I don’t know if he did it on purpose but today when Obama attacked Trump several times today in his press conference, I would think that would make Republicans want to vote for Trump. You know – anything Obama doesn’t want is what Republicans want.

My questions is – was he being smart or stupid? Do you think he figured that out?

  1. MikeN says:

    Of course. He figures it would be easy to beat Trump in a general election. Just like people said Trump had no chance to win the nomination(or that he would be out of the race by now:).

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    In the main, Obama has been a straight shooting except for the “Head of the Dumbo Party” positions.

    There is no reason to pimp Trump. The Trumpeters are going to vote for him no matter what, and the Trump Haters are going to hate. The 40% in the middle will listen to Obama and decide on a number of issues.

    Between the two—I’d vote for Bernie. I’d be tempted to go for Trump if the alternative was Hilary.

    It will be fun to watch Trump destroy the Clintons and capture the middle of the political electorate. Which lies will appeal the most to me????? THATS what elections are all about.

    Bernie: the better.
    Warren: the best.
    Hilary: a lying manipulative old bag, still better than all the Pukes except Trump.
    Trump: Unknown.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      At least you and I agree on the lying lesbian bitch. Pretty sure she is doing Humma (yes, I spelled it wrong) in the background. Where there’s smoke there is a burning bush.

      Pretty sure she is canyon yodeler and that doesn’t bother me. She should embrace it, hell, she would get even more votes.

      As for Pocahontas, do you really think she isn’t an even bigger liar?

      • Mr Diesel says:

        That was for bobbo.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          For me? Yes….. you put it in line just as the flow would desire.

          I don’t think ANYONE could lie as much as Hilary has done…..and given her time in public view, I am talking lies per paragraph.

          Poke a Hauntess? I assume, think I half remember, some claim Warren claimed Native american heritage? Thats a throw away personal bit whether it got her affirmative action or not. No reasonable person should care about that…… ha, ha….. so it figure you do.

          Do you have anything else?==on Warren?? I don’t even like typing the letters Hilary…… and YES…she’s still better than all the Pukes except maybe Trump. Ha, ha….he actually does lie more than anyone else running….but it might be “in a good way.” I assume he is a financial conservative and a social liberal. A Rhino in Teatard terms. I don’t think he is religious. See? That would be “a good lie.”

          Quite the Clown Show so far.

      • Marc Perkel says:

        She isn’t lesbian.

        • Mr Diesel says:

          Former Miss Arkansas says Bill Clinton was so-so in bed and confided Hillary was into sex with women.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Lesbians in Hollywood seem to think otherwise, including her in their list at the end of one gay rights movie.

    • Hmeyers says:

      I really like Bernie. I also really like Trump.

      Trump vs. Bernie would be ideal election to me.

      Trump isn’t afraid to reject the media and genuinely likes people.

      Bernie goes out there and explains how to have higher goals and explains why megacorps need to be subservient to the needs of the citizens, not the beneficiary of “too big to fail” bailouts rewarding them for mismanagement.

      • Marc Perkel says:

        I’m hearing you are tired of “same”.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Marc, I don’t care about “same”.

          Megacorps want to rewrite the rules in this country to favor them.

          Which will crack the USA open like a pinata so they can loot it (export the wealth, taking their cut).

          Both Trump and Bernie are against the TPP and megacorps outsourcing/exporting.

          On the other end: you have Hillary (#1 outsourcing/h1b1 advocate), Rubio (#2 outsourcing/h1b1 advocate) and people like Jeb Bush.

          You know Hillary (and Rubio and Bush) want to raise the H1B1 cap?

        • Hmeyers says:

          Bernie would raise the minimum raise for H1B1 workers to higher threshold so it would be less likely to be used as a weapon to replace American workers with a low wage replacement.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Obama loves Trump as much as he loves guns.

    If Obama hates guns, then he is a FOOL for stoking fear and gun sales.

    If Obama is secretly pro-gun, then he is a LIAR for “clinging to guns and religion”.

    So which is it? Is he a FOOL or a LIAR?

    Either way, what does it matter what a FOOL or a LIAR says about Trump?

    • Hmeyers says:

      Obama supports TPP and calls it a tax-cut — like yes it cuts taxes on imports and exports, so your job can be shipped overseas to Vietnam where they do child labor, etc.

      So go ahead and save $5 on some crap at Walmart, it will only cost someone a job in the US.

      Obama not a liberal, he is a corporatist.

      Like Obama saying during his 2008 campaign that he was against a personal mandate on health insurance.

      Then gets in office and does a personal mandate on health insurance.

      Which the insurance loves, because now you are compelled by law to buy their product and they will make it as shitty as the law allows.

      And people have to buy to overpriced, high deductible insurance plans.


      • Ah_Yea says:

        Like I mention below, Obama is the best Republican president we’ve had in a long time!

  4. NewFormatSux says:

    Bernie was in favor if restricting immigration until he started his run. Trump has praised socialized medicine like Canada and Scotland. Trump rails against hedge funds and banks and free trade.

    Now suppose Bernie wins the primaries but Hillary gets the nomination because of superdelegates. He currently trails 350-40 with a 15-15 split in New Hampshire. Suppose Trump wins his primary and the Republican elite and some conservatives are angry. Would Trump make Bernie his VP?

    • Ah_Yea says:

      An interesting thought, but I would have to say no.

      Trump loves money and business too much to hand his business (running the country) to the hands of someone who doesn’t have a clue.

    • Hmeyers says:

      “Bernie wins the primaries but Hillary gets the nomination because of superdelegates”

      You can’t win due to superdelegates. It would shatter the Democratic Party and be a sure way to lose the general election.

      • Ah_Yea says:

        Guess again, Hmeyers. The election is rigged against Sanders.

        In February of 2016, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chair of the Democratic National Committee, was asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper, “What do you tell voters who are new to the process who say this makes them feel like it’s all rigged?” Schultz’s response was, “Superdelegates exist really to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grass-roots activists.”

        • Hmeyers says:

          She had the superdelegates to win in 2008.

          Remember that?

          • Hmeyers says:

            Bernie Sanders is Jewish.

            So are all the power brokers in the media, Hollywood and the Democratic Party.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            No, Obama got them to switch, plus he had racked up a huge lead in ordinary delegates because Hillary ignored the caucuses. This time it would be close to an even split.

          • Ah_Yea says:

            You got it, NewFormatSux.

            And when it’s close to an even split, the superdelegates will throw the election to Hillary.

          • MikeN says:

            Rush Limbaugh botched it by calling for a pause in Operation Chaos. If Republicans had crossed over and delivered more votes for Hillary, the convention would have been messier. Instead, Hillary could only argue she won the popular vote by including Michigan, Florida, Puerto Rico and others, instead of having a clear win.

          • Ah_Yea says:

            Every time I think of it, Obama seems more Republican than many Republicans.

            Importing more foreign workers lowering the cost of labor,
            Taking the burden of healthcare off the corporations,
            and selling more Guns than any salesman ever could.

            Best Republican president ever!

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    Trump is running on policies that liberals claim to support. He is against the big banks, hedge funds, and free trade.
    So liberals should be getting behind Trump rather than going nuts over a mild joke made about him.
    Or perhaps the attacks on bankers is just to rile up the base against an enemy and not their true policy.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    MSNBC town hall interview with Trump:


    It’s pretty amazing the depth of which he understands how the economy and trade agreements work.

    I get amused that he is basically a Democrat running for the Republican nomination.

    Trump would hate this comparison, but he’s basically Bill Clinton.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Maybe all his crazy is about winning the Republican nomination?

      • Hmeyers says:

        I expect Trump to go for diversity after the nomination if he wins the Republican nomination.

        He reads people well, he knows what to do to pacify the conservative base (speak strongly, don’t back down, double down when the media criticizes you on something).

        The funny thing is that is all those litmus tests they liked to do on Romney and such, Trump actually fails them all:

        1) Gay marriage? Trump goes to those, he’s a socialite who rubs elbows with the stars.
        2) “Pledge no new taxes” — fuck that, Trump won’t make that promise.
        3) Raise taxes. He says he will raise taxes on the big banks.
        4) Anti-Trade – He thinks NAFTA and TPP are bad.
        5) Thought the Iraq War was wrong and a mistake.

        • MikeN says:

          Romney didn’t do any of these except #1.
          He did hedge his bets when the surge was announced, so he could claim to be the anti-war candidate if that’s what Republicans wanted.

          But Trump is hedging on health care like Romney.


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