NASA Low Budget Animation

The solar system appears to have a new ninth planet. Today, two scientists announced evidence that a body nearly the size of Neptune—but as yet unseen—orbits the sun every 15,000 years. During the solar system’s infancy 4.5 billion years ago, they say, the giant planet was knocked out of the planet-forming region near the sun. Slowed down by gas, the planet settled into a distant elliptical orbit, where it still lurks today. The new evidence comes from a pair of respected planetary scientists, Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, who prepared for the inevitable skepticism with detailed analyses of the orbits of other distant objects and months of computer simulations.

Outside scientists say their calculations stack up and express a mixture of caution and excitement about the result. “I could not imagine a bigger deal if—and of course that’s a boldface ‘if’—if it turns out to be right,” says Gregory Laughlin, a planetary scientist at the University of California (UC), Santa Cruz. “What’s thrilling about it is [the planet] is detectable.”

NASA Weighs in.

  1. Rubber Hose says:

    How the sketches for the low budget animation got started:

  2. MikeN says:

    Heckuva job Brownie.

  3. Tim says:

    Headline is incorrect:

    From the article:

    “appears to have a new ninth planet. ”

    “as yet unseen”

    They believe its there but haven’t found it yet.


      Their paper, published in The Astronomical Journal on Wednesday, says the odds are only .007 percent that this pattern would occur “by chance,” but that doesn’t mean there’s a 99.993 percent chance the planet is there. There are still many ways that the scientists could have made an error or overlooked some subtle source of bias, or there could be another explanation for their data. “I’d be willing to bet about 50/50 odds, maybe better, that there’s another planet out there,” said Scott Tremaine, an astronomer at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He said he places the claim “somewhere between prediction and speculation.”

      Atlantic City isn’t generating enough revenue. Let people take action on it. It’s worth the risks.

  4. Hmeyers says:

    McCullough, I’m sorry but this is a total fail.

    You made the mistake of reading the “so called news”.

    Alan Stern — top dog in the Pluto “New Horizons” mission — you know, the probe that visited Pluto back in July —

    His reaction on Twitter:

    Alan Stern: Hype
    Alan Stern: There is no discovery.

    “As Alan Stern said, ‘There is no discovery.’ It is disturbing how the mass media seems to jump at the bait offered to them.”

    • McCullough says:

      The Truth is Out There.

      I Want to Believe.

      • RADIO FREE CRIMEA says:

        I want to bet. This can be bigger than Casino Royale!

      • RADIO FREE CRIMEA says:

        The Water Is Out There! Now that we’ve ruined our water, we might survive if we find water out there. We can gamble on water and increase our odds by polluting it to get a bigger payoff due to scarcity. That’ll attract Wall Street players.

      • Hmeyers says:

        A lie gets half-way around the world before the truth gets its pants on.

        I’m not saying this is “a lie” — it’s an idea, they had a simulation that suggests their idea might be true.

        But it falls well short of a discovery. It’s a hypothetical. Not unlike Planet Tyche of a few years prior


    All the high budget spending goes to Russia to expand their operations.

    “I height Don Quixote, I live on Peyote,
    marihuana, morphine and cocaine.
    I never knew sadness but only a madness
    that burns at the heart and brain,”
    Excerpt from an untitled poem published in Parsons’ ill-fated Oriflamme journal

    With all the cuts we’ll be able to fund the debt with additional debt all while getting nowhere. Anybody capable of innovation or victory can’t pass a background check or is guilty of email leaks and is under investigation.

    The admiral in charge of Navy intelligence has not been allowed to see military secrets for years

    Now they’re saying trust Putin! Just don’t have tea with anybody he sent.


    British author Arthur C Clarke formulated three ‘laws’ the third of which states ‘any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’. While formulated in the context of fictional ‘universes’ of science fiction this neatly illustrates the dilemma faced by anyone – from a scientifically advance culture or otherwise – confronted by what is currently, and in the local and contemporary context, inexplicable.

    It’s fictional and nothing makes quicker work of the truth than fiction.


    We’re a decade behind and keep falling back.

    Now if everybody goes to Iowa and complains and shouts insults we’ll be safe. The AI has the new discoveries figured out. We’re gonna knock on doors and bother people at supper time with phone calls!

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    Go to the center of gravity’s pull. There you will find your missing planet.


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