This is the car I had. 2012 Honda CR-V EX AWD. Insurance has decided it totaled. 2 weeks ago someone rear ended me. So – I’m looking for advice about how to get the most money out of them.

I’ve been a little sore since the accident. I think I’m going to get over it. But when I get on the treadmill I have some abdominal pain in the seat belt area. But not looking to gouge them but this pain and inconvenience is worth something.

Also – needing to buy a new car. This was my 3rd Honda CR-V and i Really liked this car. Considering the new HR-V which is a little smaller. Also open to other cars brands so looking for suggestions.


  1. Rex says:

    If you haven’t visited a doctor then you had better get checked out.
    When I got hit by a bus (on my bike) they gave me about double what my medical bills were. I needed stitches and was in pain for about a month, the insurance company wanted to give me $0 because they said it was my fault. I let them know I would be suing them. They eventually offered the cash and I took it.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      How much did you get for the medical?

      • Rex says:

        I had no health insurance (this America after all) and I went to the emergency room. $1500 for x-ray and stitches (15 years ago). They gave me $3000. Amazingly there was no damage to my bike because my body took the hit. I was knocked silly by the impact, I’m glad I was wearing a helmet which I later replaced.

  2. Hmeyers says:

    Which insurance company are you dealing with?

  3. George says:

    My wife got hit in the rear by a truck. Hit and Run. She was in a 2009 Toyota Highlander. Shoes were knocked off her and the passenger. Dogs in crates in the way back. Floor of the vehicle was buckled so doors wouldn’t work.
    Everyone walked away just sore for a day or so….even the dogs.
    Progressive Insurance was GREAT!!!!. They gave us the price of equivalent vehicles on the dealer lots in our area. I pointed out we had a towing package and they added for that. Sales tax and everything.
    Get a Toyota and use Progressive and stay out of Philly.

  4. noname says:

    Are you really asking us: “Also open to other cars brands so looking for suggestions.”

    Model S, need we really need to say more?

    • noname says:

      Marc, if you want reliable, affordable, carbon neutral economy, family friendly and cool looks, you need this!

  5. ECA says:

    1. talk to your agent…LET them total it, but KEEP THE CAR…
    2. Totaled?? really?? its a unibody contruction? ok…Policy lets you get a NEW car, or are you going to BUY IT??
    If they arnt PAYING for new car, then DONT…
    3. insurance on Broken car is LESS, then new car…they wont pay anything for being HIT in rear a USED CAR…you cant get FULL coverage..

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Why aren’t you going full electric to plug into your solar?

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Wait, hold it!!

    I thought they were going to get you a new car so they don’t have increased premiums??

    Guess that didn’t work out.

    Ok, now lend me your ear. Go to a doctor now, like we told you to. Tell the doctor you were in an accident and you are still in pain.

    I got rear ended a few years back and was sore for a couple days and that was it. A couple days, not a couple weeks. I’d be a bit worried about a hurt spleen or somesuch that could really do you in. Get an MRI of the area and stop taking unnecessary risks! Your wife would never forgive you if your die because you were trying to be a nice guy.

    And then buy a Prius like all the other hipsters 🙂

    • noname says:

      There is being a “nice guy”, a “fair guy” and being a douchebag. You had a car accident, you didn’t win the lottery!

      You sound like you’re talking yourself into engaging in the shady practice of “defensive medicine.” and/or exaggerating your pain. By all means get yourself cked out by a reputable MD not a chiropractor!

      • ± says:

        Wow noname, you said something I agree with 100%. It probably won’t ever happen again.

        And Marc, go to a doctor but don’t be a douchebag.

  8. David Blevins says:

    If you’re still sold on the CRV, take a look at the Nissan Rogue.

  9. ThadCo says:

    Hi Mark,

    First, you don’t get to keep car once they pay you for total loss, unless you pay them the salvage value. Simple fact.

    Second, if there is any bodily injury, get an attorney! Otherwise, you’re representing a fool… You’re not a lawyer. Duh.

    Third, go with another CR-V. You will find the HR-V too small. CR-V is probably the best in the segment, with possible exception of Mazda CX-5.

    Fourth, sorry for sounding like a know-it-all, but in real life I’m an insurance agent / car nut, so I do sorta actually know what I’m taking about on these subjects.

    Good luck!

  10. MikeN says:

    I’d like to know how this car got totaled. It didn’t sound like that much damage. How did you manage to lose so much value in 4 years?

    And why are you buying these SUVs that get such bad mileage, while supporting politicians that are passing mandates of 50MPG or more?

  11. Steve landau says:

    Find the nicest , cleanest, CRB of the same year from a dealer. The the list price, and sent it to the ins company. That’s how much they will pay.

    I did this for my civic, totaled by someone else. Got 2k moe than first offer from ins co.

  12. MikeN says:

    That car looks to be in good condition to me. And was this accident happening in Gaza?

  13. Mr Diesel says:

    Marc, Like I said earlier, I received 4 times the medical bills and I had to pay the bills and that was just for the injury, car was separate. But, you need to see someone and report all of it.

    I thought you were going to buy a Tesla? I suggest you get one that won’t allow you to read e-mail though. 😉

  14. Likes2LOL says:

    Hey Marc,

    It’s gonna be like “People Before Lawyers” time all over again, eh? 😉

    The last car accident I was in was in 1969, and my lawyer got a third of the settlement money. Good medical records and contemporaneous notes are a big plus.

    My father was rear-ended in a Ford F-150 standard cab pickup by a big school bus, his head snapping back and popping the rear window into the bed of the truck. No broken skull or vertebrae, but with a lawyer he got a new truck and $15,000 for pain and suffering.

    Best of luck to ya!

  15. jpfitz says:

    See a Doctor already. We’re all sounding like your wife, don’t expect any sympathy if five years on, you’re in pain.

    Why is it nobody buys American automobiles?

    I only own and buy American. Although the vehicle 🚗 may be built in Canada. I like Canadia.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      He will be in pain, because at that point he will be under Obama’s rationed Medicare. Obama has said that we pay too much to take care of old people.

  16. dave m brewer says:

    Why are we helping Marc with insurance problems. What does this have to do with us and the world… nothing. But, then again this must Marc Uncensored web page. He just forgot the change the header.

    • noname says:


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential Anti-theist and Junior Culture critic says:

      Getting into car accidents happens to us all, or our close associates. Its good to thrash it out now and then.


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