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Black and White.
Trump is bad Hillary is good.
The email revelations will continue to expose Crooked Hillary and Trump will be the POTUS. Not that I agree with it, its just reality.
She would be the worst President since Obama/Bush.
Embrace the Suck.
Both are meaningless blather.
The only meaningful issue should be: what programs/laws are they going to push for? And again: that would be “specifically.”
Not “Jobs” but what to do specifically to creadte the environment or foundation for jobs? Or…….. forget jobs, admit they are going to be done by robots and tell us how much Unconditioned Basic Income we could expect under their Adminstrations.
Unconditioned basic income will never happen, but is an interesting topic.
Japan’s method for keeping crime low is to give everyone a job, even if the job is meaningless.
Forces people:
1) To have a schedule, dress well, socialize
2) Less time for them to get into trouble
And 2 hard pieces of reality:
1) Many people, give them unlimited time and they’ll watch television or play video games. Not create a scientific work.
2) Because of #1, the globalist corporations that control everything from funding political campaigns and up — they wouldn’t go for it.
Unfortunately, most uneducated people that have too much free time will get themselves into trouble.
Robots are a big concern. And it is a major concern what automation could eventually do to eliminate jobs.
The paradox is the only reason to produce goods and services is to sell them to humans, and those humans need income to buy them.
I think in the next 2 decades, terrible trade agreements are more of a threat than robots due to cheap wages in Asia — the TPP would be devastating.
Nice review HM. …. Never? …. What to do when a society STRUCTURALLY cannot provide enough meaningful employment under the Darwinian Model of Social Arrangements?
FACT IS: technology is marching forward with Moore’s Law….soon to make Hooman Labor and old notion………………OTHER old Notions will have to be defeated if society is to function at all.
………..and society will function……….under one set of rules or another. Do you want the Jungle…. or complete automation????
Poor HM….just a tad short on imagination. You know what that means dontacha????? You gotta read more.
Yes………that does suck.
The Japanese invents paper pushing jobs to create full employment.
It gets people out of the house, keeps them out of trouble and makes them socialize and maintains self-image of being useful.
“Listening to the Hillary invoke the Founders is like hearing Draco Malfoy claim he was always on Harry Potter’s side.”
How did you find a political cartoon with a shallow one-sided viewpoint?
Back to the cartoon.
Two completely opposite points of view.
One from an unknown,
And the other from a known pathological liar who has overthrown governments, started insurrections, and has caused the misery and spilling of blood of untold thousands.
Who would you trust with your life?
The election is only about Trump.
If Trump can boost his likability, he might win.
If Trump’s likability doesn’t go northward, he’ll easily lose.
Unlike Obama or past candidates, people don’t like Hillary so she can’t do “positive campaigning” or promote a vision.
It’s all going to be about how Trump comes across, especially in the last 30 days.
I agree. I wonder if he can stop posing like Mussolini.
LOL… Drumpf an “unknown”. You are so cute! Your nose is so far up Drumpf’s ass it’s probably a little orange from his cheeto coloring!
Drumpf is not an unknown. We know plenty about him. He’s been in the public eye for decades. We know about his cheating on his wives, dumping them for a new model (character matters, but only for Democrats). We know about all of his failed businesses, in which he did shady things to screw over his business partners. We know about the hundreds if not thousands of small businesses he stiffed on a regular basis, resulting in hundreds of lawsuits. We’ve seen him mock people with handicaps, speak vulgarly of women as objects, gain the warm support of racists and sexists everywhere with his blatant pandering. We’ve seen him cozy up to Russian dictators. And the list goes on, and on, and on. We’ve seen his sleazy bullshitting time and time again.
We know plenty about Drumpf. Give us a f*cking break.
But hey, we don’t know how rich he really is because he refuses to release his tax returns, like every other candidate in modern history. What has he got to hide?
“Unknown.” HA! 🙄