Cruz suspends campaign,

Discuss …

  1. Hmeyers says:

    I think he has a steep mountain to climb to win the general election, but I think it is possible.

    I have a suspicion the FBI will shuffle papers on and on and on … and won’t resolve anything regarding Hillary before the election.

    Which is about what I would expect from our corrupt government.

  2. McCullough says:

    Ah, look at the “bright side”……Cruz is gone.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Trump is a competitor. I would like to see him improve as a candidate. I want to support him. I hope he comes up with some interesting surprises and broadens his appeal.

      I think at the core, he is a likable guy with his heart in the right place, who can identify some of the reasons the country has been on the wrong track.

      We will see. I am cautiously optimistic.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Trump never did a one on one debate, so he never got the message he needs to work on that.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      I do despise Cruz more than Trump.

      • Hmeyers says:

        Glenn Beck and Cruz’s father said Ted Cruz was chosen by God.

        How could God have gotten it so wrong??

    • Hmeyers says:

      Here is an interesting read from Scott Adams, the Dilbert guy.

      He discusses Donald Trump from a position of what tactics he uses, their effects and why they work.

      Scott Adams doesn’t have a candidate that he feels attuned with, but takes interest in what Trump does (and what he might do).

      He thinks for a salesman like Trump that the 14 point (un)favorability gap between Trump and Clinton will easily be closed by Trump and that all Trump needs to do to get a lot of Bernie supporters is throw a resonating campaign promise down their alley relating to college.

      (I don’t know. We’ll see. This is all what Scott Adams thinks. Trump is too hard to predict, and if Trump were to do better than expected or worse than expected, neither would surprise me.)

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Anyone as excited as I am to be watching Trump Vs. Hillary??

    It will be Hillar-ious! I’m stocking up on popcorn.

    Let the fun begin!

    • Ah_Yea says:

      Oh, and by the way, Obama knows this also.

      That’s why, bet on it, Obama will allow EmailGate to continue and give Hillary an offer she can’t refuse.

      Quit the race and get a pardon, throwing your delegates to Biden/Warren, or go to jail.

      • McCullough says:

        I think he will become her worst nightmare. I’ll be surprised if she survives it physically.

        • Ah_Yea says:

          Oh man! Watch her have a coughing fit during the debates! Then watch Trump pounce.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            He has already called her ‘no stamina’ and she responded by yelling more.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    HM—you “like” Trump because you are a stooge. aka: old grumpy white guy with no connection to the changED demographics of America.

    Who wouldn’t like an anti-Mexico, anti-Muslim, anti-woman, anti-worker guy that trades in his wifey every 10 years and brags about how rich he is and what losers everyone else is?

    The shallowness of your depth is truly breathtaking.

    But….. yes …… not as bad as Cruz…… but probably worse than Hillary. Hillary will steal “for herself” while Trump will steal for his entire class of Already Too Rich.

    Another round/4 years of not having anyone to vote FOR….only a weasel shoot of trying to select the least worst.

    Like the storage of nuclear waste material, I don’t know how long this can go on before the stench boils over and we are all poisoned….. because you know …….. our real national past time is denying reality. Easier to pass it along to our kiddies.

    Just look…… and on point….. beyond your own comfortable bias.

    • Hmeyers says:

      You are one of the “D’s and R’s” as that one guy who posts here says.

      You don’t ever use your head or think objectively when it comes to politics.

    • Hmeyers says:

      One of the best appeals about Trump is just him wrecking things for career politicians and giving them fits.

      That show in itself is enjoyable to watch.

      I also enjoy the media saying he can never win and getting it wrong over and over again.

      So I’m not even sure how much it is about politics.

      I think the system is broken, and I don’t think it can be fixed, but I sure enjoy watching it catch on fire.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        HM==”Don’t touch that tar baby.” Yes, just as a stooge does: you will enjoy the show.

        ALL POLITICIANS deserve our rebuke…..but then…like WAR: what is left?

        Other than enjoying the destruction of your own society, what SPECIFICALLY has Trump promised to do, that you think he actually can or will do, that will benefit your life?

        How about:

        1. increase tariff’s so that what you buy is more expensive? Is THAT going to help YOU?

        2. How about lower minimum wage so that we are more “competitive” in manufacturing? Is THAT going to help YOU?

        3. How about lowering estate tax so those with more than 5MM will save money? Is THAT going to help YOU?

        4. How about repealing Obama Care? Is THAT going to help YOU?

        5. How about outlawing abortions? Is THAT going to help YOU?

        …………and on and on with everything that comes out of his mouth. “Trust Me”===and I do. And so should YOU.

        Hillary: the most Hawkish politician today. There needs to be a term to denote women who have never served that opt for war at the drop of a hat.

        Hillary: continued bene’s for Banksters and WallStreet (they have the money she & Bill want)

        Hillary: selling anything she can that can’t be proven to feather her own nest…… BUT…. the theft she can individually commit for her own benefit is far less than what Trump has said he wants to do.

        Silly to find humor in your own destruction.


        • NewFormatSux says:

          Increase tariffs, has the side benefit of increasing wages.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Sounds like Bobbo is arguing for NAFTA and the TPP.

          I’m against NAFTA and the TPP, and if our imports cost a little more then so be. We don’t need as much superfluous crap as we buy anyway.

          Bobbo also sounds like he would defend a plan to break up the big banks. I would be fine with banking costing a little more if the system were fixed.

          Minimum wage? Is that a joke? You can make the minimum wage $100/hr and if inflation skyrockets, calling your $100 that used to be $10 is the illusion of true dummy.

          • McCullough says:

            Agreed, I don’t mind paying a little more, if it will bring jobs back, put people back to work, get them off the government tit.

            And no one “needs” a new iPhone every year, a $4 dollar crappy Starbucks coffee, or 500 dollar pair of Air Jordan’s.

          • jpfitz says:

            You are so right McCullough, new phones with every new iteration, stupid people with an addiction to caffeine and a bright shiny new toy.

  5. Mr Diesel - Trump is fine with Me says:

    My SO thought it was important enough to wake me up last night to tell me Cruz dropped out. Great news for sure and kept me awake for another hour.

    At the end of the day Trump is going to beat Hillary like a red-headed stepchild in the general.

    Trump was predicted to fail early and every time he said something stupid and inflammatory the pundits all said he is through but I see how good the pundits are this year.

    HM says the government is broken and I agree. Both parties are trying to force their establishment candidates down our throat and the American people (and all the illegal immigrants allowed to vote) are having none of it.

    In Jan of ’17 we will witness the inauguration of President Trump and the 8 years of living hell may finally come to an end. If he follows through with half of his promises America will be great again.

    If by some chance either Sanders or Clinton get elected that will be the final flush for the country and we are through as a viable nation.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      What do you think Trump will DO to change America so?

      You know: specifically. aka: as in not reaching through the tv tube and pulling your pud?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Make America respected. Obama opens up to Cuba, and they don’t even receive him at the airport.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          The “they” there is the Castro Brothers. Obams and the rest of the USA is warmly embrassed by the people of Cuba.

          So…………whats your point? You in love with the Castro Brothers, or what?

          • jpfitz says:

            I’m amazed bobbo. I believed a good part of the community on DU were intelligent and able to see a con. Especially the two faced Donald, the candidate who is flagrantly lying about his intentions.

            Is the problem the same old party line inclusions no matter the character?

            Or, is this a deeper guttural pull of the emotions?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Hey jp: its ALWAYS a mix of many things. Some easy to see, most more subtle and distributed BUT more than anything else its “where you look.”

            right now, we are in the NOMINATION stage. A wholly different animal from an ELECTION.

            ……….and it strikes me along the “where we look” issue that our Mass Media is $$ motivated to describe nothing but the horse race rather than the issues at play. aka: INFOTAINMENT.

            I see THAT more than anything else at play here. I call them stooges: interested exactly as they post on the theatrics/circus and bread aspect of the race, the personalities and just the whole garbage truck load of horseshit that people enjoy masturbating over.

            How actual policies “actually” affect their very own lives………………never a thought.

            Its all a crap shoot…..but we should at least know the game is played with dice and not with cards.

          • Hey Now says:

            “How actual policies “actually” affect their very own lives………………never a thought.”

            Its exactly the “policies” of the failed left that are driving this. Get a fucking clue.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            There is a difference between being loved and being respected.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            No Trump is getting the media to advertise for him. He says he will bring back waterboarding and a whole lot worse. Will kill the families of terrorists. The media blasts it far and wide about how horrible it is.

            The public figures that on terrorism, probably the toughest will be the one who says he will torture them. Any attack that happens between now and election day, the media has delivered votes to Trump.
            Now consider every time someone gets annoyed by ‘numero uno para Espanol’

            He already established that if you work in a factory, you should vote for him if you want to keep your job, while all the other candidates and the media complained about how horrible his tariff plans are.
            Then he supported cops at every debate, and veterans.

        • Clancys_Daddy says:

          “Make America respected.” You can’t even be close to being serious.

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    HAH. Trump on the phone with Morning Joe. He doesn’t know what a “Rhetorical Question” is….nor an academic one. Its as if you can say any stupid thing you want to and it doesn’t matter because, you know, its rhetorical.

    TRUMP IS A BUSINESS MAN. Different skill set.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Yet he won the campaign with that skill set. Not just that he is a businessman, he is an exceptional one, particularly in salesmanship. He has written a book on the subject.

      Even now, he is selling people that Hillary is a lesbian, and you don’t realize it.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Ha, ha………… do you like being “sold?”

        “…♫….I don’t know why………xxx…….sold me down the river…….♫…” //// song doesn’t exactly fit, but I like it.

  7. Hey Now says:

    Its fun to watch bobbo and my lefty friends in meltdown. I am enjoying this immensely. Whether Trump does what he says he’s going to do or he doesn’t, is irrelevant at this point.

    He has hit a nerve with those of us who are sick of having SJW’s and the safe space PC bunch tell us what evil people we are. You guys have done this to yourself. And the pendulum is starting to turn back, it was inevitable.

    I sincerely believe that HRC would be a horrible President. I don’t have any real idea what a Trump Presidency will be like, But it cannot be worse than listening to that screechy old windbag hacking up fur-balls for the next four years.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      5/4/2016 at 7:40 am

      Its fun to watch bobbo and my lefty friends in meltdown. /// Hardly…asking why someone is in love with a candidate seems natural enough.

      I am enjoying this immensely. /// Simple mind? More rhetoric than true I suspect.

      Whether Trump does what he says he’s going to do or he doesn’t, is irrelevant at this point. /// Oh really? The foundational element for political stupidity: thinking elections don’t have consequences, or are “fun” to watch, or are for some kind of amusement for a spectator.

      He has hit a nerve with those of us who are sick of having SJW’s and the safe space PC bunch tell us what evil people we are. /// Its a mirror function you are staring at….evidently without comprehension.

      You guys have done this to yourself. /// Done what? Seems to me its the Puke Party that has “done this” as it may be presented. TOO MANY freaking “not trump” candidates splitting up the vote. Happens over and over again. Same would have happened if other Establishment candidates had run against Hillary. Image a three way with Biden taking half of Hillaries base? it would then have been a Trump vs Bernie race===and I would not make an idiot claim that Clown Stick von Fuck Face Birthers “did it” to the Dumbos.

      And the pendulum is starting to turn back, it was inevitable. /// yes….very acute on your part, prescient too…….almost with mathematical precision no doubt?

      I sincerely believe that HRC would be a horrible President. /// Of course.

      I don’t have any real idea what a Trump Presidency will be like, /// You say just the opposite above.

      But it cannot be worse than listening to that screechy old windbag hacking up fur-balls for the next four years. /// The problem is: it certainly can be. And that is where analysis should start instead of your mindless BS.

      • ± says:

        Hey Now […Whether Trump does what he says he’s going to do or he doesn’t, is irrelevant at this point. ..]
        bobbo [… Oh really? The foundational element for political stupidity: thinking elections don’t have consequences, or are “fun” to watch, or are for some kind of amusement for a spectator…]

        It’s always amazing to watch someone who hires R/Ds berate someone else for doing the same thing.

        Hey Now is totally correct. To non-R/D voters (i.e, that portion of the electorate that isn’t actively destroying the nation), the only good thing about an election is the entertainment value. I remember sending an email around to friends more than a year ago saying that I hope for a Trump/Clinton election because I couldn’t possibly imagine a more entertaining combination. Now it seems it will happen. And it doesn’t matter which one wins, at the end of their presidency, the electorate will have achieved its goal of bring the country one step closer to failure.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Yep–a contest between two New York right leaning (for different reasons) liberal Democrats.

          I’d respond further, but your constant inanity regarding D/R in favor of outright kooky leaves me too uninterested.

          • ± says:

            Your response appears to mean you prefer destroying the country (continued installation of R/Ds) to some unknown alternative. This is at least consistent with most everything else you have posted on the issue.

            If you’re ever ready to face down that R/D voters are the reason for the (increasingly failing) state the country is in, I’m sure you won’t admit it. [hoping to be proved wrong and have you added to the group trying to make a change]

            The electorate could change everything in 6 short years. It’s in the constitution.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            “The electorate could change everything in 6 short years.” /// Yep….now all you have to figure out is why they don’t.

          • Hey Now says:


          • NewFormatSux says:

            So will Bloomberg join in?

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    Marc Perkel ten months ago:

    The real question is, “Are we really stupid enough to believe The Donald is actually running?” Does anyone really think that by the end of this year Trump won’t become bored with his little political stunt and crawl back to his casinos to find something else to amuse him? Are we that dumb? Apparently – yes we are. And isn’t that just a little sad?

    • Hmeyers says:

      Here is what I find odd about Trump:

      I’m a bit lukewarm about him in general, seriously.

      But when some jaded partisan attacks him with stupidity and hypocrisy (think Bobbo, the NeverTrump people, etc.)

      … suddenly I feel very strongly attached to Trump because the one thing I can’t stand is stupidity and jaded partisans.

      I think jaded partisans will help put Trump in office.

      I am just sick of the political bullshit thrown around in a system that does nothing (at best) or just ruins the country more when it tries.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Yep. Trump was attacked in California, and had to sneak into his own rally, right before the Indiana primary. I bet the Mexican flags they were waving were handed out by the Trump team.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        What’s funny is Bobbo has supported a ban on Muslims on this site before.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          GD NFS……thank you for remembering that. ….and I still do/would etc and pretty much on the same terms as Trump stated: until the State Department can vouch for the background of the people……….. BUT MAYBE/PROBABLY: not even then. The Islamic religion has a very strong/TOO STRONG political component that TOO MANY “otherwise sane” Muslims believe in: Sharia Law…and you see it trying to take over everywhere more than 2% of Muslims live.

          Simple fact of life.

          I don’t like ALL RELIGIONS….so in that regard, Muslims are no different. BUT, as stated Islam has an anti-democractic political component that is simply unacceptable….. to me. I would rather err on the side of keeping society cohesive.

          Trump: says it for different reasons.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Well the US is getting close to that 2% line. Almost 2 million have been admitted since 9/11. Throw in the Syrian ‘refugees’ and you are looking at an even faster rate, with Obama just shortening the ‘screening’ time to weeks and looking to use lots of other visa categories to let them in.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            I agree……….hence my opposition.

            Mine: based on the friction of ATAGONISTIC multi-culturalism (its not all cupcakes and Mountain Dew!)

            Trump: xeonophobia and pimping the same.

          • ± says:

            *** said bobbo ***
            “…as stated Islam has an anti-democractic political component…”

            This is not a political component. Sharia is Islam. Islam is Sharia. And Sharia is fundamentally anti-democratic. Politics has nothing to do with it. This is the nature of the beast. You confer a status to the motivation that is false and even unworthy (people may change their politics, but they almost NEVER change their religion). Western people who don’t understand/acknowledge this is what is causing the disease to slowly infect the rest of the world.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            PM–religion is your relationship with God.

            Politics is your relationship with other people.

            Basics you don’t grasp. Speaking of religion: its as stupid as mouthing D/R all the time with the insights you display across the board as in the failure to to recognize the political component of any religion.

            Just plain………..unconscious.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            No he gets it. Under Islam, the religion is the government.
            When they prosecuted the Blind Sheikh, he brought in witnesses that he was acting within his religion, and the prosecutors were unable to challenge that.

    • Cgpnz says:

      Republicans have become so right wing that they do not know how minority they have become.

      I agree with Micheal Moore’s prognosis of a democrat landslide. My take is that it will be historic, disregarding gender. Sure Trump pulls the crowds, but that is local party nutjob turnout.

      An historical character comparison nearest to Trump is that thirties Italian clown that was turned upside down.

      Anyone who thinks that Trump can carry through his nutty promises is doing VR, remove your goggles now!

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    NewFormatSux says:
    5/4/2016 at 11:55 am

    Increase tariffs, has the side benefit of increasing wages. /// Hah, hah………….. SINCE WHEN???? Tariffs go to the Federal Treasury with higher prices to the consumer who gets ZERO benfits. What a silly thing to say/think/post. Must be a talking point on some brain dead right wing trash site. Got a link?

    Hmeyers says:
    5/4/2016 at 12:40 pm

    Sounds like Bobbo is arguing for NAFTA and the TPP. /// I’m agin” both…have been right from the start.

    I’m against NAFTA and the TPP, and if our imports cost a little more then so be. We don’t need as much superfluous crap as we buy anyway. /// Like NFS–you reveal you have no grasp at all of the BASICS. Superfluous Crap: yes, but also: food, clothing, shelter, goods of all kinds.

    Bobbo also sounds like he would defend a plan to break up the big banks. /// ABSOLUTELY!!!! Where ya been?

    I would be fine with banking costing a little more if the system were fixed. /// Jeebus!!! Where do you get the notion that the Big Banks save ANYONE any money? Link??? Consolidation decreases competition…… the “need” to pay higher interest to get your saving account.

    Minimum wage? Is that a joke? You can make the minimum wage $100/hr and if inflation skyrockets, calling your $100 that used to be $10 is the illusion of true dummy. /// Thats an important social issue. Best wrinkle: the opposite. Have a starvation/slave wage as minimal and the tax payers support the full time workers at WalMart: the richest Family in the World. yes…..such a better plan.

    Choke on the grass you sheep!!!! You deserve it.

    • Hmeyers says:

      You keep contradicting yourself all over the place.

      It is a bit painful to watch.

      You probably think typing another wall of text will help.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Name the contradiction.

        I will take pains to explain the obvious, and the not so obvious to you.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Well, Trump would reduce the illegal immigrant population, so this would have a positive effect on wages, making the minimum wage law unnecessary as wages would rise automatically.
      A result of tariffs if they are sufficiently high is to move manufacturing jobs to the US, and this would lower unemployment and raise wages. If the tariff were too high, it could have the opposite effect, but no one is proposing that. Countries like India and China do fine with large tariffs.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Do the math.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          What math? Lower supply equals higher prices. Higher demand equals higher prices.
          So less illegal immigrants competing for labor, and more factories means higher price for labor.
          Any positive number > 0. Is that enough math for you?

  10. Hmeyers says:

    Have I ever indicated that I would even consider voting for …

    The SeaHag (aka Hillary Clinton)?

    Ain’t gonna happen. Not ever.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Have you watched any speeches by Trump yet? Did you hear what I said he would say?

  11. IM77 says:

    Pretty sad when we’re reduced to voting for the one we consider to be the lesser of two evils.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Off Topic, but good.

    10 years after “An Inconvenient Truth”.

    So how did the movie stack up to reality??

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Off topic……but a barn burner as the evidence continues to mount.

      Where does one get info on SCIENCE? From failed politicians pimping their next financial investment………… or from scientists actually qualified to issue peer reviewed studies?

      Your choice is the Politicians, whore mongers, and other paid shills of your own persuasion. thats most of your problem right there.

      Meanwhile: sea level continues to rise.

      Just………………… LOOK!!!!!

    • McCullough says:

      I’m looking right now….still nothing. I’ll keep looking.

      • NewFormatSux says:


      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        That is funny. Everything you can google to the contrary is wrong because you can walk down to the beach and see the pier is still getting wet in the same place it was 30 years ago?

        Its like Magic…man!

  13. Likes2LOL says:

    It’s all Barbara Bush’s fault that JEB! isn’t the GOP nominee:

    Barbara Bush: We’ve Had Enough Bushes’ – YouTube

    Damn you to hell, Barbara Bush! 😉

  14. I Might Be Sparticus says:


    1. At Least Trump is a human being, unlike Hillary
    2. If you flush, Trump would go down unlike Hillary who would float and leave smears
    3. Trump would put America first, which is where it belongs if there really is such a thing as social justice.
    4. I’m sure Hilary’s farts smell a lot worse then Trump’s. (Bernie’s are probably the worst of all.)
    5. All the candidates this time around suck, but Hillary double-sucks. (Except she doesn’t suck Bill which is why he molests young interns.)
    6. Fuck it, I hope the Sun goes nova.


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