
Another day, another argument that a flag must come down. Today’s target is a bit surprising — the POW/MIA flag that flies from government buildings, honoring the hundreds of Americans still missing and unaccounted for in Vietnam. Writing in the pages of Newsweek, a very angry Rick Perlstein is simply not having it, declaring, “That damned flag: It’s a shroud. It smothers the complexity, the reality, of what really happened in Vietnam.” In fact, he claims the entire emphasis on American missing and POW’s was nothing but a political trick designed to detract from alleged American deceptions and war crimes.perlstein-master180

It’s not common to see a leftist still carrying the torch for the Viet Cong and the NVA, but it’s a useful reminder of the rage that beats within some leftist hearts, a rage that can even take a symbol meant to honor and remind Americans of the undeniable fact that there are — in fact — men who are missing in Vietnam, men we can’t account for an may never be found, and turn it into a symbol of — you guessed it — racism. Never mind that Americans were dying to defend people of the exact same race as the enemies they fought. Never mind that families fly the flag to remind their neighbors of their sacrifice, and our nation flies it to remind citizens of the men of courage who fought a deadly Communist enemy. It’s not a battle flag, nor is it a flag of conquest. It’s a flag of remembrance.

Are we ever going to get past this nonsense? I heard a talk show host yesterday proposing that the term “Democrat” needs to be abandoned because of the democrats long history of racism. Yeah, it’s as stupid as it sounds…or is it?. Can’t these people find something better to do with their lives?

  1. spsffan says:

    The star bellied flag is the best on the beaches.

  2. NewFormatSux says:

    No, they can’t find anything better to do. Constantly complaining about race is what they feel is needed to win elections. Ezra Klein to Journolist, when the Democrats were having a bad news day,” Call somebody a racist. Fred Barnes, whoever.”

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

      You mean like what made/makes Trump a headliner? ….. and let me save you the obvious retort: all the other Pukes agree.

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

    ?Never mind that Americans were dying to defend people of the exact same race as the enemies they fought. ? //// Vietnam was fought to prevent Chinese hegemony and likely occupation of SEA. We lied to Uncle Ho, subverted democratically elected leaders, lead a coup to bring in the Military. ….. etc ad naseum.

    Its popular right now to say the Iraq war is our largest foreign blunder….. bu t it was Vietnam. More than Korea. WW2 was a good war, WW1 was just OK. Civil War was Horrendous in its stupidity but probably had to be done.

    War………….what is it good for??? Well, in rare cases, to protect Liberty……….but it is……….rare.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

    ……..and btw…….all flags/symbols cover/shroud the complexity of whatever.

    Silly Hoomans.

  5. jpfitz says:

    I had the rectangular stickers on my bedroom walls, that was a terrible war. I watched the news almost everyday so I could get news about the space missions. Back then video footage of firefights and rescues was aired and I saw a lot. Every day there was a counting of the wounded and killed including missing in action.

    Today…people, try to make noise over sensitive icons/flags. Just to gain attention for their fifteen minutes.

    I have a neighbor down the block flying the stars and stripes and the pow/mia, I can’t remember when the flags weren’t there.

  6. Der Kommissar says:

    -foreword to The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom, 1987…
    In the greatest confusion there is still an open channel to the soul. It may be difficult to find because by midlife it is overgrown, and some of the wildest thickets that surround it grow out of what we describe as our education. But the channel is always there, and it is our business to keep it open, to have access to the deepest part of ourselves. (Saul Bellow)

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

      Yep….so many Lefties are Looney. So far…… we have a total of: one. I guess that number mounts up if you love amassing outrages and you are stuck on stupid.

      The Left and the Right….we both have our nut cases. Big difference: on the Left, they aren’t in charge of our largest political party.

      Ha, ha…..sucks to be you.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

        Well, the above comment was supposed to be a new post, not in response to yours.

        For you: yep….you still get out of an education (work, marriage, every life experience) what you put in.

        Dear Old Dad ruined the college experience for me. He said: “Your job is to learn in spite of the teachers, not because of them.” That man was a killjoy.

      • Hmeyers says:

        “Big difference: on the Left, they aren’t in charge of our largest political party.”

        You will have the opportunity to find out.

        First debate set for October 13th for 2 reasons:
        1) To give Hillary time to complete her crash and burn.
        2) To give time for Biden to finish his August vacation with his family and probably enter race.

        But if Biden doesn’t enter race …

        Are they really going to let Bernie win?

        It presents serious problems:
        1) Bernie is anti-corporate and the Democrat bigwigs love Wall Street and bankers.
        2) Bernie is against open borders because it drives down wages.

        I’m not sure they will let him win.

        Trump on the other hand — who isn’t taking lobbyist or special interest money because he doesn’t need it —holds the “run as independent” card to hold the Republican elites hostage.

        The Washington types have tried to nail Trump several times.

        Bernie hasn’t been targeted by the Washington types in the Democratic Party because watching “Too Big To Fail” Hillary Clinton head towards collapse has them extremely confused.

        But just watch — they won’t let Bernie win by default.

        • Ah_Yea says:

          Yea, you’re right. Great analysis!

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

          HM and ON==……………….”focus”………….

          If you are within the framework of this comment, then you are saying that Bernie is a nutcase BUT THEN you say he won’t win which means: you agree with what I posted. Was that your intent or is there a slight disconnect somewhere?

          For your comment to be responsive, you have to argue that Bernie is a nut case and he will win………or that Billary is.

          I don’t know Bernies position on many important issues, but roughly, I agree with everything he is otherwise well known/reported on. Universal Health Care===you may disagree with that position, but those who support it are not nut cases. Same with reasonable Gun Control. Same with reasonable responses to cutting carbon …….etc……down the list. ===all close enough to what Billiary runs on. But I do agree with your continued analysis of Bernies no chance to win and the looming possibility Billiary will fail in her nominating run to make room for Biden. “If” she doesn’t drop out from the drip drip of Servergate and what that reveals about her transparency and honesty========then she will WIN. Winning is about………………….$$$$$$$$… and organization that she alone has. Time I suppose for Biden to catch up……..but tempus fugit.

          If you can, for my information, Name the advocated position that Bernie holds that makes him a nutter.

          ………and Oh_No==thanks to you as well for your anti-Puke/pro-Dumbo support.

        • MikeN says:

          He’s already backtracked and OKd an open border with Mexico.

  7. Eddie says:

    I think somebody needs to have a serious talk with Rickie.

  8. mojo says:

    This guy could do commercials for Schmuck Express.

  9. Bob says:

    Mr. Perlstein; Sally Jessy Raphael called. She wants her glasses back.

  10. Better READ than BLEW! says:

    When all else fails, especially reason, cry RACISM (or sexism)! It’s the new black!

    … Or was that orange, green, pink, red, blue, yellow? Anything but white. I can’t keep up with these stupid color associations. Can we just accept BROWN for all this political human SHIT?! (No. I’m not Canadian.)

    But seriously. Let them have their flag even if it’s made up of stars and bars — or even a swastika! Because if you can’t let your freak flag flow then what the hell is all this FREEDOM about anyway?! All anyone of REASON is saying is don’t allow the government salute it unless it’s ‘Ol Glory or a State flag. How hard is this to understand? (It’s a rhetorical question that needs no answer to those of you who simply “don’t get it”.)

  11. MikeN says:

    I don’t know who’s creepier, this guy or Larry Lessig.


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