“The moon landings ALL were faked, and that I was the person who filmed it.”

A stunning new video has emerged 15 years after Stanley Kubrick’s death in which Kubrick admits that the NASA moon landings were faked.

Filmmaker T. Patrick Murray interviewed Kubrick three days before his death in March 1999. He was forced to sign an 88-page NDA to keep the contents of the interview a secret for 15 years.

Dang, and it’s not even April.

  1. Pmitchell says:

    not a very good fake interview but the conspiracy morons will loose their minds over this. The guy in the interview does not even look very much like Stanley andit is filmed on a modern camera not a vintage one

  2. noname says:

    Quality Repukaton group think at it’s best: The earth is flat, the climate is getting colder, tinkle down economics is good, Obama was born in Kenya…. what else is new?

    • Ah_Yea says:

      O_O ??
      We have just entered Crazy Town.

      • Manny says:

        Well, noname is the mayor of crazytown.

        • noname says:

          The Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs repukes drove the country into Crazy Town long before seeing it first hand with the 8.6.15 debates!

          link text

          • noname says:

            poor pathetic pedro, following me around, desperate for luv and my attention! Your pet names are so cute!

            I’ve so pwned you, it should be a crime.

            I know and everyone knows you’re so pathetic and I’ve so pwned you, you’ll be back begging for more!

            Sad, but you’re such the wuss, you can’t go the distance! Rnd 1 🙂

          • noname says:

            No friends pedro, just me again, very sad indeed!

            I’ve got you so pwned and aroused, it’s hilarious!

            My very own DU Bitch following me where ever I go!

            Maybe papa McCullough can help you again or maybe he like DU enjoys the show too?

            Sad, all this unrequited affection for me you have. Poor pathetic pedro, again you’re hoping giving out more BJs can win you more affection!

            Your momma and daddy must have really abused you!

            Rnd 2 of 99 🙂

          • noname says:

            Still no friends pedro?

            I’ve still got you so pwned and aroused, it’s hilarious!

            My very own DU Bitch following me where ever I go!

            Rnd 3 of 99 🙂

          • noname says:

            Who’s that banging around my door step; well, it’s poor ever pathetic pedro again; hoping, begging for noname to play nicely with him?

            Poor pedro, I’ve so pwn you and you know it! Like you say, it took no brains to pwn you! You’re definitely way dumber than a cat.

            You can’t help yourself; with just too much unrequited luv and affection for me, sad! You just have to keep following me around, sad!

            Why is everyone is laughing at poor luv sick pedro? Sicko pedro still hoping for a playmate?

            Maybe one of your butt buddies will play and help you?

            Still Pwn’d, now Rnd 4 of 99 🙂

          • noname says:

            Ha-ha, pwn’d homely pedro again; still pwning pedro, now Rnd 5 of 99 🙂

            The vacuum of pedro’s head is amazing. In the name of science, let’s see how many rounds this ignorant pussy pedro can go?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Not exactly. There was a paper put out by global warmers that tried to paint skeptics as conspiracy theorists who believed the moon landing was faked.

        One skeptic noted that with the same methodology as this paper, you could conclude that global warmers support genocide or anything else.

    • McCullough says:

      Just go ahead and say it……..Bush’s fault!

      • noname says:

        Don’t need to, you did it for me!

        To be “Fair and Balanced”, the country started going bat shit crazy when it elected and worshiped Ronald Reagan, a senile old dementia patient.

        • McCullough says:

          Do you actually read your own rantings?

          • noname says:

            I read yours!

          • noname says:

            Ever the poor pathetic pedro, following me around, desperate for luv and my attention! Your pet names are so cute!

            I’ve so pwned you, it should be a crime.

            I know and everyone knows you’re so pathetic and I’ve so pwned you, you’ll be back begging for more!

            Sad, but you’re such the wuss, you can’t go the distance! Rnd 1 of 99:)

  3. Skeptic says:

    That’s NOT Stanley Kubrick! Just search for some pictures of him (Kubrick) and you can see for yourself this load of bullshit is just that — BULLSHIT!

    Besides, in 1999 there were some pretty damn good portable cameras as well as some very excellent audio devices available. So the question just begs to be asked: why use a piece of shit camera with crap audio to interview an iconic movie maker? Someone who’s very livelihood depended on quality cinema work!

    No. It’s not April. But foolish shit is still foolish shit no matter what the calendar date says. My guess is this is some pathetic (broke) Santa Clause impersonator trying to make a name for himself and/or gouge a buck out of an unsuspecting public that lives for sensationalist-type stories (who also rely on a rather lazy moronic press corps for any accurate information).

    … And it wouldn’t surprise me for a second that this “story” is yet another hoax perpetrated by the same idiots who did that Planned Parenthood video not too long ago. Because if that is Kubrick, in a well made up disguise, something here just screams that it is being taken way out of context (again).

  4. Manny says:

    ^^ ^^

    Vice-Mayor of Crazy Town.

  5. Dead ringer says:

    Ahhh Bull Shit!

  6. noname says:

    DU Bitches, think about it; how could we have landed on the moon if it’s a
    hologram/projection, really!

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Bush’s fault?

    If the moon landing was faked, the responsible actor of last chance would have been Nixon? Might have started as a plan by Kennedy with LBJ too busy to pay attention.

    I thought you could see the moon rover by civilian type telescopes. And bounce lasers off a mirror if you go real high tech.

    Bush is the worst Presnedent in a long time….but he’s not responsible for what happened before his time……. I don’t think………… maybe?

    • Hmeyers says:

      I think we are going to see a long line of increasingly “worst President” ever.

      Ever since the Supreme Court unlimited corporate financing of elections ruling, the entire political process has veered away from the citizens.

      Case in point, Bernie Sanders isn’t too liberal for the Democratic, he’s too “people oriented”.

      The old Democratic Party wanted higher wages, workers rights and ACLU style freedoms.

      New Democratic Party: outsourcing, foreign workers, no dissent that interferes with corporate interests, government rights (unlimited power, surveillance, etc).

      New Republican Party: outsourcing, foreign workers, no dissent that interferes with corporate interests, government rights (unlimited power, surveillance, etc).

      In 12-16 years, we will be solidly back on track to unelected Dukes and Lords ruling over us.

      Because they have the money and win no matter who gets elected.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Right you are HM.

        As Nader said: the Ds & Rs are just either side of the Corporate Coin that runs our country.

        …………….I wish it weren’t true.

        • jpfitz says:

          The D/R politics are one in the same. They both are indifferent to peoples misery and only care about money and power. I’d like to know which members of congress have stocks in the military industrial complex. IBM, GE, Northrop Grumman, etc.

          Silly video, that’s not my Stanley!

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            They don’t need stocks. They get paid directly without any taxation at all.

  8. raintrees says:

    I was unable to watch/listen to more than a minute or two, that has got to be one of the worst interviewers I have ever suffered under – He is completely convinced that he is more important than who he is interviewing – He won’t shut up!

    I could not even enjoy the farce…

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I didn’t watch it. Did they have Charlie Rose do the interview?

  9. jpfitz says:

    Uh, is that James Randi being interviewed? Sort of looks like him but doesn’t sound like Randi. Nah.

  10. Floyd Merrylunar says:

    “See you on the dark side of the Moon”

  11. 2000whatever says:

    just jump to the 5 minute mark and then get on with your life

  12. David Norton says:

    Coincidence that this “interview” shows up just before the movie “Moonwalkers” (about the faking of the moon landings) comes out, I think not!

  13. NewFormatSux says:

    17 days for Perkel to be proved correct:

    “Does anyone really think that by the end of this year Trump won’t become bored with his little political stunt and crawl back to his casinos to find something else to amuse him? Are we that dumb? Apparently – yes we are. And isn’t that just a little sad?”

    • noname says:

      anti-republicans love Trump, rightly so!

    • NewFormatSux says:

      In Marc’s defense, perhaps Trump’s plan was to drop out, but he didn’t realize just how popular he would be. His attempts to say stupid things to lower his numbers just made him more popular.

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    How many people here at Dvorak are going to accept they fell for one of the “biggest Pinocchios of 2015”, as declared by the Washington Post’s fact-checker?


    Or will they continue to believe ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’?

  15. Hmeyers says:


    If you want to see something screwy that demostrates the political takeover of “Dukes and Lords”.

    Look over the list of Democratic Senators and count the number of Jewish Senators. It’s shockingly high.

    (And if you want some comedy, also note that much of the conservative media is Jewish. Matt Drudge, Breitbart (rip), Michael Savage, Mark Levin. )

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I assume you mean disproportionate to their population percentage?

      Yes, the Jewish Person is raised in a culture of reading, writing, talking and arguing.

      ……..Congress….? Oh Yeah…. they love money too, but that doesn’t distinguish them from anyone else.

      Smoke em if you got em.

  16. dave m brewer says:

    They found Jerry Garcia!

  17. Martin says:

    What’s the world coming to when people question the following:

    • Clock boy clearly deserves $15 million in compensation. He does, he meet with the President to prove it.
    • “Hands up don’t shoot” really did happen that way. The Gentle Giant did steal and was respectful to the police. Jesse Jackson will tell you.
    • Neil and Buzz didn’t land on the Moon. Really, it was all filmed in Utah at Dugway Proving Grounds.
    • Vaccinations cause serious health problems & don’t prevent serious diseases. Seriously, and any Playboy Bunny or Hollywood starlet will tell you ’cause they know for sure.

  18. John Galtus says:

    This interviewer has marbles in his mouth and it is obvious that this is a fake because he takes 10 minutes to ask “why?” This is crap. Secrets like this are TOO BIG to KEEP……………..


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