
In a surreal scene, a swarm of local and national media entered the apartment where San Bernardino shooters Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik lived after the landlord tore off a piece of plywood that was blocking the door. One MSNBC reporter was seen examining items left on the suspects’ desk, at one point picking up a child-rearing book. CNN journalists described seeing driver’s licenses, social security cards and shredded documents inside the residence. A group of photographers zeroed in on a pile of papers that were laid out on a bed.

It appeared that members of the public were inside the apartment as well. One man lingered holding a large soda. A child was seen wandering throughout the home. Another opened the refrigerator and peered inside.

When Mashable reached out to the FBI while the scene was simultaneously unfolding on live television, a spokesperson seemed shocked when asked if the public was allowed to enter the apartment.

“I do not believe so, but I can check,” she said around 9:30 a.m. PT. “My understanding is it is still an ongoing investigation.”

An hour later, Lourdes Arocho, spokesperson for the FBI Los Angeles field office, told Mashable: “The search is over at that location.” When pressed for further comment, she repeated the statement and referred to a press conference scheduled for 11 a.m. PT.

Two days after the massacre and they’re already done with the crime scene? They don’t bother to collect the passports, drivers licenses, and social security cards? And people wonder why conspiracy theorists abound.

  1. Hmeyers says:

    The media in this country sucks.

    The government is astonishingly bad.

    It’s government by the government, for the government. And their main concern is government rights (surveillance, right to do anything they want).

    It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

    What’s the department of Homeland security do?

    A $100+ billion/yr agency was created to stop this stuff in advance, they certainly know who has traveled abroad and they spy on social media.

    Awesome government!

    • noname says:

      “The media in this country sucks.”

      Is like saying capitalism sucks!

      If you are being consistent (doubt any Repukaton could ever be consistent) you are also saying media in other countries (countries that are less capitalistic than “we the people”) is better!

      Media should only care about the shareholders! Every good capitalistic Repukaton has been preaching this since Reagan played with monkeys.

      The only criteria that can matter, did the media break the law? Did the media cross the labeled “CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS” police tape!!

      Be consistent people and stop crying like babies when the people you vote for, people you vote for, the dollar bill you worship and invest with the ethics you believe in, is shown wrong again and again and again and again and again and again!!!!

      Don’t ask the media the to change when all they are doing is what you told them to do (as evident from people you vote for, the dollar bill you worship and invest with the ethics you believe in)!!!

      • Hmeyers says:

        No clue who you are talking to.

        Obviously it isn’t me.

      • McCullough says:

        Yeah, I am confused as well. Maybe noname should get another chance to explain.

        Here’s your chance.

        • noname says:

          Explain what?

        • Hmeyers says:

          Maybe he just needed to get that off his chest and couldn’t find

          An anti-corporate screed can be a healthy thing.

          I hate them too. And I hate NAFTA and I hate TPP. And I hate interstate banking. And I hate too “big to fail”. And I hate multinational corporations being able to contribute to political funds (a multinational corp isn’t American).

          Well, I guess I’ll just say “Thank you for sharing”, noname.

          • noname says:

            Yea I am a bit of a contrarian & holdout, not wanting to join in with the mindless herd or thinking life is a spectators sport. I don’t’ claim to be always right or care to seek agreement with the mob, just trying the best I know how to understand the larger/true scope of things and may clumsily step on people’s toes in the process.

  2. Hmeyers says:

    Media reaction:

    1) Get excited about a mass shooting. Start “gun laws” conversation.

    2) Then they find out the guy is a Muslim. The media panics. You knew the guy was a Muslim when they knew things about the attacker, but wouldn’t talk about the details.

    3) Media, still panicked, desperately hopes and prays for it to be workplace violence story.

    4) Media invests time insulting people offering their prayers for the victims.

    5) Media has nothing to say once guy is discovered to be an ISIS loving fruitcake.

    Best media ever!

    6) Media breaks into apartment.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Let me fix your otherwise very funny rant:

      4) Media invests time insulting POLITICIANS offering NOTHING EXCEPT their prayers for the victims.

      • Hmeyers says:

        First, I do happen to think praying is “overrated” but then again I’m not exactly religious (at all) so that naturally follows.

        But why insult people on a day that something bad happened?

        As best I can tell, the media just exists to attack everyday people. It’s crazy.

        Note: Contrary to what you said, no there are actually instances of reporters insulting people offering their prayers on Twitter, etc. At least one that I have seen via a link.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          First, I do happen to think praying is “overrated” but then again I’m not exactly religious (at all) so that naturally follows. /// Overrated as in worse than worthless? I agree.

          But why insult people on a day that something bad happened? /// Its the most appropriate time, it gets their attention, with a Mass Murder on average of more than one per day now……when else?

          As best I can tell, the media just exists to attack everyday people. It’s crazy. /// Gee…. and I put politician IN CAPS so you could see it. I guess I need a longer pole axe.

          Note: Contrary to what you said, no there are actually instances of reporters insulting people offering their prayers on Twitter, etc. At least one that I have seen via a link. /// Only idiots use twitter. That would be most reporters, but HM…..I’m surprised at you.

          • Hmeyers says:

            re: Praying “Overrated as in worse than worthless? I agree.”

            The universe is a mystery.

            I may not particularly believe in religion, but I am a mere ape creature living on a rock.

            My thoughts on religion don’t have any bearing on the universe.

            Maybe there is a creator, maybe the universe is a simulation.

            I’m humble enough to know my meager human limits.

            I do not know the answers to inner mysteries of the universe.

            Pride and hubris is the #1 flaw in man.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            So is false humility.

            Be Ape: Be Proud.

            Mock (privately if you must) all those (Gods included) who would put themselves above you.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Bobbo, humans are special in that we can learn and improve ourselves and discipline ourselves, obviously.

            There are 4 major traps to human thinking:

            1) Need to “fit in”. i.e. social media. i.e. lowest common denominator thoughts and group think.

            2) The “I like what you are saying, therefore it is true” trap. If the news is what you want to hear, there is a tendency to believe it.

            3) The “ivory tower intellectual”, educated and intelligent, gets lazy and advocates ideas that don’t work in practice.

            4) The “successful person/popular person/celebrity”. A successful person at X, thinks this transfers to his/her opinions on Y or Z.

            Humility is the solution to 2 of the above, people are not good at it and it requires constant practice.

            Science, for example, is the opposite of the above.

            Science is vigilance and the recognition that no “facts” are beyond question.

          • IM72 says:

            Overrated as in worse than worthless? I agree. /// How could you possibly know? Only spiritual people who have had positive results from their prayers know what a ridiculous statement that is. You have made it abundantly clear on this blog, bobbo, that you are anything but spiritual.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            IM–thanks for noticing. Makes me feel Ape Proud.

            You are totally confusing very distinct issues because the concept of prayer is in each.

            But, prove me wrong: what has prayer done to reduce homicide by guns in the USA over the past 50 years? Or do you mean the prayers for those who have died and gone to heaven? Or do you mean prayers for those who have been injured and gone into bankruptcy from the medical bills?

            What kind of worthless prayer are you thinking about????

      • aslightlycrankygeek says:

        To be fair, government action, especially with gun control, has been shown to make the situation worse. I have read studies that show prayer makes a statistically significant positive impact, and studies that show it makes not statistically significant impact.

        So worst case, prayer does nothing but government intervention makes the situation worse.

    • jpfitz says:

      Insulting people with prayer is the SOP when faced with an uncontrollable crisis. Don’t hold All of the Law enforcement agencies or media outlets at fault.

      Prayer helps only the person saying the prayer. The placebo effect.

  3. Manny says:

    If it weren’t for conspiracy “theorists” we would have zero critical thinking.

    Leave it to the dumbed down public, and we are doomed.

  4. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Obviously responding to HM’s immediately previous post, lets parse:

    noname says:
    12/4/2015 at 3:22 pm

    “The media in this country sucks.” /// Well, no one disagrees there.

    Is like saying capitalism sucks! //// No…this is much more evident with much less offsetting benefits.

    If you are being consistent (doubt any Repukaton could ever be consistent) you are also saying media in other countries (countries that are less capitalistic than “we the people”) is better! /// HM made no sense reference, so this idea is coming completely from yourself. Revealing I think, that freedom of the press, its effectiveness in rooting out public and private corruption, and the main driver of economic success are not closely correlated, much less causally connected.

    Media should only care about the shareholders! Every good capitalistic Repukaton has been preaching this since Reagan played with monkeys. /// Sarcasm is never a good mix. Can only assume what criticism you are making.

    The only criteria that can matter, did the media break the law? Did the media cross the labeled “CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS” police tape!! /// Its the very function of the media to “break the law” when the people are served as a result. You reveal yourself to be quite the little rule follower and not a lover of FREEEEEEEEEEEEDOM and its valiant warriors: the pens, scribes, and public howlers of our sainted media. ((See how sarcasm doesn’t work?))

    Be consistent people and stop crying like babies when the people you vote for, people you vote for, the dollar bill you worship and invest with the ethics you believe in, is shown wrong again and again and again and again and again and again!!!! //// Invest? What kind of dilettante provocateur enfant are you?

    Don’t ask the media the to change when all they are doing is what you told them to do (as evident from people you vote for, the dollar bill you worship and invest with the ethics you believe in)!!! //// Dear Media: please remember what the First Amendment, The Fourth Estate, and the Nobel Prize are all about.

    Hmmmm, IN CONCLUSION: a response to HMeyers that somehow fell on its face and indeed only announces the concerns of no name. No name….no connection….no good ideas. Even a bad rant.

    …………and so it goes.

    • Hmeyers says:

      I mostly find it funny that the media panics when they discover the guy is Islamic.

      The Ministry of Truth (1984 reference there) doesn’t know what to do when it isn’t the kind of story they like.

      So instead of report the news, they withhold the fact the dude was Islamic.

      I occasionally pulled up CNN’s web page to see how long they’d refuse to report that news. It was about 6 hours and then their headline was “Why did he do it?” or some such garbage, attempting a “workplace violence” angle.

      Obviously, that didn’t work out considering the guy had bombs. It was clearly premeditated.

      Which is part of the reason one of the best news sources is the BBC, which is UK. They aren’t part of US political party machinery and they just say what is going on.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        I find Russia TV to be quite good….50% of the time even when reporting on Russia. Fun to see the bias play out, and when you hear the same bias in USA news, it really does become obvious.

        Having high biased news ON BOTH SIDES OF THE QUESTION often will show the truth more than a biased presentation of both sides by only one side.

        Lots of good documentaries on how much life sucks in Russia too. I wonder if they recognize that or just accept it as how else would it be?

        • noname says:

          boo boo (a scholar you’re not!)

          Averaging adversarial/biased accounts is a mistaken & dumb means of epistemology and epistemologically stupid way of determining the truth!

          Truth is indeed additive and can sum up to wisdom, however; deceits and lies are not “subtractive” as you suppose! We don’t live and a 2 dimensional, black and white world as George Bush would have you believe.

          Instead, we live in a 4 dimensional world (10 dimensions if you like string theory) where lies and deceits don’t just point 180° from the truth and adding these two different “truth directions” (either both “truth directions” are wrong & biased or one is a direction of “true truth” and one still of deceit) is more likely to misled you off in another wrong direction!

          Boo boo, all your rants, bogus “//” analysis & ravings just confirms that!

          In fact your method of summing up (weighing) deceits and lies from different sources that you claim to know & understand their “bias” is a very bogus means of obtaining truth!

          To know a lie, you first have to know the truth. You don’t get too truth through lies, as you are proposing! Instead, you get to bigger truths only by building on smaller truths!

          Unfortunately, our science agnostic & dumb legal system and the media regularly finds out “the true truth” years and years later after the truth-obscuring & the “popular likable liar(s)” moves on, enabling the ever present empirical evidence and science to battle back and show how stupid & dumb the popular likable liar(s) are!

          Your time is better spend looking for truth and listening to it when found then claiming “weighing lies” produces truth!

          • Hmeyers says:

            What is a concrete real-life example of one of these “likable liars” that you are complaining about?

          • noname says:

            There is a gazillion more:

            Connick v. Thompson
            The case involved a former condemned inmate named John Thompson who was railroaded to Louisiana’s death row where he spent 18 years in prison, 14 of those on death row for a murder that he did not commit, because a New Orleans assistant district attorney lied and cheated.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Corruption in New Orleans in the 1980s? No surprises there.

            What does this have to do with the media, corporations or even the federal government or politics?

          • noname says:

            Hum, you are really a sheltered and credulous something. You got what you asked for: “a concrete real-life example” but like a demanding brat, it’s still not enough.

            Well here is some federal government or politics stuff and maybe you’re still wet in the diapers to remember back to 1992 when Dateline NBC reported on GM trucks catching fire after side-impact accidents with a videotape of a staged accident/fire while not showing how they stuck explosives to the GM truck to produce a fire with a side-impact.

            I suggest if you don’t like my examples and want examples you like, read a book or something! Try and learn something!

          • Hmeyers says:

            What does 1992 Dateline NBC gas tanks on a GM truck have to do with 2015?

          • noname says:

            You’re asking, so tell me genius what does your random question(s) have to do with anything?

          • Hmeyers says:

            Dude, you make no sense.

          • noname says:

            I have no doubt everything makes no sense to you; given, your silly childish vacuous question(s), essentially asking what does yesterday have to do with today…

            Plus you’re plain butt face hypocritical, implying my referencing events in 1992 (yesterday essentially) have no bearing on today (2015)!

            Earlier you selectively referenced a 1949 book “Nineteen Eighty-Four” regarding “The Ministry of Truth”. If I was dilettante enfant like you, I would have asked what does a 1949 book “Nineteen Eighty-Four have to do with 2015?

            Good luck finding someone to tutor you, enlighten you and do your critical thinking.

          • Hmeyers says:


            Ah! You must be that guy that got moderated the other day.

            Well, knock yourself out with the insults or whatever.

            I’ll even let you have the “last words”.

          • noname says:

            Considered yourself tutored.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            No Sense–I never said to average anything. Thats what the weighing the pros and cons is all about. Disturbing you can say the words, but not apply them?

            The cases you referenced are about fact specific circumstances resolving a dispute between two people. 1984 is about the THEME of an intrusive over controlling gubment. Two very different things.

            someone needs some tutoring.

          • noname says:

            Boo boo, always talking out of both sides of your mouth. No wonder you’re ever confused.

            Where does the tutoring begin…..?

            Boo boo said “The cases “I” referenced are about … resolving a dispute between two people.”

            I say B.S., but; I’ll leave it to our resident DU dullard Boo boo to prove me wrong.

            Boo boo name the specific two people involved in the dispute between NBC and GM?

            Do you believe the enormous dispute about the Pentagon Papers I referenced was a limited dispute between two people, Daniel Ellsberg and a specific person as you say in our “intrusive over controlling gubment”?

            Speaking of WAR, (Since I am tutoring dunces here; I know Boo boo and Hmeyers will still get hung up, because; I did not say the word WAR before, but the pentagon is close enough when speaking of WAR) what is the first casualty of WAR?

            For our dullards, the cases I referenced are about lies & lying which makes them broadly about gaining power (to win) and control (markets, profits, people,).

            So yes, George Orwell fictional novel, 1984 about a super-state in a world of perpetual war with its omnipresent government surveillance and public manipulation and dictated by a political system sounds very relevant to what happened in real world events today and yesterday, like in 1971 with the “Pentagon Papers”, in early 2003 how the Media Fueled the War in Iraq and today how this massive omnipresent government surveillance can’t even think to put up labeled “CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS” police tape, ….

            Where does the fiction end and reality begin?

            Class over…

          • Hmeyers says:

            Bobbo, as far I can tell he has a list of conspiracies.

            Ok, fine. I can buy that.

            But he doesn’t:
            1) define any causes and effects
            2) here is problem X due to evidence Y
            3) or solution X to solve problem Y

            Then proceeds to call me names for not being able to intelligently communicate whatever it is he is thinking.

            And gets mad because I asked.

            I don’t mind a “heated argument”, but I sure like to know what we arguing about!!!

            And he either doesn’t know or won’t tell me!

          • noname says:

            Ah yes, the resident hypocrite, Hmeyers.

            I am sure you already crying, srry dude!

            Hmeyers, please show the crowd, if you can where you defined:
            1) define any causes and effects
            2) here is problem X due to evidence Y
            3) or solution X to solve problem Y

            You show me yours, and I’ll reshow you mine!

          • noname says:

            Hey Hmeyers moron,

            Conspiracies are by definition about cause and effect; else it’s not a conspiracy!

            You’re just that dumb; you can’t even understand your own arguments!

            Also too, I am not showing conspiracies, I am showing actual factual events, news accounts. What you have shown are fictional stories.

            Show me my list of conspiracy, you dumbass!

            It seems you are lost in your own stories and tin foil hat conspiracies.

            Ever the hypocrite, Hmeyers and so lost in you confusions and delusions.

            So again I ask, Hmeyers, please show the crowd, if you can where you defined:
            1) Define any causes and effects
            2) Here is problem X due to evidence Y
            3) Or solutions X to solve problem Y

            You show me yours, and I’ll reshow you mine!

            I’ll even show you my proposed solution since you are really, really that dumb, you don’t see it!!

          • Hmeyers says:

            Thank you for sharing!

        • noname says:

          sure, np.

          Don’t mind giving an education!

  5. B. Dog says:

    If the Onion scribes find a Pratt & Whitney PW4070/4090 turbofan engine in there they’ll have a good start to a story.

    • noname says:

      What, really, are you really suggesting a highly esteemed Tech Blog like Dvorak Uncensored should blog about something techy like “Pratt & Whitney PW4070/4090 turbofan engine”?

      Between Dvorak benign neglect, McCullough “esquire magazine” like topics, Uncle Dave politics, Marc Perkel’s insistence of the “Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster” or Elon Mush worship do you occasionally get something maybe techy from Eideard.

  6. Dum-Dum says:

    Hey! It’s (y)our government — AT WORK! And you PAID for it too (with your brain-dead UNINFORMED voting)!!!

    What surprises me is how this is so shocking to ANYONE!

    • Hmeyers says:

      Nobody is paying for it. What’s the debt these days? $19 trillion.

      Money is imaginary. Give it a few years and the government will be $96 trillion in the hole.

      It’s all monopoly money.

      • noname says:

        “It’s all monopoly money.” no doubt you believe that!

        Wouldn’t surprise anyone if you told the bank and people you owe the same thing!

        • jpfitz says:

          The Treasury has the power to ‘print’ (or ‘unprint’) fiat money, or “monopoly” money.

          • noname says:

            If you say so and your store clerk doesn’t test your “cash” with a Counterfeit Money Detector Pen?

            Me, I don’t trust people who give me a White $1 or Pink $5 or Yellow $10 ….

          • Hmeyers says:

            The United States is almost the only country in the world that just pull money out of thin air and not get inflation/hyper-inflation.

            The EU countries can’t do this, as an example, because of the common currency. If a country like Peru tried this, they would have a currency crisis and hyper-inflation.

            “noname” actually provides the example of why this works. He has faith in the currency.

            If enough people believe the currency is worth something, then it works.

  7. Hmeyers says:

    @Bobbo — although this wasn’t directed to me, putting it here as to not derail the above:

    “But, prove me wrong: what has prayer done to reduce homicide by guns in the USA over the past 50 years? Or do you mean the prayers for those who have died and gone to heaven? Or do you mean prayers for those who have been injured and gone into bankruptcy from the medical bills?”

    Bobbo, have you considered the possibility that life is “internal experience” and not an “external experience”.

    Chinese philosophers, for instance, focus on life as a personal spiritual growth and that through hard work and reflection, one can obtain wisdom.

    You approach the topic of religion through the lens of Western civilization. Eastern religions aren’t about worldly things, as an example.

    Eastern religions view life more as a journey, not a destination.

    So one possible answer would be “praying for money” or “praying for a god to save us from ourselves” would be very crude things and unenlightened to pray for.

    What possible “god” would “save people from themselves”? Wouldn’t that “god” think that perhaps those people instead would need to find the wisdom to improve themselves so they aren’t doing that to themselves?

    • Hmeyers says:

      Shorter version:

      Decent religions teach people to master themselves.

      • jpfitz says:

        Hm, very true and important statement.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Decent religions don’t teach people to pray.

        • Hmeyers says:

          “Decent religions don’t teach people to pray.”

          This is why I’ve come to believe to atheism is just the fundamentalist form nihilism.

          And nihilism is the most depressing religion.

          It’s the belief that everything is futile.

          And that humans are the center of the universe.

          And the goal of nihilism is to spread to this sickness to everyone and make everyone depressed.

          People with no dreams and no hope are easy to control.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Hmeyers says:
            12/8/2015 at 12:16 pm

            “Decent religions don’t teach people to pray.”

            This is why I’ve come to believe to atheism is just the fundamentalist form nihilism. /// My, my, THAT is quite an ass backward leap to the irrelevant. Decent religions that don’t teach people to pray are those Eastern Religions you waxed so eloquently about just previously. What happened? Surely you can find some middle ground between alternating irrelevant extremes?

            And nihilism is the most depressing religion. /// Is every discipline of philosophy a religion to you? Define Religion. You really are being rather silly. something upsetting you??? I hope not. Life is hard enough.

            It’s the belief that everything is futile. /// Define futile. Its tricky. Nothing is futile in the short term, everything is futile in the long term. Trying and failing is not futile. All very definitional. Only futile if you are indeed a follower of the Abrahamic Religion and believe everything is predestined. Free will being the inconsistent trope to keep the contributions coming in.

            And that humans are the center of the universe. //// Not aware that was still a thing to think. Very ignorant, regardless of any other beliefs.

            And the goal of nihilism is to spread to this sickness to everyone and make everyone depressed. /// so…..nibilism….. has a goal? Ha, ha. How oxymoronic of you.

            People with no dreams and no hope are easy to control. /// Or not. You know HM, even simple minded people are more complicated than the application of one or two labels.

            You are being very silly.

          • jpfitz says:

            Do you mean fundamental as in being a moralistic nihilist? I could see the argument. If laws were in place And held to the true blind justice, not interfering with peoples way of life.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Tim–excellent comment. Sadly, I know virtually nothing about Tibetan Prayer Wheels or even Buddhism they are a part of?

            I suspect though that putting your mantra into a wheel and having the wind spin it around isn’t exactly the same kind of praying in the Abrahamic vision of things.

            And not at all like playing the slots???

  8. Hmeyers says:

    “so…..nihilism….. has a goal? Ha, ha. How oxymoronic of you.”

    Nihilism doesn’t have a goal.

    But when practiced by ape creatures known as humans, the practice of it takes on human flaws.

    Specifically: “misery loves company”.

    So atheists generally spend all their time throwing stones at others beliefs.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      The opposite of what you say.


      Just words.

      Read a dictionary.

      • Hmeyers says:

        It’s not like that I said “literally throwing stones”.

        /Bobbo creatively closes the poisonous/toxic subplot.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Nothing poisonous about stating the obvious.

          Are you taking a creative writing class at the local community college??

          You have taken a turn towards word play, ideas, deconstruction…and so forth.

          Good to see.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Hey jp

            I used to be REALLY sarcastic. Took some time to recognize the hostility it revealed in other people….. ie…. women.

            What I learned to stay away from in women, I recognized was true for me as well.

            So much better to be: ironic. close cousin, just a little bit more thinking can transform most sarcastic instincts into something more humorous.

            I take your offer of prayers as being more ironic===unless you did meant to be sarcastic??

            “Where did I put that bigger dictionary?”

          • jpfitz says:

            bobbo…you’re right, ironic was meaning. I had sarcasm on the brain from a comment above, maybe a brain fart. Getting older by the minute.

            You will like this video if you haven’t seen it.


          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Virtual Reality will be mainstream by next year. totally immersive and I can be inside that rocket on my way to the stars.

            Glad I don’t get headaches.

          • jpfitz says:

            Strap on those goggles and gloves, tilt your seat back and gotta have that low end bass rumble.

            Save up your dollars for a ride to orbit with the Russians. The Ruble is nose diving.

  9. Hugh Mayle says:

    Human history often has been broken down into “ages”. I am of course referring to the stone age, bronze age, iron age timeline.
    I believe that the modern day age will be referred to by future historians as the “false flag attack age”.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Our current age is the Anthropocene and the elimination of almost on life on Earth we are bringing.*

      *absent hooge changes, not yet even contemplated, making the die off even more secured.

  10. Moose Candy says:

    Is DU closed for the holidays?

    Is Wally World open?


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