in the evening to encourage others to come out and participate in trouble-making. He said many of them were young people, and he urged parents to keep tight reins on their children to avoid a repeat of Saturday night.

“Our police officers are doing everything they can to restore order,” he said. But he said everyone needed to help restore calm.

“If you love your son, if you love your daughter, text them, call them, pull them by their ears, get them home.”

The mayor said police had “shown an amazing amount of restraint” Saturday evening.

Russell W. Stamper II and Khalif Rainey delivering strongly worded statements about the disturbance springing from the frustrations of black Milwaukeeans and the problems they face.

Rainey, who represents the area where the man was shot by the officer and the disturbance occurred, was particularly pointed. He said Sherman Park had become “a powder keg” this summer, and ended his remarks by implying that downtown could be the site of disturbances if the issues facing African-Americans here not addressed.

“This entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wis., has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country,” Rainey said. “Now this is a warning cry. Where do we go from here? Where do we go as a community from here?

“Do we continue – continue with the inequities, the injustice, the unemployment, the under-education, that creates these byproducts that we see this evening? … The black people of Milwaukee are tired. They’re tired of living under this oppression. This is their existence. This is their life. This is the life of their children.

“Now what has happened tonight may have not been right; I’m not justifying that. But no one can deny the fact that there’s problems, racial problems, here in Milwaukee, Wis., that have to be closely, not examined, but rectified. Rectify this immediately. Because if you don’t, this vision of downtown, all of that, you’re one day away. You’re one day away.”

From early reports, (granted they could be wrong), the suspect was confronted and ordered to drop his weapon. He did not. What are the police supposed to do in this situation?

  1. Can you hear me now says:

    The culprit is Social Media.

    Too much, too quick. And too easily available to the great unwashed idiots.

    We’re at the point where no technology released to the public can result in a net positive for society.

  2. NewFormatSux says:

    How about instead having everyone go out and help the police in quelling the violence, particularly blacks?

  3. Old Fart says:

    Young whippersnappers. They need a good thrashing!!!

    • Likes2LOL says:

      “If you love your son, if you love your daughter, text them, call them, pull them by their ears, get them home.”

      Pull them by their ears? Adrian Peterson loves his children more than that, although allegedly, the whipping on the testicles incident in the “whooping room” was an accident while he was “tearing that butt up” with a switch.

      “…According to Sports Radio 610: “Peterson’s son had pushed another one of Peterson’s children off of a motorbike video game. As punishment, Peterson grabbed a tree branch — which he consistently referred to as a ‘switch’ — removed the leaves and struck the child repeatedly.”

      “More via Sports Radio 610: Peterson allegedly told the child’s mother via text message that he “felt bad after the fact when I notice the switch was wrapping around hitting I (sic) thigh.” Peterson also acknowledged the injury to the child’s scrotum, saying in the text message, “Got him in nuts once I noticed. But I felt so bad, I’m all tearing that butt up when needed! I start putting them in timeout. N save the whooping for needed memories!

      ““Never do I go overboard!” Peterson continued. “But all my kids will know, hey daddy has the biggie heart but don’t play no games when it comes to acting right.”

      “According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.” The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that “there are a lot of belts in Daddy’s closet.” He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson “likes belts and switches” and “has a whooping room.”

      More: Adrian Peterson indicted in child injury case in Texas – CBSSports.com

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Well the kid shouldn’t have been cussing.

        Really, sending a message about such bad behavior from a young age, would help to reduce the umber of potential rioters. 7% black kids without fathers before the war on poverty was started.

  4. Tommy says:

    The young blacks need jobs, but they aren’t educated well enough to ever find a decent job.. Whose fault is that? Why are educational standards so low?

    Who has the most influence over the educators?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      This doesn’t happen for everyone without jobs. Lots of money keeps getting thrown at education, with not much in the way of changes, though Texas did a pretty good job of improving.

  5. ECA says:

    Lets see…
    Police said he had a gun..
    Police killed him as he was Speeding away in a car??

    Abit short on facts..

    The most confusing things is when people RIOT and tear up their OWN neighborhoods..Why not do it in someone ELSES..

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Thomas Sowell writes of his brother asking people who were rioting and calling for burning down the local grocery,
      “If you destroy it, where are you going to shop?”

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    As I said before, if the police are not wanted, they should just pull out.

    After all, isn’t that EXACTLY what this administration said about Iran and Afghanistan?


  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    “From early reports, (granted they could be wrong), the suspect was confronted and ordered to drop his weapon. He did not. What are the police supposed to do in this situation?”


    Let’s assume that is true. What to do: talk to the guy to RESOLVE HIS IMMEDIATE ISSUE.

    I think EVERYONE agrees: if the guy starts shooting, of course returned accurate kill shots from the Police is warranted.

    So…let’s take the harder case. The guy refuses to drop the weapon and actually raises it to shoulder level. Should the cops now have free license to kill? I can argue that on both sides: because EVERY SIDE has pros and cons about it.

    Finer detail: no gun, but rather a knife. Seems to me any cop that shoots to kill such a person is guilty of attempted murder. IE: talk. Talk until the cows come home. If the perp advances in a threatening manner…then go for a leg or arm shot. There are as always pros and cons to this position with the Pros greatly outweighing the cons…(sic for off topic reasons).

    Too many police departments are run to PROTECT themselves and not SERVE their communities. Totally suspect as criminal organizations are cop departments that are used as a revenue source to fund themselves and other gubment functions.

    Just look.

    • Mr Diesel - TP says:

      Have a gun and don’t drop it expect to get shot. It might go either way.

      Have a gun and raise it towards a cop there is no pro and con, you get shot, no question.

      Knife, hold it or raise I don’t care. Move forward you get shot, no question.

      Like it or not unless you have a sniper rifle and you can actually hit a quarter from a few hundred feet away you are taught to shoot center mass. Don’t even think cops are going to shoot someone in the leg or arm. Fuck ’em. Carry a gun or knife in a threatening manner and die.

      You may remember a shooting a Walmart in Dayton Ohio or the kid in Cleveland the SAME thing goes for not putting down a toy gun as well.

      Center mass every time and deservedly so.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        You are such a tough guy Diesel.

        Totally missing the point of the post…but still tough.

        Do you have any choice?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Do you think you have more knowledge and experience than the police in how to handle situations? If they were about protecting themselves rather than serving they would just stay away and not do so much policing.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        NFS: Its obvious: I have different GOALS for the police:

        ………………………AGAIN: not as an armed para-military group in opposition to the citizenry actually preying on them through traffic stops/fines to fund municiple activities in our FOR PROFIT criminal-legal system.

        …on point: no. I have not been fired or let go from one police department to the next chosen and promoted for my willingness to follow orders.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          I agree with your first part, and it is totally irrelevant to handling people with guns or weapons or no weapons but are charging at cops or resisting arrest.

  8. Semantic says:

    Niggers being niggers nothing new here

  9. Hmeyers says:

    White privilege:

    Not mindlessly over-reacting to a trumped up event.
    Not destroying your own neighborhood.
    Self-growth through improving yourself — not scapegoating others.

    I do understand the ideas of institutionalized racism.
    And I do understand some of the unfairness endured by African Americans (microaggressions, etc.)

    But in 2016, the black man does more to hold the black man down than the white man does.

    Without checking, I bet the mayor of Milwaukee is black — so whitey isn’t suppressing anyone. And we already know the cop who did the shooting was black — not that that even matters.

    Many of the problems and angst suffered by the African Americans doing this riot are imaginary.

    We would have a better country if some of these black people would grow the fuck up.

    • Phydeau says:

      Ignorant white people commenting right on schedule.


      Like in Ferguson and other places, this is not something brand new. You say you understand the ideas of institutionalized racism and then dismiss it. You have no clue. Do some reading outside your bubble.

      • Mr Diesel - Roboto says:

        Show me the decades of bullshit in the making and I’ll show you a city run by Democrats.


        • I Surrender says:

          Logic is not Phydeaus strong suit.

        • Phydeau says:

          It’s everywhere, small towns and large cities. Controlled by Democrats or Republicans. Racism and discrimination is alive and well, and thanks to Drumpf, it’s more socially acceptable in some quarters to express it.

          • I Surrender says:

            Do you have any suggestions for solutions Phydeau? Or do you just want to complain that “da man be keepin you down”?

          • Phydeau says:

            All kinds of suggestions have been made for years. For example, body cameras on cops. Smarter people than me have lots of ideas. Read up on it, if you’re sincerely interested.

          • I Surrender says:

            The black cop who shot the black kid had a body cam on. The kid had a gun and pointed it at the cop. What would you have done?

            Is that a good reason to burn their neighborhoods down, pull innocent white people from cars and beat them?

            I am asking you. You come on this blog and spew hate, and you can’t even give me one “progressive” solution.

            Not Even One.


          • Phydeau says:

            Dude, you think you’re thinking? You’re not. You’re parroting the same right-wing BS that wingnuts like you have done for decades. There are plenty of solutions available. They’ve been written about extensively, exhaustively. But you will never see them. You don’t want to. And me writing about them here won’t change your mind. You wingnuts are living in your own little world. And living in that little world got us Donald Trump as the Republican candidate. This thread is part of your little world, where you can repeat all the same racist shit you guys say all the time. Wallow in your shit, guys. Knock yourselves out. 🙄

          • I Surrender says:

            Dude, you understand that I am not the one who claims there are solutions. I don’t think there are solutions.

            I am waiting to hear of ONE from you that hasn’t already been tried and failed. If you cant do that then just admit it and move on.

            Give me one. And answer the original question, or just babble on about da man for the rest of your miserable life.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            I Surrender says:
            8/15/2016 at 12:59 pm

            Do you have any suggestions for solutions Phydeau? Or do you just want to complain that “da man be keepin you down”?


            Mostly, it boils down to keeping or in this case getting, the black nuclear family together, as lack thereof creates persistent poverty which blocks access to education and the end goal: worthwhile employment.

            So…from the above…only your imagination stops trying whatever might work and tweak thereafter as best determined. Of course: all such programs open to all regardless of …everything.

            Try Unconditional Basic Income. Lots of Pros to that concept many of which sustitute for other programs that don’t work for a wash of government expenseses.

            Free Higher Education…for those who qualify. (Yes, I know…the meritocracy raises it ugly head.)

            social & Mental health services expanded rather than our current militarization of the Police as our only response.

            Book mobiles….ha, ha….see? All kinds of programs could be tried/expanded.

            Oooooh: almost forgot: remove tax exemptions from Churches. That get the poor folks off to a better start.

          • I Surrender says:

            Thank you for pinch hitting for the weak-ass Phydeau.

            Lets break it down:
            “Mostly, it boils down to keeping or in this case getting, the black nuclear family together, as a lack thereof creates persistent poverty which blocks access to education and the end goal: worthwhile employment.”

            Ding, ding, ding, ding. I agree 1000%. You are talking about personal responsibility, black fathers who take responsibility for their kids. What Phydeau would call a bullshit Conservative talking point.

            Free college: Nothing is free obviously and the problem I have with this are the types of programs that people will waste their time, and our money with, that will never benefit them in the “Real World”. IE African American History, Or Ancient Art History, Or Medeival Art History, the history of hip-hop …etc, I could go on. College is big business…treat it as such, recognize the fact that when the government (taxpayers) are paying for it, a program it will be abused.

            “Try Unconditional Basic Income. ”
            An interesting idea, as long as it isn’t tied to not being able to better yourself. IOW, like Gary Johnson did with welfare in New Mexico. You could draw benefits yet still work to better yourself financially without losing your benefits. A very interesting concept. You can be on welfare but not held down by it. Needs more work but I won’t throw it out. Especially as we head into the robotic age.

            “Social & Mental health services expanded rather than our current militarization of the Police as our only response.”

            Please elaborate, Social and mental health care expanded. Do you really think we can counsel our way out of this? Sounds like behavior drugs for the kiddies..not a good idea in any way, shape or form. Unless I misread.

            Bookmobiles? OK, that’s a joke right? Granted, I was the first kid on the corner when bookmobiles showed up in my ‘hood. But seriously, this isn’t the 50’s. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it, but that aint gonna happen.

            Well, at least you tried.

            Now try harder.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            No…now its YOUR TURN to try. Not just bitch and moan.


          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            No…now its YOUR TURN to try. Not just bitch whine and moan.


          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Phydeaux, just as he said, is way tired of all y’all’s BS. I personally marvel at how centered he has stayed while responding as often as he does.

            I just have relaxed a bit and had posted about white privilege elsewhere so it was till on my mind. Hmmm…elsewhere was mostly to HM….HAH!!!

            As always: I don’t expect to educate an poster here, as minds such as they are, are so mired in the muck it would take heavy equipment to save your asses.

            ……….I post for those who read but do not post. YES–>there are obvious and well known answers. Who know how many Brietbart or Daily Caller dimwits pass through here?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Yes it is not brand new. Like Ferguson, you are living in a bubble. It took random bloggers to reveal the media’s lies. If you got your news from regular media bubble, you would think he was shot while he had his hands up, that TrayVon Martin was an innocent kid shot for being black, Freddy Gray was murdered by cops who had arrested him, etc.

        • Phydeau says:

          “regular media bubble” == everyone but Fox News.

          You guys are so funny!

          • NewFormatSux says:

            “Several eyewitnesses said he was standing still with his hands up when he was shot.”

            Phydeau about Ferguson. Getting his news from the liberal media out to spread a narrative.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Phydeau quotes New York Times and ends up being lied to:

            Police officials admit the officer was shooting at people running away from him.

            How does a person running away from the officer constitute a threat that the officer must respond to with deadly force?

  10. spsffan says:

    Actually, it looks like downtown L.A. after the Lakers win the championship.

  11. NewFormatSux says:

    Solution would be if the rioters thought they would be punished for their actions, they wouldn’t do it.

  12. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Hmeyers failing to gather the fruit from his white privileged education and life experience says:
    8/15/2016 at 7:51 am

    White privilege:

    Not mindlessly over-reacting to a trumped up event.
    Not destroying your own neighborhood.
    Self-growth through improving yourself — not scapegoating others. //// Nope. All made up rhetoric.

    I do understand the ideas of institutionalized racism. /// No you don’t. See below and herein when you racism the total responsibility of individual black men to overcome.

    And I do understand some of the unfairness endured by African Americans (microaggressions, etc.) /// So…that is a good start. Why have you stopped so short of the goal???

    But in 2016, the black man does more to hold the black man down than the white man does. /// So…there goes any understanding of institutional racism….right out the window, down the crapper…or what have you.

    Without checking, I bet the mayor of Milwaukee is black — so whitey isn’t suppressing anyone. /// Again…overly “personalizing” what “INSTITUTIONAL ANYTHING” is. More than the individuals involved: the CULTURE….the way everyone tends to think regardless of so many other variables.

    And we already know the cop who did the shooting was black — not that that even matters. /// C’mon HM: I know you have heard the issue of anti-black bias among black cops…most famously with Jacksons comment he gets nervous at night if approached by black strangers. Lazy—stupid— even dishonest commentary. Hope you at least don’t think that way?? —– how about after due consideration????? Still just as lazy and stupid?….. ha. ha.

    Many of the problems and angst suffered by the African Americans doing this riot are imaginary. /// They are? Well lets grant that….however maximally ambiguous and made up this is: what about those problems and angst that AREN’T MADE UP?

    We would have a better country if some of these black people would grow the fuck up. /// Let me fix that for ya by taking out the racist BS: “We would have a better country if we would all grow the fuck up.”

    HM===you’ve been going backwards a few threads now. Run out of moonshine?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      See below and herein when you MAKE racism the total responsibility of individual black men to overcome.

  13. F the Po says:

    The mayor said police had “shown an amazing amount of restraint” Saturday evening.



    50+ years of law enforcement culture bent on breaking heads and somehow THEY are “restrained’?!?!?!

    Who, or what the fuck keeps beating a person after that person has had his/her arms (and sometimes also feet) tied behind their back? A coward does! That’s who! And that’s what all this civil unrest is really all about — beating and now KILLING someone who poses NO THREAT!

    The fact that the dogs (the cops) are almost biting at their leashes to go break some more heads doesn’t concern this idiot mayor in the least, I suppose. But then, did anyone really believe any of those talking figureheads for the system? Not me.

    If you want any real law and order, ya gotta START AT THE TOP!

    • Mr Diesel - says:

      Yes, at the top. Obomba and Lynch. Things will change for the better right after they are both out of office.

      Riot? Maybe if they had a fear of all the store owners being allowed to shoot them when they loot it might change their minds. I’m all for peaceful civil disobedience but this shit has to stop.

      If it continues to progress it is not going to end well for anyone.

  14. Milwaukee Bob says:

    The kids father just blamed himself for being a bad father.

    Its a start.

    • Mr Diesel - says:

      The black community has a problem with children born out of wedlock or fathers running away.

      Just watch the Maury show when he does a baby daddy episode, oh wait, that’s every episode now. When you see one black father having kids with 7 or 8 different women you can see the problem.

      Good grief, jack off or use a condom.

  15. Harrington says:

    So the police kill a bloke who has a gun and runs away, and the response is to burn down the business of hard working people who had nothing to do with it?

  16. Harrington says:

    So the police kill a bloke who has a gun and runs away, and the response is to burn down the business of hard working people who had nothing to do with it?

  17. Phydeau says:

    Just one example of white privilege


    Not to mention all the stories of white people waving guns around in public talked down by the cops and not shot, and all the stories of black people in the same situation shot down immediately, not to mention the black people shot down while they were running away.

    The truth is out there, y’all just refuse to see it. But anyone who thinks Donald Trump is a viable presidential candidate is probably a lost cause anyway. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!

    • Mr Diesel - says:

      I won’t argue your point but that link is two examples of white privilege and both of those turds disgust me.

      Nothing would make me happier than for both of them to get the minimum time in prison and be gang raped every night with a bedtime story from the BLM crowd.

      But a douche bag judge gave Turner 6 months probation. Add the judge to the list….

      • Phydeau says:

        I agree with you on that judge.

      • Can you hear me now says:

        There’s ALWAYS an example (and to be fair, all bad examples must be brought to legal justice).

        But it’s become a social media game to quickly find counter examples that somehow justify and nullify another group’s poor behavior.

        Does it matter any more if your own home team cheats too? (home team== gender, race, religion, political party, etc.).

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Social Media? How about MAIN STREAM media…with hate radio (Faux) totally beyond the pale?

          Those three sources aping 99% of all elected politicians who are supposed to provide leadership instead of pandering misdirection??

          AND THOSE FOUR SOURCES: or would it be the other way around–the voters themselves doing it to a maximum degree leaving those with any contact with the TRUTH as independent, third party, or otherwise…not involved.

          I’d put social media…about last.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        I haven’t read the link, but the header makes me think of Athlete Privilege. or Famous Person Privilege.

        At least…those two life inequities has some merit behind them.

  18. NewFormatSux says:

    Best place for blacks to live is under conservative Republican leadership that generally ignores them. Worst place is under liberal Democrats that panders to the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons. Blacks have implicitly accepted this as they are always leaving liberal areas for places run by Republicans.
    Even with growing overall populations, the black populations of so many cities in California has declined over the last few decades.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      All BS Rhetoric: not a single SUPPORTED fact presented.

      Silly Hooman.

      I do agree “everyone” is better off if their “leaders” leave them alone….depending on what you mean by being left alone.

      Why don’t the black support Pukes then? I expect nothing but kneejerk talking point…but …. go ahead?

      “Blacks move to areas led by Republicans…but they don’t vote for Republicans anywhere they are…. BECAUSE: ………….”

  19. Phydeau says:


    Just another example of casual racism… these good old boy Tea Party idiots couldn’t figure out that anyone could hear their racist CB chatter.

    This happened in MA. There are racist idiots everywhere.


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