There is no winner yet by my standards because the winner (in my opinion) has to deliver something to orbit twice. However, in the “who’s ahead right now” class, I have to give it to Bezos. Reusability means twice or more and Blue Origin beat SpaceX by doing it twice. Nice accomplishment!
Jeff Bezos moves ahead of Elon Musk in reusable rocket race
By Marc Perkel Saturday January 23, 2016
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I was wondering why Amazon hasn’t been getting my orders shipped on time, he’s too busy playing Buck Rogers.
grumble, grumble.
You say that now,
But wait till you have your laundry detergent delivered by ROCKET right to your front door!!
You’ll be singing a different tune then, won’t ya!!
I’d rather have a drone delivered by a rocket.
Thanks for the technical content (as opposed to the political crap), I suppose.
Still, I can’t help think of CLOWNS whenever I hear about these guys — BEZOS and MUSK. I mean, “BEZOS”? Really?! Anyone remember a very famous clown from Chicago? Even not knowing that, they still sound like a Ringling Brothers freak show, if you ask me.
Personally, I can’t stand hearing about this crap. And if I sound a bit critical maybe that’s because I am! I can’t help notice how these guys are NOT helping humanity all that much. At best, they are helping to figure out a way to leave! But go WHERE?! Could it be to mine more minerals on Mars? Extract Energy from the Moon? Make more MONEY?! Didn’t anyone teach these guys PHYSICS?! So wouldn’t it behoove us to figure out how to engineer spaceship EARTH first and make the earth more habitable rather than find ways to go pollute more planets?
1-percenters and their ego just piss me off sometimes.
k, not bad; but honestly, show me the money?
Company Appogee Orbit Cust 1st Stage
Blue Origin 101.7 kilometers N/A N/A reusable
SpaceX 90,000 kilometers Geo-synch Many reusable
k, so this DU WordPress blog thingy don’t like “spaces”
Company__Apogee(km)_Orbit___PayCust_1st Stage
Blue Origin__101.7______N/A ___N/A___reusable
1st Stage
Blue Origin
Well yea, Amazon does a lot more with reusability. Musk is all about collecting subsidies.
Well done, BUT
Going into space is not just going up and down.
You have to go into orbit, deliver satellites, do a re-entry.
Blue Origin has done nothing of the above.
They are making progress increasing performance while lowering costs and have the Jetson advantage. With Russian bureaucracy the only thing going up faster than the costs are state television tall tales about superior Russian rocket. The gear they have is like the Flintstones. We could be generating power and have the only by-product be water and have zero waste manufacturing.
Humanity’s cosmic-energy income account consists entirely of our gravity- and star (99 percent sun) – distributed cosmic dividends of waterpower, tidal power, wavepower, windpower, vegetation-produced alcohols, methane gas, vulcanism, and so on. Humanity’s present rate of total energy consumption amounts to only one four-millionth of one percent of the rate of its energy income. Tax-hungry government and profit-hungry business, for the moment, find it insurmountably difficult to arrange to put meters between humanity and its cosmic-energy income, and thus they do nothing realistic to help humanity enjoy its fabulous energy-income wealth – in fact, they send their government “revenooers” out into the mountain forest to fine and to destroy the equipment of any civilian so “treacherous” as to apply private enterprise in the alcohol-from-Sun-energy-photosynthesis harvesting to personal advantaging. If any citizens start making their own automobile-powering alcohol, the “revenooers” will have to pounce on them just as they do on those making moonshine “likker.”
Ninety-nine percent of humanity does not know that we have the option to “make it” economically on this planet and in the Universe. We do. It can only be accomplished, however, through a design science initiative and technological revolution.
You can use solar to make moonshine and increase all your accounts. You could have everybody in Flint making moonshine and have a wet city and safe water.
They are making progress increasing performance while lowering costs and have the Jetson advantage. With Russian bureaucracy the only thing going up faster than the costs are state television tall tales about superior Russian rocket. The gear they have is like the Flintstones. We could be generating power and have the only by-product be water and have zero waste manufacturing.
Humanity’s cosmic-energy income account consists entirely of our gravity- and star (99 percent sun) – distributed cosmic dividends of waterpower, tidal power, wavepower, windpower, vegetation-produced alcohols, methane gas, vulcanism, and so on. Humanity’s present rate of total energy consumption amounts to only one four-millionth of one percent of the rate of its energy income. Tax-hungry government and profit-hungry business, for the moment, find it insurmountably difficult to arrange to put meters between humanity and its cosmic-energy income, and thus they do nothing realistic to help humanity enjoy its fabulous energy-income wealth – in fact, they send their government “revenooers” out into the mountain forest to fine and to destroy the equipment of any civilian so “treacherous” as to apply private enterprise in the alcohol-from-Sun-energy-photosynthesis harvesting to personal advantaging. If any citizens start making their own automobile-powering alcohol, the “revenooers” will have to pounce on them just as they do on those making moonshine “likker.”
Ninety-nine percent of humanity does not know that we have the option to “make it” economically on this planet and in the Universe. We do. It can only be accomplished, however, through a design science initiative and technological revolution.
You can use solar to make moonshine and increase all your accounts. You could have everybody in Flint making moonshine and have a wet city and safe water. Make rocket fuel.
A one-quarter-ton communication satellite is now outperforming the previously used 175,000 tons of transatlantic copper cables, with this 700,000-fold reduction in system-equipment weight providing greater message-carrying capacity and transmission fidelity, as well as using vastly fewer kilowatts of operational energy.
Continuing to attempt to fit our late-twentieth-century astronautical man-on-Moon-visiting capability into a nineteenth- century horse- and- buggy street pattern, house-to-house-yoo-hooing life-style (and a land baron racket) is so inefficient that the overall design of humanity’s present social, economic, and political structuring and the physical technology it uses wastes ninety-five out of every 100 units of the energy it consumes. (Our automobiles’ reciprocating engines are only 15-percent efficient, whereas turbines are 30 percent, jet engines 60 percent, and fuel cells used by astronauts 80 percent.) In the United States, throughout all twenty-four hours of every day of the year-year after year – we have an average of two million automobiles standing in front of red stoplights with their engines going, the energy for which amounts to that generated by the full efforts of 200 million horses being completely wasted as they jump up and down going nowhere.
Now the horses are going to waste jumping and the people are being provided water that you would not want to lead a horse to drink. Expect pets to start dying in Michigan. Build rain collecting barrels and tanks. All the red stoplights could be flashing yellow or have more people waving people through. Have robot traffic cops.