Longtime listeners of the No Agenda Podcast will recall that the number 33 is mentioned quite often and that it seems to be some kind of code when the figure appears printed media or mentioned in any other type of media. Sadly, this will not provide any further explanation as to why this happens. The video is offered just as an interesting fact about this recurring number.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I watched for 90 seconds………………Holy who gives a crap?

    Anything in the rest of it?

    • Hmeyers says:

      It was an interesting video with good production values.

      What I thought was interesting is the extent that people over the centuries have looked for patterns in numbers.

      I think I heard “250 B.C.” or “250 A.D.” in there somewhere.

      If you look at math in general or geometry, you see massive quantities of work over the centuries.

      Perhaps disproportionate since over the ages only a small percent of people were educated in it and had a talent or interest in it.

      Newton had to invent calculus, for example, just to communicate some of his ideas on paper.

    • McCullough says:

      I haven’t watched it yet, but if you have ever listened to the podcast, they point out numerous incidents of this number just popping up in odd ways.

      And now that it is in your head, you will begin to take notice, and you will have to chuckle a little.

      You will obey
      You will obey
      You will obey

      Eat more Cale

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      So——nothing all that special with the number 33 is what you all say?

      It might be because I am somewhat of a math dullard. I don’t see the point of number sequences that can be formed by the cube of three other numbers, OF COURSE, inlcuding negative numbers.

      Calculating/identifying Prime Numbers is interesting….until you go over 100.

      ………………..it all started when I read about fractals and I looked at my Oak Tree and didn’t see a damn thing.

      I blame: Darwin.

  2. Hitchhiker says:

    33? Nah.

    Everybody knows the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life… is 42. Right?

  3. noname says:

    Funny how some numbers add up to other numbers! Sad truth, there is nothing funny about it!
    Take some numbers, add some more numbers then Wala you have a number (add, subtract, multiply and divide by all by addition). What changed?

    My only question is why are some numbers better than others?

    For example, … some numbers are unfairly deemed less than others for doing equal work! It starts with young insecure digit thinking, “I may not be very good but I am better than those numbers…..”

    Stop the madness, number discrimination occur every day and too often!

    “All Numbers Matter!!!!!!!!!!!!” Common core must go!!!!

    • noname says:

      In algebra they teach “X” can equal any number!

      If all numbers can equal “X”, then all number equal; so why are some numbers better than others?

      Stop the madness, number discrimination occur every day and too often!

      “All Numbers Matter!!!!!!!!!!!!” Common core must go!!!!

      Donald Trump will fix this! Donald Trump will build a “GREAT, GREAT WALL” and make math teachers pay!!

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Ha, ha. Well crafted.

      True………….about too many things.

      I blame: Darwin.

  4. Mr. Lucky says:

    Note: 33 reads the same forwards and backwards.

    • noname says:


      Didn’t foresee that!

      You can also flip it, top to bottom or bottom to top and it reads the same.

      There are things very mysterious about this number 33.

      It’s like 33 is trying 3 times harder to be like 11.

  5. noalovi says:

    Sadly, this will not provide any further explanation as to why this happens. The video is offered just as an interesting fact about this recurring number. Where is this information?


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