Got a 2016 Honda HR-V. It’s a very practical car. I could have bought a Tesla but that would take 2 months and I’m waiting on Tesla till they have the Model 3.

When it comes down to it – I’m a pig. I’m always hauling stuff around. I like the “magic seats” that folf up and down in the back. I like a car that is utilitarian. The drive is fairly smooth. Gas mileage is great.

I think the screwed up on the CR-V line and this car has advantages I like and less money.

The insurance company is still trying to screw me on my old car. The are low balling me and I’m just saying no to their offers. Turns out what they did was declare the car totaled so they could get a good price as salvage. It could have been fixed.

Here’s a great review of the HR-V.

  1. Mr Diesel says:

    Hopefully it won’t let you e-mail while driving it.

  2. Hmeyers says:

    I would rule out a Tesla yet, if you show up at court properly dressed:

    Editor’s note: Link above is the image shown for the second attempt by person making post.

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    If you think the car could be fixed, then pay the salvage price and fix it!

  4. NewFormatSux says:

    The car gets 35 highway/28 city. Federal rules are to go to close to 60 mpg. You could easily have gotten mileage well over 40. You did not even buy a hybrid that you could charge with your solar. You are a hypocrite.

  5. noname says:

    Good for you Marc! What’s next?

  6. Tom says:

    There are much better choices than the HR-V… It is basically a restyled Fit, whir has never garnered much love…

  7. Hogfat says:

    That’s fine for the 3rd world but it’s not really worthy of an American. It shouldn’t be legal to build anything smaller than a Chevy Tahoe here in the civilized world.

  8. mojo says:

    Gah! Avaunt!


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