
It’s a MIRACLE! The Donald!

The longer you stare at it the more it looks like him.

  1. Hmeyers says:

    Ever since Trump went down to Alabama and spoke with the true believers, the Good Lord smiles down upon him.

    For the next several months, instead of finding Jesus on your piece of toast it will be The Donald.

  2. Beaver Master says:

    That`s priceless..some go to Grauman’s Chinese Theater to place their footprints in the cement. Not Trump. He plants his mug in a tub of butter..

  3. Mr Diesel - No more bush in the White House, Hillary's or Jeb says:

    If Trump is still in it when it comes time to vote, he’ll get mine.

    I’d vote for anyone who is not a career politician whether his face is in a tub of butter or not.

    As for Carly, I have a different use for the butter and her little butt.

  4. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Wha???? All I see are hemorrhoids.

    ……………..OH!………I get it. Nevermind.

    but speaking of the Republican Base Voter………………

    • Hmeyers says:

      Trump has successfully neutralized the unsavory element of the Republican voter base.

      It’s astonishing. I didn’t even know it could be done.

      Idiot Glenn Beck is blowing a fuse.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        How do you get that HM?

        People cheering for vacuous nonsense does not alter the savor of a dish, nor an electorate.

        Its just Bread and Circus….todays version: jobs and Anti Mexican/Poor rhetoric with nothing behind it.

        We all do have legitimate complaints regarding our Pols and the Media: BUT====> what to do about it?

        I think Biden/Warren is the only legitimate hope “because” Warren would get Biden to limit the CRUSH corporations currently have on our society (and its values).

        If Biden has any desire at all to run… he should. He has two large bites at the apple: the fear that Clinton will crash and burn….and the fact that she actually will. All over the email gate.

        Like Trump: it could happen, but odds against it. But it still could.

        ………… its the “pragmatism” of my other handle.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Look, if it’s Trump vs. Biden — I’d be satisfied with either one.

          Things that aren’t issues in a Trump campaign:

          1) Gay marriage
          2) Abortion
          3) Creationism
          4) Birth control and other stupid things

          Trump is just about jobs and immigration.

          The religious nuts are entirely shut out.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            You’re that anti-religion huh?

            I “could be” but I’m not MOSTLY because most religious types are hypocrits about their faith (Sundays Only for 1-2 hours==out of sight and irrelevant)…so they wind up acting about like everyone else.

            They get played every 2-4 years for their votes BUT get nothing for it except lip service….. “just like everyone else.”

            Yep…….pretty shitty state of affairs.

  5. valley girl says:

    Ohmagaud! that’s, like, totally serinderpitudinal. gross me out and gag me with a spoon.

    • bobbo, we think with words but gag with bad ideas says:

      Tits up: “…. gag me with a spoonfull of maggots.”

  6. Tim Post says:

    Seems that Trump’s people were listening to you on Sunday’s podcast when you suggested that interpersonal conflict is the “oxygen” that feeds reality TV.

    Trump’s tweets today re: Megyn Kelly are fanning the flames of conflict and keeping everyone talking about all things Trump. “At the end of the day” …isn’t that the point of post-modern politics (i.e. reality TV)?

    Enjoying the show from over here in Russia!

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Reality is fractionated into at least 394 facets, eg: reality tv, tweets, politics. Each on different, connected, overlapping with all the others. Each participant in one tends to think that is the “only” reality…even as they hop from one to another.

      Short memories.

  7. Mike says:

    I miss John Dvorak…

    • noname says:

      Did you check your butter tub?

      I sometimes fantasize John Dvorak is covered in butter! Don’t leave me John, don’t go….

      Personally, I think the butter looks more like SpongeBob SquarePants!

      Maybe that it, Donald Trump is SpongeBob out of water?

      The movie ‘Sponge Out Of Water’ is using stunt doubles for convenience and so Donald can campaign and report for Jury Duty!

  8. Crude Dude says:

    I always knew that tub of shit was YELLOW! Thanks for the proof.

  9. Frannie says:

    And now guys – just spot 7 differences 😀 I wonder whether it was like this from the get-go or did someone tweaked it a little bit.
    Anyhow I am ROTFLing now, thanks

  10. Hmeyers says:


    >”You’re that anti-religion huh? I “could
    >be” but I’m not MOSTLY because most
    >religious types are hypocrits”

    I’m not anti-religion. Until you try to force it on me or others.

    1) Gay marriage. Sheesh, leave gay people alone — I don’t think gay people are the source of problems in this country. Thank God for the Supreme Court ruling by a conservative court. Go draw cartoons of Muhammed or something if you are that bored.

    2) Abortion. Ok, abortion is horrible. So you blame the fucking PROVIDER (Planned Parenthood)? If Planned Parenthood disappeared tomorrow, the hundreds of thousands of the poorest, dumbest, beyond hope people will still have sex.

    3) Contraception? So religious nuts are against abortion, contraception and sex education. Fucking brilliant!

    4) Creationism. Fine. Science should have to continually prove itself, that’s why it is science and what makes science worth having.

    But until a creationist scientist can draft up a list of evidence supporting the claims, it shouldn’t be in a science class but a civics class or something.

    Freedom of religion and separation of Church and State mean something.

    You are free to practice your own beliefs; others are free to follow theirs.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Hmeyers keeping that ember of rationality just above a state of final extinction says:
      8/27/2015 at 3:34 am


      >”You’re that anti-religion huh? I “could
      >be” but I’m not MOSTLY because most
      >religious types are hypocrits”

      I’m not anti-religion. Until you try to force it on me or others. /// Thats what almost all of them do. You give a list of issues of their current efforts. PAY ATTENTION: your best self is close to the mark.

      1) Gay marriage. Sheesh, leave gay people alone — I don’t think gay people are the source of problems in this country. Thank God for the Supreme Court ruling by a conservative court. Go draw cartoons of Muhammed or something if you are that bored. // Yep.

      2) Abortion. Ok, abortion is horrible. /// No it isn’t…showing that religion has “gotten to you” even if you don’t recognize its DOGMA has become your moral view. Abortion is a tool to an end. You have to analyze the end, not the tool. LOTS of innocent actual people are sacrificed for various reasons/ends all the time…all much more immoral than fetal death in the womb.

      So you blame the fucking PROVIDER (Planned Parenthood)? If Planned Parenthood disappeared tomorrow, the hundreds of thousands of the poorest, dumbest, beyond hope people will still have sex. // Yep.

      3) Contraception? So religious nuts are against abortion, contraception and sex education. Fucking brilliant! /// Most absolutist positions are a minority view.

      4) Creationism. Fine. Science should have to continually prove itself, /// some ambiguity there, but to have any meaning at all science has to build on a base and then make progress. AGAIN===you reveal “religious mode of thinking” that doesn’t help you at all. If YOU want to disprove/(offer a better theory) for any settled science, then go ahead. I prefer science not go over settled ground until a competing theory shows its worth.

      that’s why it is science and what makes science worth having. /// If you mean always subject to being superceded by a BETTER THEORY, as opposed to mindless disagreement, I agree.

      But until a creationist scientist can draft up a list of evidence supporting the claims, it shouldn’t be in a science class but a civics class or something. /// Well…. I think they do, but the “theory” CONNECTING the evidence to anything outside the natural world just never stands up.

      Freedom of religion and separation of Church and State mean something. /// I agree. Most ironic the religious stooges continuously attack the very FREEEEEEEEDOM that keeps their nutball positions in place.

      You are free to practice your own beliefs; others are free to follow theirs. /// Exactly so….Freedom of Religion does not include the right to force your religion on others.

      Well HM. Nothing but common sense. Do I recall in my quite read that sadly you fail in your next post?

  11. Hmeyers says:

    Consequentially — man-made global warming is nearly as worthless as creationism. The typical global warming debate is circular logic

    Creationist Argument:
    — Skeptic: Prove it.
    — Creationist: “God say so”.

    Manmade Global Warming
    — Skeptic: Prove it.
    — AGW nut: “97% of scientists think so”
    — Skeptic: “No they don’t. Prove that.”
    — AGW nut: “I heard it on the radio.”

    The Man-made global warming argument never has any evidence, just wild goose chases with fictitious numbers.

    No amount of discussion with an AGW nut ever gets to any hard science, just crap someone in the media said.

    Meanwhile, the climate change deniers spout equally daft stuff.

    It’s like a tornado of nonsense arguing with each other.

    The funny thing is there is the possibility of man-made global warming, we certain emit a lot of CO2. But no mechanism has successfully linked the trace amounts of CO2 (1 in 2500 atmospheric composition) to something that could account for such a heavy effect. There is a lot more argon in the atmosphere than CO2 — 23 times as much! — and there is hardly any argon in the atmosphere at all.

  12. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    Hmeyers urinating on his nearly out ember of sanity says:
    8/27/2015 at 3:46 am

    Consequentially — man-made global warming is nearly as worthless as creationism. /// No…. they are polar opposites. AGW is SCIENCE, creationism is a fraudulent attempt to sell religion as science.

    The typical global warming debate is circular logic //// Ha, ha… well…. THAT might be true….. when the debate is engaged by indisciplined minds with too little grounding in SCIENCE…… as all too often presented in this very Forum…. by yourself and too many others.

    Creationist Argument:
    — Skeptic: Prove it.
    — Creationist: “God say so”. /// Simplistic as stated above but it catches the beginning and end point, so I’ll let it go.

    Manmade Global Warming
    — Skeptic: Prove it.
    — AGW SCIENCE: Such a proposition cannot be “proven” as such. Science can only investigate the elements of the theory that can be proven and propose the best theory available all as maximally “probably” true according to the predictability of the theory.

    The Man-made global warming argument never has any evidence, just wild goose chases with fictitious numbers. /// World wide ice coverage is shrinking, the oceans keep rising, the average temps keep going up. How is this not evidence?

    No amount of discussion with an AGW nut ever gets to any hard science, just crap someone in the media said. /// Not true. See the immediate above.

    Meanwhile, the climate change deniers spout equally daft stuff. /// Yes, sadly, as you demonstrate here.

    It’s like a tornado of nonsense arguing with each other. /// No…science actually does ((AS ALWAYS)) provide the best if not the ONLY WAY to understand the world around us.

    The funny thing is there is the possibility of man-made global warming, we certain emit a lot of CO2. But no mechanism has successfully linked the trace amounts of CO2 (1 in 2500 atmospheric composition) to something that could account for such a heavy effect. /// Simply not true. They have “tented” acerages of land and compared heat retention and effects with different co2 and other gas levels. THATS WHY CO2 is called………………………….. wait for it …………… A FRICKING GREEN HOUSE GAS. While this is “common sense proof” of the concept, SCIENCE has stricter standards and does not “religiously” apply the small scale limited test to the entire Earth…. and there is no identical Earth on which to run the experiment. There are close analogies….. other planets… that demonstrate exactly the GREENHOUSE EFFECT…but thats not proof. Same with prior climate conditions of planet Earth: common sense proof, but not SCIENTIFIC proof.

    There is a lot more argon in the atmosphere than CO2 — 23 times as much! — and there is hardly any argon in the atmosphere at all. //// Astoundingly stupid thing to say. I give you a grade of: Fail.

    • Hmeyers says:

      “World wide ice coverage is shrinking, the oceans keep rising, the average temps keep going up. How is this not evidence?”

      Evidence of what? That the temperatures are rising?

      No shit.

      What’s that got to do with the manmade global warming issue?

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        The ONLY identified variable possibly capable of increasing temps is…………………increasing levels of co2. That increasing level of co2 comes from burning coal and oil….not volcanoes or belching whales.

        MAN BURNING COAL AND OIL. === all other known variables have been taken into account….. best I can recall….. without man made co2, we would indeed be in a cold spell.

        So, as the SCIENCE DENIERS like to vomit: a little warming is good for us….but not the levels we have already set in place to be experienced.

    • Hmeyers says:

      “There is a lot more argon in the atmosphere than CO2 — 23 times as much! — and there is hardly any argon in the atmosphere at all. //// Astoundingly stupid thing to say. I give you a grade of: Fail.”

      Uh? That isn’t my opinion, Bobbo.

      There is 23 times as much argon in the atmosphere as CO2.

      If you can prove “me” wrong on this, scientists across the world will give you a Nobel prize.

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        The opinion I’m responding to by accurately calling it Astoundingly Stupid is the notion you think the level of argon is relevant to the issue. It isn’t.

        You already pulled your pants down to the floor with also correctly stating that there was more water vapor in the air—-AND that it is a more powerful green house gas. How come you haven’t repeated that piece of shit argument again? IS IT POSSIBLE….you can learn, point by point?

        I don’t know about Argon….think its an inert gas, but I don’t know if that means it is or isn’t a green house gas but since its not in the popular literture, I do assume its irrelevant.

        Why not talk about methane? You know…23 times more powerful than co2???? There are much better stupid arguments than Argon!

        Ha, ha. What a stooge.

  13. Peppeddu says:

    Butt face?

  14. I heard someone say that if their dog was as ugly as Donald Trump they’d shave it’s butt and teach it to walk backwards

  15. JAK says:

    I’ve never seen butter in a tub,that’s margarine or some other oil based spread. Just like Trump,he is not what you think he is.

  16. Der Kommissar says:

    Dairy industry hires The Onion to tell ‘The Udder Truth’
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel‎ – 15 Aug 2015
    Dairy Management Inc., a farmer-funded dairy promotions organization, has partnered with The Onion to produce some funny, edgy material …

    It’s the Udder Trump!

  17. Der Kommissar says:

    There were two mice who fell into a vat of cream. The one mouse died. The other mouse fought and churned that cream into butter and walked out of that vat. Which is Trumps catch me if you can strategy.

  18. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    Busting the Busters: I went back and read the comments that I think are correct. The experiment doesn’t prove global warming at all for the various reasons given. But it does “prove” one thing that is a piece of the equation.

    Do you grok?


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