Photo published for Tesla apresenta carro elétrico 'popular'

With more that 24 hours to go lines are forming to get in line for the Tesla Model 3. Unlike an Apple line where at the end you get an iPhone – this is a line that lets you pay $1000 to get into a 2+ year long line to get the car. Most people in line today aren’t going to get this car till mid 2018. So a line to get into a line is impressive!

NEW Model 3 specs leaked here!

Yes – it’s a CULT and I may be powerless to resist! I know it’s wrong but it’s likely I’m going to get in line tomorrow!

Lines are forming.

So – I did it. I bought one. Or I put a refundable deposit down on one. I am now part of the Tesla cult. I can come up with believable reasons that “make sense” as to why I bought a car that the specs haven’t even been released on, but the bottom line is – cult behavior. It’s interesting to experience lying to myself as my mind tries to justify my actions. But the truth is, I’m just another monkey in a monkey see monkey do world.

Sales now > 130,000 as of morning of 04-01-2016.

  1. Clark says:

    I don’t stand in lines more than 3 people deep. That shit is for sheep.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Pictures all over the internet of the Model 3. Doesn’t look like your post at all.

    3 deep huh? What is it?—attention span?

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I read an article last week about how Chevy could put Tesla out of business with their own “tesla killer” but they chose not to so as to allow Tesla to “build the market” and charging infrastructure for electric cars. I searched for it to post here, but can’t find it.

    Lots of other Tesla Killer articles though. The op picture looks like a more sedate Chevy Bolt to me. Bolt: key being cheaper and a 200 mile range? Sounds good to me. Electric Cars…free power from roof membrane charging panels, self driving cars talking to the pressure cooker on the stove making your own hot toddy in the winter.

    How could the future be any more bright?

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    A last thought re electric cars…… You Know….. the limit still appears to be batteries? Seems to me one really neat solution for that is to have main artery road ways able to power cars directly much like play cars….not copper wires hanging down but short range electromagnetic charging systems. This would allow for unlimited driving without batteries at all……small ones just to get to the freeway and such.

    Anyone know roughly how many cars can even be made given a reasonable cost on the batteries?

    • MikeN says:

      So you saw that at Epcot too?

    • Hmeyers says:

      @bobbo — you enjoy derailing threads …

      Here is my thoughtful response to your idea of banning guns:

      I am in favor of the legalization of all drugs (despite thinking drug use is dumb) because it would eradicate drug cartels.

      I think a successful government is a government that avoids black markets and creating crime environments — these by definition are outside the government jurisdiction.

      Legalizing gambling has worked. Ending prohibition has worked. Although I dislike prostitution, I think some sort of Nevada thing should be the norm.

      Now keep in mind, I think when they ended prohibition it probably resulted in more drunk driving deaths — and may have been one of the largest increases of civilian fatalities ever.

      It was + 81% percent drunk driving deaths by repealing prohibition.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Hmeyers says:
        3/30/2016 at 8:33 pm

        @bobbo — you enjoy derailing threads …

        ///Hmmm my cursor doesn’t work directly after your heading…. must be a coding thing? Well HM–why start a derail yourself by claiming anything at all about anyone else? What motivates such projections??? I don’t know…. could be just humor or a straw thought, could be something actually revelatory. Only you will know…. if you think about it. But lets turn to other more obvious forms of defective argument:

        Here is my thoughtful response to your idea of banning guns: /// HM–you being thoughtful is what makes your posts most enlightning…you know, as opposed to being whiny and bratty.

        I am in favor of the legalization of all drugs (despite thinking drug use is dumb) because it would eradicate drug cartels. /// Exactly my own thinking supplemented by the fact that the actual real harm caused by such legalization will still be less than the actual real harm caused by keeping it illegal. THAT and issues of allowing harm to fall primarily on those who choose the activity…..

        I think a successful government is a government that avoids black markets and creating crime environments — these by definition are outside the government jurisdiction. /// No…you just agreed that the laws the gubment makes, and enforces, allows for a black market. Very much a jurisdictional concept…… a side point in case it becomes relevant below, which I haven’t read yet. Just responding as I go.

        Legalizing gambling has worked. Ending prohibition has worked. Although I dislike prostitution, I think some sort of Nevada thing should be the norm. //// Yes, mostly at taking the profitability out of crime, it has worked, not at some other subtleties. We continue to agree. I am actually looking forward to my comeuppance now that I am firmly hooked….

        Now keep in mind, I think when they ended prohibition it probably resulted in more drunk driving deaths — and may have been one of the largest increases of civilian fatalities ever. //// More drunk driving deaths caused by availability and other issues and failure to address other issues and offset by fewer deaths and misery to the black market. Pros and Cons to all we do.

        It was + 81% percent drunk driving deaths by repealing prohibition. /// …. and a myriad of other issues both increasing and decreasing. I’m starting to detect the debating error of subscribing very complex social issues to One and only ONE cause… the tool of a propagandist. Please, please oh HM do surprise me.

        WHAT????? All stroking and no climax? Get interrupted by a fire drill? I see various forks in the road from this preamble…. hope you figure out you stopped short.

        STRIKE…while the iron is hot. So far….I’m thinking my response will be to include all the variables, factors, and competing interests that all lead finally to: a value judgment.

        But we shall see…………..

        btw: terrible derailing. Lets see: “That model car reminds me of 3-D printing, the most controversial aspect today of which is printing non-detectable guns, which reminds me of how touchy bobbo is on the subject……. and then you are off to the races…

        ……..or….. why not continue the discussion in the thread where it was more fairly raised? Or are you a most recent thread conscious forum member as most here are?

        But thats another derailment of which I am staunchly opposed.

      • MikeN says:

        Prohibition worked. The amount of alcohol consumed dropped considerably. Before prohibition consumption was more than what it is today, much more.

        I support bans on gambling, and prefer the model of where the casinos are just far away. These Indian casinos are mostly fraud built by people who pay money to politicians for recognition as an Indian tribe.
        The impact on businesses with employees stealing money is significant.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Prohibition created organized crime.

          Yeah…. it worked then, like it works now.


          • MikeN says:

            Yes it created lots of crime. It also lowered alcohol consumption. Repeal of prohibition could not change that fact.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Well Mickey, as always you are too simple minded.

            The POINT of prohibition was to make SOCIETY a better place for hooman beings. Outlawing booze was not an end in itself but rather an element to achieve the higher goal.

            In the only meaninglful sense of the notion: Prohibition Failed. And on a number of levels. It denies humans their FREEEEEEEEEEDOM to make decisions for themselves.

            ……. course, what is the worth of making their own decisions for someone like you?

            Know what I mean? ((and I doubt that you do.))

          • NewFormatSux says:

            The people who passed prohibition did not have a goal of increasing freedom but of reducing alcohol. They succeeded at the cost of crime, to the point that many ended up voting against their own action.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    If the Tesla 3 has good reviews and comes in at the projected cost of ~22,000 after incentives, then I’m actually interested.

    • MikeN says:

      22000 is only for California’s state incentives added on. The federal incentive will not be available for the base model, as it will run out by the time Tesla ships those. They are giving preference to people who sign up for more expensive models.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Could electric cars finally be ready to go mainstream?

  7. MikeN says:

    Anyone who doesn’t get in line will likely not get the $7000 federal tax credit. Plus Tesla is going to give first place in line to those who buy more expensive cars with options, that boost the price to $50,000. So the $7000 federal tax credit will go to the people who buy the most expensive models.

  8. MikeN says:

    So Marc, while in line do you plan to ask Felon Musk to return the $100 MILLION he stole from your state, by putting up a fake battery swap station?

  9. Hmeyers says:

    The need to make a human-powered car that doesn’t need electricity.

    No, not like a bike or Fred Flintstone where your feet to do the work.

    The kind where you put a homeless person in the trunk and the car digests him/her to produce energy.

  10. Eddie G says:

    Who would believe that The Long Tail Pipe will restore Earth to its pre-Climate Change state? Why, the same people who buy recyclable feminine napkins and biodegradable cat litter!

  11. NewFormatSux says:

    Ford wouldn’t let them use the name Model E.
    They tried to have a lineup of Model S,E,X.

  12. NewFormatSux says:

    What did you buy?

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Not even into production for another 18 months?

    ………………. kinda like vapor ware?

    • MikeN says:

      Do you ever read anything posted?

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Ha, ha…..I do try to avoid that. Too upsetting.

  14. mojo says:

    Even if they ever pay back that 5 billion they burned through, I still wouldn’t have one.

  15. deowll says:

    I can’t help admiring a man that became a billionaire running a company at a lose. In fact every car sold cost the company money. Of course you can drive your electric car up to a company owned diesel generator and get a free charge! Isn’t that great?

    Ostentatious consumption? You bet!


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