The New Hampshire results are still coming in but we do know who the winners are this time and it’s not even close. Sanders and Trump win by a large margin.

On January 31st I sent this Letter to the Editor to my newspaper list. So far looks like I’m right.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have something in common. Donald Trump isn’t a real Republican and Bernie Sanders isn’t a real Democrat, and that’s why I think they are so popular right now. People are tired of Republicans and Democrats. First we had 8 years of Bush who collapsed the economy. Then we had 7 years of Obama who taught us that Hope and Change is really Nope and Same. Americans on the Left and on the Right have had it with them and now we want someone else. We’re mad as Hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.

In the case of Trump, the other Republican candidates are just puppets of their crazy billionaire sponsors. Trump is his own crazy billionaire. He’s no one’s puppet. Bernie Sanders has a long history of saying what he means and meaning what he say. Some people may not like his positions but everyone knows where he stands. I have always been a big fan of Bill Clinton but Hillary is no Bill Clinton. She’ll say anything to get elected.

With Sanders and Trump drawing crowds of 10s of thousands America is telling the parties that the insanity has to end. So let’s have a contest between people who aren’t just more of the same kind of political hacks we are tired of.

  1. Wayne R says:

    “First we had 8 years of Bush who collapsed the economy. Then we had 7 years of Obama who taught us that Hope and Change is really Nope and Same.”

    Nice. I’m definitely using that one during this election.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

      What we had is Bush crashed the economy, a Puke Party whose first concern over what was best for the country was to oppose Obama, and Obama is still digging out from the mess left by Bush.

      Should Obama have done more? Of Course. Could he have with more filibusters and do nothing Congress than ever before in History?

      You decide…… you know, in a fair and balanced way.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        More filibusters is a lie, calculated by including every time Harry Reid filed for cloture as a routine act.

  2. Hmeyers says:

    When the Supreme Court allowed unlimited corporation campaign contributions, corruption became inevitable.

    Mega donor contributions was Jeb Bush’s plan, it is what Hillary does but Sanders refuses.

    There is a chance an outsider might win this time, but in the long run it doesn’t matter.

    There are more offices than the presidency, and you need money to run for office and it doesn’t come from “people” any more.

  3. Hmeyers says:

    Corporations want:

    1) Outsource
    2) To replace you with a foreign worker where outsourcing can’t work
    3) Illegal immigration for menial jobs and home construction — note that corps do not need to pay Obamacare for jobs for non-citizens.
    4) Treaties like TPP that remove your rights and require surveillance and allow corporations to sue government.
    5) Bills that give corporations rights like credit reform sponsored by Mastercard / Visa.

    Eventually, the USA will become like a slave wage Walmart with no job security.

    Hillary led the charge for most of the above items, helping Tatas get an office in New York — Tatas was involved in the Edison-like, Disney-like firing of American workers at Eversource

  4. Leroy the Wise economist says:

    Interesting but you have one thing wrong. The economy did not suddenly collapse. It was in steady decline for years and most economist agree that the ‘official’ recession began in 2000.

    The economy peaked during Clinton’s first term and was declining all through his second.

    He caught the cycle perfectly.

    • Hmeyers says:

      NAFTA and interstate banking collapsed the economy.

      These occurred under Bill Clinton with support of Republicans and Democrats a like around 1995.

      It just took a few years for:

      1) For all the banks to merge into 1 bank
      2) To move all manufacturing jobs to Mexico


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    The next Modern Whig Party National Convention will take place over May 20-22, 2016, in Indianapolis, Indiana.


    The future of the galaxy, and the survival of a race, depend on an act of rebellion

    Follow the Shine Directive!

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    Whereas Bill Clinton is willing to kill anyone to get elected, like Ricky Ray Rector.

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    In order to get elected, Sanders flip-flopped on amnesty. Before he said it would hurt poor Americans whose wages he wants to see go up. Now he doesn’t care about them.

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    Marc Perkel seven months ago:

    “Does anyone really think that by the end of this year Trump won’t become bored with his little political stunt and crawl back to his casinos to find something else to amuse him? Are we that dumb? Apparently – yes we are. And isn’t that just a little sad?”

    “Amazing you can’t get the point of the article. HE’S NOT RUNNING SUCKERS!”
    “That’s my point – this is a stunt. They are falling for it.”

    You obviously have plenty of money, Marc. CARE TO MAKE A BET?

    Marc Perkel says:
    7/14/2015 at 8:13 am
    Yeah – let’s bet. Trump drops out before any real election.

    In fairness, I wrote

    “xcept that Trump is actually running this time. He went further than he has before because he realized people weren’t believing his schtick anymore. Now the Hillary donor who criticized Romney for being anti-Hispanic is pretending to be pro-life and anti-illegal-immigration.

    We can expect him to drop out, except with so many people bashing him, it wouldn’t surprise me if he got mad and decided to spend lots of many fighting back. After Univision dropped him from their network, he kicked all the Univision execs out of his golf course, which is right next to their headquarters.

  10. NewFormatSux says:

    Sanders by a large margin?

    Hillary currently has a 15-13 delegate lead in New Hampshire, that could become as much as 19-13. Most likely is 17-15 or 18-14.

  11. Garth says:

    ” I have always been a big fan of Bill Clinton but Hillary is no Bill Clinton.”

    So you’re fan of a serial rapist and possible pedophile?


    • NewFormatSux says:

      Pedophile is not a fair term. Just some underage girls, but not below 10.

  12. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with Ideas says:

    Its the “youts” (Joe Pesky in that movie…) that don’t buy into the two party rhetoric. Feminism and jingoism either.

    But the old have to die off before society/politics/SCOTUS can change. The near dead are like that…… death grip on the status quo of 50 years earlier.

  13. ± says:

    Maybe people are tired of R/Ds but just about everyone including most on this blog are going to try to hire them again come next national election.

    I don’t have a problem with people shitting in their own nest, but I live here too. Fuck everyone who tries to hire a D/R next national election.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      We are waiting for Bobbo’s permission to vote third party. He endorses it right up until there is an actual election.


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