I hope he’s serious but I can’t help to think that anyone who knows me is automatically disqualified as being a serious candidate. But he is in the news. Larry is famous for quite a few things including Creative Commons, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and various clean money campaigns. Here’s a link to a Washington Post article about it. I would definitely vote for Larry if I get the chance to.

Another think about Larry Lessig. In 2008 he was the only person I ever met who knew who Obama was before 2004.

  1. McCullough says:

    Why not, this pre-election circus is nothing but a joke anyway.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

    Ha, ha…..Marc….keep the force close to you.

    I’ve always admire LL every time I’ve heard him talk (new and youtube).

    Anything interesting in how you met or info exchanged?

  3. Hmeyers says:

    Copyright and intellectual property reform would be a good thing.

  4. noname says:


  5. MikeN says:

    He looks like a bad guy from The Walking Dead.

    I think he’s the guy who wasted millions of dollars on political advertising and all his guys lost.

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    Sounds like he is an outsider, like Trump and that is why The Donald appeals to so many people.

    Any of the current top 10 would make infinitely better presidents than Hillary.

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

    He was just on Morning Joe.

    His idea is to run on one idea only and if elected that would provide a mandate. He says what everyone knows: $$ is corrupting our politics and governing. Solution: have the gubment give each citizen a voucher that they can give candidates to turn into money to run for office. This will remove the pandering/fraud involved in candidates selling their offices to the already too rich.

    Once this legislation is passed, he will step aside.

    Sounds like a loser to me. He will run based on his VP becoming president, but who will vote for a guy that will accept second banana?

    SOooooo, being political, seems to me he is running in actuality to get the o the other candidates, or the system, to adopt his suggestion. But then, as he said, his issue will be only one of 10 the candidates ran on: therefore no mandate, and the already too rich continue to run our country…….into the ground.

    As usual….. good idea….. no implementation.

    A certain gravity.

    ……….I don’t think Hillary is going to make it. Too much bad press from her drip drip drip email server BS. Poetic Justice worthy of Hollywood. She could have walked into the Whitehouse, but she was just too manipulative to get there.

    Silly Hoomans.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      You were so close, but didn’t finish it.

      So now people upset about Citizens United, they are not going to vote for Hillary who is the #1 recipient of money.

      So Hillary gets Lessig to run and absorb some percentage 5-10 that is votes not going to Sanders or Warren or OMalley.

      Of course if the Dems are still using the proportional allocations, this isn’t as beneficial as it would be under the Republican rules, which would have given Hillary a win over Obama, might ironically deliver a win for Trump.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

        I don’t follow you towards the end, but it allows me to paraphrase a clever analysis LL gave re Citizens United that Money is not Speech. He analogized its like a lawyer giving a closing speech to the jury==HE IS NOT also giving each juror $100. I thought that was pretty dramatic comparison.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Hillary won Texas in 2008 but Obama ended up with more delegates. Under Republican rules it would have been 50 for Hillary and Obama 0.

          In 2012 Republicans were more like the Democratic allocation, which gave Rick Santorum a small chance. They changed the rules back to allow the frontrunner establishment guy to wrap things up quickly, with small pluralities in a number of early states, like McCain in 2008.
          Donald Trump may do exactly that.

        • MikeN says:

          You have a right to an attorney who will speak on your behalf. Now the government says you may not spend more than $200 for an attorney. Has you right been restricted?

    • Mr Diesel - No more bush in the White House, Hillary's or Jeb says:

      I just heard this morning that at least two of her e-mails were classified as higher than top secret. If this were a Republican the DOJ would have already perp walked her in front of every camera they could find (rightly so) fro breaking the law.

      Since Obomba is leaking crap about her to the media to help sink her campaign I can only hope that the asshole succeeds.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

        I understand they weren’t marked as TS … but to me thats all the more reason to use a gubment server.

        She is a liar and a crook who got caught. She should FRY for it. Leaving Biden to enter the race.

        Yep–every Dumbo still better than every Puke.

        Sucks to be you.

        • Mr Diesel - No more bush in the White House, Hillary's or Jeb says:

          All suck, I happen to believe the country will be better with a R in lieu of having a real Libertarian running.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

            How better….. and for whom?

            More wars, more deficit spending, more tax cuts that benefit the ALREADY TOO RICH, paid for by higher deficits and program cuts for the 95%.

            So…………better……. exactly how? I will agree with you if you reveal you are a billionaire (that enjoys cutting his own lawn……. it could happen!) and better means better for you.


        • Dummy says:

          It’s funny (sad, really) how you still hold on to your religious beliefs that all D’s are better than all R’s (or vice versa if your NOT our loud mouth troll calling itself Bobbo).

          Never mind the ingredients in your store-bought brownies just so long as the LABEL is correct. You’re such a LEMMING!

          … And you call yourself a anti-theist Atheist. That’s a good one!

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

            Its not a religious belief. I look at every candidate and rank them. Its only been about 12 years that EVERY dumbo is on top of EVERY Puke.

            Every Puke will threaten and most vote to shut down the gubment if they can’t get their red meat issue agreed to by a MAJORITY OF AMERICANS.

            So….I take my 2-3-4 issues of main concern, and the Pukes are all against 1-2-3 or 4 of them while the Dumbos will support one or more.

            If that was YOUR analysis, how would you characterize Dumbo’s vs Pukes?

            I call myself an Anti-Theist because it supercedes what an Atheist is…although I am that as well.

            Gain some credibility yourself: is there any dumbo you would vote for rather than any of the Pukes?


  8. Marc Perkel says:

    If Larry wins then me and Snowden will be the Whitehouse IT guys.


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