I watched Trump’s acceptance speech at the convention and his behavior since and he’s is acting like a brat. I’m talking about this ongoing feud between Trump and Cruz. In the primary it was amusing. It was refreshing to get some unfiltered opinions, no matter how weird they may be.

But the primary is over and now it’s time to pivot to the issue of “What are you going to be like as a president?” issue. So I was expecting Mr. Trump to be inspirational and adult, and I’m not seeing that. Trump is focused on this personal grudge match to get even with Ted Cruz. This is what ill behaved children do. Does it really matter if “Ted Cruz’s father hung with Lee Harvey Oswald” after the primary is over?

Donald – you won. You beat Cruz. Declare victory and move on. I have to ask the question, “Are you going to at least grow up and act like an adult?” It’s time for Trump to start acting like a president. Donald, show me your presidential side.

“Who’s wife would you rather do? Mine is a 10! What’s yours?” Very presidential!

  1. IM77 says:

    Speaking of growing up, how long does it take for someone the caliber of Senator Cruz to learn that when he signs a pledge, promising to do something, that he actually carries through with that pledge instead of acting like an ill-mannered little boy?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      I think exceptions can be made when the candidate says your father assassinated JFK.

      • IM77 says:

        A promise is a promise, even if it has to be carried out with an explanation (as an example, “If I would have known then what I know now …”, or something like that)

        • Clancys_Daddy says:

          Do you think the cheeto would have honored the promise? Really?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Depends on how things went down, but even if he didn’t the promise isn’t to each other, but to the Republican Party.

  2. Geoworker says:

    Well, according to Newt, It appears that Cruz is not much liked in the Senate either. But, no matter, no one should be acting like a child (that includes both Trump and Cruz and Hillary; strange but it appears both VP candidates act ok) – we do need to move on from here….too much is at stake.

    I suspect Rome had its children too….and look what happened to it.

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    “I was expecting Trump to grow up.”

    From someone who just posted about Star Trek.

  4. NewFormatSux says:

    He hasn’t beaten Cruz yet. He wants that endorsement, and the support of his voters. I don’t see the logic in what he’s doing, but it’s there. He got Ben Carson’s endorsement after calling him a pedophile.

  5. Daniel Kaiser says:

    He’s what, 70, it’s only going to get worse.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      How’s that work? Is there any thing in the last 50 years that suggests he is reckless? What we see is a lot of words, but he doesn’t do anything to threaten his business. I doubt he would start wars when his personal property would likely be the first to fall.

      • Phydeau says:

        It’s so sad to see ostensibly intelligent people twist their brains into knots to come up with reasons to support Trump.

        A brain is a terrible thing to waste.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          So you have no evidence he’s reckless then?

          I really haven’t followed Trump at all over the decades, so I have no idea if this is his typical behavior, or just an act to get votes.

      • ± says:

        Are you defending Trump?!! I had you pegged wrong.

  6. Lenny says:

    “Who’s wife would you rather do? Mine is a 10! What’s yours?”

    (I’m using quotes because you used quotes.)

    You used quotes because you want people to think Trump actually said this.

    Really? What a piece of sht you are.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Ha, ha……….assuming Trump didn’t say those exact words….what “idea” do you think he meant to convey? I mean…you don’t divorce 2 other trophy wives for a third without that very issue driving those family value virtues.

      but on this issue, I gotta go with Trump. I’d rather do his daughter too.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        He probably attacked Cruz about the Melania ad because he wanted more people to see it.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    So the immature kid just beat up all the grownups in the room?

    A non grown-up cannot raise kids like that, particularly a billionaire one. The Kennedys didn’t come out that well, with all the stars having a different last name(though JFK Jr perhaps would have worked out).

    There’s a difference between not grown up, and being a New York bully.

    That picture you think is so indicative of immaturity was Trump taking care of a problem.
    He put out a tweet day before Cruz better be careful or he would spill the beans on Heidi. Next day National Enquirer story on Ted Cruz that Trump got them to publish.
    Everyone will know trump is responsible, so what to do?

  8. Victor says:


  9. Six months in the future says:

    When the lie is done, the biggest lie wins.

  10. Hmeyers says:

    Obama’s brother has endorsed Trump.

    • Phydeau says:

      Yes, you’d expect that from rural, ignorant people. Look at all the Trump supporters in the US. They are Trump’s natural constituency. And you’re bragging about this?

      • ± says:

        [issued forth Phydeau]
        “…Yes, you’d expect that from rural, ignorant people. …”

        You didn’t state it as eloquently as Ovomit did in 2008. You need to study his legacy more.

  11. Phydeau says:


    Well now, take a look at this… Evidence that Trump is getting bailed out by Putin. No wonder he won’t release his tax returns.

    Seriously guys… really? You support this guy?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      No attacking Wikileaks here. This blog put up Julian Assange with a very glamorous photo. He is a GOD!

  12. Phydeau says:

    And looky here… looks like Trump’s buddy Putin might be trying to help him out, leaking secret DNC emails.


    The FBI and other US agencies involved haven’t yet officially attributed the DNC attack to Russian government hackers. But evidence gathered by the FBI so far points to groups that are known to US counter-intelligence for carrying out intrusions for the Russian government, the officials briefed on the probe say.

    Making America Great Again by playing footsie with Russian dictators!

  13. Phydeau says:

    Now isn’t this special… a tweet from a known white supremacist was broadcast throughout the convention hall:


    The user’s timeline was filled with tweets praising Trump for making nationalism “popular again,” labeling Muslim immigrants “rapefugees,” and calling for the “Great Purge” of non-white “traitors.” Another claims that blacks “destroy” what white Americans “build.”

    Trump has himself been criticized for failing to sufficiently dissociate himself from the white nationalists who are so taken with his presidential campaign. He has retweeted posts from users such as @WhiteGenocideTM and received lavish praise from former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, whose support he eventually disavowed.

    They’re not even bothering to pretend any more.

    Making America Great Again for bigoted white males!

    • Phydeau says:

      Pedrito, I’m feeling generous. Here, I’ll do your part:

      The user’s timeline was filled with tweets praising Clinton for making nationalism “popular again,” labeling Muslim immigrants “rapefugees,” and calling for the “Great Purge” of non-white “traitors.” Another claims that blacks “destroy” what white Americans “build.”

      Clinton has herself been criticized for failing to sufficiently dissociate herself from the white nationalists who are so taken with her presidential campaign. She has retweeted posts from users such as @WhiteGenocideTM and received lavish praise from former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, whose support she eventually disavowed.

      IM77: Good one. Chuckles.

      There ya go guys, take a break. I got it covered. 🙂

    • Phydeau says:

      Whoops, forgot to add:

      “There fixed it for ya fido woof woof snack lappy dog.”

  14. Clancys_Daddy says:

    So given that the half brother is all Kenyan perhaps the cheeto should request a birth certificate and a photo ID to go with his voter registration.


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