Since Iowa divides up their delegates proportionally rather than “winner take all” I’m going to call it as it is. What we are seeing is a 3 way tie on the Republican side with bragging rights going to Cruz, and a 2 way tie for the Democrats with bragging rights going to Clinton.

The Scores:

Cruz – 8 * Trump – 7 * Rubio – 7 * Carson – 3 * Paul – 1 * Bush – 1

Clinton – 24 * Sanders – 21

Big day for Cruz beating trump barely and Rubio in there for a close 3rd place. The rest of them are like the walking dead at this point which includes Bush. But I think it was a great day for Sanders as the underdog candidate showing that he’s competitive with Clinton. I also think Trump showed that real people do vote for him, and Rubio also established himself as competitive. Clinton lost to Obama 8 years ago and this was a must win for her and she did so.

These numbers might change as more results come in. These are CNN numbers.

The spending numbers are very interesting.

  • Team Bush: $14.9 million (all from the Right to Rise Super PAC)
  • Team Rubio: $11.8 million ($4.6 million from campaign, $4.7 million from Super PAC, $2.5million from 501c4
  • Team Clinton: $9.4 million (all but $50K from campaign)
  • Team Sanders: $7.4 million (all from campaign)
  • Team Cruz: $6.0 million ($2.2 million from campaign, rest from outside groups)
  • Team Trump: $3.3 million (all from campaign)
  • Team Carson: $3.5 million ($3.2 million from campaign, $300K from Super PAC)
  • Team Jindal: $3.3 million
  • Team Huckabee: $2 million (all from Super PAC)
  • Team Paul: $1.1 million
  • Team Walker: $1 million
  • Team Perry: $814,000
  • Team O’Malley: $219,000 (all from Super PAC)
  • Team Santorum: $3,000 (all from campaign)

  1. Vote Often says:

    Who won the “Miss Congeniality” award?


    An election is nothing more than the advanced auction of stolen goods.
    – Ambrose Bierce

    Now it’s a corporate auction.

    CORPORATION, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.


    Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow…May the shadow government live long and prosper!

    SEVERALTY, n. Separateness, as, lands in severalty, i.e., lands held individually, not in joint ownership. Certain tribes of Indians are believed now to be sufficiently civilized to have in severalty the lands that they have hitherto held as tribal organizations, and could not sell to the Whites for waxen beads and potato whiskey.

    Lo! the poor Indian whose unsuited mind
    Saw death before, hell and the grave behind;
    Whom thrifty settler ne’er besought to stay—
    His small belongings their appointed prey;
    Whom Dispossession, with alluring wile,
    Persuaded elsewhere every little while!
    His fire unquenched and his undying worm
    By “land in severalty” (charming term!)
    Are cooled and killed, respectively, at last,
    And he to his new holding anchored fast!

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    Marc can come up with some revolutionary way to stop e-mail spam but can’t stop a blog poster.


    SACRED, adj. Dedicated to some religious purpose; having a divine character; inspiring solemn thoughts or emotions; as, the Dalai Lama of Thibet; the Moogum of M’bwango; the temple of Apes in Ceylon; the Cow in India; the Crocodile, the Cat and the Onion of ancient Egypt; the Mufti of Moosh; the hair of the dog that bit Noah, etc.

    All things are either sacred or profane.
    The former to ecclesiasts bring gain;
    The latter to the devil appertain.

    Dumbo Omohundro

    By all rights Phil should be St. Phil because Phil is sacred.

    Shadow education: Give the kids calculators, so they won’t have to figure out math problems!

    “Dad says that anyone who can’t use a slide rule is a cultural illiterate and should not be allowed to vote. Mine is a beauty – a K&E 20-inch Log-log Duplex …

    SCRANTON — A teacher’s fundraiser to buy calculators for South Scranton Intermediate School students had raised a little more than $2,000 of its $5,500 goal as of Monday night.

    Teacher Crystal DeAntona launched the fundraiser on crowdsourcing site She set Feb. 19 as the deadline to raise the money, which will provide new two-line calculators for sixth- and seventh-grade students in time for standardized tests in April.

  6. NewFormatSux says:

    “CNN numbers”

    They demonstrated again why it stands for Clinton News Network.
    The numbers were 49.8 – 49.6 but they were putting up
    Clinton 50- Sanders 49 – OMalley 1

    Fox News couldn’t be bothered to put in an extra decimal point.

    Fox occasionally mentioned that it was about state delegates, but never clearly mentioned that that is what the 50-50 means.
    I don’t understand why they were not giving out a popular vote total, when CNN clearly had the numbers county by county.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    17+5 = 22, 7*3 = 21

    So which candidate is left out? I think that is Scott Walker, so I’m guessing Gilmore, who is still officially running.

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    Yesterday, both networks were reporting 44 delegates at stake for the Democrats and 30 for the Republicans. Your numbers do not add up.

  9. Hmeyers says:

    If Trump wants to be a serious candidate, he needs to learn:

    1) Advertising isn’t enough. You need to bodies on the ground going out, identifying your voters and making sure your people show up.

    WINNER: Bernie had a well oiled machine that produced results, was well-organized.

    LOSER: Trump. If your people don’t show up, you lose.

    “Trump’s staff “got outclassed and outmaneuvered ― the Iowa team simply didn’t have the tools they needed, which is why they overpromised and underperformed,” said a source close to the Trump campaign. “The Iowa team did an amazing job with the tools that they had, but that’s like saying that Al Qaeda did an amazing job in a battle with the U.S. Army because some Al Qaeda fighters didn’t get killed.”

    • MikeN says:

      Who says his people didn’t show up? He had a turnout operation, and it was run by a person who is well respected in the state. It could be that the other candidates just did even better. There were about 50,000 more votes than the low end of expected turnout range, and 10,000 more than the high end, and Trump lost by 6,000. On top of that he gets hurt more by the caucus process itself. When you have guys at 5 percent, that means in a lot of precincts the numbers are too low to be counted, and the voters have to choose another candidate. I doubt too many people were going from Jeb Bush or Kasich, or Christie to Trump. Well, maybe Christie. Some would jump to Cruz, especially the Huckabee and Santorum voters, and lots to Rubio.

  10. deowll says:

    I think we have a pretty accurate idea who got what in the Iowa Republican Coccus. People can argue about what that means.

    H. Clinton is reported to have come out on top on the Dem side but in order to do that she “won” six coin tosses. a 1/64 event if not rigged and their was a bunch of running around and screaming while trying to come up with numbers to turn in because the people running it apparently completely failed to do their jobs.

    I’d call the Dems a tie because I don’t think we know who won. It was most likely a near tie but anybody who claims Clinton & her crowd wouldn’t cheat Bernie is a chump.

    • MikeN says:

      The coin tosses at best flipped one delegate, and perhaps none. They were not for the state delegates but the county ones.
      In fact the real winner in Iowa won’t be known until the state convention later in the year. This is just an estimate provided by the state party to make their state seem important. County delegates were elected last night, and these folks will get together to elect delegates to the state convention, which the state party estimate as 701-697 in favor of Hillary. Then the state convention will select delegates to the national convention.

  11. Hmeyers says:

    Bernie Sander winning a coin flip for delegates in Iowa (Hardin Township).

    • MikeN says:

      6-1 has a 7 in 128 chance so 5.5%, and 6.25% when you include 7-0.

  12. IM77 says:

    I could care less, but only with an extraordinary amount of effort. Everybody already knows who they will vote for, so what’s the point of all this?

  13. NewFormatSux says:

    Cruz threatens the lobbyists who know they can still make deals with Trump.

    Trump threatens the whole system. If he wins, Big Money will have to spend big money to restore the reputation of Big Money.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      And it would mean the entire conservative apparatus falls apart if Trump wins, showing that all the think thanks are worthless.

  14. IM77 says:

    I’m thinking maybe Donald wants to be President so he can work on becoming the world’s richest man. Seems logical to me.

  15. MikeN says:

    In one precinct, there was exactly one caucusgoer. He voted for Bernie. The official results award one delegate to Hillary and zero for Bernie.

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    Marc, why is Donald Trump in that picture, when you told us only an idiot would think he would still be in the race at New Years?


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