Reading various articles where the FBI is probing to see if Hillary Clinton’s email was secure. It is definitely not secure. What blows my mind is that it’s not immediately obvious it is not.

Clinton uses MxLogic as a spam filtering service. Anyone can see this buy doing a simple lookup on her MX record.

dig mx


;; ANSWER SECTION: 7200 IN MX 10 7200 IN MX 10

All her email went through this spam filtering service where any employee who had access to the filtering system could read all her emails. I’m in the same business (yes – I’m jealous) and I could read any email that passes through my system if I wanted to. (But I’m still trying to read all my own emails first.)

I don’t know if there was anything classified or not. But I can say that if these emails we at all sensitive then they were exposed to MxLogic employees.

Was the material classified? I have no idea. Was the email secure? The answer isn’t just no, it’s Hell No!

I’m used to politicians lying to me but when they do I want the lie to at least be somewhat believable. That way I don’t look like a total idiot when I pretend to believe the lie.

But – having said that – she’s still better than all the Republicans running. And isn’t that just a little sad?

  1. Mr Diesel - No more bush in the White House, Hillary's or Jeb says:

    What did you expect from that lying bitch.

      • Elya Baskin says:

        That’s My Bush!

        That’s My Bush! is an American comedy television series that aired on Comedy Central from April 4 to May 23, 2001.Created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, best known for also creating South Park, the series centers on the fictitious personal life of President George W. Bush, as played by Timothy Bottoms. Carrie Quinn Dolin played Laura Bush, and Kurt Fuller played Karl Rove. Despite the political overtones, the show itself was actually a broad lampoon of American sitcoms, including lame jokes, a laugh track, and stock characters…

        … The entire idea behind the series was to parody sitcoms.!

        my fav episode:

        George tries to put Pun’kin, the Bush family cat to sleep, while Laura tries to improve her “downtown area” after mishearing George’s conversation… Assisted suicide.

        Laura goes to a holistic medicine man to cleanse herself of the self-perceived smelling of cheeze; She had her ‘persqueeter’ scrubbed out with pinecones and donkey fat…

    • Greg Allen says:

      >> What did you expect from that lying bitch.

      And then the conservatives act all confused when we accuse them of misogyny.

      • Phil A. Minion says:

        A lying bitch is a lying bitch, whats your effen problem? If it were a man we’d say lying bastard, is that misogynist?

        Cut the PC bullshit, its not even cute anymore.

        • bobbo, in point of fact says:

          Yeah….except no one says “lying bastard” (prove me wrong and link to its last use).

          …….but what is ironic is that lying bastard is also misogynist as a comment on the mother’s morals. ((and in point of fact, its probably the father who is most often the operant cause?)).

          So like a conservative. Can’t keep two ideas at once.

          Ha, ha.

          • McCullough says:

            Technically a bitch is a female dog. And dogs cannot lie. So it’s not misogynist at all.

          • bobbo, in point of fact says:

            So like a conservative. Can’t keep two ideas at once.

            If you have never lived in the English speaking world, any quick google of the word bitch will show multiple meanings including the one you give and the one at issue here.

            Thanks for demonstrating the point. On how many topics do you choose one of many interpretations and intentionally to the point of making yourself irrelevant, avoid the other plain and common usages?

            I’ll bet……. it has happened before?

            Live and learn…… or be like Pedro.

          • ± says:

            [ejaculated bobbo]
            “Yeah….except no one says “lying bastard” (prove me wrong and link to its last use).”

            Was letting this one slide until you became extra obnoxious. This is just the randomly picked 9th page of a google search on the term.


          • bobbo, in point of fact says:

            That was a softball wasn’t it?

            Ha, ha.

            Encouragement for those too timid to support their own positions.

            PM==whats your stance on whether or not “bitch” is misogynistic?

          • ± says:

            The word “bitch” isn’t inherently misogynistic. It depends how it is used.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Does Hillary calling someone a ‘fucking Jew bastard’ count?

          • bobbo, in point of fact says:

            Pulling teeth from a dead horse: ok PM, of course its universally true that words gain meaning from their context.


            Thats the mistake I made tossing off my comment. I was only thinking about more formal debate exchanges. where terms like bitch and bastard almost never appear. Now…. in gutter environments like blogs, or as linked to minority pressure groups looking for press coverage…yeah, the terms are used all the time.

            CONTEXT. Makes fools of us all…… mind the gap.

    • DonW says:

      Not much.

      And implementing security on the email server would have cost too much, and WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE.

  2. FED UP says:

    When will people understand that this bitch is INCOMPETENT?!

    Your first clue that Hillary is a moron should have been when Whitewater came up — BEFORE she or her lying cheating husband ever even went to Washington!

    But hey! If we can have criminal bankers fuck America right in the asshole without ever seeing the inside of a court room, why not criminal ATTORNEYS?!

    Is it starting to sink in yet? Are you moronic donkey worshipers starting to see a pattern yet?! Or would you prefer to see some more real life imitate fiction? Perhaps you’d prefer to see ANOTHER sequel of “The God Father Goes to Washington”?

    It’s no secret that politics runs on money and that ALL political parties will do whatever they can to get it. REMEMBER THAT! Now ask yourself just how stupid YOU are if you think a rich lawyer like Hillary has ANY answers that will help improve your miserable life? Is it because of what she says? When will you realize that HILLARY AND ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS HER ARE THE PROBLEM!!! Not that anyone ELSE will. But why keep trying the same solution that has PROVED it won’t work? It’s INSANE!

    When will people look at what these [incompetent corrupt] political lawyers DO instead of what they SAY?! We already know the press won’t — the press ALSO runs on money!!!

    • Greg Allen says:

      >> Hillary is a moron

      Yet, Hillary was Secretary of State and will be President while you rant on the internet with WAY TOO MANY CAPS!!!!

    • Ah_Yea says:

      Please don’t mistake being a moron for being entirely and completely corrupt.

      This whole episode highlights how corrupt Hillary and the Democratic apparatchiks are.

      • Phil A. Minion says:

        HEY, dont say chiks, its offensive and Greg might wet his panties.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden proved Hillary Clinton’s email was more secure than the government option.

    • Phil A. Minion says:

      HEY, it’s Chelsea Manning, I am so offended I will now have to boycott you for your insensitivity.

      See how this works dummy?

  4. Put Hillary out to pasture says:

    “But – having said that – she’s still better than all the Republicans.”

    “Better” in what measurable ways??

    You’re not just a blind partisan Democrat, are you?

    Do you like comrade Bernie or milk-toast Martin?

  5. Put Hillary out to pasture says:

    Oh yeah, and the “non-profit” Clinton Foundation is just a store front for laundering Hillary and Bill’s personal donations.

    H&B fly around the world, live large, and submit the receipts to the foundation.

    Gas up Airforce One. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

  6. Benjamin says:

    I am sure it is secure enough for some Dude Named Ben to handle his family’s email. It is not okay for government email that may be classified. You hsve to trust your spam filtering service. The government probably had a filter servicr staff by those with clearances.

  7. Likes2LOL says:

    Sonofabitch!! If ONLY Hillary had let Marc do her email, as he offered: Junk Email Filter Spam Blocking Service

    Listen to Dvorak praise Marc’s service:

    He may not be a classified fed, but at least he can keep a secret! 😉

  8. Bob223 says:

    I love the term they have come up with, they were not yet classified but “Confidential”…nice

  9. mojo says:

    Fuck Hillary. I’d vote for Trump before I’d give that crooked bitch the keys to the WH.

  10. bobbo, in point of fact says:

    I hate Hilary.

    But I’d still vote for her because the entire Puke Field is worse. Maybe not Kasich, don’t know enough about him…but my present image is he is just as bad with all the science/humanity denying BS the Pukes believe these days but he is politician enough that when he saw he was losing voter support, he modified his positions enough to regain popularity—I could be wrong. This means he would be a good/bad Presnedent depending on which way he decided to flip/flop…..whereas Hilary is a known wart.

    I WANT SOME CRUMBS FROM THE TABLE….while there is still some food up there. The Pukes are 100% sold out to the Already TOO RICH. The Dumbos, like Hilary, only 95% sold out.

    Thats the difference………..wise up silly hoomans.

  11. bobbo, in point of fact says:

    ± says:
    8/5/2015 at 4:04 pm

    Only when enuff people don’t vote for known evil (R/Ds) can a change possibly happen. But when sheeple¹ start voting third party it is probably too late.

    /////////// He with the curse of PM==sadly==they are all corrupt. Not at the beginning….. just by the time we know of them.

    Stop with the General BS: NAME the third Party candidate you think is so good? Or do you passively wait for them to be rejected by the Ds and Rs?

    Lets take your idiocy to its logical conclusion: don’t vote for any running candidate==WRITE IN your preference. Thats what a real man would do. Can you think of anyone other than yourself?

    Ha, ha. ………….whatta stooge.

    • Hmeyers says:

      It’s a outside possibility that both parties will have independents as their nominee.

      Trump isn’t actually a “Republican”, he’s the polar opposite of — for instance — Rick Santorum.

      And if your rank and file religious conservative had a brain — but they don’t — Trump makes Mitt Romney and his funny Mormon religion look like the Pope by comparison.

      But the rank and file Republicans who weren’t fond of Romney will gladly punch the ticket for Trump — never mind that Trump has had affairs (Marla Maples) and Romney was clean cut and didn’t even drink.

      But that’s the problem with the “right wing” — these are the same ass hats who will ban abortions AND condoms AND sex education!

      The the right-wing will trumpet the constitution and freedom of religion, meanwhile tell 2 gay people can’t get married because they get to impose their religious views on to gay people.

      Bernie Sanders — who probably would not end up being the nominee even if Hillary drops out because — isn’t really a Democrat (there’s probably a 70% alignment). He’s pro-gun and is not for open borders at all for starters.

      • bobbo, in point of fact says:

        I agree…except most “upstart”/odd/off center/independent/third party types don’t make it over the long haul. They aren’t group players and that has consequences both right and wrong.

        The Pukes just have a “natural base” that has been shrinking. They are in fact anti-science, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-minority. You know….no matter how close to God you are, the more anti’s that add up, the harder it is to win a national elections. Sucks to be a conservative.

        The Dumbos almost match this minority (in numbers) appeal with their lack of party discipline (thats what happens when you do have a larger tent) and their refusal to actually take their winning issues to the Pukes: eg Obama Care, the Environment, AGW, Wallstreet Fraud and so forth. They need to greatly focus on getting the vote out rather than appealing to those who have already decided.

        EG–if I were Hillary, I’d dump the millions she is spending right now on sending a team to Florida and to Ohio to smoke out the voter registration fraud that has cost the Dems several elections.

        Nuts and bolts stuff. What machine politics is all about rather than creating the latest twitter.

  12. Ingrid S says:

    Emails stored on some third party servers can never be secure. Binfer on the other hand bypasses cloud storage servers making it very safe to send secure email. Check it out:

  13. The Pirate says:

    If it’s fucked up, Hillary probably accomplished it.

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    OK, Marc. It is now known she sent classified information on the e-mails. Really classified doesn’t matter, as she is still in violation by holding the server. Any national defense information cannot be held like that.

    Beyond that, how do you know she was using this system at the time she was Secretary of State? She switched to Platte River in 2013.

    Granted, before that her server was being run by a guy with no experience in security.

  15. bobbo, in point of fact says:

    Doing CPR on this blog, expanding on this political thread: I thought Trump did “ok” last night but his continue attack on Megyn Kelly does demonstrate his self destructive lack of limits/decorum. “Disinvited” to the Conservative Event in….alabama or where ever it was. Very interesting. I wonder how much Fox news Domo’s are behind that???? Ha, ha.

    ………also, Looks to me Carly Fiorina has cemented her spot as VP candidate….. even the Pres if she is promoted within the Fox Conspiracy.

    Trump and Fiorina, both business people. Bobbonote: running a business is mostly not at all like running a gubment. Different skill sets and personality skills required. Business: screw everyone not with me (who does that sound like?), Politics: what deal can be made to make progress? (I know, rejected as not pure by the Teabags).

    Its all Infotainment …………………… for now.

    Hillary and Trump. Both so clearly not good for America. How long until the Public (sic) wises up? When will “fair and balanced” or “unbiased reporting” reveal these folks for the power hungry criminals and fools they be?

    You know?

  16. tom says:

    Geez, I wonder how much longer we can flog this dead email horse! If you dig deeper, you find that there were at least three different email servers and systems… Who knows which one was used when and for what… And regardless, it really is not THAT big of a deal anyway unless you are a conspiracy nut or tea partier…

  17. Bern Baby Bern says:

    Bernie Sanders is the only candidate not owned by the corporations. Donald Trump is a stalking horse working with Hillary.

  18. Dwight E. Howell says:

    Did she break the law? She didn’t turn over some email from a buddy about north Africa to the state department. She sent and received emails that contained confidential information from other governments and that is an automatic no no.

    If Obama’s people obey the law HC is going away for the next few hundred yrs but most likely not all that much is going to actually be done after all she’s one of the elite and Obama has proved many times he could care less about what the law says.

    Other people on the other hand are still doing time for far less.


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