Looking for a new company for my online stock and Bitcoin trading. ETrade sucks. Sometimes that send you notifications for margin calls, sometimes they don’t and just sell off your stock without any warning. I called them up to give them the chance to make it right and they refused to do so. So I’m moving my account.

I don’t reward stupid, so I’m wondering what people here think.

UPDATE: After several weeks eTrade restored my stocks without comment. I did threaten to sure them. And this article might have helped.

  1. NewFormatSux says:

    You didn’t give any details, but I suspect that is exactly what every other brokerage would do.

    • Bob says:

      Yep, it is common and routine for the industry… You need to independently keep track.

  2. NewFormatSux says:

    Why are you trading on margin? Are you that eager to short those solar energy companies you are always touting?

  3. ± says:

    Whoa. Tuff crowd.  😈

  4. ECA says:

    so HOW are you supposed to get notifications of such things??
    Besides your broker??
    And HOW do they Keep customers if they DONT give you notices?
    Dont you PAY for their service??

    Does this give new meaning to COPYING EVERY sites agreements to your computer…so You can check them before they CHANGE them??

  5. Mr. Lucky says:

    Can’t help you. I invest in lottery tickets.

    High risk, but BIG returns.

  6. Jim says:

    I’ve been on a margin call with Ameritrade for years. They want to charge me a fee for a reverse split, but haven’t sold shares on my behalf (is that even legal?)

  7. Tom says:

    You get what you pay for… Sorry, no sympathy here!

  8. Mr Anderson says:

    Go with TDAmeritrade https://www.tdameritrade.com

    I can send you a referral if you lie?

  9. Sean says:

    I would look into a smaller firm such as tradingdirect.com. Very low margin rates as well.


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