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The primary isn’t for two weeks. Why would you vote now?
Because I vote by mail.
That’s the thinking that caused John Kasich to come in 4th in a 3 man race.
Ha, ha. There is a relevant point there…..not to EXCLUDE a dying declaration for Bernie. Totally valid thing to do, offseting the odds of being hit on the way to the voting polls by a driverless Uber.
or by Marc in a Tesla trying to vote online.
Punching the ticket for Bernie is a no-brainer and doesn’t require any explanation.
Especially considering what the alternative is.
Seriously? A no-brainer? Or do you mean it requires no brain.
You seem to know a lot about having no brains.
I’m not sure how I would converse with you in a mutually beneficial way.
I agree he is a much better choice than Hillary. Something like being shot in the head is better than being stabbed in the heart.
Either way we loose, It’s just less painful.
I dispute that he is consistent. He was standing on the side of poor people and helping them get good jobs, when he opposed amnesty. Then he started running and flip-flopped in pursuit of Latino votes that never came.
While you have a point there, and an important one …
Sanders is at least fighting against the government being bought for and paid for by Wall Street, the banks and megacorps.
He has taken no corporate money.
The nasty lady which is the other choice in his primary, has made $21 million in just 2 years off paid speeches almost all to big banks.
Venezuela has shown us what would happen if you elect Bernie Sanders.
So the short version is you are like Bobbo where you are only aware of examples …
that support your point of view.
And unaware of examples contrary to your point of view (Sweden, The Netherlands, Switzerland).
What good is your example in an intellectual sense if you haven’t considered examples that run against your point-of-view.
I’m not saying you are wrong, I think you would be right for the wrong reasons.
Our federal government is incredibly wasteful and inefficient and ineffective — and has the ability to grossly mismanage the most benign ideas into the ground.
The ideas aren’t wrong, though.
The inefficiency of our federal government is why we cannot have nice things.
“And unaware of examples contrary to your point of view (Sweden, The Netherlands, Switzerland).”
Yeah, but these are very small countries, with pale, passive people who’s only worries are dikes breaking and (foreign) chocolate bean crop failures.
Their form of government doesn’t scale nicely.
Did you mean Iceland or Finland, perhaps?
I found it funny that Obama was praising all these countries as the ones that could establish an international order and stability.
So he is basically calling for white supremacy as the ideal government.
Speaking of which, Bobbo announces he is leaving, and then we get 5 posts in 2 days. Coincidence?
Bobbo leaving??
We should be so lucky.
“Why I voted for Bernie Sanders”
Because I find voting difficult, and didn’t want to vote any more.
Trump and Sanders will debate in California!
The Trump/Sanders debate will be a ratings galore, and lets Sander say FU to Hildebeast who agreed to a California Debate and then backed out.
She thought that would hurt Sanders.
But this Trump vs. Sanders debate will get 10x the attention.
It won’t happen. More Trump strategery. Build up Sanders who he knows will lose, in a blatant bid for his voters.
Now he is calling for 10 to 15 million to be given to charity. So he is already labeling it an exhibition, and making Sanders the junior partner. He also is diminishing Hillary.
And of course he said the charity would be for women’s health. If Sanders were smart he would pony up the money out of his campaign. It’s not like he has a better use for it. He could expose Trump as a liar(again), and get points for being the one who took him down.
Of course Donald is probably already prepared, and will say the charity has to be to help women who are raped.
Not gonna happen!
Marc, you said the system is rigged against Bernie. At the time I pointed out that he is losing by 2 million votes. Now it’s 3 million. You ready to concede he lost fair and square?
So where does Marc’s vote rank on the betrayal scale?
There’s Judas, John Kerry endorsing Obama when Bill campaigned for him days after heart surgery, Carlos Boozer, then Mark.