“Trump for President” reminds me of the old Peanuts cartoons where Charlie Brown is trying to kick the football and Lucy promises over and over not to pull it away – but she always does. Trump has run, or almost run, for president in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and not he’s doing it again in 2016 and the news media is falling for it yet again.

Never mind his “Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers” nonsense. The real question is, “Are we really stupid enough to believe The Donald is actually running?” Does anyone really think that by the end of this year Trump won’t become bored with his little political stunt and crawl back to his casinos to find something else to amuse him? Are we that dumb? Apparently – yes we are. And isn’t that just a little sad?

  1. Hmeyers says:

    Trump is ok. My ideal candidate would be Michael Bloomberg.

    Hillary “Too Big To Fail” Clinton is fun to watch as she slowly and steadily erodes. Shittiest people skills on Earth *and* immense funding. Is a great example of “All The Kings Horses” won’t be able to get her to even win the Democratic nomination.

    If Biden enters the race, he’ll be the Democratic nominee and probably the next President of the United States. Sanders is ok, but Biden would smoke him.

    • Phil A. Minion says:

      Well somebody is definitely ‘smoking’ something here.

    • bytehead says:

      Wouldn’t that be Jeb! Bush, TBTF?

      Trump is the prototypical Republican. And that’s not really a good sign. Willie Horton could be running as the Democrat opponent, and Trump still couldn’t win. When Trump can’t beat a felon, you know you’ve got issues. He has pissed off all the Latinos, and is only unable to not piss off the straight white male (at least those that he hasn’t already pissed off…).

      I don’t see a Republican that exists right now that can win in 2016. The Republican that will win the Presidency will have turned his back on the Tea Party and everything it stands for. If you think I’m wrong, look at the Romney campaign. Obama was in a very weak place, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had lost. The trouble was, the extended primary campaign season meant that he couldn’t turn himself back back to being a moderate Republican in time for the general election. And hence, the truly moderate Republican was thought to be too outlandish to win.

      Biden is a) too old, and b) too gaffe ridden to think that he could beat Hillary, let alone win it all.

      Jeb! isn’t going to be able to pull it out of his hat, either, if he as the nominee. When the polls in Florida show either Hillary shellacking Jeb! or being statistically tied (in the error range), it doesn’t sound like he can manage to win Florida, and for the Republicans, Florida is a must win state. I don’t care how early it is, if Jeb! can’t show a sold lead in Florida NOW, it’s doubtful that he’s going to be able to shore up enough later. And if Jeb! does manage to squeak by in Florida, it’s just not a good sign that he’s going to do that well everywhere else.

      It might really turn out to be an interesting ticket if it is Clinton/Saunders though. What the Republicans can do on their side to make it an interesting ticket, well, I dunno. I see nothing myself.

    • Eddie says:

      Trump is a live one all right, but Obama may just have handed him the white house. Obama has convinced a few moderates that liberalism has gone a bit too far, and we need strong medicine (Trump) to get us back on track. And then there’s the fact that Trump could afford to buy the White House outright. Trump would spank Biden, too.

  2. Hugh Mayle says:

    The public gets suckered any time they vote for a mainstream candidate from either party.

  3. Ivanna says:

    Having watched much of The Daily Show retrospective/Jon Stewart marathon, esp. the coverage of the last 4 elections, the clowns in the car have mostly been the same (or clones), and tough to take seriously (any of them). Especially Trump, who does and says anything to get on the tv.


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