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Sounds like the mind-washed hogs are getting nervous about loosing their full buckets of government served slop.
Courtesy of George Soros’ Rent-A-Riot Inc.
What are you babbling about?
Helped by a Middle Eastern John Doe #2, who has disappeared from memory. At the time, there was a witness who described him and McVeigh in a yellow Mercury Marquis before news of this car was in any reports.
A real story:
Bernie is only 220 pledged delegates behind Hillary.
And he has a real shot of surpassing her in pledged delegates in the near future.
Here is a great quote from a Sanders supporter:
“Belville argues that Clinton is a “Rockefeller Republican” in Democratic clothing. “I have longed for the return of moderate Republicans, just not in the Democratic Party,” Belville told Yahoo News. “I think my basic objection is: I’m on the left. I’d like there to be a party that represents me.”
No he doesn’t. He MIGHT be able to keep her below the required majority excluding superdelegates.
There are about 1700 delegates remaining. So Sanders would have to win 57-43 to take the lead.
Pretty tough, especially when you consider that well over 1000 of that 1700 are in New York, California, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New Jersey. Sanders breaks even in those states, then he would have to win the remaining states 70-30.
We will see.
I thought Bernie was dead in the water a few times, but he keeps hanging around and is now actually within striking distance.
That’s just it, he will stay within striking distance, but the proportional delegate allocation keeps him from striking. He can win a state and only pick up a handful of delegates.
Combined with Hillary’s big wins on Super Tuesday, and the gap is too much.
If you really want Bernie to win, try to get a favorable reporter to report on Ron Brown, and why Hillary went to Croatia a week before he died there. What was Zdenka Gast, of Croatian descent, doing in a small party with Hillary and Alexis Herman, years after she ditched the fatal plane?
1) Results oriented leader, capable of pleasing most of the people, most of the time.
2) Must demonstrate an ability to please ALL the people, much of the time, through the judicious use of compromise.
3) Using smoke and mirror effects to please any of the people will result in immediate dismissal.
4) Those who are unable to ignore money-laden lobbyists and extremists from any party or special interest group, NEED NOT APPLY.
Four year contract, great benefits, with possible 4-year extension (based on favorable mid-term performance review).
Do you have what it takes?
I wish they could find that person.
Too many special interests and single issue voters for THAT formula to ever apply.
Unless…… by “most” you mean 51%.
Jorge Ramos does a job Americans won’t do, among other things asking Hillary if she will drop out if she is indicted.
Interesting Bill Maher clip.
The news is mostly junk these days, but “big money” is not the only problem.
It is also difficult to know if the news is better or worse than it used to be.
The news used to cover up things like for example when the Clinton/Lewinsky story was buried by NewsWeek (only quick example I could think of, I suspect during the Reagan era many things were buried involving Grenada or Iran/Contra. Possibly under Bush senior and invasion of Panama.).
The “tv news” is also far less important today.
I heard that if Hillary wins the nomination,
her Vice President choice will be … Goldman/Sachs
Corporations are people too!
Think life is “racist?” Try ending it. 🙂
This person has less than 10 videos on YouTube. They are pretty much into Republican politics Cruz & Trump. Could be a shill. Could be telling the truth. It doesn’t change the violence going on at places where Trump supporters are slugging it out at protesters.