And that pretty much sums it up.

  1. IM72 says:

    These is the funniest videos I’ve seen in a long time. The “Bad Lip Reading” folks are extremely talented for sure.

  2. noname says:

    A couple decades ago, this would have been lambasted for being childish and immature.

    Now days this stuff is the rave.

    I guess people either were more serious and stuck up years ago or the public and their Politicians have progressively devolved into mobocracy and infantile entertainment

    • ± says:

      Awwwww, didjer favorite D/R come out looking like smacked ass?

      • noname says:

        Sad, you can’t even make up your silly little Nazi mind, “favorite D/R”!

        It seems that’s the best anyone can expect of little Hitler; when all Herr Fuhrer know is shit!

        Let’s see if the little dummkopf will try again, “”!

        Maybe your fav companion(s) will help?

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    I’m cursed.

    The stupid song mouse wee-wee is going to be with me for a long time.

  4. SchwettyBalls says:

    When I read this title in Feedly my brain saw “Having Fun With Diabetes”. I clicked on it and was disappointed.

  5. jpfitz says:

    Nice find McCullough. Bernie’s elongated ahh… was hilarious.
    So what equation or thought was summed up by the videos? hehe

  6. jpfitz says:

    Here is a minute video for aircraft/motorsports enthusiasts to enjoy.

    Round and round we go.

  7. Well at least someone has a sense of humor regarding these bozos during out times of trial, troubles evil and stupidity
    Lord help us all though

    • Carl says:


      It seems you’re at the wrong party. The global warming – end of the world religious fanatics are at the thread above.

  8. Molly says:

    This is hilarious! Finally something good came of these elections. I get nervous every time I see the news, from now on I won’t 😉 It is too bad I watched this at work – couldn’t stay serious. 🙂

  9. It can be said that life is one big debate
    So much for diversity
    Yet on these college football teams its all one colour and yet another on NHL hockey teams
    What gives in 2015 ?
    One big game none the less

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