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Hey…. they didn’t have TV in 1800!
Well, then that settles it..I am not voting for Jefferson then.
These are real.
They were friends. “By remarkable coincidence, Jefferson and Adams died on the same day, Independence Day in 1826, the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Adams’ last words were, “Thomas Jefferson still survives,” though his old friend and political adversary had died a few hours before.”
Now how weird is that.
NY Times: “In a Gallup poll two weeks ago, just 17 percent of respondents said that the country was on the right track, while 82 percent said it was on the wrong track.”
And yet that same day, Obama’s approval rating was over 50%.
Liberals just cannot seem to connect dots….must be new math or something in the water.
I think that would be a pole halfway up his dumb ass.
Or maybe you’re just a little too heavy on the Fox News, Cristof… 😛
Why are you surprised, wingnuts? The first thing the Republican controlled Congress announced when Obama got elected is that they were going to obstruct him no matter what, come hell or high water. They’ve done nothing this past 8 years, got nothing passed, got no achievements. Republicans have lost the ability politicians need: to compromise, to get at least part of what they want done.
Radicals like you have taken over the Republican party, turned it into a fanatical right-wing organization that cannot, will not compromise. So the government has ground to a halt.
Republicans campaign on a platform that government doesn’t work, then they get elected (because of gullible idiots like y’all) and go about making sure government doesn’t work.
Anyone? Bueller?
Voter fraud is a non-existent problem. Dubya’s Justice Department did a five year study on it and found it to be insignificant.
It’s clear to most Americans (but not wingnuts like y’all) that Republicans are pretending to “solve” this non-existent problem by passing laws that selectively affect people they don’t want to vote. North Carolina’s voter restriction law was recently overturned. Even Breitbart admitted it:
Obstruction and Voter fraud is what kept your beloved Bernie from being the POTUS.
You’re the wingnut here, grow the fuck up.
LOL really? That’s the best you got? Sheesh.
That response tells me you’re a latch key kid.
There’s milk and cookies over by the furnace. Go lye down and try to behave ’til momma comes home.
How’s that working for ya? Your guy got spanked in the last two presidential elections. And it looks like your big orange cheeto will get spanked this time too. But hey, we all know reality has a well-known liberal bias. So just keep ignoring it. 🙄
For Fido: Choke on it dogbreath.
Yup, very clever strategy by the Republicans. They got nothing else with King Cheeto. WikiLeaks leaked the stuff the Russians got from breaking into the Democratic Party computers. We saw the same stuff happeing at the RNC, but of course we don’t have their internal emails, the Russians didn’t crack them. Looks like Putin’s trying to throw the election to Drumpf. And y’all are happy as pigs in shit about it. Why do you hate America so much? Is it because of those uppity brown and black people? Those uppity women?
I hope the Russians hacks bury Hillary, any way they can. And you with her.
Elizabeth, you support foreigners influencing America politics to prop up the candidate you like. Why do you hate America? Why don’t you go live in Russia with your sweetheart Putin? Idiot.
Revealing RNC e-mails is irrelevant because Trump won, and it was rigged AGAINST Trump.
Illegal/immoral activity is OK as long as it didn’t prevent the result you like? OK then. 🙄
As a Hillary supporter you are hardly in any position to judge any other country that meddles in foreign politics.
Would you like to see some examples?
You must be the dumbest shill on Hillarys staff.
It’s not OK, but who is going to get upset about something that didn’t happen?
If anything, it would help Republicans as NeverTrumpers would be happier that at least their team tried to rig the election in their favor.
So Sanders wasn’t blocked from a corrupt DNC?
Christ, I am so done talking to morons. Go ahead and reply, it doesn’t matter, no one cares about people who are on your level of stupid.
Go ahead, leave. It doesn’t change the fact that your guy Drumpf is stepping on his dick every time he opens his mouth. 🙄
And by the way, moron, there was just as much chicanery at the RNC. That’s what happens at conventions, moron. It’s called politics. Drumpf, however, is on a completely different level of stupid. And you’re swallowing his bullshit, moron. Does it taste good?
Don’t anyone pay attention to what’s GOING ON!
Let’s not ask our liberal press who’s going to JAIL over yet ANOTHER email scandal. Let’s not have anyone ask why RUSSIANS seem to be doing all the “hacking” or why liberals don’t seem to understand what SECURITY is or why it’s NECESSARY! Let’s just get pissed off at someone saying “we need walls” when DUH! WE NEED WALLS!
That is, unless it’s another lib-tard saying it.
Please! Don’t get started on any of the other bullshit either. Please stop with the story of the dumb asshole who went to the DNC and used his dead son as some kind of political fodder trying to PROVOKE some kind of fight. We all know how the press won’t cover that pile of shit correctly EITHER! So here’s a little ditty you lib-tard morons may not agree with: act like a bully and you get treated like one. Pure and simple. Here’s another: you DON’T have a “right” to NOT be offended especially when you started the fight. But mostly, calling into question what ANY religion may be INFLUENCING is absolutely NOT racism!!!
But don’t any of you lib-tard brainwashed morons try and pay ATTENTION or anything. You’re BRAIN (the “press”) has been BOUGHT and paid for by Hollywood (who’s ALSO owned by Wall Street)!
Wow, ANOTHER random CAPITALIZING right wing MORON! You are so MUCH more effective WITH your brutally EFFICIENT use of caps LOCK! I am so CONVinced!
Fido. Don’t bring a rubber sword to a pointed discussion.
Like General Cluster, you are surrounded. Just surrender and thank us for a valuable lesson, free of charge.
You’re mistaking quantity for quality, Big Chief. But hey, eat shit — trillions of flies can’t be wrong. 😉
it figures
We might get President Trump even if he loses, if our electronic voting machines get hacked by the Russians too…
First liberals liberalized the ballot access rules and the end result was lots of candidates that led to a butterfly ballot and President George W Bush.
In response to that mess and hanging chads, liberals clamored for electronic voting machines, then whined about Diebold and hacking of these machines, which should have been obvious when they started, but Republicans didn’t want to say too much because of the whole 2000 election thing, or maybe they were hoping Bush would steal another election.
After the current situation, will liberals at least drop their plans for voting by e-mail?
Stupid Drumpf of the day: Back to the “Mad Men” days. Drumpf doesn’t think sexual harassment is a big deal.
Got that, women? If you’re harassed at your job, just go find a job somewhere else! And if you’re harassed at that job, just go find a job somewhere else! And if you’re harassed at that job…
In Drumpf world, men can sexually harass women all they want, and if the women don’t like it, they can just leave!
Really, guys? Really? You’re supporting this guy?
Julian Assange says “1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection” proves she sold weapons to ISIS in Syria.
Really, You’re supporting this woman?
I guess you’ll come back with well, uh, the Republicans did it too.
Then you’ll stick your thumb in your mouth.
Looks like your corrupt, incompetent party is falling apart.
Email fallout: 3 Democratic National Committee resignations.
” WASHINGTON (AP) — The chief executive of the Democratic National Committee and two other top officials have resigned in the wake of an email hack that embarrassed the party on the eve of its presidential nominating convention.
CEO Amy Dacey, chief finance officer Brad Marshall and communications director Luis Miranda left their jobs on Tuesday, the party said in a statement.”
Julian Assange has a well-documented hatred of Hillary Clinton. Google it. At this point I wouldn’t trust much of anything coming from WikiLeaks about her. Too easy for him to forge emails: “Hey Barack, let’s send some weapons to ISIS, we love them so much! 🙂 🙂 Hillary”
Here’s just one:
And now WikiLeaks is sending out anti-semitic tweets:
Really? You hate Clinton so much you believe this guy?
And really? You hate Clinton so much that you’re in favor of Russian hackers penetrating US computers?
Why do you hate America so much?
>men can sexually harass women all they want, and if the women don’t like it, they can just leave!
Directly because of the last Clinton in the White House, feminists created a ‘one free grope’ rule, and ignored charges of rape.
So Elizabeth… Drumpf is melting down more every day. More and more Republicans are disowning him. Serious commentators are claiming that he’s literally mentally ill (narcissistic personality disorder). He’s saying more and more stupid things… no political interpretation necessary, just write down exactly what he said and shake your head in horror and amazement. And this is the guy you want to have the nuclear codes? The guy who issues snarky tweets like a junior high school girl? Go ahead… have some guts and admit it. You want this catastrophe to be president.
BTW if your response includes “Benghazi”, don’t bother. 🙄
LOL: Will Smith on Drumpf
So, “Elizabeth”, tell us all about how you support the man who calls women fat pigs, in public.
OMG! Obama isn’t just wrecking our whole world now, he’s traveling back in time to wreck our world in the past too!
Obama’s diabolical powers are so strong that even as a state senator in Illinois he reached out and caused the death of Capt. Humayun Khan! 🙄 🙄 🙄
Really, guys? Really? You’re supporting this guy?
Speaking of going back in time to wreak havoc… Obama’s at it again!
An ignorant voter is a Republican’s best friend. 🙄
Not surprising. Lots of Democrats blame George W Bush for the war in Libya too.
I’m sorry guys, but it’s just too easy… the stupid things you say, the stupid things your candidate says… you can’t make this stuff up! No one would believe people could be that stupid! 🙄
Well looky here… I see why the Republicans haven’t been playing up Bill Clinton’s connections to convicted billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein:
Hateful bigot.
That he is, and I’m glad you can finally see that, after all my posts just describing what he has said and done. Glad to be of service. 🙂