1. Hmeyers says:

    Haven’t watched the video yet but I have a feeling it is going to be Trump vs. Bernie, which back in August would have seemed difficult to believe.

    MoveOn.org is backing Bernie.
    Biden and Elizabeth Warren are backing Bernie in every way except an official endorsement.

    Hillary is getting nuked on women’s right because of Bill, and true Democrats who are actual liberals don’t like her.

    Hillary is quite the fake Democrat, the way that Jeb Bush is a fake Republican.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Will feminists abandon Hillary for Bernie after finding out about Bill Clinton’s sexual harassment, and Hillary’s trashing the accusers, or will they be more interested in having a woman president?

  2. McCullough says:

    As much as I dislike Hillary Clinton I cant think of anything more entertaining than for her to get the nomination, and then watch Trump tossing grenades at her in a debate.

    Now THAT would be must see TV.

    • Hmeyers says:

      I generally don’t like people that act like Trump.

      But he grew on me over time, and then when I realized he’s on the correct side of every issue.

      The fact he is inclusive is important to me, I rabidly hate any non-diverse Republican (Rick Santorum) that is against gay rights or is indifferent to the experiences of African Americans.

      Hillary will outsource your job willingly, helped Tatas the Indian IT behemoth company get established in New York, told the Indian Prime Minister “Not all of us are against outsourcing. Outsourcing will continue.”

      She’s a job killing rat that would sell out this country to highest foreign bidder.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      I’ve been thinking that too!

      I’m still on board with Elizabeth Warren getting the nomination at the Democratic Convention.


      Let’s face it. Donald will decimate Hillary and Tear Bernie a new one and make us laugh while doing it. Not to mention very few Democratic voter wants Hillary or (OMG NOT HILLARY) Bernie.

      So have Warren swoop in at the last minute. Desperation? Yes.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        No they’ll indict Hillary, and force the party to go with a Biden/Warren ticket at the convention.

        • Ah_Yea says:

          Oh! That would explain why Obama has been using the Justice Department and the FBI against Hillary’s emails.

          He wants Hillary out, and out for good. His guy is Uncle Joe who would be a godsend to the Dem’s about now.

          I like it!

  3. jpfitz says:

    I got halfway through the video, these are great impersonations of the guys. I am saving the rest of the video to share with my better half. This is the first time my wife will watch politics and is outraged at Donald, maybe not outraged, more like laughing then waiting to see what Donald will say next.

    This whole run-up to the primary’s has been more like a train wreck. I’m genuinely concerned about the state of the Republic.

    Thanks…McCullough 🙂 Good find

    • Ah_Yea says:

      Wow, great. I need to learn how to talk like that. “You do look lovely today my dear, and would you like fries with that?”

      It’s a winner.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Media Bias: Hilary initially leading in every state with 80% of the vote. Bernie pulls even in Iowa and Ahead in New Hampshire and media is all aflutter with his chances of winning.

    The media is “for” Hilary….. in the bag ….. like the all important super delegates who are mostly tied up by Hilary, and all the big money.

    So…….why the push for Bernie who has little to NO chance unless the FBI does its job? (aka–if the FBI was doing their job, they would have filed criminal charges a year ago).

    Where is the Media Bias?

    ……………they want a race.

    ………………………………… and you see this bias towards creating controversy on every subject they follow.

    full of shiat is what the media is.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      They’re OK with someone pushing Hillary from the left, except for David Brock at Media Matters.

      Once Hillary wins the nomination, they will fall into line.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Yep…. just as they should. As bad as Hilary is, not as bad as the entire Republican ticket. Hilary screws us all only as a collateral damage to her own greed. For the Republicans …. “we” are their very target.

        Just Look.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Of Trump, Hillary and Bernie — only Hillary is a Republican.

          Trump would be a 1960s protectionist Democrat that puts citizens interests over international corporate interests.

          Bernie would be a 1960s idealist with a vision for a government that better serves its citizens.

          Hillary would be Richard Nixon.

          Except more corrupt than Richard Nixon.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Bobbo, what is your appeal with Hillary.

          Is it because she is a strong supporter of outsourcing?

          Is it because she is a Wall Street favorite?

          Is it because she didn’t support gay marriage until she had to?

          Is it because she believes in transparent government? Or perhaps it is her high ethical standards?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Wall Street favorite? She is the scourge of Wall Street. She has told us how she will make hedge funds pay, and she is going to go after the offshore tax havens, and regulate the banks.

            She learned about all this from her husband who collected $15 million as an advisor to a fund in the Cayman Islands, and her son-in-law at a hedge fund.

          • Hmeyers says:

            “She has told us how she will make hedge funds pay”

            Uh yeah, sure … believe that if it makes you feel good.

            Just like how she is “against TPP” after being for it and taking credit for it.

            And just like how after years of silence came out against the Keystone Pipeline to pander a bit.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Elizabeth Warren refuses to support Hillary because Hillary is in the tank with the bankers.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Ted Cruz opposes the ethanol mandate which raises the price and moves corn to producing gasoline instead of food.

          He gets attacked by the Republican governor who wants to keep the money flowing. Standing with the establishment governor are Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton(and Donald Trump).

          Eliminating the Ex-Im bank was supported by a number of Republicans including Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul along with establishment Wall Street Journal. Supporting it were Barack Obama, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and Paul Ryan.
          It was killed then resurrected partially. Establishment Senator Shelby has kept it from being able to give out more than $10 million at a time, presumably because Boeing didn’t put a plant in Alabama.

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Hmeyers says:
    1/21/2016 at 11:29 am

    Bobbo, what is your appeal with Hillary. /// Do keep in mind, she is just the least worst of the group. Not an appeal as such. I would prefer Bernie but doubt he will be nominated…and also think Trump might prove very able as none of us can tell right now with the clown show he is forced to put on. Trump might make the changes really needed: like TR, break up the monopolies, sadly, he made my shit list by advocating tax cuts for the already too Rich….. but its always a mix of things. I’ll answer directly at the end.

    Is it because she is a strong supporter of outsourcing? /// Yes, damn her for that AND for everything else she “let” Slick Willy do.

    Is it because she is a Wall Street favorite? //// They all are===except Bernie, Trump, and Warren.

    Is it because she didn’t support gay marriage until she had to? /// I don’t care that much about the gays, just damn happy I’m not one ==so that my personal freedoms and personhood does not get assaulted by someone like Hilary pandering to the popular prejudices of the day.

    Is it because she believes in transparent government? Or perhaps it is her high ethical standards? /// Yes, she is criminal and more than most on both those points.

    You forgot her pro-war as first response positions. Chicken Hawk doesn’t quite catch the full flavor of her BS on such a subject==dodging bullts to fly into Afghanistan or wherever to meet with the locals. ((A true tell for those who live with one foot in fantasy land.))

    So………why Hilary or how is Hilary better for the average guy, including the ding bats that would vote against her? She is for universal health care, taxing the rich ((although her definition of the middle class is enough to make anyone puke)) which I think she might more agressively due if not having to raise funds to run for office….. have to wait for the second term? But mostly because as you point out, I think she can be “shamed” into supporting programs and policies that are good for America (like the gays) whereas the Pukes would double down on denying such humanitarian programs.

    Like Obama, she is only “open” to being forced to do the right things.

    Add Warren to the Trump/Bernie list. Biden Too. All sorts of people, none republican, that would be better than Hilary….. but they aren’t going to make it. Trump now will get the Puke Nomination….. but won’t come close in the popular vote. I think his ceiling can rise above 40% of 30%, but too many are adamantly opposed to him.

    Its a crap shoot. VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE. Once out, don’t let them or their spouses back in. The Clintons: obvious Thieves…. living well in plain sight. In America.


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