Anton Sterling Execution on Baton Rouge.

Black Man executed in Minnesota by police. (Philando Castile)

In Dallas it’s the officers that got executed by snipers. Very new story so less information known.

None of these executions are justified. The first 2 are very shocking in that it’s totally clear that the police just decided they were going to kill a ni**er. Especially the second one. The guy is pulled over for a busted tail light that actually wasn’t busted. The cop just shoots the guy 4 times.

What strikes me is that they don’t do anything to help the guy medically after they shot him. They just leave him there to bleed to death. The coroner has ruled the death a homicide (murder) yet the cop has not been arrested.

The shooting in Dallas at this moment is too new and information is just coming out. The first thing we imagine is that this was in retaliation for the first 2 shootings, and it likely is. We just don’t yet know that as I write this.

This is not a justified shooting. It is however not unexpected. The problem is that the police actually are above the law. With a few exceptions the cops get away with this. And it’s not just black people or minorities.

The best way to understand the problem is looking at it as 2 separate problems. One problem that we all know about is that this kind of thing happens mostly with minorities and is mostly depicted as a racial problem. But the main problem is that police can get away with it. They shoot and kill white people too, and they get away with it.

I personally have been kidnapped by the police and jailed 3 times. I also used to maintain radio equipment for a police department back on the 1970s. So my interaction are on both sides of the spectrum. And the vast majority of police are dedicated public servants. But in one of my arrests where I sued the Springfield Missouri Police Department I was given evidence that the reason the cops arrested me was that they were preventing me from showing up in court the next day where a friend of mine was having a hearing. They said that they knew I was a friend of the judge (and I was) and that was influencing how my friend was being treated in court.

In all 3 cases the cops totally got away with it as the system is rigged. So I understand first hand how it is that these cops get away with murder. And when they get away with it that makes them keep doing it. And I’m a well connected white guy of Jewish descent, and the Democratic candidate for US Congress at the time of the arrest. I can barely imagine what it’s like if you’re black.

And we keep seeing this over and over again. The penalty these cops receive is a paid vacation. So it’s not surprising to me when something like Dallas happens.

Having said that, shooting some other unrelated innocent cops is not in anyway justified. This just makes things worse. Definitely an example of 2 wrongs don’t make a right.

  1. Kiwini says:

    Give credit where it’s due: lay all of these acts at the feet of our so-called president.

    • Charlie Primero says:

      Keep your eyes on the spineless puppet that gets replaced.

      Vote him out! That will show ’em!

      Pay no attention to the ((Goldman Sachs)) running him.

    • Dip Stick says:

      I’ll admit I disagree with almost everything Obama has done — health care “reform” in particular (but that’s another argument). In this case, Obama has done NOTHING! And you shouldn’t blame him for this whole abusive police mess since it’s been ongoing since before Obama was even born!

      Nevertheless, it shouldn’t be surprising to anyone with a functioning brain and a mediocre memory that Obama has done NOTHING! It’s business as usual for him so long as it fits his agenda (which is pretty much “stir the pot or let the pot boil” — not “take the pot off the fire”).

  2. Luis says:

    Sometimes cops are just stupid. I’m not sure about the La. incident, but in the Minnesota incident it seems to me he was an under-trained cop who panicked. I don’t think he was out to kill a “nigger”.

    It’s not a good career move.

    • MikeN says:

      The evidence seems so solid against the cop, but I have to defer judgment. Particularly after the video of the cop who killed the guy in the back in West Virginia, and it looks like now that he was justified, and the tape was edited.

      We saw liberals jump to attack in the case of TrayVon Martin, Ferguson, Freddie Gray, and all of those were bogus.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Lying Mike…… are you at this again?

        You mean the same phone footage we saw within hours of the shooting was edited…..and its taken until (now?) to reveal this? What was edited???? Start, finish, middle???


        • ± says:

          speweth bobbo: “Link?”

          Your agenda outs you again and truth is your victim.

        • MikeN says:

          I’m not talking about the shooting in the car, but a different one that hasn’t been covered quite as much.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    No, it’s not the cops fault.

    PTSD. Yup. When you work in a combat zone (ghetto) you get the jitters. We all know someone who’s got it. (That is, those of us who don’t live in our mom’s basement).

    Solution: It’s easy. For all cops who work the ghetto’s, give them combat pay. $186,000/year with full medical and 401K’s or no police. After all, the cops didn’t create this problem, the cities and Fed government did.

    Look at how many cities can no longer get enough police. There’s a reason.

    • IM77 says:

      Obviously they simply can’t afford to hire people making that kind of wage, regardless of the danger those people have to work under. I don’t know what the answer is. Do you think you know?

      • ± says:

        The answer is the same for everywhere. Get rid of the lies (affirmative action or any other quotas for hiring) and hire the best qualified at maybe double the pay or more or whatever the free market deigns.

        After the ethos of truth prevails and wages are commensurate with the risks, then police departments everywhere will be the best they can possibly be.

        Take the two paragraphs above and apply to any business, service, or outcome and get the same results.

    • Dip Stick says:

      The Federal government is really formed of MORE PEOPLE! And those people include you and me (assuming you’re a U.S. citizen). So it’s NOT “the government” that created this mess — WE ALL DID!!! And we did it either by complacency (which is doing nothing) or by actual involvement like the few who are out to rob, pillage and create chaos (often motivated by hate and/or fear).

      But even if you disagree, WHO the fuck do you think is going to PAY those outrageous increased salaries, 401K’s etc. that you seem to think is either some form of punishment or a solution? “The government”?!!! Do you even have a clue WHO “the government” even IS?!

      Don’t be a dumb-as-CRAP throwing money you didn’t EARN at problems you know little to nothing about. DEMAND a balanced budget BEFORE you start writing more (bad) checks — which end up as an increase in every (honest) person’s TAXES!!!!!!!

  4. Phydeau says:

    Wow, things getting tough at the blog? Need to post articles with inflammatory headlines?

    So “the black community” killed those cops? Did “the white community” kill those 9 black people in a church last year because a white guy did it? Did “the white community” kill all those people in the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995 because a white guy did it? Did “the white Christian community” kill all those doctors who performed abortions because a few white “Christian” men did it? I could go on and on.

    Do tell.

    • Horst says:

      I don’t think it would have mattered what headline Marc had written. A guy like you would find something in it that offends you.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        You are a dumb ass.

        You are a great guy.

        See any difference?

        • ± says:

          bobbo – you almost certainly have paused before clicking the the ‘submit comment’ button and then backed off after having too much C2H6O. This should have been one of those times.

          [inanity left unspoken here]

    • pedro says:

      I will start panicking. I’m agreeing with Phydeau and that’s a sign of the apocalypse.

    • Dip Stick says:


      When you live in FEAR of the people who are supposed to be protecting you, THAT is what happens EVERY MOTHERFUCKING DAY for black America!

      Enough is ENOUGH!

      (And no, I’m NOT black.)

  5. pedro says:

    Doing your mindless liberul job to stir the pot, I see.

    You better stick to licking daddy elon’s boot.

  6. Semantic says:

    If Black lives matter why is a black man more likely to be killed by another black than he is to die of natural causes?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Moslty: poverty. They can’t afford better neighbors.

    • Dip Stick says:

      The simple answer is poverty. The more complex answer is INEQUALITY!

      Here’s just ONE explanation that may shed some light on that inequality problem. When it comes to running a business, blacks are NOT as equal since they often have MORE governmental red tape to deal with — which is really the same red tape that is often overlooked for non-blacks.

      Think of it this way: When “the law” focuses on you more than your neighbor, who do you think is going to be scrutinized more? Answer: YOU! So when you try and compete with your neighbor’s business (who almost always has a leg up right from the start since no one is “watching”), what do you think happens? Most likely, you fail and fall into poverty.

      This happens way more often than you might think. And yet, there are successful black businesses in black neighborhoods. But they’re NOT getting any help since “the law” keeps changing “the game” whenever “the law” feels threatened. One example of changing the game might be more oppressive regulation like mandatory expensive health care.

      The only curious thing is how so many blacks keep voting for MORE oppression by voting for these corrupt asshole dumb-as-craps! Not that the republicans are some sort of savior. Though, it is a fact that republicans are NOT the ones oppressing quite as hard.

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    My little rant on: Bad Cops and Muslims are the same, but Good Cops and Muslims are different, or how one issue will inform you on another:

    There are Pros and Cons to everything we do. The job of any honest reviewer is to identify those elements, evaluate them, and make judgements BEFORE deciding what their position on any affected point is.

    Interesting group dynamics are presented regarding how a BAD ELEMENT of a larger group will tarnish the entire group. While its true that most Cops/Muslims are good people………….the TRUTH IS…….. the bad ones exist because the good ones will not control them…..that results in a very valid reason to not deal with them, get rid of them, oppose them, change them from the outside.

    With Cops…the Silent Blue Wall may by and large prevent change from within, so you go with new Captains until you find an effective one. You beat the local District Attorneys to do their job and police the cops as well. You appoint a civilian review agency. An ombudsman and so forth…. lots of things you can do if you decide the cops need reforming. From what I’ve seen on TV…the Dallas Cops where doing and incredibly continue to do all the right things. Should have been the Ferguson Cops that got sniped…but that poetic justice was not met out, war being unjust in that way.

    Why keep cops/muslims at all?——–And there is the balance…. the solving for “X.” Society NEEDS COPS. Otherwise the criminal element and social frictions in society would take over and anarchy would reign. Is the same true for Muslims? …………………….

    ……………………………………………………….. I don’t think so. If people are all the same, and I think we are, then one group is no better than another group absent very specific attributes that can be picked out. I have repeatedly asked and received only one answer as to why Muslims should be invited into our country: they provide more labor. An answer…but highly debatable as such labor is already available so not needed.

    It makes only common sense to me that we keep cops but reform them because society would fall apart without them. Makes only common sense to me that we keep Muslims out because they bring with them the bad Muslims………and I see no countervailing benefit that warrants the ill.

    Its that simple. Prove I’m wrong. ((Two quick throw aways: Yes if we are going to bring in additional unneeded labor, bring in the persecuted Christian Syrians, Iraqis, and so forth. Yes…if we feel the need to protect the anti-Freedom loving Sharia based Muslims from the impact of Climate Change that we mostly caused: create safe zones within their own country—makes a lot of sense to me.))

    PEOPLE: we are all the same. Thats the problem.
    RELIGIONS: are not all the same. Thats the problem.

    Just look.

    • Dip Stick says:

      As usual, that’s complete dribble!

      I don’t even know where to go with your sick twisted need to make everyone “the same.” You simply don’t understand how to make/keep the playing field equal. Your solution is always the same which is to stand on the necks of the players who seem to be succeeding.

      You seem to think that anyone who succeeds needs to be punished because they didn’t CONFORM to whatever it is YOU think they need to conform to. And instead of maintaining equal OPPORTUNITY, you selectively pervert the laws to such a degree that will only allow certain CONFORMING individuals to move ahead in the world. And then you have the gal to complain that it’s big business when it’s YOU who put the congress-critter in power who’s listening to those big business influences.

      I can just hear your comeback which is to complain how the “players” cheat — and yes, some do! But what you will not admit is that the MAJORITY do NOT!!! You rarely even mention the conforming cheaters when they are caught let alone, PUNISH them. (Hillary Clinton just leaps to mind here.) Your solution is always the same which is to oppress EVERYONE through more regulation, more fines, elimination of rights etc. which somehow doesn’t usually include YOU! Talk about elitism (which is really a twisted form of racism).

      That rant aside, you must be living under a rock or something because there are MILLIONS of people in THIS country without work. There is NO NEED to import any more labor if that’s your sole reason to open the borders to non-vetted CRIMINALS!

      That said, your motivations here are mind blowing. You seem to feel a need to shout down see some dumb ass who is complaining about how SOME criminals are predominantly Muslim, Mexican or something — which may be true in the right CONTEXT! But instead of acknowledging what MAY be a truth, you’re motivated by some collective party hate since truth hurts when it doesn’t support your (collective) OPINION!

      If you REALLY gave a shit, you’d be railing about the oppressive REGULATION that American’s have to deal with from their own government. Regulation that is applied UNEQUALLY which is the real context here — UNEQUAL treatment by “the law.”

      What’s really amazing is how you almost always champion the OPPOSITE side of freedom too and somehow come out smelling like a rose. You actually champion the representatives who promise to institute MORE OPPRESSION!

      Quite simply, YOU’RE AN IDIOT!

  8. MikeN says:

    Perkel why do you bash cops so much when you trust the government with so much power in every other aspect?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      He does?

      How does perkel trust the gubment in any other aspect?

      You know: specific examples. All I can think of is his constant refrain that Hillary as bad as she is is better than any Republican.

      ………….and no one can argue with THAT!

  9. What Say You? says:

    Open questions:

    What should the protocol be if your job as a law enforcement officer is to stop an unknown person for an infraction of the law?

    There are lots of scenarios, including the daylight stop in a crowded venue, and the 2AM isolated highway stop.

    Under what circumstances would you draw your weapon? When would you feel compelled to shoot the unknown person(s)?

    Should you leave your weapon holstered even if the unknown person shows agitation or aggression?

    Should you allow the unknown person to clearly demonstrate an intent to harm you before you protect yourself?

    If the unknown person refuses to cooperate and tries to flee the scene, should you worry whether no action will encourage this as a common practice?

    How much should a law officer care about his life and family under these circumstances?


    Do we really need Robocops, that never get nervous and never need to kill humans, to detain suspects until the infraction can be confirmed or dismissed?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Oooooh. A list of questions….. my favorite. Lets answer one at a time. (Haven’t pre-screened==always dangerous.)

      Open questions:

      What should the protocol be if your job as a law enforcement officer is to stop an unknown person for an infraction of the law? /// To do so.

      There are lots of scenarios, including the daylight stop in a crowded venue, and the 2AM isolated highway stop.

      Under what circumstances would you draw your weapon? /// When felt appropriate for personal safety of myself or others.

      When would you feel compelled to shoot the unknown person(s)? /// Same as just above.

      Should you leave your weapon holstered even if the unknown person shows agitation or aggression? /// Most often. Holstered weapon less likely to be grabbed or fired by accident…. or lost…etc. Guns to be drawn only on recognition they are likely to be used or to control the situation.

      Should you allow the unknown person to clearly demonstrate an intent to harm you before you protect yourself? /// Of course.

      If the unknown person refuses to cooperate and tries to flee the scene, should you worry whether no action will encourage this as a common practice? /// False premise. There is never no action but rather an apb issued and the perp is eventually caught. Don’t be so silly.

      How much should a law officer care about his life and family under these circumstances? /// He should care very much….just as we all do. In context: but he chose this profession and chooses to stay in it….and its not the most dangerous/life threatening job we have. Pros and Cons to all we do. Should a fire fighter run away at the sign of flames????===why not?


      Do we really need Robocops, that never get nervous and never need to kill humans, to detain suspects until the infraction can be confirmed or dismissed? /// They are on order.

      My own open questions: If this starts a trend of cop murders by upset oppressed people…..what do you think will be the most likely response/outcome??? Correcting the cops………or double down on cop murders?….or further militarization of the cops in an us vs them scenario????

      Don’t you agree this cop mentality of shooting first is very bad public policy????? If cops didn’t have guns, maybe they’d learn to talk to people??????

      Pros and cons to all we do.

      • What Say You? says:

        Thoughtful response.

        But… Is the perp eventually caught? Don’t be so silly.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Non Thinking response.

          Of course….perps are often caught. Enough so that cops are generally directed NOT to give hi speed car chases or to shoot to kill a non-felon fleeing from the scene.

          You see…..Our Boys in Blue….have a “team.” Supported by computers and data bases.

          Wise up.

          • What Say You? says:

            What world do you live in?

            “Often” is not good enough.

            Non thinking response on your part. Wise up.

  10. JR says:

    None of this makes any sense.

    What if these are staged, to trigger some bigger event, like taking guns away from everybody.

    Why the hell would the police use a bomb to kill somebody? Only the military is capable of doing this. Who’s idea was it to use a robot to deliver a bomb & kill somebody?

    What is this country doing?
    We need to disarm the police. Or at a minimum they should only have firearms stored safely inside their vehicles.

    Nobody has opted for peaceful resolutions to these ongoing problems.

    Once you feel you need to carry a weapon, you will always invite some event in your life where you will have to use it. This should never happen.

  11. MikeN says:

    Marc, are you going to issue a correction?
    He wasn’t pulled over for a broken taillight(though he may bave said so to the passengers). The police audio says they pulled him over because he matched a suspect for an armed robbery from a few days prior.

    • Cristof says:

      C’mon…. he cant even get the spelling of “Anton’s” name correct.

  12. Hmeyers says:

    Sounds like a story of a suicidal or mentally ill former military guy who killed 5 cops and injured more.

    You can make it more than that if you want.

    The people in the news business like pulling your strings, it enriches them at your expense.

    No one thought that white jerk who killed 9 black people at a church in South Carolina was speaking for anyone but his own loser self.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      HM–the guy told his motives to his neighbors and to the Dallas PD Hostage Negotiator. Why did he choose all white cops instead of any one else?

      So—action consistent with prior statements.

      What else do you call motive?

      • Hmeyers says:

        So you try to understand the motives of a mentally ill guy?

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          HM–I take most “issues” at face value until/unless other evidence at face value contradicts it….and probably moreso when it tickles my bias?

          Saying someone is mentally ill doesn’t stop the analysis………there are still reasons why the MI do what they do. Just observe Pedro posting here for example. An obvious exhibitionist who doesn’t understand proving they are ignorant is not admirable.

          As to being MI—highly unlikely. Too much planning involved. Under stress and perhaps suicidal looking for death by cop? I think so, at least as part of the package.

          Very few asshats are actually MI by any of the various definitions whether legal or medical. Again….. just look at Pedro.

          Unless ………… you want to include mindless denial without the facts to do so as part of YOUR world view?

          • Hmeyers says:

            Sniping police officers is act of suicide.

            You know you aren’t likely to come back alive.

            You can toss names at me or the other junk you and lower-tier like to do …

            But doesn’t make you a medical professional or anything, just one more uneducated post on the interwebs.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Bobbo likes to argue with me because I force him up to my level — and then I share legitimate information — and then we let that agreed legitimate information beat him with experience.

            On rare occasions, I do lose — then assimilate the information and become a better liberal than Bobbo knows how to be.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            That idiot female judge on Faux Spews agrees with me: “I’m sick and tired of hearing about Mental Illness” she shrieks, but continues…”Its Evil.”


            Shes a judge.

          • MikeN says:

            >An obvious exhibitionist who doesn’t understand proving they are ignorant is not admirable.

            Oh my…

  13. Horst says:

    BREAKING NEWS: “Family pleads for investigation into fatal police shooting of unarmed teen.”

    Wait, a white kid? Sorry, never mind.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      As Pat Buchannan and most other Faux Spews contributors love to say as they sh*t their opinions into the punch bowl: “More whites are killed by police than any other race.”

  14. jpfitz feeling black And blue says:

    “None of these executions are justified. The first 2 are very shocking in that it’s totally clear that the police just decided they were going to kill a ni**er. Especially the second one.”

    Marc, you have no right to to prejudge Murder, And throw the N word in to raise the Already boiling temperature. The shootings appear to be very bad shootings, BUT, the officers have not been tried of a crime Yet.
    Let the courts and the Justice dept get the germane evidence to put away the guilty.

    The shits Real close to the fan…

  15. jpfitz feeling black And blue says:

    This one man in Dallas, has sparked a race urban guerrilla war.

    The power of one violent act during a peaceful protest will also play out at the GOP convention unfortunately. It’s going to be a helluva summer.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I don’t think he sparked anything.

      The New Black Panthers? Now we’re talking. So far…all show and no blow…but they may be “inspired if not directed.”

      Yeah….if I had been going, I would now cancel my RNC visit. Who needs that?

  16. Semantic says:

    Shoot all the niggers..problem solved.

  17. Horst says:

    Alton Sterling’s story:

    9/09/96 – Aggravated battery
    10/31/97 – 2nd degree battery
    1/06/98 – Simple battery
    5/04/00 – Public intimidation
    9/20/00 – Carnal knowledge of a juvenile
    9/04/01 – Domestic violence
    5/24/05 – Burglary of an inhabited dwelling place
    7/11/05 – Receiving stolen things
    9/12/05 – Burglary of inhabited dwelling place
    3/17/06 – Simple criminal damage to property, simple robbery, simple theft, drug possession, misrepresentation during booking, simple battery, aggravated battery
    4/12/06 – Aggravated battery, simple criminal damage to property, disturbing the peace, unauthorized entry
    4/04/08 – Domestic abuse battery
    6/03/09 – Resisting an officer, drug possession, receiving stolen things, possession of stolen firearm, illegal carrying of a weapon with CDs, sound reproduct without consent
    10/12/09 – Illegal carrying of weapon, marijuana possession
    8/13/15 – Failure to register as a sex offender
    4/08/16 – Failure to register as a sex offender
    6/14/16 – Ecstacy and marijuana possession

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      “sound reproduct without consent”? Wow…. that boy could not catch a break.

  18. Cristof says:

    I think it’s time the Feds shut down the NBP Party as a racist hate group.

  19. Eddie G says:

    “Is this war between the police and black community?” I wouldn’t exactly put it that way. Negros are being manipulated. Their worst neurosis are being played to. Somebody is planning these events, there is nothing coincidental about them.

    The enemy is all white people, with the police bearing the brunt of it. They are convinced that respect for the law, property and education would make them “less black,” which is nothing more than left-handed anti-white racism.

    The only way to prevent further violence is to discover who is masterminding these events – black, white or green – and stop them.

  20. Eddie G says:

    Community control of the police is not a new idea. We had it for a little while in the 70s, following the televised violence at the DNC, but our attention span was short and we lost control in less than a year.

    Control of the police by either a race-based subculture or an extreme political faction is, however, a very bad idea. If you don’t stand against this you’ll wish you had.

    That goes double for Anonymous.

  21. Mr Anderson says:

    People in uniforms with guns, vehemently disregard for laws, the constitution and We The People, constantly committing acts of war.

    Sounds like a invasion of blue terrorism.

    If there is one good cop, they would have a long record of arrests leading to convictions of bad cops.


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