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The Clinton’s are not well.
She’s barking like a dog.
The story has always been that Bill is suffering from various secret diseases(was golfing in his first term with Jack Nicklaus and his doctor brought him meds on the course), but now he looks like the healthy one.
Why does Hillary coughing have to do with her health?
Maybe it doesn’t but this is at least the third episode.|cough|hoarse-voice|shortness-of-breath&symptomids=59|59|120|204&locations=10|14|10|14
She was choking on one of Humma’s pubic hairs is all. No big deal.
Are you asking about her physical health, or about the status of the pit between her ears?.
This is what happens when I try to tell the truth!
Vote for me:
Hillary’s private email server. That bothered me. Why does she even need her own, separate from the State Dept.? Just how many people could she know, who’s email she doesn’t want the govt, to read? Sounds suspiciously paranoid about personal privacy. When the rest of us slaves, are suppose to trust her big brother govt.
So I later thought, maybe it’s not for email. Maybe it’s really her crib notes, about her job. Cause her memory is failing her. So she mailed all her job details to herself, to read wherever she is in the world. And didn’t want anyone else to know, she needed a memory aid. And now, the whole news media, and govt is further covering up for her. By calling it only private email. Which just happens to have emails containing Top Secret info.
Seems to me that anyone with devoted server farm, could be US President, if that’s all it takes.
Dr Gropinger *landing into some Arab country*: Wait! Just a minute, Mrs Goodbuddy; We have here a problem that is in danger of escalating into an administrative crisis — Where is my diary?!
I need to know what day it is… Let’s see, Monday was Northern Rhodesia..Northern Ireland, Tuesday was Northern Rhodesia
*goes manic* Where is my Diary!…
Mrs goodbuddy: Dr Gropinger, sir! Once again, sir! Would you please sit down and fasten your safety belt.
Dr Gropinger: The process of landing does not escape me, Mrs. Goodbuddy, but I need my diary; I don’t know where I am or who I’m supposed to be meeting next. …
*addresses turban-wearing crowd. He raises arms high* “Shalom; Madra……..”
*he is shot dead*
The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know It
Is it really such a slow news day that THIS warrants discussion?!
This blog is really descending in to the depths of mediocrity…
They are campaigning during cold and flu season. It’s amazing they don’t suffer more seasonal illnesses.
They have good doctors in prison.
A joint fundraising committee between the Clinton campaign and the DNC—called the Hillary Victory Fund—raised $26.9 million as of December 31, 2015, much of which has gone directly to the DNC and other Democratic candidates across the country. Thirty-three state Democratic parties signed pacts with Ms. Clinton’s campaign, meaning she is essentially buying support from Democratic leaders around the country. In short, the Clinton campaign controls the money and decides which states receive it after the campaign and the DNC get their cut. According to Bloomberg, New Hampshire received $124,000, where six out of six superdelegates supported Ms. Clinton while over 60 percent of the primary vote favored Mr. Sanders. Nevada and South Carolina also have pacts with the Hillary Victory Fund, where Ms. Clinton has already won support from three of Nevada’s eight superdelegates and three out of South Carolina’s six superdelegates.
No corruption here! Nope, nada.
This made me laugh out loud.
“PELLEY:You talk about leveling with the American people. Have you always told the truth?
CLINTON:I’ve always tried to. Always. Always.
PELLEY:Some people are gonna call that wiggle room that you just gave yourself.
CLINTON:Well, no, I’ve always tried –”
Is Team Sanders ever going to go with the line that when Bernie was getting arrested by the police over civil rights, Hillary was volunteering for Barry Goldwater who voted against the Civil Rights Act?
No, they should but they won’t.
Bernie is trying to have a nice, respectable campaign.
I think he believes this will attract voters to him. Good luck with that.
Hillary said she would look into releasing the transcripts of her speeches to the banks, the ones where she claims she gave them hell. Hasn’t released anything yet.
Hillary needed a coronation.
Campaigning just means giving her some rope.
Given enough time, everyone knows what she’ll do with that rope.
The longer she is forced to campaign, the higher the risks.
Especially in the Democratic primaries … Hillary has nothing positive to offer and only knows how to attack bogeymen and conspiracies.
I hope it continues for several months, I find it very entertaining.