1. Blog Whisperer says:

    Biden: “Hmmm, nice hat.”

    Boner: “Please God, I need a drink.”

  2. Mike says:

    Catholic school memories flooding in.

  3. Jay EM says:

    Please Marco (Rubio) stop… you are making me cry too!

  4. Billy Connolly says:

    …it made a tortured ‘ripping’ sound — like cloth tearing … My eyes began to water…

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    Eideard temporarily takes the Speaker’s chair.

  6. jpfitz says:

    Jesze Chrisee!!! My beloved Pope now wears a Kippah. Sob, sob. Sob, sob all day long.

  7. Barry says:

    “I call on corporate America to help save the environment, even if it means slightly less money for share holders.”

  8. admfubar says:

    “I’d like to add you to my LinkedIn network”

  9. KC says:

    I can’t wait to kiss the ring!

  10. David D says:

    The spitting cobra (mic) misses the pope and gets Boehner right in the eyes…

  11. Mr Diesel - No more bush in the White House, Hillary's or Jeb says:

    He was crying because he was going to resign today, effective the end of October.

    That is great news everyone that didn’t like the spineless asshole.

  12. NewFormatSux says:

    Boehner weeps as he realizes Joe Biden is memorizing the speech to use on the campaign trail, just as he used Bobby Kennedy’s.

  13. TZ says:

    Pokémon Panic (1997)

    Benjamin Radford challenged earlier theories of photosensitive epilepsy, with the outbreak of nausea and seizures that affected 12,000 children while watching “Dennō Senshi Porygon”, an episode of the Pokémon cartoon.

    He had a Popemon Panic!

    Antidote is in The Twilight Zone.

    ‘The quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.’ Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, but applicable to any moment in time, to any group of soldiery, to any nation on the face of the Earth – or, as in this case, to the Twilight Zone.

  14. Peepee La pew says:

    “The Pope told me to vote Democratic..I had to Resign or face Damnation”

  15. Mortimer snerd says:

    Well, He has figured he has done about all he can do to This president in his term..so might just as well call it a day!

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    Latin American Pope, The Camp of the Saints was right!

  17. Full Afterburners says:

    “Joe, what did you have for lunch? Stop with the burritos or I swear I’ll resign.”

    “(Sorry Pope Francis for Uncle Joe and using the word “swear”)”

  18. Yuk says:

    HEAR no evil (Biden),
    SPEAK no evil (Pope),
    SEE no evil (Boehner)…

    … Have no fun (Obama).

  19. Rick Perry's Favorite Hemorrhoid says:

    It looks like somebody just poped their pants.

  20. TZ says:

    Caption: The Speaker as”Lucifer Sam”-Pope Brings the House Down

    Lucifer Sam, siam cat
    Always sitting by your side
    Always by your side
    That cat’s something I can’t explain

    Jennifer Gentle you’re a witch
    You’re the left side
    He’s the right side
    Oh no!
    That cat’s something I can’t explain

    “Unfortunately, only the first of these is a reality (though this post on Noisey surely makes the latter seem tantalizingly feasible). The Pope, now also known as the next “it” musician who’s gotten shout-outs from Pitchfork and Rolling Stone, has just announced the November 27 release of a “prog rock infused album,” titled Wake Up! It is “Vatican approved,” which probably means Pope Francis won’t be singing about not “need[ing] no education” or being “mad for f//king years” like his prog rock peers, Pink Floyd.”

    Mr. Fitzgerald Fortune, theater critic and cynic at large, on his way to a birthday party. If he knew what is in store for him he probably wouldn’t go, because before this evening is over that cranky old piano is going to play “Those Piano Roll Blues” with some effects that could happen only in the Twilight Zone.

  21. TZ says:

    “The Spock”
    (The World’s Only Church of Star Trek)

    A few miles south of Lynchburg in Campbell County sits a large and attractive octagonal building which is home to one of most unique churches in the world. Founded in 1977, “The Spock,” as the church is called, is the world’s only church of Star Trek, a religion centered on the popular 1960’s television series featuring the adventures of a crew of interstellar explorers. “The Spock” promotes beliefs associated with one of the popular characters in the TV series, Mr. Spock, who was from a peace-loving race of aliens known as “Vulcans.” The ideology of the church is centered on so-called Vulcan philosophy which includes the belief in pure “logic” and which emphasizes a lifestyle devoid of emotion. A huge stained-glass likeness of the church’s namesake is featured in the sanctuary, where churchgoers recite sequences of dialogue from the series and participate in what they call a “Holy Mind Meld.”

    Caption: Pure Emotion! Speaker of another era.
    To the wishes that come true, to the strange, mystic strength of the human animal, who can take a wishful dream and give it a dimension of its own. To Barbara Jean Trenton, movie queen of another era, who has changed the blank tomb of an empty projection screen into a private world. It can happen in the Twilight Zone.

  22. TZ says:

    Caption: Great Speaker Poor Listener

    Uniquely American institution known as the neighborhood bar. Reading left to right are Mr. Anthony O’Toole, proprietor, who waters his drinks like geraniums but who stands foursquare for peace and quiet and for booths for ladies. This is Mr. Joseph J. Callahan, an unregistered bookie, whose entire life is any sporting event with two sides and a set of odds. His idea of a meeting at the summit is any dialogue between a catcher and a pitcher with more than one man on base. And this animated citizen is every anonymous bettor who ever dropped rent money on a horse race, a prize fight, or a floating crap game, and who took out his frustrations and his insolvency on any vulnerable fellow barstool companion within arm’s and fist’s reach. And this is Mr. Luther Dingle, a vacuum cleaner salesman whose volume of business is roughly that of a valet at a hobo convention. He’s a consummate failure in almost everything but is a good listener and has a prominent jaw. And these two unseen gentlemen are visitors from outer space. They are about to alter the destiny of Luther Dingle by leaving him a legacy, the kind you can’t hardly find no more. In just a moment, a sad-faced perennial punching bag, who missed even the caboose of life’s gravy train, will take a short constitutional into that most unpredicable region that we refer to as The Twilight Zone.

    [Are you ASKING to be banned – ed.]

  23. Frank Uber says:

    The church can longer be seen as openly sanctioning nor protecting pedophiles.

  24. NewFormatSux says:

    Pope makes a rally for religious freedom when the media is not around to cover it much. Wonder if Obama will agree with this?

  25. Spanky McFartland says:

    Boehner: “I can’t stop laughing! Did you hear him say climate chung?”

  26. Darla Hoodie says:

    Boehner: “Oh crap! We just got word that Billy Graham and Tammy Faye Bakker are insisting on receiving equal time to speak before Congress.”

  27. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Thought cloud above Biden: “I’m just a heartbeat away from becoming pope.”

  28. Somebody says:

    A liar, a friar and a crier


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