
A black graduate of Kean University in New Jersey was accused on Tuesday of fabricating threats on Twitter against black staff members and students that led officials to heighten security on campus, the authorities said. Prosecutors say Ms. McKelvey is a self-proclaimed activist who made the threats on Nov. 17 during a rally on racial issues at the Union campus. Midway through the demonstration, prosecutors said, she left and went to a university library, where she created an anonymous Twitter account. After posting several threats, Ms. McKelvey returned to the rally, where she told others about the threats, but did not say she had made them, according to Ms. Park.

The messages were posted under the account @keanuagainstblk. Twitter suspended the account, but according to screen shots of the messages circulated on social media, one made reference to a bomb on campus, while others were about shooting black people on campus. The president of Kean University, Dawood Farahi, addressed the investigation during a program at the campus student center on Monday. In prepared remarks, he said the university was “saddened” to learn that the person responsible for the threat had been a participant in the rally and a former student.The school had remained open after the threats were made, but many students chose to stay home. Some people began to call for Dr. Farahi to resign, saying he was not doing enough to calm racial tensions on campus.

Isn’t this the definition of of a Terrorist?

  1. Kiwini says:

    “Isn’t this the definition of of a Terrorist?”

    No, as most terrorists are a lot smarter than this slitch ever will be. Her behavior’s a far better fit for the current definition of hipster liberalism.

    Her skin color is not an issue, but her attitude is.

  2. NewFormatSux says:

    The same is true of pretty much every hate crime on campus. The perpetrators should be punished equally.

    • ± says:

      Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. You believe there is such a thing as a “hate crime”. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.

  3. Eddie says:

    So much for “The internet enables the common man to publish.”

  4. Semantic says:

    Niggers will be niggers.

    • Show Stopper says:

      Ah, currently the most powerful word in the American language!

      A guaranteed career-ending utterance when publicly used by white people.

      Fast-acting and more potent than any poison!

  5. The Yellow Kid says:

    To say it’s “terrorism” is a bit much. Yes, it is technically terrorism since the intent was clearly to terrorize. But to say it’s “terrorism” goes too far since it tends to conjure visions of some moronic bomb-strapped AK-47 toting piece of human shit bent on mowing down as many people as possible in one fell swoop. This is more like civil stupidity. And where better to demonstrate one’s stupidity? That’s right, COLLEGE! Where stupidity runs rampant not only in students but also in faculty. (Pssst! That’s the same place that also turns out our yearly crop of lazy gossip mongering so called journalists too!)

  6. Hmeyers says:

    This isn’t terrorism, it’s a dumb lady.

    Terrorism the what happened in France when 120 people were killed with guns. In a country where guns are illegal.

    Or the 15 people shot today in California, by Muslim whackjobs.

    No if a gun law didn’t protect France from terrorism, a gun law isn’t going to stop a Muslim terrorist in the United States either.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:


      • Hmeyers says:

        You know what my conclusion is. It’s the exact some one you think on this topic, if I recall.

        People from terrorist nations don’t need to be immigrating here.

  7. jerry says:

    It’s fraud. The woman is a fraudster.


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