How to turn a Liberal candidate against your cause. Where was security to drag these morons off the stage? Too afraid to offend….LMAO

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Why didn’t this idiot have any security?

    “We’re trying to be reasonable”… “We aren’t reasonable!!”

    True liberalism.

    • sgt_doom says:

      Because it wasn’t his event, it was for the anniversary of Social Security, at his later event at the University of Washington, there were no staged interruptions by Sarah Palin supporters, whose Black-American parents are Tea Partiers, and these two young female fools are religious zealots, etc.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Really scary. Three”Activist” (two women and one really big guy) jump on stage, stand next to a Presidential Candidate, take over the event, and make demands.

    And no one, but no one, is there to stop them. Didn’t learn from Gabby Giffords??

    Sanders is such an idiot that he must never, ever, get close to the White House.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

      “You must respeck mah authoratay!”

      What a Jack Boot.

    • sgt_doom says:

      Sen. Sanders was one of the guest speakers, that wasn’t his event (it was on the anniversary of Social Security).

      At HIS event at the University of Washington, there were no disruptions.

      A similar staged event took place during Netroots.

      Again, evidently there is either an extreme rightwing BLM or these two have coopted the local BLM (Sarah Palin supporters, so what did you expect?)!

  3. McCullough says:

    Imagine if they did this to Hillary, she would have them all killed. And she could do it just by using her eyes…….ah those eyes.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      How would protesters get past the rope used to keep reporters close to her like little children at a theme park?

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

    Well……..I just googled (blm bernie sanders) and figured out blm is Black Lives Matter and not Bureau of Land Management.

    Ha, ha…..quite fitting. It really is blm and not “all lives matter.” Its hard being an old white guy….. ya know???

    So the balance, as opposed to the Oh_No Kneejerk: I support what they did. How many decades do you put up with your perceived group being murdered by cops before disrupting polite society is approriate?

    As to no guards being called in immediately—thats what happens when you value FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SPEECH. Right Wing Fascist Thugs……need not apply.

    • The Blog Whisperer says:

      WANTED: Left-Wing Fascists thugs to shut down anything offensive to them.


      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

        Well done……… but I’ll do more than quibble. The significant issue here is that they are NOT THUGS but rather victims of the New Jim Crow where WHITE CITIES to gain revenue sic cops on the poor black community to generate revenue from them killing WAY to many in the process.

        There is a great injustice going on here that being polite does not address.

        Being Whitey….I do think most of the cases I’ve seen involve Blacks being too uppity……..but too many also involve totally innocent people that are in fact MURDERED by cops, ON VIDEO, and the cop walks free.

        After the Media and the Courts and the City Gubment fails you…………….what would you do?

    • sgt_doom says:

      See, fools will fall for anything.

      One of those morons has already copped to admitting she supported Sarah Palin for president, her (black) parents are Tea Partiers, and she is a religious zealot!

      Next stupid comment, please . . .

      • McCullough says:

        OK, while you’re theory is compelling (if a little whacko), you don’t cite any reference. If you want to be taken seriously….show me something.

  5. MikeN says:

    They should just just shoot a few of the BLM people and that’ll solve that problem. Their lives don’t matter since they aren’t black.

  6. MikeN says:

    Michael Brown, we were told was shot in the back while he had his hands up and saying ‘don’t shoot’. Totally false story, he rushed the cop.

    TrayVon Martin was a little kid who was shot for walking around with Skittles. Totally false, he attacked George Zimmerman.

    Eric Garner supposedly killed by racist cops. Totally false, process was supervised by a black cop, and they followed procedure for someone resisting arrest, he was just in bad health.

    In Baltimore, they made up a story of cops killing a guy in custody, ignoring that he deliberately hurt himself. Unlike the other false stories told by media liberals. here the prosecutor participated in this false narrative, making up statements that his knife was legal, and ignoring that she was behind the request for more policing in the area and instead declaring it to be a low crime area.

    Now we have the media running with ‘Police shoot protestor at one year anniversary of Ferguson’ making light of or ignoring that the guy shot at the cops.

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

    Fairly, while everything is based on what we have READ from various sources with potential various bias:

    Michael Brown, we were told was shot in the back while he had his hands up and saying ‘don’t shoot’. Totally false story, he rushed the cop. /// I never saw shot in the back…sounds to me like you are “personally” embellishing the story. In my view….even if he rushed the cop, cops should be trained to shoot to injure when the suspect is KNOWN to be unarmed. Its bad police protocol at issue here.

    TrayVon Martin was a little kid who was shot for walking around with Skittles. Totally false, he attacked George Zimmerman. /// I totally agree.

    Eric Garner supposedly killed by racist cops. Totally false, process was supervised by a black cop, and they followed procedure for someone resisting arrest, he was just in bad health. /// Black cop demonstrates the problem rather than negates it. They VIOLATED POLICE PROCEDURE by using a choke hold……… a situation that did not require arrest….a mere citation should have been the process.

    In Baltimore, they made up a story of cops killing a guy in custody, ignoring that he deliberately hurt himself. /// The other arrestee hypothecated that. In custody…. you should not be able to deliberately hurt yourself. More cop negligence if that actually happened……. which I doubt. People in general don’t h urt themselves….at least not by breaking their own necks.

    Unlike the other false stories told by media liberals. here the prosecutor participated in this false narrative, making up statements that his knife was legal, and ignoring that she was behind the request for more policing in the area and instead declaring it to be a low crime area. //// ……whatever.

    Now we have the media running with ‘Police shoot protestor at one year anniversary of Ferguson’ making light of or ignoring that the guy shot at the cops. /// I haven’t seen that one yet. I thought cops got caught up in two gangs of black thug gangs shooting at one another? As a Jack Boot Thug, you lack credibility

    You know whitey….. I view the Blacks as our canaries in the coal mine. It won’t be long before we all get treated the same by these for profit self interested blue wall of silence thugs. I think the MAJORITY of cops do an acceptable Job, a bit fewer when in fear of their lives having to interact with minority communities, but its RARE for any of them from the street to the Supreme Court to enforce the law much less COMMON DECENCY, against their fellow officers. Its Us against them…..which is cops against us.

    Wise up. aka==what do you expect from people when over a 100 IQ fail to meet the intelligence needs of this para military trained, equipped, and promoted subset of humanity?

    • Hmeyers says:

      Look up John Crawford.

      Then watch the video of him being approached by police and immediately shot.

      From behind.

      In a Walmart.

      And he didn’t do a damn thing and was a decent guy.

      • Mr Diesel - No more bush in the White House, Hillary's or Jeb says:

        He was shot for not following the order to put the gun down.

        Decent guys get shot for doing stupid things. Sad part of life.

        The anniversary was this week and three groups protested:

        Open Carry Advocates
        Family at the Dayton Courthouse Square

        Funny, the Open Carry people supported his stupid position to be walking around swinging a gun in the store. A sensible person would call 911 and report the aberrant behavior…oh wait, they did. Not swinging it around anymore is he?

        BLM had a “die in” but they had to lay down in the parking lot because Walmart (rightly so) closed the store before the asshats could trash the store.

  8. MikeN says:

    This group also likes to go in to high priced restaurants and start yelling at the patrons.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Isn’t that how you do social activism the right way?

      Or do you prefer the “set Ferguson, Missouri on fire” method?

      Oh dear, someone got inconvenienced in a restaurant? How terrible!

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Probably not a good idea to irritate people who have are holding knives and forks.

  9. MikeN says:

    At a Democratic presidential debate, the only one who took on the LaRouche protestors was Al Sharpton.
    Howard Dean at least baited them,’I believe he’s in jail.’

  10. Marc Pugner says:

    TIL: Whites are always wrong, no matter what. If they move into a poor neighborhood, they’re “gentrifying” it, but if they leave, its “white flight”.

    This is the catch-22 the left has made for whites and they wonder why whites don’t care.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and free speech advocate says:

      Close, but more accurately what I see is indeed whites blamed for white flight but with gentrification what I see is consideration for the blacks that have to move.

      While “everything” can be heard, its the balance that is telling. That, and the truth?

  11. OmegaProject says:


  12. Dummy says:

    THIS is what happens when you fail to discipline your CHILDREN! Eventually, they grow older.

    I’m sure these 2 idiots thought it was their right or something to speak and SOMEONE ELSE’S event. Never mind all the planning and money it took. Never mind any manners, common courtesy or respect. Such typical liberals arrogantly thinking they know what’s best. It’s EXACTLY what I would expect a spoiled child would do.

    … And being female only adds to the arrogant rude behavior too. (Psssst! Women get away with this kind of bullshit all the time because, who’s going to spank them or physically clue them in to how they’re being complete assholes? Certainly not mommy or daddy.)

  13. Marc Pugner says:

    Another thought. If you can’t even control your own podium at your own campaign event, how the hell are you qualified to lead this country?

  14. Likes2LOL says:

    That screaming woman may have a shirt that reads BULLETPROOF, but with actions like that, #BlackLivesMatter activists are *shooting themselves* in their collective foot…

    They may accuse me of “erasing intersectionality,” but both MLK Jr. and I believe that #AllLivesMatter.

    • Mr Diesel - No more bush in the White House, Hillary's or Jeb says:

      It should read BULLETRESISTANT.

      Just requires a bigger bullet.

    • MikeN says:

      I wonder if they will be suicided like Milosevic.

  15. Mr Diesel - No more bush in the White House, Hillary's or Jeb says:

    I can’t figure out why the Bureau of Land Management is so radical all of the sudden.

  16. Rex says:

    Well I just lost respect for Bernie Sanders. The guy is a wimp. How can you expect him to fight for the American middle class when he won’t even take control of a microphone.

    • Hmeyers says:

      The old “he won’t seize the microphone” litmus test.

      Yes, this is the only way to assess a presidential candidate these days.

      In fact, voting guides should have this as the first item with a big red checkbox.

      Perhaps at debates, the moderators should grill the candidates on this issue.

      Perhaps the candidates should practice seizing the microphone as part of debate preparation.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        I’m surprised Bernie didn’t try to rape them with the microphone, since he wrote that that’s what women like.

  17. sdf says:

    Whoever did this, and for whatever reason, the way it went down ultimately killed any chance for Sanders.


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