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Lots are rhetoric on this thread. You’ve got to be running near empty.
Summarize your bottom line. How you would run things? Better yet, if you could write a 28th Amendment that would STICK, what would it say?
Amendment XXVIII (2016):
Or is endless talking and no action all that’s left?
28th Amendment —- no individual, corporation, organization, entity, or any other group, may in any way shape or form provide something of any value whatsoever to any politician, or any group of politicians, or any organization which represents or is affiliated with any politician.
Also the Amendment would define a mechanism by which all qualified candidates receive equal financial support (to the last penny) from the general tax fund. All funding would be visible in real time on the internet to anyone in the world as would all spending by every candidate. Candidates could only spend from the designated account with the designated ‘debit card’. Period.
So does this mean newspapers are forbidden from covering candidates?
Stop thinking! Coherent thought is NOT ALLOWED!!
BTW, if all qualified candidates receive equal financial support (with whatever “qualified” means) wouldn’t that favor Jill Stein over Hillary?? I mean, after all, they have equal financial support to spread their message.
WAIT, NO!! I’m sorry, I was THINKING!! NOT ALLOWED!!
Hey ±, I’m with you 100% on this one. Get the money out of politics! 😀
Slick; very slick. Your stated approbation is almost infinitely more effective than anything else you have said in your attempts to vilify. Others may flee the blog, thinking they may be next.
The brainwashed start with one of the following openers and then go on to offer either sarcasm or no argument at all.
Look for these tells to identify the brainwashed:
1. LOL
2. Wow.
3. So…
4. In other words…
5. OMG
7. (Any personal or professional insult)
8. Hitler analogy
Ha, ha—Wow! In other words..if we see YOU started your most recent post just above with “so” that would mean something in your mind? OMG… only an idiot would post their own made up rule so close to a violation of it. Have you no professional standards of review AT ALL? Zero intellectual content but most excellent comedic talent, purposeful or not. Kinda like Hitler invading Russia…. you know?
It’s quite possible I meet the same criteria.
However, your example just shows another failure of reading comprehension on your part.
How’s that?
Obama has classified marijuana as worse than cocaine. Just more of the same, or a clever tactic to boost the Libertarians?
Some Republicans trying to come up with a “negotiated surrender” to Clinton.
And here’s another interesting one.
^^Gruber voter. What a dimwit.^^
Bobbo, how many posts are you going to do where you talk describe yourself while criticizing others?
As we are all more the same to one another than different, I think that is unavoidable….if you don’t draw false distinctions.
Why always the focus on the person or a label rather than what is actually SAID?
Know what I mean?……………….. I know: all shadow speak to you.
Well that’s a relief:
I happen to like a President with a good sense of humour. Imagine listening to Killary “Buzzsaw” Clinton for the next year or two, or however long she lives for. The woman has zero comedic timing.
Probably not more than 2….taking bets.
“Humour”, eh? Whoops, Tomas. Are you one of those trolls paid by the Russians to support Trump?
Where are you really from, Tomas? You need to brush up on the American versions of the words you’re using. Just a tip. 😉
But it’s very flattering to the blog to have a paid troll come and spew out pro-Drumpf garbage. It’s nice to be noticed! 😀
Yeah man, the Russians are paying me a bundle. You should get in on this, they pay much better than that cheap bitch you work for.
Well in any case, thanks for giving us the foreign perspective on this issue. 😉
Only unpaid volunteers for them.
Makes me glad that I am an expat and not allowed to vote. There is no choice here, not between these two.
You are in a dwindling minority, every day that goes by and Drumpf opens his mouth…
Not enough difference between crazy and insane destroying the world economy out of a need to satisfy his own ego vs a stogy traditional go with the majority flow of things while stealing for your personal gain as much as you can?
If you can’t see what to for “for,” much more even to vote “against” then I’m glad you aren’t voting. You’d go third party…but as a numbskull Puke Base Voter…thats a good thing.
You see… that is enough….the base turns on the chosen candidate. THAT is VOTE ENOUGH.
Am I wrong? I thought you had to do more than go ex-pat to lose your vote. You have to give up your citizenship?? Not the same thing. But I know…fine distinctions aren’t your forte.
It’s not about the stealing for personal gain, but what she is giving out in return. No donor will be rejected. Trump’s not being the same is the source of #NeverTrump. There would never have been a NeverGiuliani who is more liberal.
You will ALWAYS vote for the liberal. And you know it. Even if she’s a phony liberal.
You made a choice at some point in your life to stop trying and coast on the government bennies.
You need someone to support you.
The candidate who promises me a pony gets my vote.
Yep. Many will just vote for the one that promises them the most stuff.
Free cheese for everyone:
So true, Bingo. And the ones getting the most free stuff are the big corporations. Hugely profitable companies like Exxon/Mobil getting multi-billion dollar tax breaks. Because they have the fancy lobbyists, and we don’t. And the free stuff they get from the government dwarfs the free stuff poor people get.
But I don’t hear wingnuts complaining about the government giving money to rich people, only poor people. Because the rich people have successfully conned you into focusing on the skin color of many of the poor people, and ignoring the rich people gorging themselves at the government trough.
Why are you so stupid? Google “Southern Strategy” to see just how stupid you are. Here. To save your desperately needed brain cells, just click here.
You agreed what I said was true. Why am I stupid?
Stupid is, as stupid does.
You’re an angry person. Do you feel helpless?
ExIm Bank, eliminated by (some)Republicans, over the objections of Democrats including Obama and Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton.
Brought back to life with a secret deal with Republican leadership, after illegally refusing to wind down the bank when its funding and charter expired.
Committee Chairman Richard Shelby has prevented the bank from giving out big loans, again with the objections of the Democrats.
So why are Democrats so eager to give money to GE?
Whoa… interesting article from Public Policy Polling about South Carolina. Looks like Clinton has a chance in this deep red state. But here’s the interesting bit.
Wow, conservative old white people are all that’s left in the Republican party, even in a conservative state like SC. Interesting…
Not surprising.
Liberals make it more expensive for poor people to live in their state, and these people then leave for Republican states where it is cheaper to live and easier to get a job. If you have good candidates, then they can be convinced to vote Republican. If it is establishment corporate shills like Lindsey Graham, not so much.
Yup, all those people under 65 are lazy, shiftless, cheating bums. And some of them aren’t white!!! And some of them are female!!! Scandalous!!!
You forgot the part where you feebly shake your cane from your rocking chair on the porch. 😉
So you’re an ageist and a bigot…a twofer!
Not to worry Phydeau, you’re probably gonna get your murdering piece of trailer trash for President. And I’m sure she’ll fix all the worlds problems, and golden unicorns and cash fairies will dance across the land.
Aww, Tomasito. Poor baby. It must hurt to be so stupid. No unicorns, but most likely the country will do OK, like it has under Obama, and like it did under Bill Clinton. She most likely won’t start a war under false pretenses costing trillions of dollars and thousands of American soldiers.
And us Americans will probably do OK, even though we have a fair number of problems, and might be saddled with another do-nothing Republican Congress.
And pedrito… as always, thanks for your unique contributions to this blog. 🙂
Nah, just Libya, Syria, and going back Haiti, Bosnia(troops are still there), Kosovo, and more.
Curious Phydeau, do you believe Bill Clinton was justified in launching missiles at Iraq?
NFS, maybe in a million years or so you can critique the Democrats on wars. Your guy started not one but TWO stupid wars, costing trillions of dollars and tragically wasted soldiers’ lives. Anything the D’s have done pales in comparison. F*ck off.
Bob Dole shut down the vice president’s debate after talking about Democrat wars. So there’s still lots of catching up to do.
So you think Hillary is less likely to start a war than Trump, who says he wants to get along with people, particularly Russia, while Hillary was arming the rebels who are fighting Russian forces?
Do you believe Bill Clinton was justified in launching missiles at Iraq?
And that good people is why Jesus is a failed son of God. I mean: Just Look at him over there walking on the water. So like a liberal: he doesn’t know how to swim.
Pure Puke Rhetoric. Not an idea or fact in any of them.
Hang in there Phydeau…I find no interest in their yapping.
Yes, Phydeau, hang in there little buckaroo.
Christ, get a fucking room already.
Yap, yap, yap……………
Typo? Did you mean lap, lap, lap?
Speaking of getting a room… pedrito and tomasito are getting along just fine 😉
I have the feeling a lot of people are going to wake up Nov. 5th with a deep sense of regret. No matter who “wins”.
We Lose.
Hillary is going to win…all who voted for her will be happy and releaved …. the great majority of voters.
Those who don’t vote will hold their breadth with their fingers crossed or wait to see what happens.
The Republicans will mindlessly bitch and crap with no ideas other than support the NRA and more benefits for the AlreadyTooRich.
The Trumpsters will scream the system was rigged and look for another Brown Shirt to run in 2020.
Nothing Changes.
Ok, Ok, I’ll vote for Hillary on one condition. Like my granny, we cannot let her anywhere near a computer. Apparently that goes for Nancy Pelosi, and pretty much anyone in the DNC.
These people cannot be trusted with technology.
No one will read this, but it’s here for the record: Hillary Clinton is a typical fibbing politician, while Donald Trump is a liar in a class by himself.
Yea, they resort to the same dishonest factcheckers. Even this guy acknowledges that Hillary is lying thoroughly about her e-mail server.
So Trump is lying about how many billions he is worth. Hillary is fibbing about national security.
“those same dishonest factcheckers”
Love it. All those factcheckers are wrong! They’re in conspiracy with every single media organization in the world except Fox News! It’s a GIANT CONSPIRACY!
You guys are losing touch with reality. Karl Rove melted down on national TV. People at Trump rallies spew out hatred, violence, and venom because they’re stuck in that unreality.
You folks are a danger to America.
They gave Lie of the Year to a Romney statement that was true.
In fairness the next year went to an Obama statement, though they had it rated as half-true for awhile.
Now you tell me she’s not a knock-out!