Former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader says Bernie Sanders shouldn't split with the Democratic Party and run as an independent

Former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader says Bernie Sanders shouldn’t split with the Democratic Party and run as an independent.

‘It’s too late now. The deadline for ballot access it’s really too late for it,’ said Nader, the third-party candidate who is accused of spoiling the 2000 election for Al Gore.

Speaking to this week, Nader noted that Sanders ‘gave his word last week that he was going to support the Democratic nominee.’

The U.S. senator is known for his ‘authenticity,’ Nader said, and to go against his promise to support the candidate at the top of the Democratic ticket would sap his appeal.

  1. McCullough says:

    Damn….who beat the crap out of Ralph!!!!

    • jpfitz says:

      Ah, no broken nose as far as I can tell.

      Looks more like stroke on rt side.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    When your own ego is not involved, Reality is better appreciated.

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    Newly hacked documents reveal that the DNC was plotting for Hillary all along.

  4. Hmeyers says:

    Btw “independent” — you spelt it wrong. No big deal, but wanted to point it out.

    Here in 3 months the real action begins and we kind found the answers to interesting questions:

    1) Does Trump have a plan to win the election or just pompous hyperbole?
    2) What is Bernie going to do/DNC?
    3) Will there be a BrExit? Would it affect US politics by starting anti-globalism thing a little?
    4) What flunky is going to be Hillary’s VP — or is she going to pull Bill Clinton on the ticket (might as well).
    5) If Hillary is indicted, will she drop out? Would Hillary still beat Trump if she were indicted? (Yes?)
    6) Is Scott Brown going to be Trump’s VP pick?
    7) Will there be less than 10 Muslim terror attacks in Europe and the USA combined between now and the election?
    8) What will a Trump/Hillary debate look like — will it just be a lot of name calling or what?

  5. Butt Hole says:

    Does it really matter? No matter who gets elected, we all get fucked! Bernie, Donald or Hitler(ly), who cares? Whoever gets elected, you can bet it will be time to grab ankles right after the next inauguration.

    And it’s not like for the last 7 years with our palms on our knees was all that much fun. Grabbing ankles and spreading legs is what all 3 of those bastards have in mind. The only difference is how high up your colon they will go — knuckle deep (Donald), wrist deep (Bernie), or elbow deep Hiltler(ly).

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Always interesting to see how anally oriented the Right Wing is. Its a marker for the gay.

  7. MikeN says:

    And this is why Bernie is a loser and Donald is a winner.
    Bernie should threaten to run third party if he is denied the nomination. Adds a little calculation to the superdelegates thinking.
    Then he should threaten to primary superdelegates that vote against him, the way Donald sent Sarah Palin to endorse Paul Ryan’s opponent.

    Now, assume he is still denied the nomination. He should still run third party. At that point, the calculation for Democrats is do they split their votes, or they go with Bernie? It would free Obama up to indict Hillary. It would also mean that Trump is stuck at 37% with an opponent he can’t bring down to his level as ‘crooked’.

  8. Poo Poo says:

    In response to Bernie getting the popular vote but still getting screwed, a lot of his delegates are planning to show their “support” at the DNC in a very unique way. Search for the following story (it’s hilarious): World’s Largest ‘Fart-In’ Is Planned for Hillary Clinton’s Acceptance Speech in Philadelphia.

    Here’s an almost complete link:

    (Whenever I post a complete link, my comments get deleted. Therefore, just insert the usual http : // in front of the www.)

    I can’t understand why Dvorak missed this — it was right at the top of Reddit and everything.

    [Sorry, just leave out the www next time and it works fine – ed.]

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    Marc, why don’t you call for Bernie to drop out. Consider the recent Washington Post op-ed, telling us how much he is costing taxpayers with his run, maybe 38,000 a day!


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